A Sl 0 u l 7 /_,9'0: W 24261 PR~ 7373 s· 29 Townsend GENERAL PERMIT - PUBLIC AGENCY USE APPLICANT: Califor~i~- Departmen~ of Fish and Game Attn: John Grant 330 Golden Shore, #SO Leng Beach, California 90802 AREA, TYPE LAND AND LOCATION: A 1.148-a~re parcel of tide and ~ubmerged land. in t~e Pa~ific Ocean offshore Pofnt Vicente, Los Angeles County. LAND USE: Installation and maintenance of a sunken ·vessel as an artificial f~shing reef. TERMS OF PROPOSED PERMIT: Initial pt:i';'~ off·: Twenty (20) ye~~s beginning. February 1! 1990. · CONSIDERATION: The public use and benefit; with the State reserving the right at an~ time to set a monetary rental if the Commission find$ such action to be in the State's best inte~est. BASIS 'FOR CONSIDERATION: Pursuant to 2 Cal. Code Regs. 2003. PREREQUISITE CONDITIONS, -FEES ANO EXPENSES: Filing fee and processing costs ·have been­ received. StATUTORY AND OTHER REFERENCES: A. P. R .·C. : Div. 6, Parts 1 and 2; Div. f3. B. Cal. Code Regs.: Title 2, Div. 3; Title 14, Div. ·6. -1.- · Ci.!.!:?"'":..1 Fl&. J?;:·n=~in:~·~s~~~~-----===:·=-~=:·=11=·~~~:.t: 'A_. ...,.~ ... ~ ....... ~~ .,,. AB 884: .05/03/90. OTHE~ PERTINENT INFORMATION: ~. The California Department of Fish and Game (Department) has filed an application with staff of the Commission for a General Permit - Public Agency Use, to develop .an ~rtificial fishing reef. The proje:t i~~olves the sinking of a surplus vessel in approximately 100 feet of water on sandy substr3te, near Point Vicente off Paios Verdes. The project would use a vessel of up tc SOO feef in length. The vessel will be selected on an as available basis, upon completion of the permit process. Any vessel that is used will be ~ubject to Coast Guard/Environmental ~rotection Agency certification as to cleahliness and a~ to whether it is oil fre 1e. I't wi,11 also be made safe. to m~nimize potential hazards for divers with the coope~ation and involvement of the Greater Los -~ngeles Area Council of OH1ers. · The proposed lease to the Depar~ment provides that-construction shall occur ·betwea.1 February l, 1990 and January 31, 1991. In additi~n. the proposed lease provi'des for the followin,g: A. Prior to commencement of t~e const~uction or placement of thd authorized improvem.ents, the Department agrees to provide to the staff of the Commission, for its r~view and approval~ a description of the vessel fo be placed, including ·the name and registry of the ship, if ·,l ship is to be sunk, and a plan. of · • i.ns"".alclation, including a description of the equipment to be used for - i~stall~t~on, method of installation, timing for installation and time required to install the reef. -2- ,.. .. ______.. -7 ..... "VJ- •.-1 • i, .. -~· ~''!S: £, I .,,.._, ""' ~ fi-- *j" I . -- .. H.J ? i M~!!i.:.'. :·.•.1J!' - , · 1 Cl5 C'Al.:ENDAR, ITEM NO. , (CONT'D) B. The Department shall submit to the Commission, within six monthi oF the date of this lease, a Monitoring Plan that will describe the following~ , 1. the purpose(s) and ~bjective(s) for the reef; 2. ho~ the reef is designed to meet the purposes and objectives described in ( 1); , 3. how this reef differs f~om other reefs installed by the Department; 4. 