GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 11, November 2019 ISSN 2320-9186 1468 GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 11, November 2019, Online: ISSN 2320-9186 www.globalscientificjournal.com ANALYSIS OF CONSUMER’S PREFERENCES IN CHOOSING MACKAREL TUNA ATTRIBUTES (CASE STUDY IN ATAS TRADITIONAL MARKET OF THE CIMAHI CITY) Asep. A.H. Suryana1, Savira B. Puspita2, Ibnu D. Buwono2, Atikah Nurhayati2 1) Lecturer of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences University of Padjadjaran 2) Student and Lecturer at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences University of Padjadjaran Departement of Fisheries, Faculty Of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, University of Padjadjaran Jl. Raya Bandung – Sumedang Km 21, Jatinangor 40600 Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze the attributes most consumers consider in choosing mackarel tuna products in Atas Traditional Market Cimahi City. The method used in this research is the case study method using descriptive analysis. Data were collected by direct interview technique with respondents in Atas Traditional Market using a questionnaire. The attributes observed were packaging color, packaging type, product color, flavour, and price. The questionnaire were used to validity test and reliability test. Respondent characteristics and consumer behavior were analyzed descriptively, while the attributes in mackarel tuna products that were studied by consumers were analyzed by Rating Scale and Chi Square. The results indicated that the most preferred attribute mackarel tuna products was price and choice of attributes of mackarel tuna products is the packaging color which green one, the type of packaging was leaves, the color of product was natural, spicy, and the price scale was between Rp. 15.000 - Rp. 20.000. Keywords : Attributes, Consumers, Preferences, Mackarel tuna Products. GSJ© 2019 www.globalscientificjournal.com GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 11, November 2019 ISSN 2320-9186 1469 Introduction products in terms of packaging, types of processed Fishery business activities included in the fish and prices. development of fisheries and its relation to Mackarel tuna is a fish product that uses consumers is very close. Consumer behavior is preservation techniques by boiling or cooking fish decision that has been taken using available that aims to reduce the water content to a certain resources, such as time, money, and effort, in extent (Pandit 2004). Basic ingredients commonly exchange for goods to buy. Simply consumer used are fresh sea fish. Freshly caught fish will not behavior is about decision to buy, decide, how, always be sold out in a day and fish that are not sold when, and how often the frequent of buying. rotten if they are stored without preservation to Consumer behavior can also be defined as the overcome this preservation so that they can be process that has been through by a person who is marketed (Priyono and Raharjo 2003). finding out, searching, buying, using, evaluating, and The development of mackarel tuna products doing action after product consumption (Wijayanti can be done by finding out the preferences or 2011). preferences of consumers of mackarel tuna products. Cimahi City has a less ideal fish consumption Consumer preferences are very important to be done level, it is only 13 kg per capita / year (BPS 2018). to help producers design the right marketing strategy Expected level of consumption is 48 kg per to win the competition against brands on the market. capita/year. The level of fish consumption that is not Consumer preferences alone can help producers to ideal is caused by the high price of fish and Cimahi see whether the attributes offered on products City is also far from the area of fishery production already meet consumer expectations or not. sources. The level of consumption that is not ideal Manufacturers can also make products by looking at does not mean that people cannot consume fish the choice of attributes preferred by consumers or because the local fish are abundant, the Cimahi City maintaining the attributes of consumer choices. government has conducted a socialization about RESEARCH METODOLOGY Gemarikan (liking of eating fish) in order to increase the value of fish consumption in Cimahi City. The research was conducted during May- Cimahi City has 12 traditional markets that July 2019 in Atas Traditional Market Cimahi City. spread across each district. Atas Traditional Market is The method used is the case study method. Types one of the traditional markets located in the center and sources of data are primary data and of Cimahi City, precisely in Cimahi Tengah District. secondary data. Primary data was obtained from Processed fishery products in the atas traditional interviews with respondents as consumers who market has their own variation, for example a variety buy mackarel tuna products in the Atas Traditional of fresh fish and fish that have been processed. This Market of Cimahi City. Secondary data to support process is divided into two, modern