Focusing on Azerbaijan Kamil IBraHIMOV Baku Doctor of History embankment IN THIS ARTICLE WE WILL TALK ABOUT ONE OF THE MOST REMARKABLE PARTS OF THE AZErbaiJANI caPITAL, ITS SEA fa- ÇADE – THE BAKU EmbaNKMENT, WHICH Has BEEN THE ICONIC SYMBOL OF THE CITY FOR THE LasT TWO CENTURIES. IN 1865, THE MILITARY GOVERNOR AND DIRECTOR OF THE CIVILIAN PART OF BAKU, LT-GEN MIKHAIL PETROVICH KOLYUBYAKIN GAVE THE PErmissiON TO KNOCK DOWN THE USELEss OLD WALL THAT Was SEPARATING THE CITY FROM THE SEA AND ALSO “HAMPERING THE FRESH AIR”. Baku. Bathhouses and the general view of the boulevard 52 www.irs-az.com View of Baku from the sea he free area was then sold for 44,000 rubles and the money Twas used to establish small elegant stone embankment where a number of pretty private houses ap- peared soon. Early landscaping works in Baku were carried out by architect Karl Gustavovich Gippius who despite suggestions managed to defend the Shirvanshahs Palace from turning it into prison. He also contributed the appearance of a number of streets and the design of the first houses on the Embankment. The connois- View of the embankment seurs of the Azerbaijani capital will remember his water color paintings of Baku houses of the time. by millionaire Seid Mirbabayev who significant role in the city and would The building that used to be the leased it out to the Baku governorate have been architecturally inexpres- Medical Workers’ Club during the So- that did not have its own residency. sive. viet times was constructed approxi- According to the initial plan, the However, after the city wall had mately in 1865-67. Also known as the 18-meter-wide street was to be es- been knocked down, the need “gubernatorial house” (the building tablished between the city walls and emerged for changing the architec- of the Azerbaijan National Conserva- the buildings. Framed by a dead city tural appearance of the embank- tory in Neftchilar Avenue has been wall on one side and rear façades on ment from the seaside. As part of knocked down), it was then acquired the other, the street could not play a the new plan, the street by the city www.irs-az.com 53 Focusing on Azerbaijan View of Baku from the sea, 1880s, A. Mishon walls was to be removed and a large was to be built in the lower part of construction issues and fresh water pavement lined up with trees was to this area. infrastructure. In 1867, a fountain be set up on the emerging free area. The embankment was in the and other facilities were built here on Private possessions were to be sepa- spotlight of city authorities also be- his design, which led to the embank- rated from each other by 13-meter cause the residency of the city gov- ment receiving the status of a bou- intersections. As a result, the plan- ernor was located there. It is worth levard. According to contemporaries ning of the city wall proved more indicating that first steps towards of the time, the boulevard became successful. Thanks to the establish- landscaping the embankment were one of the city’s biggest adornments. ment of a number of main road in- taken by remarkable Azerbaijani ar- In 1890, the “Caucasus and Mer- tersections, some amazing views of chitect Gasim-bey Hajibababekov cury” shipping company built a pier the expressive architecture of the old (1811-1874). He did significant engi- and a number of other facilities on Baku emerged. In 1882, a boulevard neering and planning work to land- the embankment, thus dividing the designed by architect A. Kroshinsky scape the embankment, dealt with coast line into two parts: the Alek- Embankment panorama from the current Azneft Square 54 www.irs-az.com sandrovskaya embankment located along the city walls and Petrovskaya, eastwards to the Bolshaya Morskaya Street. Therefore, a barrier was built in 1897 to separate a 50-meter area from the sea. As a result, the boule- vard emerged as a standalone piece of architecture. On 9 November 1923, a fire broke out at the warehouses of the “Caucasus and Mercury” and the embankment was badly affected. In 1990, the city’s Garden Com- mission passed the decision to build a nursery garden of ornamental trees on the embankment. That decision signaled a start to the planting of greenery on the boulevard. A de- 1860s. General view of city bathhouses tailed plan of such planting reflect- ing the width and length of all the numerous piers and quays. These is- In 1914, Aleksandrovsky bath- alleys, species of trees and shrubs sues were dealt with by engineer M. houses on stilts were built oppo- to be planted, etc. was designed by Hajinsky, the head of the construc- site the boulevard designed by a civil engineer K. Skurkevich in con- tion department of the