MEETING of the GOVERNING BODY held in public 22 May 2019 at 9 am Boardroom 1, New Alderley House, Macclesfield SK10 3BL Chair: Dr Andrew Wilson A G E N D A 8.45 ARRIVAL - tea and coffee available Agenda Delivery & Time Title / Description Speaker No. Decision 9.00 1. PRELIMINARY BUSINESS 1.1 Welcome & apologies for Dr Andrew Wilson Verbal absence 1.2 Declaration of any interests Dr Andrew Wilson Verbal relevant to the agenda items 1.3 Minutes of the previous meeting Dr Andrew Wilson Paper attached held in public – 24 April 2019 For approval 9.05 1.4 Public Speaking Time 9.15 1.5 Chief Officer Report Clare Watson Paper attached For information 9.30 2. STANDING ITEMS 2.1 Financial Performance Report Alex Mitchell Paper attached Month 1 as at 30 April 2019 For information 9.40 2.2 Governing Body Assurance Alex Mitchell Paper attached Framework For approval 9.55 2.3 Transforming Care Programme Tracey Cole Paper attached update For information 10.00 3. BUSINESS ITEMS 3.1 NHS Eastern Cheshire CCG David Johnson, Annual Report and Accounts Grant Thornton Verbal 2018-19: External Audit Opinion For information LLP from Grant Thornton LLP 3.2 NHS Eastern Cheshire CCG Annual Report and Accounts Clare Watson Paper attached For approval 2018-19 10.20 3.3 Moira McGrath Safeguarding Children – new Designated Nurse Partnership Arrangements for Paper attached for safeguarding For endorsement Cheshire East children NHS ECCCG Governing Body Meeting– held in public 22 May 2019 Agenda Delivery & Time Title / Description Speaker No. Decision 10.35 3.4 Ipsos Mori 2018/19 360o CCG Stakeholder Survey 2019-19: Matthew Paper attached Results for NHS Eastern Cunningham For information Cheshire CCG 10.50 4 COMMITTEES OF THE CCG - MINUTES Eastern Cheshire Primary Care Gill Boston Paper attached (General Medical) Services For information 4.1 Commissioning Committee – 13 March 2019 Cheshire CCGs Joint 4.2 No report this month Commissioning Committee 5 SUB COMMITTEE MINUTES / REPORTS 5.1 Governance and Audit Committee No report his month 5.2 Remuneration Committee No report this month 5.3 Clinical Quality and Performance Sheila Hillhouse Paper attached Committee – 10 April 2019 For information 6. ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORTS 6.1 Locality Management Meeting – Dr Andrew Wilson Paper attached 3 May 2019 For information 6.2 Eastern Cheshire HealthVoice No report this month 11.00 CLOSING REMARKS DATE AND TIME OF NEXT GOVERNING BODY MEETING held in public Wednesday 26 June 2019 9am- 12.30 t.b.c. Boardroom 1, New Alderley House Page 2 of 2 MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BODY held in public Wednesday 24 April 2019 – 9 am Boardroom 1, New Alderley House Unconfirmed MINUTES VOTING MEMBERS OF THE GOVERNING BODY Lay Member, Patient and Public Involvement (CHAIR) Jane Stephens PRESENT Chief Officer Clare Watson PRESENT Chief Finance Officer Alex Mitchell PRESENT General Practice Representative – Laura Beresford PRESENT Bollington, Disley, Poynton General Practice Representative – Chelford, Handforth, Alderley Edge, Dr Fari Ahmad PRESENT Wilmslow General Practice Representative – Dr Rob Thorburn PRESENT Congleton and Holmes Chapel General Practice Representative – Dr Jennifer Lawn APOLOGIES Knutsford Deputy GP Representative Samantha Ridley PRESENT Assistant Clinical Chair , General Practice Dr Mike Clark APOLOGIES Representative – Macclesfield Lay member, Governance Peter Munday PRESENT Lay Member, Gill Boston APOLOGIES Patient and Public Involvement Public Health Representative, Director of Fiona Reynolds PRESENT Public Health, Cheshire East Council Secondary Care Doctor Member Janet Walls PRESENT Registered Nurse Member Sheila Hillhouse PRESENT NON-VOTING MEMBERS Commissioning Director Neil Evans PRESENT IN ATTENDANCE Dawn Wayne Note taker Whole meeting Matthew Cunningham Head of Corporate Services Whole meeting Head of Intervention and Resilience Whole meeting Stuart Jackson NHS England and NHS Improvement – North West Region Page 1 of 17 Draft – 16 May 2019 Senior Commissioning Manager – Learning Presenting papers for Mark Hughes Disabilities & Mental Health, Cheshire East items 3.4 and 3.5 Council Head of Service for Learning Disabilities and Presenting papers for Keith Evans Mental Health, Cheshire East Council items 3.4 and 3.5 Director of Commissioning, South Cheshire & Presenting paper for Tracey Cole Vale Royal CCGs item 3.6 Other Members of the CCG management Part meeting 2 support team Jacquie Grinham & Whole meeting Representing HealthVoice Diane Walton Part meeting Whole and part 2 Member of the public meeting 1. PRELIMINARY BUSINESS 1.1 Welcome and apologies for absence Jane Stephens opened the meeting. Apologies for absence had been received from Dr Andy Wilson, Dr Mike Clark, and Gill Boston It was confirmed the meeting was quorate. 1.2 Declaration of any interests relevant to the agenda items None Declarations of interest made by members of the Governing Body are listed in the CCG’s Register of Interests. The Register is available either via the secretary to the Governing Body or the CCG website. 