Original paper Alcoholism and Psychiatry Research 2017;53:27-32 DOI: 10.20471/apr.2017.53.01.03 Received February 13, 2017, accepted after revision April 20, 2017. Zoophilia as an Early Sign of Psychosis Vinka Lesandrić¹*, Ivona Orlović ²*, Vjekoslav Peitl³, Dalibor Karlović³ ¹Department of psychiatry, County General Hospital Vinkovci, Vinkovci, Croatia, ²Institute of Public Health, Međimurje County, Čakovec, Croatia, ³Department of psychiatry, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Center, Zagreb, Croatia *Both authors have contributed equally to this work. Abstract – Zoophilia is a disorder of sexual preference that is characterised by sexual fantasies or behav- iours that include animals. Zoophilia is more common in comorbidity with other paraphilias. When reviewing scholarly publications, a small number of articles has been found that connect zoophilia, and other psychi- atric disorders, and they are shown here. Out of the seventeen known to us isolated cases of patients with zoophilia in comorbity with other psychiatric disorders, nine are noted with zoophilia and psychosis. Precisely in those patients, and also in the case of our patient that we described here, we can speak of zoophilic be- haviour as one of the signs of psychosis, although keeping in mind the small sample and the unreliability of data, it is hard to state that zoophilia is an early, or any other sign of psychosis. Considering that in our case zoophilia presented as an early sign of the psychotic process, it is for us to conclude how during noticing of such sexually deviant behaviour it is important to pay attention to all the other psychopathology as to get an insight into the possible start or exacerbation of the psychotic process in order for the treatment to be more directional. Key words: zoophilia, psychosis, schizophrenia, paraphilia Copyright © 2017 KBCSM, Zagreb e-mail: [email protected] • www.http//hrcak.srce.hr/acoholism Introduction times, zoophilia as a mental disorder is first Zoophilia is a disorder of sexual prefer- classified in the third edition of the Diagnos- ence that is characterised by sexual fantasies tic and statistic manual for mental research or behaviours that include animals [1]. Al- (DSM-III) [2]. In the last edition of DSM- though sexual contact between a man and 5 zoophilia is classified under the category an animal has been described since biblical “Other specified paraphilic disorder”. This category is applied for clinical pictures where dominant symptoms cause clinically signifi- cant distress or impairment in social, occupa- Correnspodence to: Dalibor Karlović Department of Psychiatry, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital tional, or other important areas of function- Center, Vinogradska cesta 29, 10000 Zagreb, Ctoatia email: [email protected] ing, but do not meet the full criteria for any 28 of the disorders in the paraphilic disorders to the patoanatomic basis of zoophilia, by diagnostic class. With the above mentioned, a representation of two psychiatric patients it is important to meet the time criteria of with zoophilia, where in both of the patients’ at least six months of recurrent and intense post mortem had found atrophy of hippocam- sexual arousal involving animals. Therefore, pal pyramidal cells. The first case was a man paraphilia is a necessary but not a sufficient that suffered from hebephrenic schizophre- condition for having a paraphilic disorder, nia, and the second case was a man that suf- and a paraphilia by itself does not necessar- fered from a bipolar affective disorder and ily require clinical intervention until it causes chronic alcoholism. In both cases alongside distress or impairment to the individual or zoophilia, records show incidence of other risk of harm to others [3]. According to the paraphilia [7]. other most acknowledged diagnostic guide- Some of the recent research suggest a lines, zoophilia is classified into “other dis- higher incidence of zoophilia in men, persons orders of sexual preference” [4]. In the re- with mental retardation, poor social skills and cent literature there are several articles where lower levels of education, as well as a higher authors tried to classify zoophilia to help its incidence of zoophilia in people from rural easier diagnosis and treatment. For the sake areas, especially among those who work with of easier diagnosis, Aggrawal and associ- animals [8]. However, there have been con- ates, in 2011, have offered a classification of trary findings, like an internet research on a zoophilia in ten categories, which among the sample of 82 men and 11 women, which re- others include sexual fantasies about animals, sulted in more common frequency of zoo- occasional sexual relations with animals and philia with people of higher education levels