2021 SUMMER LEARNING ACTIVITIES June 2021 Dear Secondary Parents / 亲爱的中学部家长 / 친애하는 중고등학교 학부모님께 As we step into another summer after a wonderful school year, we wanted to provide your students with some resources to keep the learning going as they prepare for the coming 2021-2022 school year. 在一个美好的学年结束后,我们将迎来又一个暑假,我们希望为您的孩子提供一些资源让他们继续学习,为 即将到来的 2021-2022 学年做准备。 이번 학년도가 끝나고 여름 방학에 들어가기 전에 학생들이 방학 동안에도 계속해서 공부하면서 2021-2022 신학기를 준비할 수 있도록 몇 가지 학습 자료를 제공하고자 합니다. In this workbook, we have grade-appropriate English and Math resources, designed to help your student keep the learning fresh and going. We would also recommend students use the following websites as needed in areas where they need more support or would like to further investigate a subject-area: 在本练习册中,我们有适合各年级的英语和数学资料,旨在帮助您的孩子保持学习动力和持续性。我们也建 议学生在需要更多支持或希望在某一学科领域更精深探讨时,使用以下网站的帮助: 제공되는 워크북 안에는 학생들이 배운 내용을 계속 기억하고, 배울 수 있도록 학년 별로 적합하게 고안된 영어 및 수학 학습 자료들이 들어가 있습니다. 또한 학생들이 도움이 필요한 부분이 있거나, 과목 별 영역에서 더 공부하기를 원하는 경우, 아래의 웹 사이트를 활용하는 것을 권장합니다. - www.ixl.com - https://www.khanacademy.org/ The English resources enclosed to do not have an answer key provided. We would encourage students to use IXL as needed to measure their growth and confidence in those topic areas. The math resources do include answer keys. 附上的英文资料中没有提供参考答案。我们鼓励学生根据需要使用 IXL 来衡量他们在这些主题领域所取得的 进步和信心。数学资料有提供参考答案。 영어 자료에는 답안지가 들어가 있지 않습니다. 학생들이 필요에 따라 IXL 을 활용하여 해당 영역에서의 향상도와 자신감을 측정하기를 권장합니다. 수학 자료에는 답안지가 포함되어 있습니다. Students may turn in completed workbooks at the start of the 2021-2022 school year to give teachers an idea of their progress and understanding of skills, but no grades will be given. 学生可以在 2021-2022 学年开始时提交完成的练习册,让老师了解他们的进步和知识理解,但不会打分。 학생들은 자신이 공부한 내용의 이해도와 진척 사항을 교사들이 파악할 수 있도록 개학 날에 다 푼 워크북을 제출할 것이지만 성적으로 나오진 않습니다. Whether you are continuing at CDIS next year or going on to new adventures, we are excited to see where your learning takes you. 无论你是继续在 CDIS 就读或者下学年去新的学校,我们很乐意看见你随处喜爱学习的情形。 여러분이 신학기에도 CDIS 에서 계속 함께 하시든 아니면 새로운 곳으로 이동하시든, 배움을 통해 계속해서 향상되기를 기대합니다. Have a wonderful summer! 祝福大家暑假愉快! 즐거운 여름 방학 보내시길 바랍니다! Ms. Teusink Secondary Principal 중고등학교 교장 Suggested Summer Reading: Grades 9-12 Emma Austen, Jane Sense and Sensibility Austen, Jane Papa’s Wife Bjorn, Thyra Ferre Lorna Doone Blackmore, Richard D. Jane Eyre Bronte, Charlotte Lord Jim Conrad, Jospeh A Tale of Two Cities Dickens, Charles Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan Rebecca du Maurier, Daphne The Three Musketeers Dumas, Alexandre The Diary of a Young Girl Frank, Anne The Mayor of Casterbridge Hardy, Thomas The Endless Steppe Hautiz, Esther The Old Man and the Sea Hemingway, Ernest The Turn of the Screw James, Henry Westward, Ho! Kingsley, Charles A Separate Peace Knowles, John To Kill a Mockingbird Lee, Harper The Screwtape Letters Lewis, C.S. Mere Christianity Lewis, C.S. Space Trilogy Lewis, C.S. Call of the Wild London, Jack White Fang London, Jack The Princess and the Goblin MacDonald, George A Quiet Neighborhood MacDonald, George The Lady’s Confession MacDonald, George Christy Marshall, Catherine The Scarlet Pimpernel Orczy, Baroness Emmuska Animal Farm Orwell, George This Present Darkness Peretti, Frank E. The Yearling Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan All Quiet on the Western Front Remarque, Erich Maria Frankenstein Shelley, Mary The Bronze Bow Speare, Elizabeth George The Hiding Place ten Boom, Corrie The Hobbit Tolkien, J.R.R. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court Twain, Mark 12TH GRADE PART 1 Grammar and Language Workbook GRADE 12 Grade 12 Grammar and Language Workbook_TP.indd A1 4/2/15 3:12 PM Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may be reproduced in print form for non-profit educational use with MHE/Study Sync, provided such reproductions bear copyright notice, but may not be reproduced in any form for any other purpose without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education, including, but not limited to, network storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning. Send all inquiries to: McGraw-Hill Education 2 Penn Plaza New York, NY 10121 Grade 12 Grammar and Language Workbook_CP.indd ii 4/2/15 3:12 PM Grammar Grammar 45 Name ___________________________________________________ Class _________ Date ____________________ Unit 1: Parts of Speech Lesson 1 Nouns: Singular, Plural, Possessive, Concrete, and Abstract A noun names a person, place, thing, or idea. A singular noun names one person, place, thing, or idea. A plural noun names more than one. Grammar SINGULAR PLURAL Person: poet, sister poets, sisters Place: hill, biology lab hills, biology labs Thing: wind, hairbrush winds, hairbrushes Idea: love, belief loves, beliefs The possessive form of a noun shows possession, ownership, or the relationship between two nouns. SINGULAR POSSESSIVE PLURAL POSSESSIVE Possession: writer’s story writers’ stories Ownership: Samantha Winthrop’s car the Winthrops’ cars Relationship: the cat’s color the cats’ colors ᮣ Exercise 1 Write S above each singular noun, P above each plural noun, and poss. above each possessive noun. Pposs.S The breezes carried the nightingale’s song. 1. Kamaria’s family gave me a tour of their house yesterday. 