'how the D~partment will ~~nitdr and evaluate the effectiveness of the re~f in meeting t~e purposes and obj ec t.ives des crib~_d. in ( 1); and · 5. a time schedule for monitoring, evaluating, and reporting on the effectiveness of the reef. The Department shall submit all fbrmal reports to thci Commisiidh. The Commission shall be advised of and hav~ access t6, on dem~nd~ to all field notes, s~rv~y d~ta; and any other information · collected for the above" Monitoring Plan or dur~ng the administration of the Department 1 s Artificial Reef Program. C. The Depa~tment agrees to .pro~ide ~n "as-built" surv~y of the artificial· reef to the staff of the Commission upon completion of constructi6n and shall include the depth from ,the .. hi~~est point of the· reef at th~ iot~it low water. 2. The anriual rental value of' the site :.:s estimat~d to be $93,300. 3. This activity involves lands identified as possessing significant environmerital values pursuant to P.R.C. 6370, et seq. -3- Based upon the staff's consul ta"tion> with the persons nominating such lands and through the CEQA review process, it is the staff's opinion that the project, as proposed, is consistent with its use classification. 4. A Negative Declaration ~'s prepared and adopted for this project by the California Department of Fish and Game. The State Lands Commission's staff has reviewed such document and believes that it complies with the requirements of the CEQA. · APPROVALS OBTAINED~California coastal Commission. FURTHER APPROVALSunited REQUIRED: states Army Corps of Engineers and Regional Water Qual~ty Control Board. A. Land Description. EXHIBITS: B. Loca~ion Map. c. Negative Declaration. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE COMMISSION: 1. FIND THAT A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WAS PREPARED AND ADOPTED FOR THIS PROJECT BY THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FIS~ AND GAME AND THAT THE COMMISSION HAS REVIEWED AND CONSIDERED THE INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN. 2. DETER~INE THAT THE PROJECT, AS APPROVED, WILL NOT HAVE-~ SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. 3. AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE TO THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AN_D GAME OF A 20-YEAR GENERAL PERMIT - PUBLIC AGENCY ~SE, BEGINNING FEBRUARY l, 1990; IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PUBLIC USE ANO BENEFIT, 'WITH THE STATE RESERVING THE RIGHT AT ANY TIME TO SET A MONETARY RENTAL IF THE COMMISSION FINDS SUCH ACTION TO BE IN THE STATE'S BEST INTEREST: A~D WiiH CONSTRUCTION TO OCCUR BETWEEN FEBRUARY 1, 1990 ~ND JANUARY 31, 1991, FOR INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF AN· ARTIFICIAL FISHING REEF CONSTRUCTED OF ONE SUNKEN. VESSEL ON THE LAND DESCRIBED ON EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED AND BY REFERENCE MADE A PART HERE9F. -4- ""' ~,.,_,,.,. ~:·~~'""~'~' .. ~.w~'~'-•~~·-,··:,,~~~~'.",~~-.·..,...--·rn•·~"''"'•-,,>~=; >-»•=·-~·-·"'" •>-~•·~-~·,--~ ·-~ -~"-·~· ~•-"> ~~· ~"'··~·~~--~ X»'m»M~"'-~·~~'~'" ~·. v•,;~.-~m'~"~-··~ ·-~ ,_, -~lc<~~'f~~t~ ~ W'"'' .~,. ·:*-'"'"" •• ·~ ~,,-~,·---·~~-·'"~~-,..,,.... ··.: .- :~~·- sr-:~'j~" ,, "~~?J , ~· ....~~~" ~·?r'.~::~;?~'%f~\r·;::<-,·t~:I1r~':'.1ft! '« EXH!BlT "~n w 24261 LAND DESCRIPTION' A~l of submerged Jami 500 feet in length x 100 feet in width lyitlg fa the Pacific Ocean·, Ioc:ated approximately tw0 kilometerS from Point Vicente. Los Angel~s. County, State of California. ind locattd at Latin"'e 33°45' 03" and Longitude 118°25' 18". END'OF DESCRIPTION P.REPARED SEPTEMBER , 1989 BY llIU L ==~~~~~~'"'~:;-::':~,,,..