OCULUS NEW YORK CHAPTER AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS CHAPTER BACKS "MAGNIFICENT" CIVIC CENTER P·LAN THE ANNUAL ME.E:TING: NEW OFFICERS, NEW AWARDS Realization of the proposed New York Civic Center plan, recently made public ''will be the greatest physical improvement to the city within By F. Marshall Smith living memory," the Chapter told Mayor Wagner last month. At noon on January 3, a record In a telegram, President Frederick Woodbridge urged that "the recom­ turnout of members attended the mendations of your Civic Center Committee be approved without delay, Chapters annual meeting at the and that every effort be made to assure the realization of this magnificent, Arcnitectural League. The meeting practical, and imaginative plan." had been delayed from June, 196~ The plan, shown in model photo in compliance with the request from (right), was prepared by three the Institute that the change-over Chapter members, Arhitects Max of officers and chairmen coincide Abramovitz, Simon Breines, and with the National Committee Robert Cutler, with Traffic Engin­ change-over at the beginning of eers Day & Zimmerman. It includes tne calendar year. two new towering office buildings After opening the meeting, Pres­ for the city (at north end of mall), ident Woodbridge called for a the federal government (behind reading of the ballot and additional that), and a smaller executive of­ votes from the floor before closing fice building (at left). These struc­ t he polls. The President then paid tures plus City Hall (bottom) and ribute to the late Harry B. Rut­ the Surrogate's Court would over­ kins and asked the Secretary to look the new park, created by de­ read the resolution establishing the molishing the old County Court Harry B. Rutkins Award. Mrs. House, closing several cross streets, Rutkins acknowledged with thanks and installing underground park­ and made the award to the first ing and subway connections. The recipient, David F. M. Todd, for his plan is estimated to cost only $13.7 accomplishments on behalf of the million more than the $150 million Chapter as Chairman of the Fees already approved. & Contracts Committee. Dickson Woodbridge stated that one point McKenna, Chairman of the A wards demands immediate attention and Committee, presented other new the firmest action: the recommen­ citations to the following: dation that present plans for the Federal Office Building and Cus­ Citizens Committee for Preservation of toms Court be revised to shift the Tompkins Square Park off ice building west and the Cus­ Recipient: Vivian Nemhauser toms Court north. This revision Skidmore, Owings & Merrill-Subway will make an "incalculable differ­ Model l'ie1v of proposed Civic Center, looking north; City Hall at bottom, Entrance, Nassau and Cedar Sts.­ ence" in the overall plan, he said. Brooklyn Bridge ramps at right. (Chase Manhattan Bank) Woodbridge pointed out that Pres­ Represented by Robert W. Cutler ident Kennedy recently placed The Chapter offered the Mayor great stress on imaginative plan­ "its complete support and any as­ Clarke & Rapuano-Public Gardens; ning and good architecture, and sistance within its power toward U.N. Headquarters added: "It would be a great mis­ the accomplishment of the recom-· Represented by Richard C. Murdock fortune if the one serious flaw in mendations of your Committee." Mayer, Whittlesey & Glass-Interior a great plan was due to lack of "We congratulate you on this Courtyard, New School for Social Re­ understanding and cooperation on magnificent program," the tele­ search the part of a Federal government gram stated. "Let us see that the Represented by Julian H. Whittlesey agency." most is made of it." Continued on p. 2 2 not be jeopardized. The atmosphere Calif., and received his Bachelor of OCULUS of cooperation must be preserved Architecture from Cornell in 1929. VOL. 35, NO. 4 and enhanced." Since its founding in 1946, he has AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS To close the meeting, Chairman been a partner in the New York NEW YORK CHAPTER of Tellers Robert Beder r eported City firm of Brown, Lawford & the results of t he election. With Forbes, 224 East 46th St. Recent MARGOT A. HENKEL, Executive Secretary 480 valid votes, t he following were work of the firm includes new 115 East 40th Street New York 16, N. Y. elected to serve t he Chapter in buildings on the Wesleyan Univer-· M\,Jrray Hill 9-7969 1963 : sity campus, and current recon­ struction and additions to the Met­ · - -· ~ EpERICK }· WOOD~RIDGE ..... .. .. President President: .... Geoffry Noel Lawford ropolitan Museum of Art and The . DAVID L. EGGERS .... ... ..... ..... ..... Vice President Vice President: .. .. Lat hrop Douglass C. GATES BECKWITH .... .. .. Secretary Cloisters. ALBERT H. SWANKE ......