1.3 Minutes of the previous meeting held in public – 27th March 2019 1.3.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on 27th March 2019 were accepted as an accurate record subject to the following amendments: - 2.1.9 first bullet point to read, “The revised forecast outturn of £5.25m………” - 5.2.1 First sentence to read, “PM reported that the CCG had a constitutional inconsistency in terms of the Remuneration Committee’s ability to make decisions. 1.4 Public Speaking Time Diane Walton raised two questions on behalf of HealthVoice. 1.4.1 1. NHS Digital state all GP practices will be connected to NHS App by July 1st 2019. HealthVoice (HV) have concerns regarding equity across the CCG footprint. HV would like to know if all CCG practices are on target to be connected and offer the range of services stated - access to symptoms and advice, book and manage appointments, order repeat prescriptions,and view their medical record. If the full range is not provided in all practices by July 1st HV would like to know what percentage of practices will not provide the full range and why, and what is the time scale for NHS Eastern Cheshire CCG Governing Body meeting held in public 24 April 2019 Page 2 of 17 Draft – 16 May 2019 meeting the full service. HV recognise that NHS digital state that not all practices may provide the full range but our concern is that if there is not equity across the CCG it becomes a postcode lottery for patients. 1.4.2 2. At the January Board meeting HV raised the question of public engagement from ECCCG in Cheshire plus wide commissioning. The response from the Board indicated that it could have done better and would do in future. However it seems that again the whole process around PPI from organisations is not an open and transparent process. HV and the Communications team having established the need to widen public engagement we seem to have narrowed engagement by the use of one person on a ‘who you know’ basis. There will not be widening of public engagement if nothing is put out to be involved in and the over use of one member of the public eventually creates a narrow and skewed public/patient view. HV would wish to see appropriate systems, processes and transparency in public engagement and would like the Board to consider adding that at the tender stage of commissioning so that prospective providers put forward what their intended process is for public engagement. 1.4.3 Neil Evans made indicative responses to the questions and confirmed that a written response to HealthVoice would follow. (See Appendix A) 1.5 Chief Officer Report Link to Chief Officer's Report Clare Watson highlighted some of the main points in the report; The Integrated Community Stroke Rehabilitation Service (ICSRS) commenced on 1st April 2019 providing post hospital care and support for stroke patients in their local community. Agreement has been given to proceed with redesign of the adult and older people’s mental health services. CW publicly thanked Jacki Wilkes for successfully leading this work across Eastern and South Cheshire. A temporary 3 month closure of new outpatient referrals to the rheumatology service at East Cheshire Trust has been implemented. NE advised that tentative negotiations are in progress with two independent providers should the necessity arise to provide capacity and minimize the impact for those patients who have been waiting the longest. A solution to the provision of the Parkinson’s Nurse Service is expected imminently, subject to final contractual agreement, which will offer an equivalent if not better service to patients. Wording within the CCG’s Constitution regarding the appointment of a new Clinical Chair has been agreed by NHS England and supported by the membership and a variation request has been submitted to amend the document. NHS Eastern Cheshire CCG Governing Body meeting held in public 24 April 2019 Page 3 of 17 Draft – 16 May 2019 Interviews are taking place for the new Director roles for the Single Executive Team working across the four Cheshire CCGs. Healthskills has been appointed to deliver organisational development support across the four Cheshire CCGs. It was advised that memberships would have access to leadership skills courses through AQuA and the Leadership Academy. Discussions are under way with AQuA to create more bespoke training in terms of clinical leadership. GP Appraisers do receive guidance from NHS England on relevant courses for members. Safe and Well visits by Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service are continuing. Following a query regarding monitoring and delivery of outcomes, NE confirmed that it is anticipated that the agenda will be reviewed at the end of 2019. The Governing Body was assured that regular meetings are held to ensure any immediate operational queries are addressed.
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