Connecticut Daily Campus Sewing Storrs Since 1896 VOL. CXV1 NO. 79 STORKS. CONNECTICUT MONDAY, FEUKIARY 25, 1963 Trustee Points Out9 Object Of New Library Annex Financial Inadequacies Is To Provide Study Facilities (Ed. Not**: The University approximately $1,900,000 in re- By Peter Kierys Reference Collection and Read- I cussions without interrupting It.i.iid of Trustees li:»s opposed search gra'/i from the federal The new Wilbur Cross lib- ing Room, employing the ncv others who an- concentrating. s tuition fee for Ueonn. The fol- Government and other, sources.' rary annex will employ a three system of reading areas inter- The typing area will be a lowing Is » Bftesetl prepared by This indicates that we have' floor operating area and a new spersed with stacks, and a group I soundproof area which will lur- Merlin D. Bishop, a member of maintained a high level of per- concept condusive to study. Mr; of offices dealing with Govern- [ nish tables arid some typewriters the board.-The first half was pre- formance despite the handicaps-' Harold Gordon of the library ad- ment Publications. Microtext. and for students interested in typ- wilted in Friday*! Dally C'um- thanks to a-dedicated faculty. ministration commented. "The References. ing rather than writing notes. pus.) High I,evel Performance basic concept of the new library The existing stacks and the The ground floor will also con- We can all be pioud of the is to. provide adequate study fa- existing College Reading Room, tain a large reading area inter- During the past ton years the high level of performance of j cilities, well lighted, quiet, and to be the new Periodicals Room spersed with book stacks. Along University enrollment has in- University personnel; however J condusive to study." will be to the rear of the build- the left wall of the building will creased by approximately 60 pat we cannot 'hope; tft-,4nainiain a New Kntrance ing. Ix the Mechanical and Service cent; the faculty has increased position of leadership in gradu- The new entrance will be on Ground Floor Plan areas ,with the existing stacks by only 36 per cent. This de- ate training, research, and pub- the west end of the building, The ground floor will contain to the reaV, cline in the ratio of teachers to lic service at the expense ol the toward the old dining hall, and three areas, the first of their second Floor Students has occured during the existing piofesstonal stall. We will permit access to the Card kind at Uconn; the Quiet Study The second lloor will contain period when the University was can only hope to reach, a loftier and Bibliography area, much area will contain tables for read- a large reading area intersp developing programs of graduate goal by increasing,, the si/e and the same as in the old building, ing and quiet study along with With book stacks and the Lib- study and research. Despite this quality of our professional staff and a Periodical Browsing area. lounge chain for relaxation and rary Office- at the from of the fact, our State University is and by paying better salaries. To The circulation desk and Re- smoking. ! building. Two Group Stud) are- gaininu national recognition as a do this will require more public serve Book area will be on the The group study area has as as, a Quiet Study and Smoking result of the research accom- support. left of the entrance. Immediate- its principle the idea of a plact area, a typing area, and a Sem- plishments of 'our faculty. This Tuition Fee ly behind this area will be the for students to hold orderly dis- inar Room will comprise the in- is borne out by the receipts of Proposals have been made HI dividual rooms on this floor. the General Assembly and else-| The existing stacks will be t" the Where that the University raise, APO Holds Last Rush Meeting: rear of the building. part of the additional funds by New Concept imposing a tuition on the stu- The new concept inhcrant in dents and'or raising fees. Mrs. President Babbidge To Pledge the new library will !>,• empl Hammer has introduced a bill on individual seating and seat- which would niiuire the Univer- Alpha Phi Omega, Delia Si; ' past APO Campus activities and ling in small groups. The si .; sity of Connecticut to charge a ma Chapter, will hold its last national projects will he shown co uning material arranged ac- | tuition of $1)0 for the semester, rush meeting tonight at 7 p.m. as part of the rush orientation. cording tO Specific .subjects will begininning in "63 - '64. and in HUB 103. It was also an- Thirty Pledges 'be interspersed with study and charge a tuition of $100 for the nounced that Ueonn President ■ The meeting is expected to last reading facilities in BUCI semester beginning '64-'65. This Homer Babbidge will be made approximately one hour ami will ' tier as to isolate students. would apply to all students on an honorary brother of the fra- enable the rushees to meet the The theory behind this isola- campus or attending University ternity at the initiation ceremon- brothers informally and learn tion is that a student will be •■ ,(ranches. I| is my considered ies scheduled for May 1. more about the organization. 