The EntomologicalSocietyEntomological Society of Japan F/y Entemological Scienee, 1998, 1(3): 441-463 A Systematic Study of the Genus A ctia Robineau-Desvoidy of Japan (Diptera: Tachinidae)* Takuji TAcHI and Hiroshi SHIMA Biosystematics Laboratory, Graduate Sehool ofSbcial and CulturalStudies, 1<yttshu University. ]Fitkuoko, 81078560 Jlu,an Abstract, Japanese species ofthe genusActia Robineau-Desyoidy are revised. Thirteefl species are recognized, classified into four species groups: crassicornis group, tamia group, tarsata group and nigroscutellata group. The autapomorphies of each species group are redefined, and characters inustrated. The fol!owing four new species are described from Japan:A. solida sp, nov,, A, ampla sp. nov.,A. destituta sp. nov, andA. clavuia sp. nov. A key is provided for species groups and Japanese species ofActia, and local host records are listed. i Key words: Tachinidae, Siphonini, Actia, species groups, host records, systematics, Japan. ll new species, In this paper, O'Hara recognized three Introduction species groups for the Nearctic species and also assign- ed most Palearctic species to these Andersen l groups. The genusActia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830, belongs (1996) revised the European species of Siphonini and to the tribe Siphonini, members of the subfamily recorded seven species of Actia from Europe, recog- Tachininae (Diptera: Tachinidae) with characteristi- nizing two of O'Hara's species groups. Ii'i'Iil cally small sized body. The genus is known from Currently, six Japanese species ofActia are known, sixty-four species widely distributed in the world, and including Actia crassicornis (Meigen), A, joculatis with numerous undescribed species from the Oriental, Mesnil, A. maksymovi Mesnil, A. nigra Shima, A, Afrotropical and Neotropical Regions (Andersen, nudibasis Stein, and A, pilipennis (Fallen) (Takano, 1996; O'Hara, 1991). The genus is well characterized 1950; Mesnil, 1957; Mesnil & Pschorn-Walcher, 1968; in the tribe Siphonini by the presence of a row of hairs Shima, 1970b; Herting, 1984), However, theseJapa- l on the katepisternum anterior to the mid coxa, V- nese species have not been studied in detail, and hosts shaped male sternum 5, rnale terminalia with short are little known in comparison with European and spinose J-shaped gonopods and absence of the dorsal North American species. In the present work we cornu in the cephalepharyngeal skeleton of first instar recognize thirteen species including four new and larvae (O'Hara, 1988, 1989; Andersen, 1996). three newly recorded species from Japan, Descrip- Malloch (1930, 1935) described twenty-eight spe- tions and redescriptions of these species are given and cies as belonging to Actia from Malaysia, but only nine the male and female genitalia are illustrated. A key to rernain assigned to the genus (Mesnil, 1963; Crosskey, Japanese species is provided. We attempt to define the 1976, 1977). Mesnil 1957) described three spe- specie$ greups of Japanese species following O'Hara / (19S2, cies ofActia from Burma and Japan, and later Mesnll (1991) and Andersen (1996). (1963) revised the tribe Siphonini of the Palearctic Region and reported nine species of Actia from this ' Materials and Methods region. Shima (1970a) added two species from Nepal and Hong Kong, and Richter (1974, 1976, 1980) Mbteriats desc:ibed three new species from middle Asia and Most materials used in this $tudy are dried speci- Siberia, O'Hara (1991) Tevised the Nearctic species cf mens, For detailed exarnination, genitalia were treat- this genus and reported eight species including four ed with a 10% het. solution of KOH for about ten * minutes, transferred into 3% CH]COOH, and washed /'ill・-,1g' Centribution from the Biosystematics Laboratory, Gradu- with distil]ed water. Dissected male and female ate SchDo! of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu Univer- geni- a sity (No. 27}. talia were observed in pure glycerolundeT stere- NII-Electronic Library Service The EntomologicalSocietyEntomological Society of Japan / "2 Takoji TAcHI and Hiroshi SmMA oscoplc rmcroscope. setae sa: supra-alar setae ia:intra-alar Materials are mainly from our collections the of setae abbrevi- personal For positions leg thefollowing and from the collection of the Biesystematics Labora- ations were used: tory, GTaduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, ad: anterodorsal d: dorsal p: posterior Kyushu University, Fukuoka (BLKU). Additional pd: posterodorsal pv: posteroyentral v: yentral specimens were borrowed from Systematic Entomol- ogy, Faculty of Agriculture, Holrkaido Uniyersity, Systematics Sapporo (SE}ru), Staatliches Museum ftir Naturkun- de, Stuttgart (SMNS) and Zootogicat Museum of the Genus Actia Robineau-Desvoidy University, Copenhagen (ZMUC). Depository of Actia Rebineau-Desvoidy, lg30: 85. Type species: Roeselia types and other specimens examined are indicated by lamia Meigen, ofI.C,Z.N., 1838,by designation l987: the above acrenyms. 