LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT CITRUS COUNTY CITRUS COUNTY HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY CITRUS COUNTY Inverness, FL 34451-0250 (CZ Tampa, Florida 33601-2350 137 S. Pebble Beach Blvd., Suite 100 (352) 726-6767 E-Mail: [email protected] Telephone: (813)229-2775 Sun City Center, Florida 33573 HCZ 3/27-4/3/20 2T ATTORNEYS FOR THE CLERK Telephone: (813) 634-5500 Attorney for Plaintiff Facsimile: (813) 634-5501 —————————————————— on or before the 2nd day of June, 2020 [email protected] (being not less than 28 days nor more than QHſEG"TQDGTVJOQJTEQO IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE By: s/ Donald F. Perrin IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR FC[U HTQO VJG FCVG QH ſTUV RWDNKECVKQP 3/27-4/3/20 2T FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR FL Bar No. 164338 HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA QHVJKUPQVKEG CPFVQſNGVJGQTKIKPCNQHVJG —————————————————— CITRUS COUNTY, FLORIDA 3/20-3/27/20 2T PROBATE DIVISION defenses with the clerk of this court either CIVIL DIVISION —————————————————— before service on the Clerk’s attorneys or IN THE CIRCUIT COURT File No. 19-CP-000011 immediately thereafter otherwise a default CASE NO. 2020 CA 000100 A FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Division: A will be entered against you for the relief de- FLORIDA CHARLES SCHWAB BANK F/K/A manded in the complaint. PROBATE DIVISION CHARLES SCHWAB BANK, N.A. IN RE: ESTATE OF If you are a person with a disability who File No. 19-CP-002718 Plaintiff, VICTOR FELIX LEBRON, A/K/A VICTOR needs any accommodation in order to par- FELIX LEBRON, SR. Division A vs. ticipate in this proceeding, you are entitled, Deceased. ANITA L SENNOTT A/K/A HILLSBOROUGH at no cost to you, to the provision of certain IN RE: THE ESTATE OF NIKKI SENNOTT, et aI, NOTICE TO CREDITORS assistance. Please contact the ADA Coor- WAYNE CHARLES VELASCO COUNTY dinator, Hillsborough County Courthouse, Defendants/ The administration of the estate of Vic- 800 E. Twiggs St., Room 604, Tampa, a/k/a Wayne C. Velasco, NOTICE OF ACTION FORECLOSURE VQT(GNKZ.GDTQP#-#8KEVQT(GNKZ.GDTQP Florida 33602, (813) 272-7040, at least 7 Deceased. PROCEEDINGS - PROPERTY Sr., deceased, whose date of death was days before your scheduled court appear- September 18, 2018, is pending in the Cir- ance, or immediately upon receiving this NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION TO: ANY AND ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES cuit Court for Hillsborough County, Florida, PQVKſECVKQPKHVJGVKOGDGHQTGVJGUEJGFWNGF (testate) CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Probate Division, the address of which is appearance is less than 7 days; if you are The administration of the Estate of OR AGAINST GERALD J. SENNOTT, 21 $QZ 6CORC (. hearing or voice impaired, call 711. Wayne Charles Velasco a/k/a Wayne C. DECEASED, WHO ARE NOT KNOWN IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA The names and addresses of the personal DATED this 24th day of March, 2020. Velasco, deceased, is pending in the Cir- TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, WHETHER representative and the personal represen- cuit Court for Hillsborough County, Florida, SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES MAY Case No: 20-CA-000007 tative’s attorney are set forth below. PAT FRANK Probate Division, the address of which is CLAIM AN INTEREST AS SPOUSES, All creditors of the decedent and other As Clerk of the Court 800 E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL 33602. HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES BANKUNITED N.A., Plaintiff, persons having claims or demands against By Marquita Jones 6JG ſNG PWODGT HQT VJG 'UVCVG KU %2 OR OTHER CLAIMANTS WHOSE As Deputy Clerk 002718. The Estate is testate and the de- vs. decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this ADDRESS IS UNKNOWN PQVKEG KU TGSWKTGF VQ DG UGTXGF OWUV ſNG 3/27-4/17/20 4T cedent’s Last Will and Testament is July Residence unknown and if living, LISA AHRENS, ET AL., their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE —————————————————— 24, 1997. including any unknown spouse of the Defendants. THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE The names and addresses of the Pe- Defendant, if remarried and if said IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR NOTICE OF ACTION TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF titioner and Petitioner’s attorney are set Defendant is dead, his/her respective THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA HQTVJ DGNQY 6JG ſFWEKCT[ NCY[GTENKGPV unknown heirs, devisees, grantees, as- TO: UNKNOWN TENANT #1 DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS PROBATE DIVISION privilege in Section 90.5021, Florida Stat- signees, creditors, lienors, and trustees, 10218 NEWPORT CIR NOTICE ON THEM. File No. 20-CP-000905 utes, applies with respect to the Petitioner and all other persons claiming by, TAMPA, FL 33612 All other creditors of the decedent and Division Probate and any attorney employed by the Peti- through, under or against the named UNKNOWN TENANT #2 other persons having claims or demands