PSYCHO-ENDOCRINOLOGICAL ASPECTS IN PSYCHO-ENDOCRINOLOGICAL PERSONS MALES AND TRANSSEXUAL AGING Guy G. R. T’Sjoen Faculteit Geneeskunde & Gezondheidswetenschappen ACADEMISCH PROEFSCHRIFT PSYCHO-ENDOCRINOLOGICAL ASPECTS IN AGING MALES AND TRANSSEXUAL PERSONS ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit Gent, in het openbaar te verdedigen ten overstaan van de doctoraatscommissie van de Faculteit der Geneeskunde op vrijdag 20 januari 2006 om 17 uur in Auditorium C, Universtair Ziekenhuis Gent, De Pintelaan 185 door Guy T’Sjoen Geboren in Oudenaarde 26.07.1970 1 Promotor: Begeleidingscommissie: Prof. Dr. R. Rubens Prof. Dr. R. Rubens Prof. Dr. J. M. Kaufman Co-Promotor: Dr. G. De Cuypere Prof. Dr. J. M. Kaufman Examencommissie: Prof. Dr. J. Vande Walle (voorzitter) Prof. Dr. P. De Sutter Prof. Dr. L. Gooren Prof. Dr. P. Hoebeke Prof. Dr. J.J. Legros Prof. Dr. W. Oosterlinck Prof. Dr. D. Vanderschueren 2 Organon, Ipsen, Pfizer, GSK, Bayer, Novo Nordisk, Novartis, Sanofi, Aventis, Besins, Lilly, Menarini, Ellips and Sankyo kindly provided financial support for the publication of this thesis. Photographic illustrations by Dionisis Tsipiras, Mykonos, Greece. 3 Voor mijn ouders 4 “Una es más auténtica cuando más se parece a lo que ha soñado de sí misma...” Agrado in Pedro Almodóvar’s ‘Todo sobre mi Madre’. 5 CONTENTS Chapter 1 Aims of the Thesis and General Introduction ……..……………………… 9 PART I ……………………………………………………………………………….… 66 Chapter 2 Comparative assessment in young and elderly men of the gonadotropin response to aromatase inhibition …………………..…….. 67 Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2005; 90: 5717-5722. Chapter 3 Perception of males’ aging symptoms, health and well-being in elderly com munity-dwelling men is not related to circulating androgen levels . 75 Psychoneuroendocrinology 2004; 29: 201-214. Chapter 4 Sex steroid level, androgen receptor polymorphism, and depressive symptoms in healthy elderly men…………………………………………… 91 Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2005; 53: 636-642. PART II …………………………………………………………………………………. 100 Chapter 5 Influence of exogenous oestrogen or (anti-) androgen administration on soluble transferrin receptor in human plasma ...……………………….... 101 Journal of Endocrinology 2005; 186: 61-67. Chapter 6 Sexual and physical health after sex reassignment surgery ………...…… 109 Archives of Sexual Behavior 2005; 34: 679-690, in press The endocrine care of transsexual people: a review of treatment regimens, outcomes and adverse events ………….……………………… 122 Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2003; 89: 1014-1015 (letter) Chapter 7 General Discussion and Perspectives…………….………………………… 125 Chapter 8 Nederlandstalige samenvatting …………………………………………..... 131 Dankwoord …………………………………………………………………… 143 About the author ..…………………………………………………………… 145 6 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ADAM Androgen Deficiency in the Aging Male ADL Activities of Daily Living AMS Aging Males’ Symptoms AR Androgen receptor BDI Beck Depression Inventory BioE2 Bioavailable Oestradiol BioT Bioavailable Testosterone BMD Bone Mineral Density BMI Body Mass Index CAD Coronary Artery Disease CES-D Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale CV Coefficient of Variation DHEA Dehydroepiandrosterone DHEAS Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate DHT Dihydrotestosterone E2 Oestradiol Fe Iron FE2 Free Oestradiol FSH Follicle Stimulating Hormone FT Free Testosterone GDS Geriatric Depression Scale GH Growth Hormone GnRH Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone HDS Hamilton Depression Scale IGF-1 Insulin-like Growth Factor LH Luteinizing Hormone MCR Metabolic Clearance Rate MMAS Massachusetts Male Aging Study (MMAS) PADAM Partial Androgen Deficiency in the Aging Male RDRS Rapid Disability Rating Scale SD Standard Deviation SF-36 Medical Outcome Survey Short–form 36 SHBG Sex Hormone Binding Globulin sTfR Soluble Transferrin Receptor T Testosterone 7 8 CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 1 AIMS OF THE THESIS AND GENERAL INTRODUCTION 9 AIMS OF THE THESIS It is clear that oestrogens and androgens have profound effects, not only on primary and secondary sex characteristics, but also on the biological and psychological systems in both sexes. However, the description of a clear relation between the sex steroid serum concentration and its effects is not that straightforward, considering that hormonal action is the resultant of many determining processes and interactions. Especially studies on the relationship between behaviour and sex steroids do not always provide consistent results. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the clarification of certain endocrinological and psychoendocrinological aspects in two different clinical contexts. More subtle changes in andro- gen levels in aging males and profound cross-sex hormone administration treatment in transsex- ual individuals have been considered. Whereas it has been well documented that gonadal steroid levels decrease with age in men, the mechanism underlying this decrease has yet not been fully elucidated. In fact, unless testosterone levels are severely depressed or other hormonal abnormalities coexist, the aetiolo- gy of the hypogonadism is rarely related to overt gonadal or pituitary pathology. There is evi- dence supporting the idea that relative androgen deficiency may contribute to the clinical changes in aging men. This ill-defined male climacterium syndrome is often referred to as ‘andropause’, with the underlying implication that it is at least in part related to (relative) andro- gen deficiency. It remains controversial whether a constellation of clinical symptoms in aging, in particular those related to psychological well-being, may indicate low androgen levels. The group of transsexual individuals and the profound cross-sex hormonal treatment deserve attention, as there is relatively limited information available on long-term health impli- cations and sexual function. Also, the hormonal treatment in transsexual individuals creates the possibility to study the effects of changing sex steroid status in different organ systems. Chapter 2 focused on the effects of (inhibiting) oestradiol feedback on gonadotropin and testosterone secretion in young versus elderly men. The hypothesis is tested that decreased T in aging men might result from increased E2 negative feedback. To this end, we compared in young and elderly men the effect on gonadotropin and testosterone secretion of aromatase inhi- bition by administration of letrozole, a specific and potent fourth-generation aromatase inhibitor. Letrozole, currently indicated as a treatment for breast cancer, reduces systemic E2 concentration in males by 30-50 %. The premise was that if increased E2 negative feedback were instrumental in the age-related decline of testosterone levels, aromatase inhibition would result in a greater gonadotropin response in elderly men compared to young men. The aim of the study in Chapter 3 was to correlate clinical symptoms tentatively described as ‘andropause’ with biochemical measures of androgen status; the usefulness of questionnaires to detect hypoandrogenism in the elderly being dependent on their ability to pre- dict (subnormal) androgen levels. Recently the ‘Aging Males’ Symptoms’ (AMS) rating scale was developed aimed at a more systematic description of severity of symptoms related to a clinically defined ‘male climacteric’. AMS is a more general, composite measure of well-being or health status specifically designed for aging men. In this context we examined the relation between (free and bioavailable) testosterone levels and dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEA-S) with 10 AIMS OF THE THESIS the results of AMS and other questionnaires assessing the perception of health in a community- based population of ambulatory older men participating in an observational study on the rela- tionship between androgen status and bone mineral density. The literature on the relation of depression, depressive symptoms and/or depressive mood with testosterone levels in elderly men has not been unequivocal. In the same cohort of elderly men we wished to determine the prevalence of depression as assessed by a 30- item Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) score and to describe the association between this score and sex steroids, an androgen receptor polymorphism and general health related quality of life and functionality (Chapter 4). In Chapter 5 and 6, we no longer evaluated relative sex hormone deficiencies, but described the effects of drastic induction of overt hypogonadism followed by cross-sex hormonal substitution in transsexual persons. In the first study (Chapter 5) the regulatory role of oestrogens and androgens on haemoglobin and the haematocrit in transsexual persons undergoing cross hormone administra- tion was monitored. To this aim, we assessed a quantitative assay of bone marrow erythropoietic activity, the soluble transferrin receptor. Since the start of treating transsexual persons in the multidisciplinary Ghent Gender Team it has been decided to advise a dual-phase hormonal schedule, with a first reversible part where sex specific features are suppressed together with starting the real life test. In the second phase cross-sex hormones are given resulting in –to a great extent- irreversible feminisation and masculinization. We aimed to describe the Ghent hormonal treatment regimen for the first time, to explain the rationale behind it and to evaluate its long-term safety (Chapter 6). Also, while most studies on transsexual people focus on long term psychological, surgical and physical health a surprisingly small number of studies
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