--'-·-·-· ·-----' --­ ?,:t'Y!''.,"J:: "". -~_,.,.,~- .... ,,....... --~ :<· ~·:·.---.·-- ~"" ·- ... ·- ~- . - ' . ' - -; ·~ " ~· '• - EXHIBiT "C" APPENDIX D NOl'ICE OF DEr.t'ERMINATICtt '10: Office of Planning and Research ~: (tlublic Agency)•----• 1400 Tentb Street, Room 121 Calif• De~of Fish & Ga~m::;e__ Sac~to, CA 95814 t!!!!!-Lons, Beach ---- County Clerk County of -------- SOBJB:T: Filing of Notice ot Determination in canpliance with Section 21108 or 21152 o! the Public Resources Code. Palos Verdes Wreck Reef Project ;itle --------------- 89083008 John,J. Grant (211) 590-5180 State Clearinghouse Numbe~ Contact Person Area.eoda/Number/~ten£.Jion (If SubnUited to ClearinghollSe) Offshore Palos Verdes Peninsula at Golcten Cove Project LOCiition Construct artificial reef-f1sheri~~ a&£re2atipg deyire bf sinkjng of cleaned uessel. Project Description ~·--....;.--.:;;;._ ~ This is to advise that the DruLt. of Fish and Ga1ii' - • (Lead Agency or Responsl61e Agency) has approved the alx>ve descri.bed project on 12-5-69 and ha.a made the follow- (Diite) • ing detenni.nations ~ing the above described projeet: · t. The project will, X will not have a aignifica.nt effect on the environment. -- 2e ~n Environmentat•tmpact Report was p~apared for thia project pursuant to the provisions of ~A. X I\ Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CF.QA. 3. M.\tigation measures were, X were not made i;,_ condition of the ap- proval of tile project:- - . 4. A statement of OV.erridiog 'Considerations was, was not adopted for this project. -- - .. Negative Declaration This ia to certify that the final _ with cooments a."ld responses and record of project approval is available to the Geueral Public at: Department of Fish and .Garr.e. 330 Golden Shore, ·Suite 50, Lons Beachi. £A 90802 ~ived for Piling and Posting at OPR -·~~,~~'s g tur~TcAiency).......,.. ~~----~~--~:C~b~i~e.f_D~e~n~u~t~~~D~i~L~~~c~to~1~·~~~~· '!'itle , ILED AND POSTE Ys~ f.farch 1986 re 5 ·~ ·--:~·:~~-.--~~n:76..... 280 Dc. - 1989·-; ··-=·· ~----sr; ........ '• ~ --~-:;=-~~:::;::.1 \ \ California ·oepartment o·f Fish and Ganie Proposed Negative Declaration .for Palos ·verdes Wreck Reef (P~VFAO) August, 1989 ,. ..,.....-.--:-~ ... ..: /'.' . '·" f:! '·-· ...... ~-· ..... :• ·......... l. 11n11ca. tiue1_:..;...._____ ..;. ____; _______ ;.. ______________.:-~~--- a. '* ~· De3t., of Fish and Gwne >. ~ l'wfOOfli John J ... Grant 30 Golden ShoM, Suite SO lD ... ,.,, Long Bf:'ach ~ eu- W(Gll)._l__ , __ ... ,__________ • - ... 1-~:..;.. ~--"'""'2!... 3""'--...5""90 .. _..... 5r'!1'1'Rso-- )C, O!Wf•.. .Los. Angeles _ Id. sap 9QRQ.2 kl.~·,-~(_...;.) _____ anm~ •· Ol\aey• 105 &Daeles ea. ~"I' offshore Palos_ Ver~es Peninsuia at Colden e. ~·• &wml to. N/A w. ,_,,,..... = ~ s""'4'-.'-....:-..---- J!o ~ ~._:__ ,_~---·-"'Ni.,t;IJ.Ai....------.--..-.i""-- Stl. ~'----~------~~--.........---- &uts AU-- l.:Ml• K!JUtr- '· Wt.bAA 2 l!tol•a .. ~ 11.•------ 0. pl(tl!._________ c. ~ .. ~/\\...----- '· ~ •• UQL tc'!'!t?4 ftl9l •• Sll'mlffll"!& DI!' ~ 01. __Galtel 11«1 ~ #i. ~· \tli,t.a..___ Af:t:icfto--- ~ __,_ IU6lllllC =· _,.0Uv.z:a1 ~· "··------..:...--- CD. _...,_,Al Pl&n ~ Ol. -JDI c:ie; ca. -JOO oc.~ tl411 04.~~m cs.~ ~. u.rm..rw1 flt• ft._____ .._ __ IA;lplarmt/ f!S.
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