Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija International Scientific Conference IUFRO Unit 4.05.00 – Managerial economics and accounting SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT FOR THE FUTURE – the role of managerial economics and accounting Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts May 10 – 12, 2018, Zagreb, Croatia Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija International Scientific Conference IUFRO Unit 4.05.00 - Managerial economics and accounting 4.05.01 - Managerial, social and environmental accounting 4.05.02 - Managerial economics 4.05.03 - Managerial economics and accounting in Latin America SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT FOR THE FUTURE – the role of managerial economics and accounting Knjiga sažetaka Book of Abstracts May 10 – 12, 2018, Zagreb, Croatia Izdavač/Publisher: Šumarski Fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu – Faculty of Forestry University of Zagreb Za izdavača/For Publisher: Prof. dr. sc. Vladimir Jambreković Glavni urednik/ Editor-in-Chief: Izv. prof. dr. sc. Stjepan Posavec Organizatori/Organizers: Šumarski Fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Forestry Hrvatski Šumarski institut, Croat ian Forest Research Institute Suorganizatori/Coorganizers Hrvatska komora inžinjera šumarstva i drvne tehnologije, Croatian Chamber of Forestry and Wood Technology Engineers Hrvatske šume d.o.o., Croatian Forests Ltd. Akademija šumarskih znanosti, Academy of Forestry Sciences Pokrovitelji/Under the auspicies of IUFRO Division 4, Unit 4.05.00 – Managerial economics and accounting Organizacijski odbor/ Organizing Committee Vladimir Jambreković, University of Zagreb, Croatia Stjepan Posavec, University of Zagreb, Croatia Dijana Vuletić, Croatian Forest Research Institute Krunoslav Jakupčić, Croatian forests Ltd. Lidija Zadnik-Stirn, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Donald Hodges, University of Tennessee, USA Walter Sekot, Universitaet fuer Bodenkultur, Viennna, Austria Znanstveni i programski odbor/ Scientific and Program Committee Stjepan Posavec, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Forestry, Croatia Karlo Beljan, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Forestry, Croatia Lidija Zadnik-Stirn, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Dijana Vuletić, Croatian Forest Research Institute Donald Hodges, University of Tennessee, United States Walter Sekot, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Austria Jussi Leppänen, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Finland Ludek Sisak, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic Donald Grebner, Mississippi State University, United States Vitor Afonso Hoeflich, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil Lyudmyla Maksymiv, Ukrainian National Forestry University, Ukraine Bernhard Möhring, University of Goettingen, Germany Maria Nijnik, The James Hutton Institute, United Kingdom Virginia Morales, Universidad de la República, Uruguay Jean-Luc Peyron, Public Interest Group on Forest Ecosystems, France Luca Cesaro, National Institute of Agricultural Economics, Italy Endre Schiberna, National Agricultural Research and Innovation Center, Hungary Ljiljana Keča, Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade Krešimir Žagar, Croatian forests Ltd. Print: DENONA, d.o.o., Getaldićeva 1, Zagreb Edition: 100 copies ISBN: 978-953-292-056—7 CIP zapis je dostupan u računalnome katalogu Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice u Zagrebu pod brojem 000995032. Sadržaj/Table of Contents Predgovor/Preface 5 1. Walter Sekot, Lydia Rosenkranz, Björn Seintsch, Philipp Toscani, Jussi Leppänen, Martti Aarne: European Forest Accounts: Establishing the economic aggregates of the forestry and logging industry A comparative analysis of Austrian, German and Finnish approaches 7 2. Lydia Rosenkranz, Walter Sekot, Björn Seintsch, Philipp Toscani, Jussi Leppänen, Esa Uotila: European Forest Accounts: Establishing the core tables on wooded land and timber. A comparative analysis of German, Austrian and Finnish approaches 9 3. Lydia Rosenkranz, Björn Seintsch, Sven Günter, Walter Sekot, Philipp Toscani, Bernhard Pauli, Fulvio Di Fulvio, Yelto Zimmer: Silvi benchmark. Benchmarking forest production data based on “typical enterprises” 12 4. Vasja Leban, Špela Pezdevšek Malovrh, Lidija Zadnik Stirn, Janez Krč: Service-dominant logic: a useful mindset for forestry sector 14 5. Philipp Toscani, Walter Sekot: Forest Accountancy Data Networks. The current state of a socio-economic research approach 17 6. Alex Pra, Lucio Brotto, Mauro Masiero, Davide Pettenella: Plantations investments in southern Europe. A comparative analysis on returns, trends, and subsidy policies 19 7. Oksana Pelyukh, Lyudmyla Zahvoyska, Lyudmyla Maksymiv: Analysis of stakeholders’ interaction in the context of secondary Norway spruce stands conversion in the Ukrainian