processing and this research is a source of data was obtained from traditional processing. the reports of the results of an insttitution Product is everything that is offered by research, library materials, government institution, producers to consumers to meet consumer needs and the Central Bureau of Statistics. and is able to provide satisfaction for its users. The sampling technique that is used in this Preferences indicate consumer’s interest for a variety study was accidental sampling. Respondents were of available product choices (Tjiptono 2009). The used in this study numbered 100 people as concept of preference is relevant with the concept of consumers of processed fish products in Atas goods that are more in demand and more giving Traditional Market Cimahi City. The product greater satisfaction than goods that are less in samples that will be used is mackarel tuna. demand. Consumer preferences are very important to be analyzed, because it can be a guide in determining the characteristics of processed fish GSJ© 2019 www.globalscientificjournal.com GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 11, November 2019 ISSN 2320-9186 1470 DATA ANALYSIS Attitude scale is a type of scale used to measure a person's attitude towards a particular object. The Data analysis method that is used is results are in the form of attitudes, namely: support descriptive analysis. Descriptive analysis is a (positive), reject (negative), and neutral. The answers statistical analysis that is used to describe or analyze to each instrument item that uses a Likert scale have research results, but is not used to make deep gradations from very positive to very negative, in the conclusions. The technique that is used to analyze form of words. Examples of likert scales used to consumer preferences uses a Likert scale and measure consumer behavior use five assessment atrributes which the most consumers consider in points, namely Strongly Agree Answer given a score choosing mackarel tuna attributes are by Chi Square of 5, Agree Answer are given a score of 4, Doubtful method. Answer are given a score of 3, Answer Disagree are Validity Analysis given a score of 2, Very Disagree Answer are given a Validity test states that the instrument used score of 1. to obtain the data in research can be used or not. The data above uses a questionnaire data The validity test of the instrument in this study was collection technique, for example the instrument is conducted to find out whether the measuring given to respondents with a certain amount, then an instrument that had been designed in the form of a analysis will be conducted by grouping based on the questionnaire really could carry out its function. attitude assessment score. Based on these data the Validity test is used with a statistical approach, number of people who agree and strongly agree is namely through the correlation coefficient of the calculated. Then, these results will show the answers score of statement items with the total score of most frequently answered by respondents. The statement items, if the correlation coefficient is interval data can also be analyzed by calculating the greater or equal to 0.30 then the statement is average answer based on the score of each answer declared valid. from the respondent (pict 1). The ideal score (criteria) for all items 5 is multiplied by the number Reliabilty Analysis of respondents. The reliability test according to Sugiyono (2010) was carried out to find out how far the measurement results remained consistent if measurements were made twice or more for the Pict 1. Likert Scale same symptoms using the same measuring device. Analysis of The Attributes of Mackarel Tuna The reliability of each instrument used by the author Products uses the Cronbach alpha coefficient (α) using the Analysis of the attributes of mackarel tuna Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) products are using the Chi Square test. According to version 20 for the type of interval measurement. An Sugiyono (2014) Chi Square Test (X2) one sample is a instrument is stated to be reliable if the Cronbach statistical technique used to test hypotheses if the alpha value is greater than the specified limit of 0.6 population consists of two or more classes in which or the calculated correlation value is greater than the the data are nominal and the sample is large. value in the table and can be used for research. 푘 Analysis of consumer preferences 푓표 − 푓ℎ 2 푋2 = ∑ ( ) The method that is used in analyzing consumer 푓ℎ preferences is a Likert Scale. The scale can be used as 푖=1 a research data collection tool. Likert scale is used to Notes : measure the attitudes, opinions and perceptions of a χ2 : Chi Square person or group of people about social phenomena. GSJ© 2019 www.globalscientificjournal.com GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 11, November 2019 ISSN 2320-9186 1471 fo : Frequency observed in research percentage of 66% and 34 male consumers with a fh : Frequency expected in research percentage of 34%.
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