WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY COMMENCEMENT ///MASONIC TEMPLE fEBRUARY 4, 1960 \ ~nlln.UDl.............................. n.u ••••• ~ ••m ••gllnIUlllull~llmlld.lnln ••••••• ................... BOARD OF GOVERNORS HON. LEONARD WOODCOCK, Chairman HON. JEAN McKEE HON. BENJAMIN D. BURD,ICK HON. CLAIR A. WHITE HON. DeWITT T. BURTON HON. LYNN M. BARTLETT, Ex Officio HON. MICHAEL FERENCE, JR. ~t . -------COMMENCEMENT COMMITTEE "' William M. Borgman Richard H~,Schell Richa'rd 1:. Collins Viola Sturges Schell F. Morse Cooke Mary JClne Sherwood , , Arthur J. Dolsen Homer D. Strong Robert O. Eskola John C.' Sullivan Robert W. Grant Harold E. Tallman Evelyn E. Holtorf Elsie W. Townsend Thelma G. James Elizabeth Platt Tschaeche Alfred C. Lamb Frank X. Tuohey Leonard Leone Robert Vervinck J. Don' Marsh Howard M. Hess, Chairman Don H. Palmer Harold E. Stewart, Vice Chairman Va Iter Poole Rupert i.. Cortright, Marshal ,The soloist is a member of Wayne State University Concert Choir The Wayne State University Orchestra under the direction of Va Iter Poole Citations for Honorary Degree Candidates wriHen by Thelma G. James The marshals and ushers serving during this commencement exercise are undergraduate students of the University -I -------- ORDER OF EXERCISES ,OVERTURE Academic Festival Brahms :PROCESSIONAL The Kaiser March Wagner (The audience is asked to rise as the academic procession enters and to remain standing until the Invocation has been pronounced.) HYMN TO WAYNE THE NATIONAL ANTHEM To thee, our Alma Mater, JNVOCATION "Homage we bting,. The Reverend Charles C. Jatho, B.A., B.D., St., John's Episcopal Church, Brave hearts raise grateful voices Royal Oak Thy praise to sing. Young art thou, young and strong~ 'FOREWORD Renowned shalt thou live, and long~ The Honorable Leonard Woodcock, Chairman, Honors to thee will throng- Wayne State University Board of Governors And Fame to thee cling. THE CONFERRING OF THE HONORARY DEGREES We laud thee, Alma Mater, Clarence B. Hilberry, Ph.D., L.H.D., LL.D., Sc.D., President of the University Guardian of Right. Thou art our guide, our mentor- HYMN TO WAYNE DeTar '27 Thy name shines bright. (The audience is requested to rise for the singing of the Hymn.) Keep Learning's light aflame, And hold Tr~th a sacred name, THE CONFERRING OF THE ACADEMIC DEGREES Honor, thy steadfast aim. All hail to thy mightl WELCOME TO THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Elmore E. Pollock, '30, President-Elect, -Nicholas Stanley Oates '29 Wayne State University Alumni Association THE AWARDING OF R.O.T.C. CERTIFICATES DECLARATION OF CIVIC LOYALTY Arthur Neef, A.B., J.D., Vice-President and Provost BENEDICTION (The audience is requested to rise for the Benediction and to remain standing until the Recessiorial is completed.) RECESSIONAL Queen of Sheba Gounod ---- CANDIDATES FOR HONORARY DEGREES-Continued CANDIDATES FOR HONORARY DEGREES .----- For thirty .years he has participated in the geological exploration of remote FOR THE HONORARY DEGREES earth areas, written books, monographs, and scientific articles on Antarctic problems, and served as Officer and Consultant to the Army Air Forces. During Leonard Leone, M.A., Chairman, Faculty Committee on Honorary the International Geophysical Year, he has been the Coordinator of Antarctic Degrees research programs for twelve nations. Honored by universities, learned societies, and governments as one of this country's most distinguished geophysicists, he DOCTOR OF ARTS IN SOCIAL WORK serves as a valued member of the boards of philanthropic and scientific founda­ tions dedicated to the support of scientific research and to the advancement of ELIZABETH WILKINS LIVINGSTONE teaching. B.A. To the burdens of college administration, he has brought the skill and ~t . imagination of his scholarly and scientific work. Under his wise leadership and Escort: Dean Charles B. Brink dedicated concern, Carleton College has become one of the finest private col­ Elizabeth Wilkins Livingstone, a native of Detroit; a grad~ate of Vassar ~ol­ leges in the United States, recognized for its high ,academic standards, for its lege; since 1952, she has been Direfctor o~ Public Information and Education fine student counseling services, and for its successful integration of traditional and experimental educational programs. for the United Community Services 0 Detroit. After ten years in business, she has devoted her entire career to the work of the social agencies. Her skillful interpretation of their ~rograms has enabled ROGER LACEY STEVENS clients to utilize them more advantageously. For the contributors has come' n.ew Escort: Dean J. W. Menge undel'standing of human needs and appreciation of the functions of the agencies, and thereby greater financial and volunteer support. Roger Lacey Stevens, a native of Detroit; one of this country's most successful As Detroit has continued to guide the nation in the community conception real estate brokers, he is also, an Organizer of the Producers Theatre and Mem­ of the social services, in the wide partici~ation in gathe!ing fun~s for more ber of the Playwright's Producing Company, Broadway's outstanding play adequate