SINDH COMMUNITY MOBILIZATION PROGRAM CMP Year VII– Annual Report (October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020) MOBILIZATION PROGRAM Date: October 29, 2020 CMP is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). CMP is implemented by Blumont Pakistan (SMC-PVT) Ltd., under Contract Award No: AID-391-C-13-00006. This report was produced for USAID. Sindh Community Mobilization Program Annual Progress Report Year VII Contract Award AID – 391 – C – 13 – 00006 October 1, 2019 – September 30, 2020 TABLE OF CONTENT A. PROGRAM SUMMARY........................................................................................................................... 5 B. SUMMARY OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS DURING October 1, 2019 – September 30, 2020 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6 C. MISSION STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK (MSF) INDICATOR SUMMARY FOR OCTOBER 1, 2019 – SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 ............................................................................................ 7 D. STATUS OF THE ACTIVITIES AS PER COMPONENTS ................................................... 8 Component 1: Increase Communities’ Involvement in the GOS Reform of Merging, Consolidating, and Upgrading Schools ......................................................................... 8 Component II: Improve Community and District Government Coordination for Increased Girls’ Enrollment ......................................................................................... 16 Component III: Improve Child Nutrition in Selected Communities and Government Schools through Research that Informs Innovation and Good Practices................ 23 Component IV: Launch of Education Management Organizations (EMOs) ................... 26 E. Cross Cutting Activities ........................................................................................................................ 34 Gender Mainstreaming ........................................................................................................ 34 Documentation Outreach and Communication ............................................................... 36 Care for Community Initiative ............................................................................................ 38 F. OPERATIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 40 G. WROK PLAN FOR NEXT QUARTER ......................................................................................... 45 H. CHALLENGES .......................................................................................................................................... 52 I. KEY LEARNING ....................................................................................................................................... 54 ANNEX – I: SUCCESS STORIES ................................................................................................................ 55 ANNEX II: INDICATOR BASED SUMMARY ...................................................................................... 59 ANNEX III: MAJOR MEETINGS AND ATTENDANCE SHEETS OF July– September 2020 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 63 ANNEX IV: FINANCIAL REPORT ............................................................................................................ 65 P a g e 2 | 65 Sindh Community Mobilization Program Annual Progress Report Year VII Contract Award AID – 391 – C – 13 – 00006 October 1, 2019 – September 30, 2020 ACRONYMS CA Concession Agreement CFC Charter for Compassion CMP Sindh Community Mobilization Program COP Chief of Party CSO Civil Society Organization CSR Corporate Social Responsibility DCOP Deputy Chief of Party DEO District Education Officer DRR Disaster Risk Reduction DST District Support Team ECCE Early Childhood Care and Education EMO Education Management Organization GBHS Government Boy’s High School GBPS Government Boys’ Primary School GBSS Government Boys’ Secondary School GHS Government High School GOS Government of Sindh HBL Habib Bank Limited IA Internal Auditor IBA Institute of Business Administration ICT Information and Communications Technology IE Independent Experts IEC Information, Education, and Communication IRC Indus Resource Center KPI Key Performance Indicators LOP Life of Program LSU Local Support Unit M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MIS Management Information Systems MOVs Means Of Verifications MSF Mission Strategic Framework NA Nutrition Associates NFE Non Formal Education PD Program Director PDR Planning, Development, and Research PMIU Program Management and Implementation Unit PKR Pakistani Rupees PPP Public Private Partnership P a g e 3 | 65 Sindh Community Mobilization Program Annual Progress Report Year VII Contract Award AID – 391 – C – 13 – 00006 October 1, 2019 – September 30, 2020 PSF Project Support Fund PTA Parent-Teacher Association RFP Request for Proposals RSU Reform Support Unit SBEP Sindh Basic Education Program SCDP Sindh Capacity Development Project SELD School Education and Literacy Department SEMIS Sindh Education Management Information System SHNCs School Hygiene and Nutrition Committees SIP School Improvement Plan SMC School Management Committee SMP Social Mobilization Plan SPPRA Sindh Public Procurement Regulatory Authority TEO Taluka Education Officer TFEC Technical and Financial Evaluation Committee TOT Training of Trainers USAID United States Agency for International Development WATSAN Water and Sanitation P a g e 4 | 65 Sindh Community Mobilization Program Annual Progress Report Year VII Contract Award AID – 391 – C – 13 – 00006 October 1, 2019 – September 30, 2020 A. PROGRAM SUMMARY Pakistan faces challenges across the nation’s education system. In Sindh province, a range of factors have hindered progress. After the Government of Pakistan committed to improvements in line with the global Millennium Development and Sustainable Development Goals, Sindh developed the Sindh Education Sector Plan to guide local action. A significant bi-lateral initiative to advance the plan and Pakistan’s commitment to improving access to quality education for all children, is the comprehensive Sindh Basic Education Program (SBEP). Implemented by the Government of Sindh and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), SBEP aims to increase and sustain student enrollment in primary, elementary, and secondary schools across Sindh. Initially planned as a five-year effort across seven districts in northern Sindh (Dadu, Jacobabad, Kamber-Shahdadkot, Kashmore, Khairpur, Larkana, and Sukkur), and five towns (Bin Qasim, Gadap, Kemari, Lyari, and Organi of Karachi), the program’s success led USAID and GOS to extend efforts for an additional three years, with expansion of activities to the entire province. A central component of SBEP is the Sindh Community Mobilization Program (CMP), implemented by Blumont Pakistan. CMP increases community and private-sector involvement in school reform and strengthens local coordination to improve student retention and opportunities. The program has four key components: 1) Increase community involvement in the GOS reform of merging, consolidating, and upgrading schools; 2) Improve community and district administrations’ coordination for increased girls’ enrollment; 3) Improve child nutrition in selected communities and government schools; and 4) Component: Launch of the Education Management Organizations (EMOs). Three cross-cutting themes bolster CMP’s components: 1) Gender mainstreaming of program activities; 2) Water and Sanitation (WATSAN): improving Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) facilities, knowledge, and practice; and 3) Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR): improving awareness, knowledge, preparation, and practice. Additionally, CMP has provided small grants to 300 neighboring schools to address needs identified and prioritized in school improvement plans (SIPs). Initially a five-year program focusing on 409 schools(106 construction schools and 303 non- construction schools, also termed ‘neighboring schools’), the duration and scope of the program expanded with SBEP’s continuation. Under the revised scope of work, CMP will work with 750 schools across all 29 of the province’s districts. P a g e 5 | 65 Sindh Community Mobilization Program Annual Progress Report Year VII Contract Award AID – 391 – C – 13 – 00006 October 1, 2019 – September 30, 2020 B. SUMMARY OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS DURING October 1, 2019 – September 30, 2020 The seventh year of CMP implementation included significant accomplishments, as well as unexpected challenges that required innovative thinking to continue driving progress. , CMP supported communities, school administration, and district education officials to implement school consolidation, merging, and upgrading reforms. These efforts resulted upgrades1 to all reconstructed USAID-funded SBEP schools. Inauguration ceremonies were held for newly constructed schools, including a high-profile event co-chaired by the GOS and USAID in Karachi. In support of the GOS School Education and Literacy Department’s (SELD’s), Education Management Organization (EMO) reform, CMP provided technical, administrative, legal, and logistical support to advance public-private partnerships. CMP facilitated
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