Fi*—---- f NET PRESS hUN I AVERAGE DAIIA UlHrOl-ATlON ‘ for tlie Month of March, 1029 5,326 Uembct of tke AmlM BarcM et CtreatatloM !. • (dassiflod Advertising on Page 8.) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 29, 1929. VOL. XLIIL, NO. 166. ANOTHER GIRL NO ONE NATION Proposed Addition ^to Center Church Y IC T M O F A CONTROLS SEAS, SAYSXOOLDIGE I N T WRECK TORMAYER DECLARES OFnCIAL Strangled and Later Cremat­ Time Now Passed for Naval Cars Take Rre After CraA ed, Remains of Young Supremacy, Writes Ex- h the Bronx, New Torlt DRY AGENTS.GET A ssists Secretary of State A REAL HOT TIP President in Ladies Home Wreck Blocks AD tfaffie Department Tejis Cana­ Woman Is Fonnd Under Wateh AD Night for “Truck- forHimra • load <x£ White Mule”— dians That U. S* is Not a Tree in Scarsdale, N. Y. - Journal Tiwned Out 0 . K. New York, April 29;— Three perf ; Loa Angeles, Cal., April 29. Nation of Hypocrites; Ad­ Philadelphia, April 29.— The Scardale, fJ. Y., April 29— The sons were killed and- forty or mote . -—Two prohVhUion, o ffi c e r s prophecy that "men will not long were In' teipnoVarv retirement Leering, hideous spectre of another Injured when t'Wo elevated trains) mits That Liquor Problem recognize the sword as the major here triday to evade jibes of "torch murderer,’’ baffled detectives crashed'In the Bronx today. source of authority,’’ is made by their ai;quai.i ,<»uces. ’ today as they sought not only to Two cars were telescoped, the The agents received a "hot” former President Calvin Coolidge in Is Far from Solved. apprehend the fiend who strangled wooden uats^ Ylarcl . up in flames. tip that a "truckload of white and cremated a young woman under the second of three articles appear­ Many passengers w .re trapped be­ mule” would be’ brought into a blossoming apple tree on the out­ ing in the May issue of Ladies’ neath wreckage and a number of Los Angeles' through a lonely* Montreal, April 29.— Existing skirts of this city, but also to estab­ Home Journal. firemen were reported hurt in res^ pa^. the desert. Armed "sore spots” between the United “ lish the identity of the victim whose" "The time has come when any cue work. The rear train, a, south­ . with' plenty^ of grins' and am- body was charred beyond recogni­ bound Ninth "avenue "L ” is said to muriltipp the men stood guard : States and Canada, embracing pro­ one nation is likely to be able to tion. have sped by a danger signal and in the freezing, cold of the hibition, the tariff and other mat­ control the sea,” writes Mr. Coo­ rammed Into a south-hound.’Lex­ Seared fragments of a flowered mQU^lains all plght, and were ters, were discussed before the Mon­ cretonne house-dress, a milk bottle lidge in the article which deals with ington avenue. rewarded at last'when at day­ reeking with the odor of kerosene, the promotion of peace through flp q R D Four ambulances and the fireand treal Club here today by William R.^ i]a6 liDPi T'r break they saw a lumbering a pair of suede skin slippers and limitation of armaments. "To set up - a police department rescue squads motor truck climbing up the Castle,' assistant secretary of the dental bridgework in the girl’s this claim would be only a fiction were rushed to the scene icamedir . pa^s; With a surprise attack American State Department. mouth— these constituted'the artic­ and to, pursue it would be only a de­ YD b\Xim — c u m conGPKAnoHAL ohjoch ately. After they arrived they sent they stopped the driver and "As a nation we are not hypo­ ulated patchwork of slender clues lusion.” in a frantic call for acetylene crites on the subject of prohibition. n?0f1T Dj^WlOtl demanded the ... white mule. out of which police hope to bring The question of parity, that torches, indicating that some’ of the The truck pilot “ reached for We have our fanatical Drys and our fanatical Wets, and both contribute to justice the perpetrator of the salient point in many of the dis­ This sketch of the proposed addition to the Ceu ter Congregational church was drawn from the. archi­ victims were pinned beneath the the sky” arid invited the dry armament conferences. Is placed in tect’s sketches for presentation to the church memberehlp-yesterday. The plans'for the addition were to the sad. comedy of life,” said third outrage in a year in which a wreckage, ' ' officers to help 'themselves. In human body has been made a fun­ a like category by the form.er execu­ drawn by Hutchinson and French of Boston, Mass. Cars Catch Fire. Castle. The telescoped cars were the first the truck they found just what “ Noble Experiment.” eral pyre. tive. their tip said— three light- Kept News Secret "So much depends on the men be­ two in the elevated train it was re'^ “ Sane thjnkers in the United The body was found late Satur­ hind the guns and the courage and ported. These cars burst' into colored mules, soberly munch­ States stand with the President in day by Joseph Selvey, a steam fit­ skill with which they are command­ cerrER c h u r c h s c h o o l DEBATE RESUMED flames after the collision which ing oats from hosebags. the belief that prohibition is a ter’s helper, and the horror of his ed that a seeming paper parity will sent wreckage flying In'every direc­ ‘noble experiment.’ We do not say discovery sealed Selvey’s lips for never be decisive in any armed con­ tion. All cars remained on the that we have solved the liquor six hours, police not learning of the flict,” Mr. Coolidge says. He points tracks. Otherwise the toll would problem. We do uot insist that the gruesome find until late Saturday out that oqr commerce and com­ SKETCHES ARE DISPUTED ON FARM TARIFF have been staggering, for the tracks method we have chosen is Inevitably night. mitments abroad are so large that are elevated at this point. the best method, but we do insist A squad of detectives was hur­ they need a navy for their protec­ Half an hour after rescuers got that we are hbnestly trying to find riedly despatched to the scene and tion “ without much reference to the to the scene the bodies of two dead the right solution. Nobody, except Medical Examiner Amos O. Squire size of the navies of other coun­ Expect Split Between Presi­ were., carried from the wreckage; TO WEALTHY ALSO the fanatical Dry and the fanatical immediately performed an autopsv tries.” The same rule, he holds, ap­ Congregation Learns of Pro- WALK IIJTO STORE, One was said to be that of a Wet, would dare to assert that, for o£ the pitifully scorched body. The plies to others. woman. Canada, the solution you have examination disclosed that the girl Another Delusion dent and Borah on Deben­ Four other victims were carried found may not be better than the “ had been strangled, perhaps by her posal of Committee in| The hope of gaining absolute STEAL THREE SUITS out a few minutes later. They were Aotkor of Law Wants It attempt we are making.” own nightgown, before her slayer security through armaments is ture Plaiu horribly burned but were alive. At Radio Allocation. had transformed her body into a termed "another delusion” by Mr. Service Yesterday— WiD 5 o’clock a hurry call was sent in Castle took up the radio alloca­ flaming human torch. Coolidge. for a fire department ambulance, Used qn Rich Tourists tion dissatisfaction of Canada to­ About 21 Years Old “ No nation,” he writes, “ ever indicating that fiYemen had been In­ gether with her tariff problem with Dr. Squire, who has conducted could say that its army and navy Seek $200,000 in Drive. Two Hartford M en M Day- Washington, April 29.— The farm jured or overcome. the United States, and waterways. hundreds of autopsies in West­ make it perfectly secure. There are relief problem returned to the First Aid Station. Who Smuggle liquor. “ The problem of the farmer of chester county, was hcfrrified at the our middle west Is vital. His need too many other peoples with armies Congressional spotlight today as First aid stations were set up bn condition of the girl’s body. The and navies. More security will be Sketches of the proposed addi­ li^ Robbery at Jacob the station platform and’ here the for relief demands Instant att^- victim, he said, was about 21 years the Senate resumed debate on the Injured were treated .before being tlon. Congress has sought for found in a moderate force which tion to the Center Congregational Washington, April 29,— It will old, 110 pounds in weight and menaces nobody than in a great Laufer^s Today. new; farm bill,' rushed away to hospitals, ; years a solution which will really about 5 feet 4 Inches tall. She had force which menaces everybody.^’ church and a complete description Administration leaders, certain of Screams of victims trapped in cost iriore than the now customary help and yet will not be economic­ reddish brown hair, blue eyes, smtfll Although Mr. Coolidge admits of the building which will probably elimlnatlrtar the export debenture the piles of shattered timbers added five dollars-a-bottle f^r tourists who ally unsound. Again the United ears and a slightly turned up nose. that “ go long as there Is evil in the arise to the west and rear of the to the horror of the scene.
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