tioner. Defendant; and the aforementioned 10218 NEWPORT CIR CICKPUV FGEGFGPVŏU GUVCVG OWUV ſNG VJGKT IN RE: ESTATE OF #P[ KPVGTGUVGF RGTUQP OWUV ſNG YKVJ named Defendant and such of the TAMPA, FL 33612 claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS JARRETT F. GOSLIN the court, on or before the date that is 3 aforementioned unknown Defendant AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLI- months after the date of publication of the and such of the unknown named Defen- LAST KNOWN ADDRESS STATED, Deceased. CURRENT RESIDENCE UNKNOWN CATION OF THIS NOTICE. Notice of Administration, any objection dant as may be infants, incompetents NOTICE TO CREDITORS that challenges the validity of the Last Will or otherwise not sui juris. and any unknown heirs, devisees, grant- ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA The administration of the estate of Jarrett and Testament, venue, or jurisdiction of YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an ees, creditors and other unknown persons F. Goslin, deceased, whose date of death the court. The 3 month time period may or unknown spouses claiming by, through STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE action to foreclose a mortgage on the fol- FOREVER BARRED. was January 21, 2020, is pending in the QPN[DGGZVGPFGFHQTGUVQRRGNDCUGFWRQP lowing described property, to-wit: and under the above-named Defendants, Circuit Court for Hillsborough County, Flor- a misstatement by the Petitioner regard- if deceased or whose last known address- NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERI- Lot 9, in Block 202, Pine Ridge Unit ida, Probate Division, the address of which ing the time period within which an objec- es are unknown. ODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM VKQP OWUV DG ſNGF 6JG VKOG RGTKQF OC[ Two, according to the map or plat FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER is 800 E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, FL 33602. thereof as recorded in Plat Book 8, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an The names and addresses of the personal PQVDGGZVGPFGFHQTCP[QVJGTTGCUQPKP- THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS ENWFKPI CHſTOCVKXG TGRTGUGPVCVKQP HCKNWTG Pages 37 through 50, Public Records action to foreclose Mortgage covering the BARRED. representative and the personal represen- of Citrus County, Florida. following real and personal property de- tative’s attorney are set forth below. to disclose information, or misconduct by 6JGFCVGQHſTUVRWDNKECVKQPQHVJKUPQVKEG scribed as follows, to wit: All creditors of the decedent and other the Petitioner or any other person. Un- more commonly known as 4750 W Angus is March 27, 2020. less sooner barred by section 733.212(3), Dr, Beverly Hills, FL 34465 LOT 12, BLOCK 15, GOLFLAND OF persons having claims or demands against Personal Representative: Florida Statutes, all objections to the valid- 6JKU CEVKQP JCU DGGP ſNGF CICKPUV TAMPAS NORTHSIDE COUNTRY decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this CLUB AREA UNIT NO.2, ACCORD- /s/ Victor Gabriel Lebron PQVKEG KU TGSWKTGF VQ DG UGTXGF OWUV ſNG ity of a Last Will and Testament, venue or you, and you are required to serve a 1684 Pine Acres Blvd. VJG LWTKUFKEVKQP QH VJG EQWTV OWUV DG ſNGF copy of your written defense, if any, ING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THERE- their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE OF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK Bayshore, NY 11706 THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE no later than the earlier of the entry of an to it on Plaintiff’s attorney, GILBERT Order for Summary Administration and GARCIA GROUP, P.A., whose address 27, PAGE 28-38, OF THE PUBLIC Attorney for Personal Representative: TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF RECORDS OF HILLSBOROUGH THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE Order Determining Homestead Status of is 2313 W. Violet St., Tampa, Florida /s/ Gerald F. Wehle, Jr. Real Property. 33603, on or before 30 days after date COUNTY, FLORIDA Attorney for Petitioner DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS JCU DGGP ſNGF CICKPUV [QW CPF [QW CTG Florida Bar Number: 769495 NOTICE ON THEM. 2GTUQPU YJQ OC[ DG GPVKVNGF VQ GZ- QH ſTUV RWDNKECVKQP CPF ſNG VJG QTKIKPCN empt property under section 732.402, with the Clerk of the Circuit Court either required to serve a copy of your written de- DRUMMOND WEHLE YONGE LLP All other creditors of the decedent and fenses, if any, to it on Meaghan A. James, 6987 East Fowler Avenue other persons having claims or demands Florida Statutes, will be deemed to have before service on Plaintiff’s attorney or waived their rights to claim that property immediately thereafter; otherwise a default Esq., Lender Legal PLLC, 2807 Edgewater Tampa, Florida 33617 CICKPUV FGEGFGPVŏU GUVCVG OWUV ſNG VJGKT &TKXG1TNCPFQ(NQTKFCCPFſNGVJG Telephone: (813) 983-8000 claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS CU GZGORV RTQRGTV[ WPNGUU C 2GVKVKQP HQT will be entered against you for the relief &GVGTOKPCVKQPQH'ZGORV2TQRGTV[KUſNGF demanded in the Complaint.
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