programs, much credit'must be given to the dedicated, skilled leader- producer. Deeply interested in the problems of. urban re-development, he has helped ship of this outstanding citizen. to change the face of many American cities. His encouragement of a sound combination of private ownership, government cooperation, and functional DOCTOR OF HUMANE LETTERS architecture has eliminated slums and brought new life to blighted areas across the country. OSKAR MARIA GRAF His dedication to the welfare of the American theatre has rarely been matched. Escort: Professor, Erhard Dabringhaus For ten year he has backed Shaw and Shakespeare revivals, experimental pro­ ductions, and promising young playwrights. The soundness of his judgment and Oskar Maria Graf, a native of Germany, si~ce 193~ a reside!'t .of New the excellence of his taste are reflected in the many box-office· successes cred­ York City; former President o·f the ~erman-~merlcan, Wrlters~ssoclahon, .and ited to his personal concern with the details of production. But no play he has Member of theP.E.N. Club of America, he IS the author of thirty-five novels, ever staged exceeds in dramatic interest his own life's portrayal of an American volumes of short stories, essays, and poems. .• dream - a great business man who is also a distinguished patron of the arts. His formal education through private studies was !ested and enrlCh~d by a life-experience reflected in his great autobiography Pfls?ners All, as varied and d amatic as that narrated in any of his novels. From his youth he has worked DOCTOR OF LAWS a~ many jobs, tramped and traveled, observed and written. Possessed of a r,!re narrative skill, he is a spinner of tales that grip the r~a~er .for they deal with WALTER FREDERICK CAREY "blood and earth". His philosophic essays are the d!stillatl~n of clearly c~n­ B.A. ceived principles; in his poems is the finely tuned musIc ~f his response to .bfe. Escort: Mr. Homer D. Strong Three times a voluntary exile for his courageo~~ resls!ance to the ~azl r~­ gime, he was ultimately deprived of his German ~Itlzenshlp, Today, resident In Walter Frederick Carey, a native of Detroit; a graduate of Wayne University America, he is a regular contributor to the leadmg newspapers of th~. We.st in 1926, he is now President of Automobile Carriers, Inc., of Flint, Michigan., Federal Republic and is honored as one of the greatest writers In G erman , ". btl t d • to other For more than thirty years associated with trucking, transport, and carrier' modern European letters. As his works contmue to • e rans a ~. In services, he has been President and Board Chairman of the American Truckingl languages, the universality of his genius gains ever Wider recogmtlon. Association, and of the Foundation. In addition to the heavy demands imposed by his many business enterprises,. nOCTOR OF HUMANITIES he has assumed a full measure of civic responsibility: to his church and its: national affiliates, to the budget work of national philanthropic associations, LAWRENCE McKINLEY GOULD and to his country as counselor in transportation and traffic safety. B.S., M.A., Sc.D., LL.D., L.H.D. To Wayne State University he has given dedicated leadership: as President "Escort: Dean Victor A. Rapport of the Alumni Association, Board Chairman of the Wayne University Founda­ tion, and of the Alumni Fund. His generous gifts of time and talent have fre­ Laurence M~Kinley Gould, a native of Michigan; a graduate of the Univer­ quently taken the equally important but less conspicuous form of wise counser sity of Michigan, earning the doctorate in 1921; until 1923, a' member of the and support to individuals, for projects and programs essential to the growth faculty; joining the sta.ff of Carleton College as Professor of Geology, he became of the University. The University recognizes with special pride the achievements President in 1945. of one of its most loyal and distinguished alumni. ~1 CANDIDATES FOR DOCTORAL DEGREES ----CANDIDATES FOR DOCTORAL DEGREES-Continued---- From the Graduate Division Palmer C. Pilcher, Ph.D., Administrative Officer ROBERT RALPH KIDDER, A.B., 1951, M.A., 1953, Wayne State University Dissertation Title:"A Theory of the Interpretative Approach to Oral Reading." DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Adviser: Dr. Eugene H. Bahn WALTER ANTHONY ALBERS, JR.; B.S., 1952, M.S., 1954, Wayne State University Dissertation Title: "Observations of Surface Transverse Magnetoresistance GEARY ALLEN McCANDLESS, A.B., 1953, M.A., 1956, Brigham Young UniversitY Effects on N-Type Germanium!' Dissertation Title: "Differential Thresholds for Frequency in Neuro-Sensory Adviser: Dr. J. Earl Thomas, Jr. Hearing Loss." '. Adviser: Dr. John H. Gaeth ROBERT W. BAILEY, B.S., 1954, University of Washington; M.S., 1956, Wayne State University . FRED MEYER, B.S. (Chem.), 1935, University of Michigan; M.S., 1937, Ph.D., 1941, University of Wisconsin Dissertation Title: "A, Critical Study of the Separation of Trace Amounts of Chloride, Bromide, and Iodide." Dissertation Title: "Mixed-Type Partial Differential Equations with Analytic: Coefficients." Adviser: Dr.
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