[] a m a q a z t• n e of understanding VO LUME XXVI, N UMBER 11 NOVE.\ IBEH. 196 1 Wide Wor ld Pholo WA R IN LAOS continues . Berlin crisis is not the only trouble spot boiling under communist pressure . Here, troops patrol streets a gainst Red in filtration as struggle in Southeast Asia spreads to South Viet Nom . Page 2 The PLAIN TRUTH November, 19 61 t;h.o Personal PlAU~ TRUTH a magaz ine of understanding VOL. XXVI NO. 11 Published momhly at Pasadena, California; london, Eng.Jand; and Melbourne. Australia, by Ambassador with the Editor College. @ 1961. by Radio Church of God. H IS is being written at sea. Mrs. Back in my pre-conversion years I EDITOR Armstrong and I are returning to was, for some little time, the "Idea Man" H ERBERT W. A RMSTRONG T America on the world's fastest on the edito rial staff of America's larg­ EXECUTIVE EDITOR passenger liner, the S.S. United States. est trade journal. I was trained to look Garner Ted Armstrong This morning I was reading a news item for ideas, and to adapt them to a par· MANAGING EDITOR in yesterday's Paris edition of the New ticular problem or circumstance. It has, Herman L Hoeh York H erald Tribune. Ir provoked rhis rhrough the years, become habit to apply little chat with our reade rs. a thought or idea to altogether different SEN IO R EDITOR Roderick C. Meredirh Th is is our first morning Out at sea categories. on the present voyage. Yesterday morn­ This news story from Washington, Associae Bditors Albert ]. Porrune David Jon Hill ing, in London, we left a group of D.C., in The Herald T ribune, concerned friends waving, as our special boat tra in the Secretary of Defense, Me. Robert S. Contributing Editors C. Paul Meredith Basil Wolve rton puffed Out of Waterloo Statio n. At 1:00 McNamara. But to me, it concerned Jack R. Elliott Clint C. Zimmerman P.M. we left another group of friends YOU! Ernest 1. Martin Charles V. Dorothy and relatives wavi ng at SOuthampton The dispatch stated that the Secretary New! Bureau Director docks, appearing to shrink smaller and is popular almost everywhe re except in Gene H. Hogberg smaller in the distance as this big liner the department he heads, in the Penta­ Research StaR slowly got under way. We docked ar Le gon. Presidem Kennedy, it stated, con­ Donald D. Schroeder Jack M. Pyle C. Sherwin McMichael Joyce F. Sefcak Havre, France, about 7:00 P.M., where siders him the "most useful" cabinet I picked up the newspaper that stimu­ officer. The news men have come to ap­ Editorial and Production Anistant lated this talk. T he ship got under way prove him. He is liked by Senators and James W. Robinson again about 1:00 A.M. while we were Congressmen. His popularity rating is Regiona l Editors Abroad asleep in our room . high with the public. United Kingdom: Raymond F. McNair Last evening after din ner, as we were T hen why the lack of enthusiasm Australia : Gerald D . Waterhouse South America : Benjamin 1. Rea docked at Le Havre, the chief steward among the Army , Navy, and Air Force of the Ballroom and Lounge on the top brass? Well that brings us to the BUSiNESS MANAGER Promenade deck came to our room to point I want to make. It seems there is Vern R. Mattson shake hands with us. He said he and a lack of a well-rounded sense of bal­ Circulation Managers United States: Hugh Mauck his wife have been reading The Plain ance in the rival schools of military United Kingdom: Charles F. Hunting Trutb for years, and their children have service. And this is typical today, in Australia: Gene R. Hughes South America: Leon Walker The Bible Story almost memorized. almost all profess ions and phases of Canada: Dennis Prather Their lives, he said, have been com­ life. YOUR SUBCRIPTION has been paid by urhers . pletely changed, and they are a most You may not have realized that there Bulk copies for distribution not given or sold. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS to the Editor . happy family . They live in New Jersey, is keen rivalry between the variou s Box Ill . Pasadena, California. and hear The WORLD TOMOR ROW on branches of the armed forces. Many Air Canadian readers should address POSt Office Box 44 . Station .A, Vancou ver 1. B.C.. Canada . our New York stations. It was an in­ Force Generals, and some Navy Ad­ Our readers in United Kingdom. Europe. and Africa should address rhe Editor, B.C.M. Ambassa ­ spiring start for the ocean voyage! mirals, are advocates of the "over-k ill" dor. London W.C. I. Readers in Australia, the Philippines. China and The news item I was reading, which and "counter-force" tactics. Some Army southeastern Asia should address the Editor. Box sent me to this typewriter, struck me and Marine Generals demand that the 34 5. North Sydney. N.S.W., Australia. SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Pasadena, Cali­ as an instance of more or less common nation's safety be encrusted to the fornia. unbalance of attitude. It started a train "mobility-flexibility" program of de­ BE SURE TO NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY of any change in your address. Please inclose both c ld of thought. fense. Other high officers are "drop-the­ and new address. IMPORTANT! I began to wonder about YOU who bomb" advocates. Some want to rely read The Plain Truth. Do you think almost wholly on the missile program. It is the same in most fields. Th is is about the things you see, or read, or Others disag ree with all this, and de­ an age of specialization. hear? And do you try to maintain bal­ mand specializatio n only on supersonic Glance, momentarily, at other fields. ance of mind? Do you avoid prejudicial bombers. In medicine, the day of the family doc­ extremes? You may nor have thought Each is a specialist, Each thinks his tor and genera l practitioner is about much about these things-but they are one specialty is the "cure-all" that will gone. Those still in practice (that word very importanr to you. win all wars. (Please continue 01l page 27) WAR WITH RUSSIA This Year? We're closer fhan ever since World War /I fo a frightening NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST! WILL if begin this year? Some experts doubf if-ofhers are apprehen sive, worried. The Bible answer is NOT WHAT YOU THINK! Read fhe amazing prophesied oufcome. by Garner Ted Armstrong "PORC E WILL B E M ET WITH President Kennedy says the W est many is SURE to be the dominant power F ORC E!" screamed Nikita WILL NOT give up its access rights to in a United States of Europe. Khrushchev at the West. With Berlin. Deep in the Russian heart is the chill­ the frightening crisis over Berlin, the With the tWO big powers aga in re­ ing memory of how German panzer resumption of nuclear bomb testing, the suming nuclear testi ng, flexing military divisions lanced through the vital heart unbelievable Russian successes in the muscles, calling up reserve uni ts, step­ of Ru ssia like a sharp kni fe through race for conquest of space, the world pin g up the draft, stimulat ing defense hot but ter in two world wars! He re­ looks fearf ully at ominous WAR CLO UDS programs, a frighteni ng war of 11en'es memb ers it was only the severity of the on the horizon! is underway. Russian winter that stopped them. The gath ering storm is now reac hing But WHY? lVh)' the sti r over Berlin? He knows a NUCLEAR-ARMED Ger­ Southeast Asia! What, exactly, does Khru shchev WANT? many, at the head of a UNITED STATES Is it really com ing? Your newspapers and other news OF EUROPE, a power to surpass even the Are we going to WAR soon? media look upo n the Berlin crisis as United States or Russia, would spell only one more incident in a series of almos t certain DOOM to his plans for The Berlin Crisis maneuvers aro und the world to keep world conquest ! Several articles in recent issues of the W CS t 00 the defensive, to keep the Khrushchev is not ignorant of the T he PLAIN TRU TH have given you the cold war going, to keep Khrushchev's FANTASTIC trading gai ns of the re­ straightforward, on-the-spot repofts of policy of bluff, thr eaten and frighten his surge nt German industrialists, of the ir the real meanin g of the Berlin crisis­ enemies going. This is partl y true-s-but tremendo us and growing economic and written from Berlin. there is an even BIGGER reason whi ch political power in Africa, Sout h and A peace treaty with the East German YOU HAVE NOT HEARD! Cent ral America, throughout Europe, regime would me an immediate nullifi­ and in the Uni ted States. Khrushchev is Frightened! cation of any agreements between the He FEARS a reunification of Ge rmany, four wartime occup ational powers on Why the big hurry? Why is rhe Com­ with the uprisings which would almost free access to \'<!est Berlin. Access munist boss in such a hurry to force certainly follow in captive H ungary, through the existing highway, rail and the issue over Berlin? Poland, Czechoslovakia, and other cap­ air corridors would imm ediately be in­ Because he's scared ! tive communist -dominated states! terpreted as a flagrant violation of He sees what YOU 00 NOT! He Yes-Mr.
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