>, & > *• r }&• : * sc*ra-- .•J Ur <&*•#& ra/HSOgf * «'«• OJtw^trtrHh Southern Tier Edition Friday, March 11,19K> patronal church, PlJWH*fiST Ave. North near Brown St., Roches- ter on Thursday, March 17 at 10 ajn. N v Bishop Kearney wiJI preach theoanegyrlc. Members of vari qusOFganteatlons including the To Speak At Ancient Order of Hibernians, Friendly Sons of St, Patrick, Knights of Equity, Knights of Columbus and auxiliaries will Dinner attend the Pontifical services. Coriung — His. Excellency, THE BISHOP will be assisted Auxiliary Bishop Lawrence B. by the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Wilfred Casey of the Diocese of Roches­ Craugh, arch priest; the Rev. ter will be. the speaker at the Michael P. O'Brien, deacon; the annual St, Patrick's dinner of Rev. Roy B. Morphy, subdea Corning Council, Knights of Co­ con. Assistants at the throne lumbus, according to Grand will be the Rev. John H. Knight Paul Tammaro. O'Loane, QS.B. and the Rev. of Ceremonies will be the Rev* Oh Thursday, March 17. Sir-st In * series of Capm c^ Monslgnor Lee Division of the js&aaatmsJoh r^^r^in L. Coonan, secretary. Thie feren<?*|>wi» |>e ,held In <?ur ^^ttrtdnstaraitett of thl^ctaevements w,ititi^<f among Bishop Casey who is rector Rev. Alfredo Morotti will beV Ancient Order of Hibernians will of Sacred Heart Cathedral, Lady of Lourd?s parish hall, El children of tfte ^brachial sdhools jtn Ehou* wa$ given by the hold their third annual corporate cross bearer. Rochester Is also a vicar general Students of St. Andrew SeiO' -f^aii*-*!))-!**^^ a joint' meeting Communion and breakfast on 0t 0 Sunday, Match 13 at Mark Twain J£l^l ™*.*^ ™ . i wary wuffill the minor offices, "can.. •dulid":"of 'Organists. ..anfl.ill^'XsiS*?*, Hotel following (reception of Holy •J^JW?IUA?Y B hop was Arrangements for the Mass are* M^T-: 1 to OTembera-of^tha-Hanimono^^^'**-^ ^^^^^^^^^ to , Jta AMp; sftoidj^yed, The three grpuw, direcWr bi h held at the K. of C. Home, Ith»w on ,%urlday, '.Sfct$$r 17 Church, Eimira***•"•-. ~ -" and St Bernard Seminaries. His ' " at 6:30 p,m, according to Jo&eph Mitt0guirs^h6ra^cBs%n8n. Siater Edwins Teresa: presented The Rev. Dr. Joseph M. Egan first appointment was as assist­ IRISH AMERICAN organiza­ '- ":ii'i4^«b6 * m period, rotfeaa n ouutandlng: group of selec­ tions will mark the day with The Rev. Robert J. Downs, as- -,- " '•.-•.. -..^i' tions that .^e)|wel£.recfived p"^ of $t. Bernard Seminary will be ant pastor of St. Mary Church, f ^^ta%#a«i(fl#^fe!*m;fnp-|hi* the guest speaker at the, break­ Rochester. celebrations in the evening. sistant pastor at Immaculate wltn, Bppifdicilqini of the ^t«»at the large audience. Mr*. Maria Bishop Kearney will be the hon- Gr.-Portei^Eean^^ fast Jfe.0^to>ej^J,932,-FatherXasey r r ConcepUon^ Ithaca,.will be,guest S -^SohaBroen^wgihg^or^ «tr was appointed * vice chancellor ofeeT guest -and- speak at" the . IHISr)PwST ^ cbiiference ^yiUChapte r was accompanist 20th annual dinner, of the speaker. "" i event ale Attorneys John P. Sul and secretary to the late Bishop , .^.,'fion)pSteivJn.