_. ... ......... ....... Treasurer Secretary : .. Charles Gates Beckwith Mr. Lawford recently completed Treasurer: ... ..... .... Albert H. Swanke a two-year term as chairman o! PUBLICATION C.OMMITTEE the New York State Board of Ex­ Executive Committee: PHILIP M. CHU .................... .............. .. Chair man aminers of Architects, and was for.­ OGDEN TANNER ........ Vice Chairman and Ed itor Bro. C. J . B. Baumann merly director of the New York JAN WHITE .... ....... ............. Associate Editor Emanuel N. Turano JOHN DIXON ... .. .. ....... ...... .. , .. ... Associate !:ditor State Association of Architects. He Committee on Fellows : is a member of the Architectural A. Gordon Lorimer League, and an associate member 1'HE A N:VU.AL lvlEETJN G Continued from p. 1 Daniel Schwartzman of the National Academy of De­ sign. In 1950 he served as vice Ludwig Mies van der Rohe- Open Jury for the Medal of Honor and president of the New York Chap­ Plaza, Seagram Building A wards of Merit: ter, and from 1956-58 as a member No representation. Citation mailed. Frederick J . Woodbridge of the Chapter's executive commit­ Richard Boring Snow tee. Olmstead Associates, Brookline, Mass. Richard W. Snibbe -design and landscape architecture Ocuws joins the Chapter in of paving and parking area, Metropoli­ Committee on Professional Practice: warmest congratulations and best tan Museum of Art Geoffrey Platt wishes to Mr. Lawford for the year No representation. Cit ation mailed. Aaron Na than Ki ff ahead. · John Gray Faron Salute to Seasons Fund, Jnc.-leader­ ship in stimulating citizens toward a R epresentative to the New Y ork State CITY CLUB SPONSQ:RS NEW constant program to beautify the city, Association of A rchitects: CIVIC ARCHITECTURE AWARDS (flower and tree planting and flood­ F . Marshall Smith lighting) George D. Brown, Jr., Alternate New Yor k's pioneer civic group, Represented by Mrs. Albert D. Las­ The City Club of New York, is en­ ker President Woodbridge introduc­ gaged in a campaign to improve the ed the newly elected officers and qualit y of civic architecture. As Retiring President Woodbridge, thanked the outgoing members of part of this campaign, it has an­ in his accustomed vigorous, good-· t he Executive Committee, then nounced a competition among ar­ humored style, delivered a "Hail turned the gavel over to new Presi­ chitects. The awards will be named and Farewell" address. Without at­ dent Lawford, who closed t he meet­ for Albert S. Bard, 95-year-old tempting to review the many ac­ ing with a short address. trustee of t he club, who for more complishments of his extended ad­ t han 60 years has fought for a ministration, he emphasized one more beautiful city. The compe­ great Chapter gain: ''For what­ tition was organized by a sub-com­ ever cause-and much credit goes mittee of the club's Municipal Af­ to the previous administrations of fairs Committee under the chair­ Bancel LaFarge and Bob Cutler­ manship of Leon Brand, AIA, of t he New York Chapter has achiev­ Frederick G. Frost Jr. and Asso­ ed a position with respect to t he ciates. government of the City of New In a circular sent to all members York which is stronger t han at any of the AIA in the New York area time I can remember in the past. and to all New York City public Not only is the opinion of the Chap­ agencies, it was announced that ter respected, it is often asked, and submissions must be made by Feb­ its help and advice r equested by ruary 25. The judging will take numerous City agencies. It is easier place on March 4 and 5, and the for the Chapter Officers to gain ac­ awards will be made at a luncheon cess to the Mayor , the Chairman G of fry Noel Lawford F AIA, new on April 22. of the City Planning Commission, Chapter president, was born on In addition to one or more First and other department heads. This Dec. 25, 1903 in England, attended Honor A wards for Excellence in is an accomplishment which must high school in Santa Barbara, Civic Architectur e, the jury will 3 11 bestow A wards of Merit in Civic $5000 "QUEST FOR QUALITY IS Architecture on as many entries 1963 CONVENTION THEME as it deems deserving. An appro­ AWARD priate plaque will be presented for From the Estate of the late "The Quest for Quality in Archi­ tecture" will be the theme of the installation at buildings which re­ Arnold W. Brunner ceive the First Honor Award. Institute's 1963 Convention, to be President held May 5-9 in Miami. .Architects interested in entering of the New York Chapter the competition or encouraging The main session on Wednesday The American lnstiute of morning, May 8, will explore, among similar competitions in other cities Architects 1909-1910 may obtain copies of the announce-· other topics, the criteria for defin­ FOR AN IDEA ~ent circular by writing to The ing quality and the reasons why For the best prop~sal for a spe­ these criteria are ever-changing. City Club of New York, 6 West cial study that will contribute The second session, on Thursday ) 48 Street, New York 36, N.
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