71.See O'Hara for complete 1ist of synonymies. Measurements (1991) Measurements mostly fo11ow Shima (1996). Vertex Diagnostic charactens qfJbpanese species, was measured rnargins of compound Head, Eye smal1 to large in between inner male, in femalesub- eyes in comparison with width of the head in dorsal equal to or slightly smalleT than in male; antennal axis view, Eye-height, frons- and face-lengths were mea- above upper 114 of eye-height; ocellar seta strong; sured in lateral view. The width of the parafacial at parafrontal with sparse fine hairs; 2 proclinate orbital middle height and that of the gena were measured at setae in both sexes, anterior proclinate otbital seta the horizontal position, respectively. Pedicel and lst longer than posterior one in almost all species; anteri- fiagellornere were measured in lateralview, and the or reclinate orbital seta nearly at middle of parafrontal width of lst flagellomere was rneasured at the widest in profile; 4-5 fronta1 setae; upper occiput with some posMon, fine black setae behind row of occipital setae; postgena wlth some fine white hairs; antenna with lst fiagello- 71erminology mere markedly varied, linear to broad, male lst flagel- Termino]ogy mostiy follows McAIpine (1981) and lomere subequal to or slightly wider than in female; Shima (1996). arista with lst aristomere very short, 2nd aristomere The following abbreviations for thoracic setae were yaried, short to somewhat eloilgate, 3rd aristemere used: relatively long, thickened te near tip or evenly tapered, ac: acrostichal setae dc: dorsecentral setae with short pubeseence; palpus normal and c]avate; ・.. ' ・・ M"Y , 1 2 Figs. 1-2. Male heads in profile. 1, A, crassicornis; 2. A. selida.Scale bar=O,5.mm, j' NII-Electronic Library Service The EntomologicalSocietyEntomological Society of Japan [it A Systematic Study of the Genus Actia of Japan 443 i'->E"{U,fi{ggl x -- .lg/ - 17 ' 'i .....4/ ..-?' -..・ "L s x s i i;;;iiiiii`iz"1ii 3 4 Figs, 3-4, Male heads in profile, 3, A. ampla; 4, A, destitttta,Scale bars=O.S rmn (left=3, right=4). ' ] sg }' lllii'!/'・11'・1 t't 5 6 Figs. 5-6. Male heads in profle. 5, A. jocuiaris; 6. A. resinellae.Scale bar=O.S mm, / labella usually short, elongate in A. jocularis. entire length, yentrally bare or setulose en distal 113; Tborax. Three postpronotal setae in straight line; 3 R4 Ls setulose dorsally from base to beyend crossvein -f3 +4 ac, 3+3-4 dc, 1 ia; scute]lum with short fine r-m, w{th only one strong setula on base ventrally; M apical setae, subapical setae strong, lateral and basal usually complete to wing margin, terminating beyond setae present; lower proepimeral seta absent or hair- the bend in A. destituta andA. Iamia; CuA] bare or like and directed upward; upper part ofanepistcrnum setulose dorsally; Ai+CuAi not reaching wing with 2 setae anterior to row of anepisteTnal setaei 2+ margrn. 1 katepisternal setae, lower seta weaker and shcrter Legs. Fore tibia with preapical ad seta shorter than than upper anterior one; row ef hairs present on d seta in most species, with 1 submedian p seta; mid katepisternum antcrior to mid coxa; prosternum usu- tibia with 1 ad, 3-4 pd and 1 v setae; claws and pulvilli / ally setulose, bare in A. nigro. very short; Sth tarsomere of foreleg varied in female, Wing. Hyaline; tegula b]ack; basicosta black or elongate and broadened or short. yellow, Ri bare or setulose dorsally on distal 112 or on Abdomen. Syntergum 1 +2 not excavated to poste- illl・・ NII-Electronic Library Service The EntomologicalSocietyEntomological Society of Japan 4`lil Takoji TAcHfi and Hiroshi SHIMA rior margin, lacking median marginal setae, with or rectangular or fan-shaped with strong setae, in some without 1 lateral marginal seta on each side; tergum 3 speeies anterior margin projected forward as invagina- with 2 median marginal setae and 1 lateral marginal tionl sternum 8 semioval or isosceles ttiangular with seta on each side; terga 4-5 each with strong erect strong setae; hypoproct present as median sclerite wit-h marginal setael male sternum S little varied, more or strong setae, in most species subequal in size to tergum less V-shaped, with or w{thout median lobes along g; spiracle 6 present on or close te tergum 6; spiracle 7 imer edge, apical lobe$ mode[ately setulose, with or in membrane anterior to tergum 7, on tergum 6 or 7 in without pair of strong setae; female sternum S square seyeral species, or rectangular in forrn, with strong setae, Male genitalia. Epandrium trapezoid in shape; sur- Species groups of Japanese species ef the genlls Actia stylus not fused with epandrium, usually longer
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