^tts«lf and *Hl. The Revi Richard .Roth, SJW •/stir Mji», ^CRjiS)-r* The liyan .and Bonald J. Seaman. Knights of Equity in Powers William Egan, Sr^" grand rt m'8r^testf»rt*|jt a program of director of Music at St John John Francis" O'Hern. He also JgiU|ht of Ithaca Council 277, will Catjiolic ^Bntral Terein of Amer­ .-—-1—o—«—- served as, secretary to Archblsh- Hotel Ballroom at 6:.30 p.m. • work .in'the flehj of marriage Atonement Seminary, Montour ica, eldest Catholic lay organla- op-Bishop, Edward Mooney and The Bishop will be presented serve as toastmaster. George J, •in :tt^s^hf i&i!if»lf of • ; Fall* spoke on Catholic Church ttbn Pi its kind In the country, by City Court Judge Leo T. Kleman, district deputy, will be. • -j^' i8^"'w-arfa d^tesoj Music* - St. Anthony His Excellency Bishop Kearney Sfoa*y;hlg»|,v|j$y Hour, for will celebrate its centenary dur­ unul 1946. " Minton as toastmaster. Co-chair­ honorary chairman. Assisting vocsUohs opened by BB Ex^ PROGRAM ing the organlatlon's annual con­ men Leo F. Simpson, Jr. and are: William Sherwood, nefcjets; Mission Closes Father Casey was appointed lency Bishop Kearney, the Bevi, *oy and GW Choirs vention at Rochester, NX, Aug. Michael T. Ryan have, arranged John Barrett, food; Joseph flat­ pastpr of Hbly Cross Church, Albert J. Sluunon^ profeaaor of in attending-. the aejsibiw bii$ it America The J|eaut}jfta ...... W-17. ' Solemn' -closing of the Mission Rochester on Feb. 1,1946, In the a program of dancing and en­ tery, music; John Bangs, decora­ U^SS^^kMJSS^JJB^^ for4tht women of St. Anthony tertainment. tions; Walter O'Brien, publicity. English, St Andrew Seminary 1 ififfl^L ' ,3lsatnTg"stny:rBt3Bpp~wai~-fa^ >"wjis'-' vrtttt any metnber of the We're AJI[ TogetheTogether Again .,. •* episcopal host to the conven- ! : no*;,- ---«"•> Eltzabet.„i,„rth. BoyleD„.,I«, O'Derk>r»-a« Culhaner>,.ii,ana, anj jt will be served by the girls " • ,V,!i.*.f«.i.. ....;,, Greeting •^JSTaV^'SThe Mission for the me. n wil.....l. eonferrin/|r the .Cardinal's hat Cage Co8 Chattty.'s.Sea Chanty .Aft .organization of Catholic on the former Bishop of Roches­ Mary Keenan, Helen O'Connor of the Sodality. Reservations for Patents and tl^ young peo­ men,' mostly of German origm, open at 7:30 p.m. with daily mis­ ter.. and Ann Sullivan. members and guests close March ple are Invited to psrUclpi^e Buy Me Flowers...... Gonzales sion Masses each morning at, 6 l^ejUtfs Hat^Itpan Folk gong the: Verein, with headquarters THE RANK OF Domestic THE ANCIENT Order of HI 13.' In the exejrfilses. starting at: T here, now has Some 68.Q0O mem- and 8. An evening Mass will be p.m. and cotitlnuuif untU^g Stonfl^Jauh^^ Target celebrated at 7i30 ^on. -an«W*d Prelate with the title, of JRlght bernlans program will open with MExeitiplified bfert T^brtgir^^^Sl^l^cher Reyerend Mottsignor waV con?eT>ttl«rtRev» Michael -p.~t)'Brien, JjJ^JUrtoataa7jMs» <3«*. lnTlS states. hesday. J. Whelan, C.BS.R,vrector. !• <«ndld#t«v-wi»lie«»ed th«-.pre»?n- The Reverend Father Brendan, j^edjin Father-Casey in Novem- xhaplain_and a group of-HIbern^ Canadian Families ; Carmen, Carmeja , J-..