EYNSHAM PARISH COUNCIL Gravel & Minerals Committee Meeting in the Bartholomew Room at 7.30pm on Tuesday 25 February 2020 MINUTES Councillors Present: Cllr Nick Relph (Committee Chairman), Cllr Gordon Beach, Cllr Andy Mosson and Cllr Carl Rylett. Also in attendance: Katherine Doughty, Clerk to the Council. There were two members of the public present. 20/GR1 To appoint a Committee Chairman for the Council year 2019/20 – Cllr Relph was appointed as Committee Chairman. 20/GR2 To receive apologies for absence - None. 20/GR3 Declarations of Interest - to receive any declarations of interest from Councillors relating to items on the agenda, in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct - None. Public Participation - to receive submissions from members of the public relating to items on the agenda, in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct and Standing Orders – County Councillor Charles Mathew made the following objections to the proposed site SG-20b:- • The proposal encloses Eynsham. • No green recreational space left. • Concern with the close- proximity of Siemens. • Development in Oxford’s Greenbelt. • Impact of HGVs using Cassington Road. • Impact on Wharf Stream Way. • Excess minerals available in the south (more than the requirement for the north). It was further noted that:- • Other footpaths across the site will be lost. • The cumulative impact (minerals extraction and north and west developments) of HGVs using the highway network. • Proposal is encircling the village which is not good practice. • The consultation response form is complicated and the comprehensive detail/volume of technical documents is overwhelming. • Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) has consultants who are able to disproportionally get their proposal across. 20/GR4 To welcome Minerals and Waste Policy Officers, Oxfordshire County Council to discuss The Oxfordshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan part 2: Site Allocations consultation. OCC Minerals and Waste Policy Officers were welcomed to the meeting. It was noted that anyone wishing to respond to the consultation can do so by emailing – it is not necessary to complete the online form. OCC is in the current Regulation 18 consultation stage – the sites are subject to change if necessary. Consultation responses will be referred to the Cabinet and other sites may need to be considered if necessary. The Mineral & Waste Core Strategy was discussed. Some rebalancing of minerals extraction needs to be made and the site proposals need to be in accordance with the Core Strategy. In response to the site encircling Eynsham objection raised above, this was felt acceptable in view of the ‘temporary’ nature of the site. Whilst the consultation document specifies a 4 year extraction, this would actually be more in the region of 10 years. In view of the proposed development in Eynsham, it makes sense for the minerals to be near to supply the development areas. When extraction is complete, the site would revert back to Greenbelt, ie free from development. In terms of a routing agreement, HGV’s would be required to use the A40. Officers felt that there is good transport access for the site. The Wharf Stream Way art trail and northern Public Right of Way were discussed. Whilst this subject would be considered at planning application stage, it is anticipated the routes would be protected with the use of bunds, as a condition. The Committee Chair commented that the proposed site (SG-20b) will provide 3 times more gravel and minerals than the amount needed and queried whether alternative options are available. It was noted that an existing site at Standlake would have been suitable had the licensee fulfilled their excavation requirements and not stalled. Members felt that the proposed Eynsham site was therefore unnecessary and that the Standlake site should be worked in accordance with the obligations and agreements already in place. It was further noted that the proposed Eynsham site is the only one of all the sites considered, that is in the Greenbelt. A hydrological survey will need to be undertaken to understand the impact of excavations on the flood plain and Oxford Meadows Special Area of Conservation. It was noted that draining the site into the river is not permitted. When queried about assessment of biodiversity, this aspect is undertaken at planning application stage supported by an Environmental Impact Assessment. A net gain in biodiversity would be sought should the application be approved. HGV access to the site via Cassington Road would be hazardous to pedestrians and cyclists. This would be another consideration at planning application stage. Standing Orders were suspended to permit members of the public to take part in conversations. It was noted all of the excavation in North Oxfordshire is undertaken by one company which it was felt to be not commercially sensible. Other concerns include flooding for the Lower Windrush due to excavation, digging