2. Bill fulfilled his obligations to the charity through his generous donations. 3. When will Martha’s mom find out whether the doctor recommends an operation? 4. Brad is studying to be a legal assistant, while Beth’s plans include a career as a nurse. 5. Lightning and thunder don’t frighten me as they did during my childhood. 6. The freshly mown grass will please my parents when they return from work. Copyright © Copyright McGraw-Hill Education. is Permission granted to for reproduce classroom use. 7. Sharon explained Ted’s faults to him throughout lunch. 8. Zahara, may I introduce to you my friends Scott, Kevin, and Paul? 9. I enjoy the wind’s steady rushing sound on a long, windy afternoon in March. 10. The debater from the other team proved a point against our squad just before the buzzer. 11. After the prom, our friends breakfasted at the local diner on Main Street. Unit 1, Parts of Speech 47 Name ___________________________________________________ Class _________ Date ____________________ 12. The instructor corrected Frank’s misunderstanding about that particular chemical reaction. 13. The Nile River flows for a longer distance than any other of the world’s rivers. 14. Camilla will sing both classical and popular songs during her audition. 15. Carrying heavy loads burdened the poor donkey all of his life. 16. Carl seized on this idea when his friends’ suggestions did not work out. 17. Not only will I attend the girls’ volleyball match, but I intend to root heartily. 18. I hope the long-awaited letter gladdens Ron’s heavy heart. A concrete noun names an object that occupies space or that can be recognized by any of Grammar the senses. ocean lightning monk pecan pie star aroma An abstract noun names an idea, quality, or characteristic. truth honor beauty justice wisdom Copyright © Copyright McGraw-Hill Education. is Permission granted to for reproduce classroom use. ᮣ Exercise 2 Write con. for concrete or abst. for abstract above each italicized noun. abst. con. The splendor of the ruins inspired me to write a short poem. 1. All free people should cherish their liberty. 2. Tiffany explicitly believed everything the advertisement claimed for its product. 3. Priscilla said that it will take an eternity for us to finish this job. 4. Jimmy’s dad has kept a close watch on his health ever since the heart attack. 5. The limpid stream winds through the dark forest for many miles. 6. The general elegance of the old mansion profoundly impressed me. 7. Only when we stood closer to the railing did the depth of the canyon surprise us. 8. I finally found the book under a pile of old newspapers and magazines. 9. César said he never thought that I would take astronomy seriously enough to buy a telescope. 10. The dark green bottle and the brown mandolin made a nice subject for the painting. 11. My mother was suprised at the cleanliness of my room. 12. The job well done brought Raul great satisfaction. 48 Grammar and Language Workbook, Grade 12 Name ___________________________________________________ Class _________ Date ____________________ Lesson 2 Nouns: Proper, Common, and Collective A proper noun names a specific person, place, or thing. Capitalize proper nouns. A common noun refers to people, places, or things in general. PROPER NOUNS COMMON NOUNS Person: Douglas MacArthur general Place: Maryland state Thing: Rover dog Idea: Scholasticism philosophy Grammar A collective noun names a group. A collective noun is singular if it refers to the group as a whole, and plural if it refers to individual members of a group. The team is winning. The team pack up their equipment. ᮣ Exercise 1 Write prop. above each proper noun, com. above each common noun, and col. above each collective noun. Assume the collective nouns are also common nouns. prop. com. com. col. com. General Chow, my cat, rarely accepts newcomers into his exclusive fraternity of friends. 1. The milling crowd slowly dispersed after Sheriff Stone asked them to leave. 2. Mrs. Paulus told my mom that you have the chicken pox. 3. The crew on the boat relaxed after they anchored their vessel in the harbor. 4. Did you hear that the Thompsons are moving from Springfield to Indianapolis? 5. The entire community rejoiced to hear that the arsonist had at last been caught. 6. Of all the American presidents, I’d say my favorite is Theodore Roosevelt. 7. After only an hour, the jury returned its much anticipated verdict to Judge Eason.
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