«....."" It was formed on Apr. 15,1835 ber, 1947. ians having dinner in the Lilac ..... Mejdcan Folk Song by delega,tes of 17 parish benevo- S.A. U conducting the Miulqn. Room of Seneca Hotel at 6 p.m. , special ceremony pi j||ie Kfilgh&i of My Desire ,.,...,,. Bishop Kearney named Mon> Draw Allowances h»n$ st^cjfities frbm various parta aignor Casey rector of the Pro- Following the dinner, ^ the Ottatf»-^4NC)-, At the end of cfoauftib^sir"*t«W local home .>.,..... FillpinorJFolk Sonp Cathedral of the Sacred Heart annual St. .-Patrick's Day Ball 5 ' of Co*nln^- K<3 CJWincii iaaiSniH l,,,l l d of December, 1954, there were ,«,.*vC«ie^pFT0:i TOelr purpose warfo unite , ; 3 ••«•• on Feb. 28, 1952. The monslgnor}«n Entertainment will be held 2,176,130 Canadian families draw­ wjnedlctua'. .,. Carnevall Catholic men fop 01 Wecl ln ,Ther carifitda)erlwre" from .EI- assumed his new duties on In **"* Ontario Room of the Sen- ing family allowances for a total Ave MPSfif ...,.:. ..,T.... Kodoly charltab.le.and educationaS l pur.£:i Chicago March 21. Later _in . 1952__, Pop_e ' eca Hotel. A dance will also take , . mli^S?flmtnsr,Wa«erly and Bfng- r of 5,104,6662 children. The De­ 'Sestet. Choir "-<• pqses, and to encourage the study Corning — Miss Gfcrmaln Pat-. Pius XH elevated Sacred Heart place in the Hibernian Club, 48 cember total payments we're $30^ » hanitoli,••:•lEhe-Jdegtsse work was Attente ttomlne .... Oregorlan practice of social Justice as ricl» Kattdow, daughter of Mrs.!Church to the rank of Cathedral Alexander St The club will be 842,458. - *--#f1^\6MHttiW«p<SflSed"lrectlor' "" 5ft«?Eonr As Children '-; open throughout the day for mned by the Popes. , _ Martha Kandovv of Rogers City^'jpr the Rochester diocese. anyone desiring to visit it The - -•!- -pre'nVefcdIrecfe»,. •*,^...;7i Youse 7T5T1916, the-NattonaTCJathoilc Mch.7^va^"raarrted^oTCarT^cr- Monsignor Casey was conse- mi general public is invited to the Vtohign'arifaffillats eUnio of- nth ewa Vereins founde. d as ***g. Wend^lich, »son of Mr. crated Titular Bishop of Cea and ^ CauntaLierViM;a«hrb •„_«-»..,-..-._,.,..» aftd ^jra JEdnnmd Wenderllch, Auxiliary to the Bishop of Roch- various activities. deputy^ ->vc -,'.•;, -j->^*- - ! - 19. HarT^rthedrai ' ^-"" .XolinTitmrwnt-havr a-dinner-hrU Eotip$lnlr-# ^esfttoony a duv V: For Miu McCabe The ceremony was performed Cchchairmen of the dinner are i -iffer Wl'^5^T^^jd*rjabOTn^S^ Corning — Requiem Mass was ^-Wi^lrf^tl^Chai^ anr Johnt:] -ChmnsirTlieniogtonT-^ perso^sKttelegate^-from tftica, celebrated VVeahisdaV, March 2, Fifth Army Headquarters, Chi Clark. Reservations are being Munich, Germany —"(RNST -^t •Wayerly, .Binghamtoir, Syracuse, In St .Joseph Church, Campbell, cago. 111., with Capt, Polald, Cath­ made at the hotel. Pope Plus XH sent his kpostolic' Eimira and" tifh attended the for Miss Eliabeth M, McCabe, 86, Of Pilgrimage olic chaplain of headquarters, of­ Following the djnner, a. danc- blessing to Prof. Romano Guar-! —affair, of Campbell. She died the pre­ ficiating. Jt was followed by a ing. party will be held at Corn-^lnl, renowned- Catholic theo- Hi'c,~.:]$". \ '•& ' ',"'' '• '"• vious Monday, In the Reed Nurs­ ToLourdes reception idr about 75 at the ing Council, K.
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