exclusive sexual relations with animals [5]. and average functioning in society [9]. Ac- When talking about the etiology and pa- cording to a research by Abel and associates, tophisiology of paraphilia, all the informa- conducted on 561 men treated for paraphilia, tion leading to now suggest an influence of it has been found that certain respondents psychosocial and neurobiological factors for with zoophilia had comorbidly manifest- the formation of deviant sexual behaviour. ed other paraphilia, while at the same time Psychological factors which are though to be other psychiatric disorders have not been re- most important are family violence, dysfunc- searched apart from disorders od sexual pref- tional family relations, and sexual abuse in erence and their representation [10]. childhood. When talking about the neurobio- logical side, endocrine function in pedophilia research has shown an elevated response of Zoophilia and other psychiatric luteinisic hormone (LH) to stimulation of disorders the luteinisic releasing hormone (LRH) or Some of the research has tried to answer gonadotropin releasing hormone (GRH) [6], the question of how much zoophilia is pres- which could also be present in zoophilia, but ent in psychiatric patients. One of the most has not been decisively confirmed when taken interesting observations in that direction in consideration a relatively rare incidence of comes from a research by Alvarez and Fre- this paraphilia. Furthermore, Casanova and inhar, who have researched the frequency associates have come to a closer approach of zoophilia in an experimental group of 20 Alcoholism and Psychiatry Research 2017;53:27-32 Lesandrić, Orlović, Peitl, Karlović 29 randomly chosen psychiatric patients (with along the zoophilia, in the manic phases of diagnosis of schizophrenia, organic brain his illness. In that context, it is important to syndrome, affective disorders, addiction, and accentuate that hyper sexuality is a common borderline personality disorders) and two symptom of the manic phase of the bipolar control groups (of 20 internal medicine pa- disorder, but none the less, paraphilic behav- tients and 20 healthy medical workers). The iour as a part of that disorder is still rare [16]. research have shown no occurrence of zoo- Also, acute symptoms of other psychiatric philia in the control groups, and a 30% pres- disorders can affect the individual’s insight, ence of zoophilia in psychiatric patients, but his ability to asses and control impulses, thus no zoophilia has been specified present in increasing the probability of aberrant sexual working with individual diagnosis [11]. Ber- behaviour [15]. nard and associates deem significant the oc- Our case is a young man aged 24 without currence of zoophilia among the patients history of mental illnesses in his family, who with schizophrenia, but state that there is has been sent to treatment under a clinical not enough epidemiological research of rep- picture of psychosis. He has grown up in a resentation of paraphilia in the population wholesome family, as the youngest of three of psychiatric patients [12]. However, cross- children. He defines his family relations dur- sectional study of sexual problems in schizo- ing his growing up as harmonious, although phrenia made on a sample of 137 patients states his father’s authoritative upbringing. suffering from schizophrenia, shows a repre- His vocation is a mechanical engineering sentation of paraphilic behaviours in 10.2%, technician, but since his parents have an ag- mostly connected with psychotic symptoms. ricultural trade, he is employed there and has Representation of individual paraphilias had never tried to find a job somewhere else. He not been tested [13]. Medical articles most- is socially coy, makes contact with members ly show isolated case studies of zoophilia in of his immediate family, and a few closest comorbity with psychiatric disorders. That is friends, and so far has not had an emotional how Lesjak and associates have shown four relationship. He states that in the eight grade psychiatric patients with zoophilic behav- of elementary school, in the middle of the iour, and who have been treated as person- night, he felt the urge to have a sexual rela- ality disorders with mild mental retardation, tion with a cow, and had achieved that rela- manic-depressive psychosis, schizophrenia, tion. Current findings show that sexual rela- and depression. Those patients have also had tions with animals start in the ages between an anamnestic record of alcohol abuse [14]. 11 and 14 [17], which coincides with our pa- In his article from 2016, Holoyda gives a rep- tient’s description. He has not repeated that resentation of two patients with zoophilia, activity for the next ten years,
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