city council. Nikolay Grigoryevich Bayev (1878- junction with municipal gardener Talented architect A. Eichler was con- 1949). He was a civil engineer and Vasilyev. In 1909, further contribu- tributing to the project managed by the chief architect of Baku at the tion was made to the landscaping Hajinsky. Large pavilions, fountains same time. According to many, of the boulevard. Even though it was and alcoves were built on the bou- they had a very peculiar architec- already quite attractive, the embank- levard and a staircase leading right tural design. The wooden bath- ment was pretty much in the grip of into the sea set up. houses erected amid a multitude of www.irs-az.com 55 Focusing on Azerbaijan Baku boulevard today busy piers transformed the appear- interested in trying themselves in construction of the entire boulevard. ance of the seaside. this sport were free to do it at the Considering the significant fall of the After the foundation of the bou- tower. The tower was also used by Caspian level that hit its all-time low levard had been laid, widespread future soldiers as a training facility for in 1977 and the exposure of the large construction started on the lands parachute jumping. The jumping al- area of the seabed, works carried out adjoining the eastern section of titude was 20, 25 and 60 meters. The on establishing a second lower ter- the city wall. From an architectural tower’s operation could be stopped race of the seaside park. Alleys, lawns standpoint, construction on this best only if any accident registered. How- and fountains were set up on the part of the city was not very expres- ever, it wasn’t knocked down and is lower terrace. sive and largely consisted of uniform still there on the boulevard both as In the 1990s, the rising Caspian two-storey houses with intersections a reminder of the past and serving a waters flooded the walking flyover, between them. By then, Nikolayevs- useful function: an electronic board the motorboat quay and the yacht kaya Street already had much more installed at the top showing the club. As a result, the lower terrace of interesting and architecturally more time, wind speed and the tempera- the boulevard had to be raised. significant buildings. However, the ture in Baku. In 1988, following a decree of embankment represented a broad In post-war years, due to the ris- Azerbaijani President Heydar Aliyev, spatial composition, and this part of ing level of the Caspian and partial the Baku Boulevard received the sta- the city was very picturesque com- reconstruction of the boulevard, the tus of the National Park, while under bined with the boulevard and the bathhouses were removed. By the a decree of President Ilham Aliyev greenery of the trees. It was also the early 1950s, the seaside boulevard in 2007, a department dealing with busiest part of Baku. Therefore, it was was already stretching to a distance National Park issues was established no coincidence that contemporaries of 2.7 km along the Caspian – from under the Cabinet of Ministers. of the time were saying that the em- the Paris Commune shipyard to the Major reconstruction work is bankment was the most remarkable new seaport. In 1966, an open area currently under way on the Baku part of Baku. was established in Azadlig Square on embankment. The National Park On the initiative of the Baku city a design developed by M. Huseynov. has become even bigger and more council, a 70-meter parachute tower This area had approach ramps to the beautiful, while many of its facilities was made by the Bakinsky Rabo- sea that were decorated with par- have been restored and refurbished. chiy mechanical-engineering plant. terre greenery, flowerbeds and cas- A new yacht club noted for its won- On 28 April 1936, the tower was in- cade of fountains. In 1967, the same derful finishing and design has been stalled on the boulevard. Everyone author designed a project on the re- established instead of the old one. 56 www.irs-az.com Baku boulevard today One musical fountain has been There is an amusement section for Today, the embankment we are opened in the Azneft Square, anoth- kids and a number of fast food cafe- talking about is only surviving in the er outside the Museum Center, while terias representing different cuisines. memories of the Baku natives. Once the third one that has no analogues There is an underground car park some sort of a “spirit” of the city and in the world, is on the embankment and a grocery store on the ground one of the world’s most beautiful opposite the Government House. floor of the mall. sights, the Baku embankment will On the initiative of Mrs.
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