133°00' 133°30' 134°00' 132°00' 132°30' 134°30' 135°00' 135°30' 11°00' 136°00' 136°30' 137°00' COBOURG PENINSULA JUNCTION BAY WESSEL ISLANDS 11°00' CROKER Lawson TRUANT ISLAND Island TECTONOSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE ISLAND McCluer Island CAPE WESSELS PORT PORT ESSINGTON BREMMER Minjilang Black Point McARTHUR BASIN Grant Island Darch MARCHINBAR Island ISLAND 30 RAWLINGS, D.J., 2001. C O 50 050100Kilometres B L O L U Valencia 29 R Island G SCALE 1:1 000 000 GURIG P NATIONAL PARK Wa E N I MOUNTNORRIS Albers Equal Area Projection, Central Meridian 133°30' EAST N S U L A BAY Standard Parallels 13°30' and 23°30' SOUTH North Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994(GDA94) 11°30' Goulburn Island WESSEL ISLANDS 11°30' Murgenella South ARAFURA SEA Goulburn ARNHEM SHELF WALKER FAULT ZONE CALEDON SHELF URAPUNGA BAUHINIA BATTEN FAULT ZONEWEARYAN LAWN HILL FAULT SHELF SHELF PLATFORM Morse Island Wigram Island Island ZONE Endy Drysdale WEST EAST NORTH SOUTH NORTH CENTRAL SOUTH NORTH SOUTH Greenhill Algout Island Truant Island Warruwi 0 Ma Island AURARI Raragala Island UNDIVIDED CENOZOIC Q Cenozoic Sand, soil, alluvium, laterite, coastal deposits BAY Q Island Creek CENOZOIC Q 10 L Cretaceous Mudstone, sandstone, bauxite Jirrgari W Neoproterozoic-Ordovician Sandstone, mudstone, shale, limestone, dolostone, basalt Island Wigram ARRLA BROWN STRAIGHT Island UNDIVIDED CRETACEOUS Q SI Strangways Impact Granite gneiss breccia, melt rocks BAY 7 L CUNNINGHAM MESOZOIC L 100 ISLANDS Cotton McARTHUR BASIN - WILTON PACKAGE VAN DIEMEN 10 Xn Island Murgenella JUNCTION BAY W K1 R1 DALY BASIN Y Derim Derim Dolerite Dolerite & gabbro sills EL Astell L 50 Alger Daly River Group, IN Mooroongga ELCHO 28 THE ENGLISHIsland COMPANY'S ISLANDS ARAFURA BASIN GEORGINA BASIN GULF G T Island Antrim Plateau Volcanics, R2 Upper Roper Group Mudstone, shale (+/- carbonaceous), lithic-glauconitic sandstone, ooidal ironstone, O N E Island ISLAND 5 R A NG L Jindare Formation Goulburn and Bukalara Sandstone, Cox Formation, Nutwood Downs (Maiwok Subgroup) quartzose sandstone Entrance Wessels Groups and Antrim Plateau Volcanics, Top Springs Limestone from NT Geology Map Wa River Island L Chronometric subdivisions R1 Lower Roper Group Quartzose sandstone, lithic-glauconitic-ferruginous sandstone, mudstone, shale BOUCAUT BAY Wa Crocodile Wd Wa Wg 545 (Collara Subgroup) (+/- carbonaceous) 60 Xn 30 Island 3 12°00' 65 SN South Nicholson Group Quartzose sandstone, siltstone, shale SI Strangways Impact LP10 ALLIGATOR RIVER Coopers King MILINGIMBI ARNHEM BAY Galiwinku 12°00' Field to ORDOVICIAN Zp Maningrida Ji-marda Y SOUTH Island 60 4 Howard 5 GOVE Bremer NEOPROTEROZOIC McARTHUR BASIN NICHOLSON McARTHUR BASIN - FAVENC PACKAGE 5 Island Bularriny Creek 15 Goomadeer 5 R1 Island Packages BASIN L K1 BUCKINGHAM BAY Inglis N Nathan Group Cyclic coarse-grained evaporitic-stromatolitic-ooidal dolostone, sandstone, siltstone; (Kakadu National Park) 7 CASTLEREAGH BAY (Rawlings, 1999 Y Y DERIM DERIM DOLERITE SUITE Y 1325 50 7 Island Matamata 5 Gutjangan Langarra AJES vol 46, minor conglomerate; synsedimentary basaltic sills, sandstone, mudstone Kd Milingimbi River K1 H2 Q p703-723) (Yalwarra Volcanics - Nb) (K.N.P.) L Q 5 Nimbuwah Q 50 75 NAPIER PENINSULA John O Karns Dolomite Cyclic coarse-grained evaporitic-stromatolitic dolostone, sandstone, siltstone FINKE BAY Gurrukgurr 15 ? H1 RS MELVILLE Garrata S NHULUNBUY I Mount Rigg Group Cyclic coarse-grained chertified evaporitic-stromatolitic-ooidal dolostone, sandstone, Zp River 3 Mallison BAY Xb Xn 35 R2 South River Rorruwuy Peter 30 R2 siltstone 3 Maparu Island Nicholson LP9 50 East 10 Mamadawerre 15 35 River 50 Yirrkala Group McARTHUR BASIN - GLYDE PACKAGE River 25 ROPER GROUP 2 50 10 Yanungbi 35 25 Oenpelli Sm F Fickling Group Dolostone, dolomitic siltstone, sandstone, shale (+/- carbonaceous) Narbarlek N Pg 31 Gumarrirnbang Ramingining Nangalala 65 1 Goomadeer FAULT Gove M3 Upper McArthur Group Chertified evaporitic-stromatolitic dolostone, dolomitic siltstone, sandstone, 5 WILTON 40 Mumeka ARNHEM BAY GOVE 65 35 Wa MB Sr R1 R1 R1 SN 1490 (Batten Subgroup) pyritic-carbonaceous shale; minor pink chert beds (tuff?) Woolen River Raymangirr Q PENINSULA South Liverpool PR 20 5 2 3 Cato 5 Pg M2 Middle McArthur Group Carbonaceous-pyritic shale & dolomitic siltstone, dolostone; minor pink chert beds (tuff?) Wildman impact 2 55 65 Cahills Crossing 4 structure 3 5 5 (Teena to Reward Dolomite) 6 Wa 30 32 BULMAN K1 Wa H3 Dhalinybuy Q 40 35 MESOPROTEROZOIC 40 3 20 M1 Lower McArthur Group Evaporitic-stromatolitic dolostone, dolomitic siltstone & sandstone, quartzose sandstone; Kb Wa "Old" River L MOUNT NATHAN L FLINDERS PENINSULA 5 LAWN HILL (Masterton Sandstone to Emmerugga Dolomite) minor basal conglomerate 10 Arafura RIGG GROUP Munmarlary Jabiluka K1 55 Zp 5 Gapuwiyak Karns PLATFORM Glyde River GROUP 12°30' 2 1590 V2 Upper Vizard Group Dolomitic & feldspathic sandstone, dolomitic siltstone, dolarenite Xn River Manmoyi Xn Nb 35 3 12°30' INN N O LP8 River Alligator L (Nagi Formation) Alligator 85 Cadell Dolomite 3 5 River River FAVENC V1 Lower Vizard Group Carbonaceous-pyritic shale & dolomitic siltstone, dolostone; minor pink chert beds (tuff?) A 10 5 3 R1 Dhanaya Kapalga Mudginberri GAPUWIYAK 80 Gurrumuru (St Vidgeon Formation) Alligator E River 5 Xn Pc 3 ARAFURA River ? 1600 Zp FAULT Xb B3 Upper Balma Group Dolomitic siltstone, sandstone, dolarenite, chertified evaporitic-stromatolitic dolostone; 50 10 FAULT SWAMP 5 5 Kd Kakadu HIGHWAY Zp RANGER Kd K1 HABGOOD BALMA McARTHUR (Yarrawirrie to Bath Range Formation) minor conglomerate & pink chert beds (tuff?) Village JABIRU Mirrngadja Gulbuwangay GROUP GROUP GROUP 45 Ranger 3 Wa 40 15 B2 Middle Balma Group Dolomitic mudstone (+/- carbonaceous), dolostone; minor pink chert beds (tuff?) 8 Dhupuwamirri Buckingham PR Goromuru H3 B3 VIZARD M3 (Vaughton to Zamia Creek Siltstone) FAULT Q Buymarr GROUP Magella Gali 10 Habgood Goyder 25 ? ? ? V2 B1 Lower Balma Group Mudstone, dolomitic siltstone, stromatolitic-evaporitic dolostone, sandstone, chert breccia Nourlangie FAULT Garrthalala F ARNHEM JIM JIM FAULT (Koolatong Siltstone & Strawbridge Breccia) West Camp L 15 RANGES 2 5 2 55 Q FAULT Dr H3 Upper Habgood Group Sandstone, dolomitic mudstone & sandstone, stromatolitic-evaporitic dolostone; River Yayminji Kb V1 Creek Wa Baiguridji PR 15 DB DB MB JF M2 1640 (Darwarunga Sandstone to Gwakura Formation) minor