May 4, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 8279 ‘‘SEC. 176. ALLOCATION OF ASSISTANCE; SUB- this title, there are authorized to be appro- ment processes of agencies under the GRANTS. priated to the Fund to carry out this sub- Committee’s jurisdiction—Department ‘‘(a) ALLOCATION OF ASSISTANCE.— title— of the Interior, Department of Energy, ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Administrator shall ‘‘(1) $15,000,000 for fiscal year 2000; allocate assistance from the Fund under this and the U.S. Forest Service. ‘‘(2) $25,000,000 for fiscal year 2001; Because of the limited time available subtitle to ensure that— ‘‘(3) $30,000,000 for fiscal year 2002; and ‘‘(A) activities described in section 174(1) ‘‘(4) $35,000,000 for fiscal year 2003. for each hearing, witnesses may testify by invitation only. However, those are funded using not less than 75 percent of ‘‘SEC. 181. IMPLEMENTATION. amounts made available for such assistance; ‘‘The Administrator shall, by regulation, wishing to submit written testimony and establish such requirements as may be nec- for the hearing record should send two ‘‘(B) activities described in section 174(2) essary to carry out this subtitle.’’. copies of their testimony to the Com- are funded using not less than 15 percent of (b) ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES.—Section mittee on Energy and Natural Re- amounts made available for such assistance. 121(a)(2)(A) of the Riegle Community Devel- sources, United States Senate, 364 ‘‘(2) LIMIT ON INDIVIDUAL ASSISTANCE.—No opment and Regulatory Improvement Act of single organization or entity may receive Dirksen Senate Office Building, Wash- 1994 (12 U.S.C. 4718(a)(2)(A)) is amended— ington, DC 20510–6150. more than 10 percent of the total funds ap- (1) by striking ‘‘$5,550,000’’ and inserting propriated under this subtitle in a single fis- For further information, please con- ‘‘$6,100,000’’; and tact Kelly Johnson at (202) 224–4971. cal year. (2) in the first sentence, by inserting before ‘‘(b) TARGETED ASSISTANCE.—The Adminis- the period ‘‘, including costs and expenses as- COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL trator shall ensure that not less than 50 per- sociated with carrying out subtitle C’’. RESOURCES cent of the grants made under this subtitle (c) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.—Section Mr. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I are used to benefit very low-income persons, would like to announce that on Tues- including those residing on Indian reserva- 104(d) of the Riegle Community Development tions. and Regulatory Improvement Act of 1994 (12 day, May 25, 1999, the Committee on ‘‘(c) SUBGRANTS AUTHORIZED.— U.S.C. 4703(d)) is amended— Energy and Natural Resources will ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—A qualified organization (1) in paragraph (2)— hold an oversight hearing on State receiving assistance under this subtitle may (A) by striking ‘‘15’’ and inserting ‘‘17’’; Progress in Retail Electricity Competi- provide grants using that assistance to and tion. The hearing will be held at 9:30 qualified small and emerging microenter- (B) in subparagraph (G)— (i) by striking ‘‘9’’ and inserting ‘‘11’’; a.m. in room 366 of the Dirksen Senate prise organizations and programs, subject to Office Building in Washington, D.C. such rules and regulations as the Adminis- (ii) by redesignating clauses (iv) and (v) as clauses (v) and (vi), respectively; and Those who wish to testify or submit trator determines to be appropriate. a written statement should write to ‘‘(2) LIMIT ON ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES.— (iii) by inserting after clause (iii) the fol- Not more than 7.5 percent of assistance re- lowing: the Committee on Energy and Natural ceived by a qualified organization under this ‘‘(iv) 2 individuals who have expertise in Resources, U.S. Senate, Washington, subtitle may be used for administrative ex- microenterprises and microenterprise devel- D.C. 20510. For further information, penses in connection with the making of sub- opment;’’; and please call Julia McCaul at (202) 224– grants under paragraph (1). (2) in paragraph (4), in the first sentence, 6567. by inserting before the period ‘‘and subtitle ‘‘(d) DIVERSITY.—In making grants under SUBCOMMITTEE ON NATIONAL PARKS, HISTORIC C’’. this subtitle, the Administrator shall ensure PRESERVATION, AND RECREATION that grant recipients include both large and f small microenterprise organizations, serving Mr. THOMAS. Mr. President, I would urban, rural, and Indian tribal communities NOTICES OF HEARINGS like to announce for the information of the Senate and the public that an over- and racially and ethnically diverse popu- COMMITTEE ON HEALTH, EDUCATION, LABOR, lations. AND PENSIONS sight hearing has been scheduled before ‘‘SEC. 177. MATCHING REQUIREMENTS. Mr. JEFFORDS. Mr. President, I the Subcommittee on National Parks, ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—Financial assistance Historic Preservation, and Recreation under this subtitle shall be matched with would like to announce for information of the Senate and the public that a of the Committee on Energy and Nat- funds from sources other than the Federal ural Resources. The purpose of this Government on the basis of not less than 50 hearing of the Senate Committee on percent of each dollar provided by the Fund. Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- hearing is to review the Youth Con- ‘‘(b) SOURCES OF MATCHING FUNDS.—Fees, sions will be held on Thursday, May 6, servation Corps and other job programs grants, gifts, funds from loan sources, and 1999, 10 a.m., in SD–628 of the Senate conducted by the National Park Serv- in-kind resources of a grant recipient from Dirksen Building. The subject of the ice, Bureau of Land Management, For- public or private sources may be used to est Service, and the U.S. Fish and comply with the matching requirement in hearing is ‘‘ESEA: Safe Schools.’’ For further information, please call the Wildlife Service. subsection (a). The hearing will take place on ‘‘(c) EXCEPTION.— committee, 202/224–5375. Wednesday, May 19, 1999 at 2:00 p.m. in ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—In the case of an appli- COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL room SD–366 of the Dirksen Senate Of- cant for assistance under this subtitle with RESOURCES fice Building in Washington, DC. severe constraints on available sources of Mr. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I matching funds, the Administrator may re- Because of the limited time available duce or eliminate the matching require- would like to announce for the infor- for the hearing, witnesses may testify ments of subsection (a). mation of the Senate and the public by invitation only. However, those ‘‘(2) LIMITATION.—Not more than 10 percent that a hearing has been scheduled be- wishing to submit written testimony of the total funds made available from the fore the Committee on Energy and Nat- for the hearing record should send two Fund in any fiscal year to carry out this sub- ural Resources. copies of their testimony to the Com- title may be excepted from the matching re- The hearing will take place on Tues- mittee on Energy and Natural Re- quirements of subsection (a), as authorized day, May 11, 1999 and will commence at by paragraph (1) of this subsection. sources, United States Senate, SD–364 9:30 a.m. in room SD–366 of the Dirksen Dirksen Senate Office Building, Wash- ‘‘SEC. 178. APPLICATIONS FOR ASSISTANCE. Senate Office Building in Washington, ‘‘An application for assistance under this ington, DC 20510–6150. subtitle shall be submitted in such form and DC. For further information, please con- in accordance with such procedures as the The purpose of the hearing is to re- tact Jim O’Toole or Shawn Taylor of Fund shall establish. ceive testimony on S. 25, the Conserva- the committee staff at (202) 224–6969. ‘‘SEC. 179. RECORDKEEPING. tion and Reinvestment Act of 1999; S. f ‘‘The requirements of section 115 shall 446, the Resources 2000 Act; S. 532, the apply to a qualified organization receiving Public Land and Recreation Invest- AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO assistance from the Fund under this subtitle ment Act of 1999; S. 819, the National MEET as if it were a community development fi- Park Preservation Act and the Admin- nancial institution receiving assistance from COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND the Fund under subtitle A. istration’s Lands Legacy proposal. The TRANSPORTATION ‘‘SEC. 180. AUTHORIZATION. hearing also will examine the role of Mr. GRAMM. Mr. President, I ask ‘‘In addition to funds otherwise authorized the Council on Environmental Quality unanimous consent that the Com- to be appropriated to the Fund to carry out in the decision-making and manage- mittee on Commerce, Science, and VerDate Aug 04 2004 13:26 Oct 02, 2004 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00111 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR99\S04MY9.004 S04MY9 8280 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE May 4, 1999 Transportation be allowed to meet on Rights, and Competition, of the Senate over 50,000 passing yards; Super Bowl Tuesday, May 4, 1999, at 9:30 a.m. on TV Judiciary Committee, be authorized to XXXIII’s Most Valuable Player; the violence. hold a hearing during the session of the NFL’s Most Valuable Player in 1987; The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Senate on Tuesday, May 4, 1999 at 10 the American Football Conference’s objection, it is so ordered. a.m. in room 226 of the Senate Dirksen Most Valuable Player in 1993; and 47 COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL Office Building, on: ‘‘S. 467, the Anti- fourth-quarter comebacks, to name RESOURCES trust Merger Review Act: Accelerating just a few of the many highlights of a Mr. GRAMM. Mr. President, I ask FCC Review of Mergers.’’ stellar career. unanimous consent that the Com- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without John Elway’s leadership and dedica- mittee on Energy and Natural Re- objection, it is so ordered. tion to excellence have benefitted the sources be granted permission to meet SUBCOMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE Broncos, the city of Denver, the state during the session of the Senate on Mr.
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