NORTH DAKOTA STATE COLLEGE THE SPECTRUM OFFICIAL PUBLICATION VOLUME XLIX. STATE COLLEGE, NORTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 29, 1933. NUMBER 4. We observe that female smiles are Enrollment Is growing a bit stiff; that salutations Three Members Pres. J. H. Shepperd Reports Formal Rush are more hoarse as well as more Reaching Last hearty; that although silence must Added To Staff Depression Is Worse In Europe be maintained, women are surpris- Season Closes ingly quick at the draw-of doors; Year's Figures that the good-fellow back slap is President And Mrs. Shepperd By State Board The bicycling craze, it seems, has Monday Night good fellowing; and that freshmen Return To College After finally hit the N. D. S. campus, at- in a huddle ask "They're all such Total Registration To Date Is Dr. Warren Keck Fills Vacancy Two Months Abroad tacking instructors and students swell people, what shall we pledge?" Greek Letter Groups To Hold alike. Fixed By Registrar At We predict when the smokers' Left In Zoology Section "European countries," said Pres. J. Only the other morning, one of Pledging Ceremonies smoke has blown away and the tea Approximately 1208 By Archie Solberg H. Shepperd of the North Dakota State the august members of our vaunted is put on the shelf for another year On October 2 college concerning the trip from which English department was observed the female voices will relax to the FRESHMEN NUMBER IS 402 NEW RESEARCHERS HERE he and his wife have recently returned, pedalling sedately down the Main other extremity; that "gruff" will FORMAL TEAS ON SUNDAY "seem to be economizing much more drag. Three cheers, prof. for this describe salutations; that some one Late Entrants Are Expected To Dorothy Berrigan Assists In than we do in America, but labor is so evidence of your modernism. else will have to be quick on the Fraternity Formal Rushing To much cheaper and commodities so A tandem bicycie (shades of the Shove Figures Past draw-of doors; that back-slapping College Home Economics much higher than in the United States Cease With Final Party will have changed its relative posi- Gay Nineties!), piloted by an earn- 1932 Number Research 'Work that one must think twice before draw- est-looking youth of about age ten, This Evening tion; and that dish-wiping and po- ing conclusions. The scarcity of auto- tato-peeling freshmen will be found was picking up a few extra pennies With 1208 students having finished Three appointments have been made mobiles and the great number of bicy- The formal Greek letter rushing per- in huddles saying, "Gee, isn't it yesterday afternoon on the campus, registration at the North Dakota State to the North Dakota State faculty and cles is one of the first things to impress iod on the North Dakota State college grand. To think that we didn't by giving various undergraduates college the total enrollment for the fall research work staff in the departments one with the fact that he is not in thrilling rides around the block campus for this school year will termi- know which to pledge!" of zoology, bacteriology, and home eco- America. The amount of field work term nears completion This number is (they turned the corners on two nate Monday evening, Oct. 2, with nomics by approval of the State Board done by hand is also surprising for approximately the same as last year, wheels.) pledging ceremonies by the nine fra- says A. H. Parrott, registrar. of Administration. many of the small operators cut grain ternities and sororities taking place. Many registrations of upperclassmen Dr. Warren N. Keck, coming here with a cradle and hay with a scythe. After the conclusion of the sorority were later than usual due to the gov- Phi Kappa Phi Head from Iowa university where he has "European folks work hard and rushing on Saturday night the only ernor's proclamation closing all schools been teaching embryology and general economize rigidly, but since they are other affairs taking place will be the fo; the special election on Friday, Sept. Arwin Hoge, Fargo, Addresses Students zoology for the past four years, fills the accustomed to having less than Ameri- formal teas which will be held from 4 22, thus giving no opportunity to the vacancy left by Archie Solberg. Dr. cans do not seem to feel the depression to 6 p. m. Sunday, Oct. 1, in the var- students for registering on that day. At First Convocation Keck received his master and doctor so much as we might guess. The heavy Makes Perfect Score ious sorority houses, apartments and The freshman enrollment at present degrees from the University of Iowa, tariffs they set up against imports from homes of the members. Invitations for is 402, outnumbering last year's total Dr. Nelson, President Emeritus was an instructor in zoology at the Uni- neighboring countries make these com- In Placement Test these teas will reach the rushees by by nearly 80. Other classes show slight versity of Wisconsin, worked under the modities luxuries to be enjoyed only by Of Wyoming University, Sunday morning, each rushee being decreases with sophomores numbering National Research council, the U. S. the moderately' wealthy. Robert Gwyther And Adeline permitted to accept but two invitations. 