LYRE TREE Vol. 4 No. 17 April 8, 1926 Page 1 William Cahalian Claimed By Death Had been superintendent of grounds and buildings for years Mrs. Gerald Lewis Heads Conference Faults of American Educational Policies Discussed in Articles Prexy Will Preach At Hobart This Week-End Professor Packard Will Leave S. S. C. Resignation from faculty effective next fall Quarantine Found Necessary Because Of Scarlet Fever Under order students are not allowed to leave campus for a week Five cases reported Page 2 Farewell Co-Operation Needed Failure “American Mercury” Failure of Students Blamed on Colleges Why Not? Lewis Hammond Meet in Washington Page 3 [Missing when archive was compiled] Page 4 [Missing when archive was compiled] Page 5 Sports Editorial Worth Knowing In Sport Prayer Of A Sportsman Vladimir Drozdoff Plays at Recital Page 6 The Intercampus No. 17 Vol. 4. ANNANDALE-ON-HUDSON, N. Y., APRIL 8, 1926 WILLIAM CAHALIEN FAULTSOFAMERICAN EDUCATIONAL !QUARANTINE FOUND CLAIMED BY DEATH POUCIES DISCUSSED IN ARTICLES I NECESSARY BECAUSE H~B~nSu~rinhn~ntofG~un~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l QFSCAR~JFEVER --- for Years I [In this issue of the Lyre Tree represents the modern industrial and ~~ and Buildings Not William Cahalien, superintendent there appears the first of a series of economic order, especially its leaders, Under Order Students Are Campus of grounds and buildings of this col- articles which will deal with the and that it therefore gravitates to- Allowed to Leave lege, died at his home on campus faults of American educational poli- Ward economic imperialism, we shall ' For a Week Easter Sunday morning, April 4, af- cies. The article this week concerns not, I believe, delude ourselves for an I --- ter a lingering illness of about four itself with administrative problems. instant t?at the latter and not t~e j FIVE CASES REPORTED --- months. His death was caused by In the next issue college curricula former IS the case. What does It J sovereignty of What is said to be a modified form heart trouble. ! will be touched upon.] mean if we except the on campus The deceased was 55 years old at ' One hears much of late of student such a state as an ethical principle? [of scarlet fever appeared March 28, and since the time of his death, and had been agitation against compulsory mili- i First, we must sanctify massed sel-l last Sunday, five students have been isolated at St. Stephen's college for over 30 tary training, compulsory chapel, in- j fishness and mass greed; second, per-'J then a number of others years. He started as a workman on efficient instruction, the railroading • mit ourselves to act corporately upon , for treatment and under strict surveil­ the grounds and later became super- of inspiring and competent profess- ! principles that we condemn privately, I have been put one to go down un- intendent of the grounds and build- ors, compulsory .courses, arbitrary and finally we must surrender ethical! lance. The first was E. W. Young of 1ngs. Mr. Cahalien had seen class methods of administrators, etc., etc. authority over ourselves to any gov- der the affliction and following close after class come and go from St. Are these murmurings sporadic and. ernment officials who happen at the Sidney, N. Y., 1 were the three Stephen's, and was highly esteemed, capable of being localized and treat-i moment to be able to determine what upon his confinement of Utica, N. Y., N . not only by them, but also by the ed ac~o~dingly, or is. ~ll this unrest ; the sovereign state shall do or refrain [others: W. Zisch Mass., and C. Mat- present student body and faculty. orgamc m nature, ansmg from caus- , from doing. I Seckel of Boston, City, N. Y. With In speaking of the deceased, es deeper than the surface indica-! Such ethical assumptions have seep-! tice of Johnson i the fourth student, Father Bell said, "He was without tions? If we but boldly face the fact ' ed through our whole American socie- the isolation of 1 that the college doubt, the best man I have ever that the modern state is both widely ty, the colleges included. The ques-l it became evident with the ' tion is often raised, "Have we not \ was fated for quarantine. The order known, he was the soul of honor and and intimately intertwined 1 this about was publish- honesty, and absolutely truthful in forces that make or mar life, and take! the right to look to the colleges for which brought Dr. Barton Cook- things. He lived for the college, into account the further fact that it! (Continued on page 3) i ed on April 3 by all 1 college physician. It and never thought of his work in ingham, the terms of pay." PREXY WILL PREACH AT !' PROFESSOR PACKARD iread as follows: SCARLET FEVER .Mr. Cahalien i.s survived by his! HOBART THIS WEEK-END WILL LEAVES S C : CONCERNING Wife and two children. • • . 