conglomerate NOURLANGIE Wyonga H2 B2 A 15 85 D Maidjunga 4 SAWCUT Durabudboi Liverpool Marlgowa 2 15 GLYDE 60 20 40 H2 Middle Habgood Group Mudstone, dolomitic siltstone, sandstone, stromatolitic chert 3 FAULT CALEDON Koongarra Kb K2 Donydji (Yarawoi Formation) Kd Dhunganda 10 30 Cooinda 25 BAY ? ? ? Zp Xm Wandawuy H1 Lower Habgood Group Mudstone; minor dololutite & sandstone K1 25 LP7 75 10 River (Slippery Creek Siltstone) 55 3 H1 B1 M1 70 I River Bukudal 70 Blyth DONYDJI 65 55 5 5 40 DB Durabudboi beds Dolomitic mudstone; minor stromatolitic-evaporitic chert FAULT GALI R1 5 13°00' ZONE 5 MB Mount Bonner Sandstone Conglomerate, sandstone River RANGES Fickling 70 River MOUNT EVELYN MOUNT MARUMBA BLUE MUD BAY Dd 13°00' Group 1670 5 JF Jalma Formation Sandstone, conglomerate, mudstone 4 B3 PORT LANGDON Deaf 5 River Gan Gan PARSONS K1 River MIRARRMINA 10 Kd FAULT Dr HIGHWAY RANGE ZONE Adder Creek I 15 McARTHUR BASIN - GOYDER PACKAGE 10 GROUP RS CR BS KAKADU Kb River Km I MITCHELL Kd Q JF PR PR Parsons Range Group Quartzose sandstone; minor siltstone & dolostone 3 5 15 Koolatong River NATIONAL 2 10 Pg 60 30 Baygurrtji ? FAULT Zp 40 PARK 25 1 RS Rorruwuy Sandstone Quartzose sandstone 15 15 GOYDER 4 25 ? ARNHEM LAND FAULT Peters Quartzose sandstone, conglomerate Mann K2 Creek CR Coast Range Sandstone Pc 10 Kd CR Bamilyala Creek 2 ABORIGINAL LAND B1 FAULT Volcanics 1700 BS Burash Sandstone Quartzose sandstone McKAY 6 TRUST 60 60 SOUTH 75 Jim K1 10 10 Q R1 Djarrakpi TAWALLAH Jim Km 5 HILLS 2 Xb Dr Sr GV GROUP WATERFALL MITCHELL Balma 5 Kb ARNHEM LAND Gulpuliyul 20 10 KAKADU 10 25 CR 2 structure L 5 BADALNGARRMIRRI Tr McARTHUR BASIN - REDBANK PACKAGE 2 3 GV T2 Tr 1725 5 10 K2 Km Goodparla 10 G2 Sm K2 Upper Katherine River Group Quartzose & lithic sandstone, mudstone, dolostone, shale; synsedimentary basaltic 15 B2 JF Round Hill J2 R1 15 Island Tb (Shadforth Sandstone to West Branch Volcanics) (+/- rhyolitic) sills & volcanics (Kb); dolerite sills (Kd); high-level microgranite plutons (Km) 20 10 Momob ZONE SHERIDAN Kb Dd Creek Gulpuliyul 5 1 Annie PR 60 Tm ALLIGATOR Kd K1 2 SPENCER K1 Lower Katherine River Group Quartzose sandstone; subordinate ferruginous sandstone, dolostone, mudstone; Zp Kd MATTAMURTA N Isle Td CREEK 5 Zg DONYDJI D S CREEK (Kombolgie Subgroup & Cottee Formation) minor conglomerate; basaltic volcanics (Kb); dolerite sills & dykes (Oenpelli Dolerite - Kd) 5 15 FAULT Woodah 15 GROUP GROUP 1740 5 E Nichol LP6 PLATEAU 35 D Donydji Group Lithic & quartzose sandstone, mudstone; minor conglomerate; synsedimentary rhyolitic K2 25 G BLUE Zg Island Kd 55 K1 L 15 Kb N sills & volcanics with minor basalt (Dr); dolerite sills & dykes (Dd) Mary River 10 10 7 3 5 5 FAULT L A CR 25 E 2 25 Kb Wilton 5 13°30' Goyder R 35 S Spencer Creek Group Quartzose & lithic sandstone, mudstone; shallow rhyolitic intrusions & volcanics (Sr); River Tb MARY 30 impact 5 Pg Kb Gb Mary I Ngilipitji 5 MUD G2 J1 6 45 80 ROAD structure high-level microgranite plutons (Sm) FAULT 70 13°30' El Sherana 5 Q FAULT PARSONS RANGE Walker B3 Xb R2 B1 G2 GV Gadabara Volcanics Alkaline intermediate volcanics BULMAN PALAEOPROTEROZOIC Mary River Gimbat Burney K1 Td
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