250; juniors, 250; seniors, 214. Visits Campus Biological survey, and studied the Eng- "Professor Max Zimpel, who was at Members of Alpha Gamma Delta will In the number of students enrolled lish sparrow under the supervision of the State college as an exchange pro- Naftalin Are Second, meet rushees in the home of Lavine for graduate and high school work Dr. Aven Nelson, president emeritus Dr. Witschi, eminent German embriolo- fessor for two years and who is now Third On List Hendrickson; the Gamma Phi Beta there is a small decrease. The total of the University of Wyoming at Lara- gist. head of the public schools of Frank- group in their apartment; the Kappa number of graduate students this year mie and president general of Phi Kappa Besides Sigma Xi, honorary scientific furt-am-Main, Germany, spent a day Deltas at the home of Betty Nelson; is 18 as compared to 30 a year ago, with Phi, national honorary scholastic socie- An outstanding record was made fraternity, Dr. Keck is a member of with us. He asked many questions about Kappa Kappa Gamma, in the home of the high school attendance 26 to 49 last ty, was the speaker at the first convo- when Arwin Hoge, Fargo, passed the Gamma Alpha, honorary social scienti- the college and sent his regards to his Elizabeth Wooledge; Phi Mu in their year. cation of the term in Festival hall this freshmen English placement test with a fic fraternity, and Alpha Tau Omega, many friends among the faculty and chapter house; and Phi Omega Pi at Although exact figures are not avail- morning. He arrived with Mrs. Nelson perfect score of 150. Robert Gwyther, national social fraternity. students here. The number of students their sorority house. able, it is expected that the school of last evening and is spending today on also of Fargo, was second high with a Miss Ina Brayton, Hunter, will spend in their schools has dropped materially From Sunday evening to Monday science and literature's registration will this campus. grade of 145, and eight other students full time on experiment station re- on account of the depression, he told evening silence will be maintained by exceed that of any other school on the Following his morning address, the us, and they have been forced to do had marks ranging from 144 to 140. local chapter of Phi Kappa Phi will en- search work in bacteriology. Dr. C. I. all sorority women toward rushees, campus by a goodly number, according away with small classes, drop some The medium of the 352 students who tertain Dr. and Mrs. Nelson at a noon Nelson head of the department of bac- while fraternity men will observe sil- to Mr. Parrott. teachers and force earlier age retire- took the examination was established luncheon in the Lincoln Log cabin. teriology, and Delaphine G. Rosa, in- ence all day Sunday, with Monday ment than they formerly had, in addi- at 107 in comparison with a medium of A leading botanist, Dr. Nelson is the structor, will spend full time teaching. again an open date. tion to making a reduction in wages. 97 last year. The average grade of this author of several books and bulletins Assisting Miss Esther Latzke, direc- All Greek letter organizations will "An American feels much more con- year is higher than it has been for some New Students Guests on the subject. Mrs. Nelson has also tor of home economics research for the hold pledging services at their respec- tent with his lot after seeing the econo- time according to Professor Kuhn, head written a book on botany. Dr. Nelson college experiment station, will be Miss tive houses and chapter rooms Monday mies practiced in Europe and especially of the English department. The pass- Of Cosmopolitan Club is a fellow of the Botanical society, the Dorothy Berrigan, of Moorhead, Minn. evening beginning at seven o'clock. when he observes how cheerfully they ing grade has been fixed at 91. Academy of Science, and Sigma Xi. Since graduation from North Dakota Freshmen Are Entertained By State in 1929, Miss Berrigan has been accept their lot and prepare themselves Following are the ten highest in the engaged in teaching home economics by education and attention to health test: Arwin Hoge, 150; Robert Gwyther, Senior Staff Issues Independent Group At Dean Speaks Before and commerce in the high school at so as to succeed under conditions as 145; Adeline Naftalin, 144; Grace Mar- Initial Session Tower City.
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