1I " There are four cases of scarlet Th f 1 h ld W d 1 --- I i' These --- in isolation at present. d e u~era t ~~s , el :n The nes-i Father Bell is to leave Saturday to jl ·fever · cases are all very light. While there ~y mornmg .a ho c oc f. p ~dser-~ tt d th b t" f F d , Resignation From Faculty Effective 1 Ion o oun er s . N F 1 • h to f eel un- vices were In c arge o res1 ent a en e ce e ra 1 ext a 11. IS no reason w atever 1: d 1 •t d d" t d · · Bell; Dr. Lawrence Cole, former ! Day at Hobart college. Each year ·, IS resse , It IS nec- head of this institution· Cha lain . · : u Y exci e or '. P some promment educator IS asked to Alpheus A Packard assistant pro-' essary to remember that everybody ' !' Inter- . I • exposed to ·Crosb y, and. thFather . Garmer.t t d address the student body at this oc- fessor of mathematics and physics on the campus has been In e pnva e ceme ery, a - . ·' . those who have had men. t t t was th ll caswn and to speak on some phase of has tendered his resignation from the the disease. For 1 th d" h d b Jacen o e co ege. , e d ucabon.. D , r. Bell s sub" Ject IS. to , faculty of this college, to take effect! e Isease t ere nee e no confine- 'be "Certain Educational and Admin-! at the conclusion of the present' ment to the campus by way of quar­ LEWIS istrative Problems of a Small Col- ' term. While he has not yet chosen a ; antine; but in order to obey the law MR S. GERALD l CONFERENCE lege." I future position, it is probable that i ~s .well as to safeguard the neighbors HEADS he has: It IS necessary. that no one on cam- ' ! Father Bell plans to stay over 'ln-! he will go to Boston, where ---. til Sunday night both in order to ! one or two openings in mind. i pus who. ~as not . had . the dis~ase work here : should VISit any house m the neigh­ For 10 days, begmnng June 30, j preach at Trinity Church on Sunday! Before entering upon his or visit the :illage or any there will be a conference held here ·morning and also to speak again to I as a member of the faculty, Profes-j bo~hood,. or city for a per- at St. Stephen's for men and women. the students at their evening service. ! sor Packard occupied a similar posi-; ~eighbormg town week from today. In case It is to be held for the purpose of 1' tion at Syracuse University where he\ wd of one develops, this per- discussing religious problems con- --- was located for four years. However, ~ any further case be extended for one nected. w!th educa_tion, soc~al se~ice, I '?is real l~fe-work has been engineer- iod will have to date such new cases and missions. This gathermg Will be SIGN YOUR NAME mg, particularly naval engineering, week from the 'similar to that which has been held and for 15 years he was an engineer\ may appear." wish to visit his home both at Wellesley and at Hobart for and manager of such businesses. One "No one will . f Students who plan to attend the f h most important positions heldI: during this time, as he may have the 1as t f ew years. ThIS con erence, o · t e spring dance are asked to affix b f that of Ibeen exposed and will endanger the e or e as f our years a t P rmce-. y Pro essor Packard was h Id f th 1 t friends and family if ton, was moved because our campus their signature to the notice on the general supintendent of the Herres-, health of his seeme d b e tter a d apted f or th e pur- bulletin board in Preston Hall. hoff Manufacturing Company, yacht Ihe should go away." of this notice, the pose. Mrs. Geral~ Lewis, a resident The dance committee cannot pro- builders located at Bristol, R. I. Here I Since the posting placed in confine­ of Beacon and Wife of an alumnus ceed with its plan until a sufficient the "Columbia," twice winner over fifth student was a day or two of ob­ of this college, will be the chairman number of men have signed their the Lipton boats in the international ment, following Cox, of Dallas, of the committee for the conference.
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