Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137:1192–1202, 2008 [Article] Ó Copyright by the American Fisheries Society 2008 DOI: 10.1577/T05-251.1 Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation of Lake-Migratory Brook Trout: A Perspective from Pristine Populations 1 DYLAN J. FRASER* AND LOUIS BERNATCHEZ Departement de Biologie, Universite´ Laval, Quebec City, Quebec G1K 7P4, Canada Abstract.—Reintroduction or rehabilitation plans for fish populations in many systems (e.g., lakes) are complicated by limited data on ecological and genetic characteristics before human disturbances occurred. While no two lakes have identical physical and biological characteristics, a growing body of empirical evidence nevertheless indicates that parallel patterns of population structuring may evolve within northern temperate fish species. Examining the population structuring in undisturbed lakes of similar physical and biological characteristics may thus provide insight into the probable historical extent and causes of both population structuring and connectivity in human-impacted lakes. Here, we review research on the population structuring and evolution of migratory brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis in a relatively undisturbed, postglacial lake (Mistassini Lake, Quebec). We provide information on lake habitat use, the morphology and life history characteristics of populations, diets, lakewide genetic population structure, seasonal migration characteristics between spawning and feeding areas, population evolutionary histories, and the prevalence of lake spawning. The biology of Mistassini Lake brook trout has a compelling number of similarities with what is known about that of the ‘‘coaster’’ form in Lake Superior and lake-migratory brook trout elsewhere. Our review also has several implications for the rehabilitation of coaster populations with respect to (1) clarifying the degree of natural connectivity between populations; (2) predicting the likelihood of recolonization of vacant habitats; (3) choosing candidate source populations for translocations; and more broadly, (4) understanding the spatial scale of probable local adaptation. Mistassini Lake therefore provides a useful case study that applies to lake- migratory trout elsewhere. We hope that our research will stimulate managers and biologists working on similar systems with pronounced human disturbances to consider the interplay between ecology and evolution in future conservation efforts. Understanding the processes that lead to population tion structure are often conducted on systems already diversity (structuring) within species is essential to impacted by human disturbances. This is problematic maintaining species viability and adaptability as well as for the rehabilitation or restoration of populations to adopting appropriate rehabilitation strategies (Utter because baseline data on population structuring, and 1981; Waples 1991; Moritz 1999; Fraser and Ber- the processes that have led to it, may be limited or natchez 2001; Moritz 2002). Conservation biologists unclear. For instance, estimates of genetic differentia- recognize that population diversity evolves, broadly tion in disturbed systems provide no direct information speaking, along two major axes. Divergent natural about these parameters in the past (Waples 1991). selection can lead to adaptive differences among Habitat fragmentation may isolate populations and populations, or populations with independent evolu- result in highly reduced gene flow among populations tionary histories may accumulate unique genetic that were once connected (Caizergues et al. 2003; differences that are not replaceable within human Meldgaard et al. 2003; Yamamoto et al. 2004). In lifetimes (Figure 1; reviewed in Fraser and Bernatchez contrast, artificial supplementation (e.g., stocking) can 2001; Moritz 2002). Recognition of how these two lead to the mixing of previously genetically distinct axes might interact within a given system (e.g., lakes, populations (Hansen 2002). These issues are significant rivers) is useful for conservation strategies because it because the extent of gene flow between populations is can provide vital information on why some populations often used to define conservation units or decide which share more attributes of their ecology and genetics than extant populations should be used as sources in the others. rehabilitation of extirpated populations (Moritz 1999; Studies aiming to characterize intraspecific popula- Fraser and Bernatchez 2001). Although no two systems will have identical physical and biological characteristics, a growing body * Corresponding author: [email protected] 1 Present address: Department of Biology, Dalhousie of empirical evidence indicates that parallel patterns of University, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 4J1, Canada. population structuring may evolve within many Received October 17, 2005; accepted February 22, 2007 northern temperate fish species after postglacial Published online July 10, 2008 colonization of separate lakes (McPhail 1993; Taylor 1192 LAKE-MIGRATORY BROOK TROUT 1193 et al. 2008, this issue; Wilson et al., in press). However, a few other large-lake systems in eastern North America have lake-migratory brook trout that are very similar to the coaster form in Lake Superior. Moreover, some of these systems have evaded pronounced human disturbances. One such system is Mistassini Lake in northern Quebec (508250N, 738530W). Here, there has been no introduction of exotic fish species, and thus far, major human development (roads, towns), heavy exploita- tion, hydroelectric development, logging, and mining around the lake have been minimal. Given these FIGURE 1.—Conceptual depiction of the evolution of characteristics, the primary objectives of this article are population diversity on two axes: (1) adaptive divergence, twofold. First, we review the population structuring of where divergent natural selection leads to adaptive variation lake-migratory brook trout in undisturbed Mistassini among populations in, for example, phenotypic and life history traits; and (2) historical isolation (encompassing the Lake. Our review is based on a series of ongoing evolutionary history of populations), where populations that research studies on the ecology, evolution, and genetics are historically isolated over time accumulate unique genetic of this form of brook trout within the lake. We differences (modified from Moritz 2002; see also Fraser and specifically place this review in the context of the two Bernatchez 2001). A wide body of theory predicts that major axes of divergence outlined above that are adaptive divergence does not necessarily require genetic relevant for conservation purposes—that is, adaptive isolation (e.g., divergence in the face of gene flow) but that genetic differences may arise between historically isolated divergence and historical isolation. Second, we con- populations without divergent selection (Endler 1977). sider the conservation implications of evaluating Consider a species composed of three populations (A, B, population structuring and connectivity in an undis- and C). Where both axes of divergence operate together (the turbed system such as Mistassini Lake. We address this area within the dashed lines), as in the interpopulation in the context of both the rehabilitation of lake- comparisons between populations A and C or B and C, the migratory brook trout in Lake Superior and the different populations would essentially be considered separate species by most taxonomists. Conversely, populations A and populations of fishes with analogous life cycles in B have not been historically isolated and exhibit little adaptive other systems that may have been affected by human differentiation between them. For conservation purposes, a activities. long-term strategy would thus be to focus efforts on protecting components of populations A or B and C. Short-term Study Site rehabilitation might also be guided by a consideration of both Like other systems harboring lake-migratory brook axes and would probably vary with the population. As one trout (e.g., Lakes Superior, Nipigon) Mistassini Lake is example, if translocations of individuals from outside 2 populations were deemed necessary for the rehabilitation of a large, oligotrophic postglacial lake (2,150 km ) population A, population B would be a better source than C. located in the boreal forest ecoregion (Figure 2). The Mistassini Lake watershed is the source for the Rupert River, which ultimately drains into James Bay. The et al. 1996; Pigeon et al. 1997; Waples et al. 2004). The lake is divided into two deep basins (100–170 m) by a examination of population structuring in undisturbed distinctive island chain (Figure 2). The two basins have lakes of similar physical and biological characteristics lengths of approximately 150 km and widths ranging may therefore provide insight into the probable from 6 to 15 km. The only human settlement on the historical extent and causes of both population lake is the Cree First Nations community of Mistissini structuring and connectivity in lakes affected by human (population, 3,000 circa 2000), with road access to the activities. lake via the community or a provincial wildlife reserve Such a comparison is particularly useful for lake- at Penicouane Bay; the 51st latitudinal parallel divides migratory brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis in eastern the lake into Cree and provincial management North America. Currently, several organizations are territories (Figure 2). Traditionally, local Crees con-
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