Carpathians 22 8. Roman Dudík, Luděk Šišák, Marcel Riedl: Regeneration of declining spruce stands in the Czech Republic - economic view of an alternative species composition 25 9. Koji Matsushita, Kozo Yamaguchi, Yoshio Yoshida, Tetsuji Senda: A study of the increase in unknown forest owners in Japan. Aging forest owners and segmentalized private forest 27 10. Todor Nickolov Stoyanov: Forestry Cooperatives in Bulgaria 30 11. Hodges, Donald G., Neelam C. Poudyal, Binod Chapagain: Private Forests and Woody Biomass for Energy: Lessons from Two Studies in the Eastern U.S. 33 12. Andreja Pirc Barčić, Darko Motik: Potential consumer categories of wood products in Croatia 36 13. Jussi Leppänen, Jukka Torvelainen: Policies affecting competitive advantage in forestry with apparent areal changes in respective forest ownership groups Case Finland 39 14. Đorđević Ilija, Ranković Nenad, Nedeljković Jelena, Tomićević-Dubljević Jelena, Zlatić Miodrag, Nonić Dragan: Mechanisms of financing protected area management system in Serbia 40 15. Hermudananto, Claudia Romero, Ruslandi, Francis E. Putz: Evaluation of Natural Forest Certification in Indonesia: Insight from Forest Stewardship Council Audits 43 3 Međunarodna znanstvena konferencija / International Scientific Conference 16. Fabio Benez-Secanho, Donald L. Grebner, Robert K. Grala, Andrew W. Ezell: Controlling Chinese Privet (Ligustrum sinenense) on non-industrial private forest lands in the United States Mid-South? 46 17. Mariana Melnykovych, Ihor Soloviy, Maria Nijnik: How to see the forest for the trees? Stakeholders’ perceptions of sustainable forest management in Ukraine 47 18. Damir Klobučar, Silvije Orsag: The influence of financial leverage on company business 50 19. Karlo Beljan, Stjepan Posavec, Filip Koren: Investments in small-scale forestry: Comparison between uneven- and even-aged stands in Croatia 53 20. Keča Ljiljana: Investment Appraisal in Forestry. Case study of poplar plantations in Serbia 56 21. Stojanovski Vladimir, Stojanovska Makedonka: Barriers for entrepreneurship and innovation in non-wood forest sector: Three-I’s as precondition in non-wood forest sector in Macedonia 58 22. Krunoslav Teslak, Marijana Žunić, Branko Ursić, Jura Čavlović: Actual and potential value of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) forests in small-scale private forests in Croatia 60 23. Marčeta Milica, Keča Ljiljana, Antonijević Aleksandar: Sale of forest assortments in the case of Forest Estates of „Južni Kučaj“ Despotovac 64 24. Lidija Zadnik Stirn, Petra Grošelj, Donald Hodges, Vasja Leban, Janez Krč, Špela Pezdevšek Malovrh: Socio-ecological and economic insights on forest management scenarios: case of Slovenia 66 25. Jitka Meňházová, Kateřina Holušová: Proposal for efficient economic data collection and evaluation for forestry: a case of the Czech Republic 70 26. Nevenka Bogataj, Janez Krč: An insight into forest owners´ response to extreme events. A case of Postojna sleet in 2014 and bark beetles in 2015 and 2016 73 4 Predgovor/Preface Forestry in Croatia was established in the second half of the 18th century. It all began with the first forest inventory and mapping (1764), the foundation of forest offices (1765 in mountain region, 1773 in lowland region) and the first legally binding Regulation (1769) which intro- duced sustainable forest management in Croatia. Forestry was born in the most forested part of Croatia, where it began its two-and-a-half-century long development. Natural resources represent common good and wealth. Their use, economic function and evalu- ation have to be planned directly since they represent the basis of future industrial and eco- nomic development. Forests are considered renewable natural resources, and the main charac- teristic of renewable natural resources is that their reserves are not permanent, but they can increase or decrease in future. However, a renewable natural resource cannot renew itself above the level determined by existing ecosystem’s capacity. Forestry economics encompasses all know- how related to forestry, and with the activities of market elements, it observes how a man and the society act in certain circumstances and conditions. The specific features of forest manage- ment are particularly manifested in the long-term biomass production cycle, the forests’ multi- ple functions and benefits, the fact that many of its values cannot be evaluated directly on the market, long period from the start of works, natural renewal, afforestation, nurture, cleaning, thinning, etc. to economic effects, which exceeds human lifetime. The forest sector has an im- portant influence on the rural development, contributing to poverty decrease, achieving sustain- able development and providing different ecological services. The priority of the world as a whole and each country should be to develop appropriate sustainable development
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