'to go to the area of stacks w pre judgment that if this bill should Pledge Babbhlge More than thirty men have al- his interest lies, find his mater- become law il would be the be- President Babbidge in a recenl ready filled out pledge applica- ial, and use ii right there. i ginning of the end of public high- endorsement of APO agreed toj tions. Tapping will take place on The Reference Collection wiO er education in Connecticut. have the new pledge class named March 6 and initiation on Mav also be adapted to the new Con- The University of Connecticut! in his honor. The President is an 1. cept as the shelves will not be presently charges a $150 fee per honorary member of the pledge The only requirements for [along the wall as presently. Mr. year to all students. These mon- class and will address his fel- pledging are a satisfactory scho- Gordon re-narked thai "the pre- SALLY JANK MISEVETCH is ies are used for non-academic lastic standing and a dunire to low pledges at a meeting some- sent system Is not condush ■ to the winner of the title "Best activities and facilities. We have render service to the University Dressed Girl On The Ueonn time during the pledge period. ! study and the library admin - i- never charged a tuition. There Tonight's meeting will include APO membership includes men tion hopes to eliminate this by Campus." A freshman living in is a difference between fees and a short business meeting to ac- j from independent houses and Bpragne Hall, she is the sec- the interspersing of stacks " tuitions. Tuition is the price you quaint the rushees with the for- professional, social, and honor- The existing building will be ond girl from that dormitory pay for instruction; fee is a mat of regular chapter meet-] ary fraternities. It is the largest to win the title. The contest is used basically for book storage ■■harge for services. ings followed by discussion and, fraternity in the world and is and reading areas. All service Sponsored by (ilamour Maga- A whole principle of public questions concerning the frater- represented by chapters in every and staff functions will bo con- zine. (1'lnit ii by Albino I (Continued on Page 5) nity's current program. Slides ol (Continued on Page 5) centrated in the new build;' tlttV.Nfc CftAVri*^ 2«jJ Kooft To Bt t. !- CKXSTtffV SLACKS -E i it2 r%C*M»XsA. ^fc*€fiO»C4 CacuLcTioaJ JfetWiCfc ^©••w &TA*XS £ W Wfc*On*, ft£*P4 it»r RCAO<*><» touts iruot lft*M rmm ltsuf*t»(*t Uknss it—. PtB'it-'Aif^. 11 B»<xtt»«(» \df 0> HT. yruav- itfeftA** cruets PAGE TWO CONNECTICUT DAILY CAMPUS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1963 Connecticut LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Love That R. C. Senate to play a vital role, it needs re- sponsible leaders. Because the ISO wants Daily Campus To the Editor: to insure good leadership, it has institut- ed a program to inform and guide stu- MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1963 Hail. Ttie University has scored again. dents interested in running for spring elec- The Administrator's brilliant and im- tions. It is imperative that students run- peccable idea of ending the "Reign of ning should be informed. This is wnv House-mothers" had certainly brought there will be an open meeting for people about the fruit of success. The new R. C.'s who ;re considering seeking a Student (Resident Counselors) have for the past Senate no:'Hon, on February 25, Tuesday, Canine Controversy semester proved their superb ability to 7:00 p.m., HUB 207. We certainly hope control the students; their unique per- that you will take advantage of this op- Heated discussions in Hartford recently would seem to sonality, quality and spirit shined all over portunity. indicate that the state is going to the dogs. The current the campus. If the Capitol had hired some Senator Charlene D'Andrea controversy over the pros and cons of using impounded of these efficient young men we certainly Candidate Advisor dogs for medical research has attracted a great deal of at- would not have any trouble with "the big tention. white bear from the north." Now let me say this about "that." 1 On one side of the fence are the dog owners, the anti- resided in the dorm for most of my col- The Cube vivesectionists, the Connecticut Humane Society, the Na- lege career and I am ashamed to admit To the Editor: i.e.■turn in the Constella* tional Catholic Society for Animal Welfare and an assort- the order and unification that has existed tion of The Cube ment of other organizations who vehemently oppose using in the dorm for the past semester.
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