too close to the Thames and OCC’s conflict of interest due to owning adjacent sites at Wharf Farm and land off the B4449. Transparency regarding the publication of consultation responses online was raised. OCC advised that due to GDPR, only redacted responses can be published online. This is contrary to the practices of other local authorities and it was requested that unredacted responses are uploaded to the website for everyone to read. 20/GR5 To consider a response to the consultation – The Parish Council’s response can be found at Appendix A. 20/GR6 Date of next meeting – to be advised. Councillors and residents are to refer to the published meeting agendas for confirmed dates/times. The meeting closed at 8.40pm. Appendix A OXFORDSHIRE MINERALS AND WASTE LOCAL PLAN PART 2 – SITE ALLOCATIONS CONSULTATION January 2020 RESPONSE FORM Oxfordshire County Council is preparing the Oxfordshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan, comprising two parts: Part 1 – Core Strategy; and Part 2 – Site Allocations (Sites Plan). Together these will guide all future Minerals and Waste Development within Oxfordshire. The preparation of the Draft Sites Plan follows on from the adoption of the Minerals and Waste Core Strategy in 2017. The Core Strategy set out the vision, objectives, spatial planning strategy and policies for meeting development requirements for the supply of minerals and the management of waste in Oxfordshire over the period to 2031, and the Sites Plan sets out those mineral and waste sites needed to deliver the Core Strategy. Oxfordshire County Council have published a Draft Minerals and Waste Local Plan: Part 2 Site Allocations Plan (the Sites Plan) for consultation. The consultation is from Wednesday 22nd January to Wednesday 4th March 2020 This Response Form contains all the questions in the Minerals and Waste Local Plan: Part 2 - Site Allocations (Draft Sites Plan), which should be read alongside it. The Draft Sites Plan, and all supporting documents are available to view and download at: https://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/content/new-minerals-and-waste-local-plan If you would like to make comments, please complete a Response Form and send it to us by: • E-mail to: [email protected] • Paper copy to: FREEPOST OXFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL • Online at: https://consultations.oxfordshire.gov.uk/consult.ti/system/register? If you are sending a response to the FREEPOST address, please make sure you write “MWPlans” in the top left hand corner of the envelope to make sure it reaches us. Please send your response to reach us by 4pm on Wednesday 4th March 2020 Paper copies of this form, if required, are available from the Minerals and Waste Policy Team (contact details below). If you are unable to use this form, we will accept comments by email or post. Comments must be received by 4.00pm on Wednesday 4th March 2020. Alternative formats of this publication can be made available on request. These include other languages, large print, Braille, audio cassette, compute disk or e-mail. Please contact the Minerals and Waste Policy Team: Direct Line: 07979704458 or 07741607726 Email: [email protected] Part 1 – Respondent Details 1(a) Personal details Title Mrs First Name Katherine Last Name Doughty Job Title Clerk to the Council (where relevant) Organisation (where Eynsham Parish Council relevant) 1(b) Agent details Only complete if an agent has been appointed Title First Name Last Name Job Title (where relevant) Organisation (where relevant) 1(c) Contact address details If an agent has been appointed, please give their contact details Address Line 1 91 Brize Norton Road Line 2 Minster Lovell Line 3 Witney Line 4 Oxford Postcode OX29 0SG Telephone No. 07956 901622 Email address Are you writing as A resident A parish council A local business A district council Minerals industry A county council Waste industry Other (please specify) T Where did you hear Directi from OCC. about the c consultation? k Please tick the appropriate boxes if you wish to be notified of any of the following and to show how you wish to be contacted: (If you do not tick any of the boxes below, you will not be contacted again with regard to the preparation of the Minerals and Waste Local Plan) Contact Contact by Email by Post Publication of future consultations on the Minerals and Waste Local Plan – Part 2 Site Allocations Plan. Submission of the Minerals and Waste Local Plan – Part 2 - Site Allocations Plan. Examination of the Minerals and Waste Local Plan – Part 2 - Site Allocations Plan. Adoption of the Minerals and Waste Local Plan – Part 2 - Site Allocations Plan. Any other consultations on publications produced by Oxfordshire County Council Minerals and Waste Team Data Protection and Freedom of Information Oxfordshire County Council is a data controller for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council dated 27th April 2016).
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