I!' Bull. Ind. Inst. Hist. Med. Vol. XXII, pp. 1 to 10 I GLEANINGS FROM SUKLA YAJURVEDA ,I Prof. V. J. THAKAR*' ABSTRACT Samhitas (Treatises) of Ayurveda are products of the period between the establishment of four Vedas and their Brahmanas and the production of the epic Mahabharata. Ayurveda is connect'ed 'with Atharvaveda or Rig~eda. Avurveda as a separate bian'ch of learning is mentioned first in Mahabharata which shows that, its development as a separate science of he~lth and longevity might have taken Plac'e between the period of Shatapatha and Mahabha~ata.' Here it is tried to show in brief bow Yajurveda as distinct tra'm Atha;vaveda 'and' Rigveda and its Shatapatha Brahmana are also connected with Ayurveda and how they cover subject matter of Ayurveda succinctly. We have an unbroken tradition of to the contemporary events and con- learning of Ayurveda right from God ditions in other regions; is quite a Brahma to this date; through Guru- different thing. There should not Si~ya Pararnapara. through literature- only be the account of factshap'pened Vedas, Sarnhitas and later compila- in the past but should be established tions and allied treatises; and 'also beyond doubt. Though we have rich through usage of medicines and other unbroken tradition, difficulty in tra- skilled practices preserved and inheri- cing' our history is that we find no ted in professional families, But, mention of authors name, place or study of history, as word 'Itihasa' it- time, patronage or contemporaries, self denotes a different thing, "iti preceptors or disciples, ancestors or ha asa" means such was a definite descendants, their speciality and ex- happening, Recorded account of pertise and their works in different successive (developments, rise and branches of learning, their sou-ces. falls through different ages and at etc. That is whv there is much scope different periods and places reliable of conjecture and there are so many and supported by factual evidences views and confusions, absence of of a particular region; and comparable unanimity among various scholars. *Ex-Vice Chancellor. Gujar at Ayurved University. Jamnagar, Gujarat State (India). 2 Bull. Ind. Inst. Hist. Med, Vol. XY/I Our Sarnhitas of Ayurveda are have taken place between the period the products of the period between of Satapatha and Mahabharata, the establishment of four Vedas and their Brahrnanas and the production Here, it is tried to show in brief of the epic Mahabharata. It is men- how Yajurveda as distinct from tioned in the Ayurvedic Sarnhitas that Atharvaveda and T.{gveda already Ayurveda is connected with Atharva- mentioned in Sarnhitas and its Sata- veda or Rqveda. Ayurveda is also patha Brahmans are also connected referred as Upaveda or Upanga of with Ayurveda and how they cover Atharvaveda which means similarity subject matter of Ayurveda Succinctly. to Vedas or a section of the subject matter of Vedas, This similarity is CARAKA (not to be confused evident in dealing with the various with the person of same name, who topics-description of Purusa and lok a, redacted Aqnivesa Sarnhita - now in diseases and their drugs, Deia and K21a, vogue as CARAKA SAlVIHIT\) who Janma and M!tyu and beyond, diffe- belonged to the school of Kr:;;l.1Yajur-a rent classes and vocations, constitu- veda and Yajnavalkya belonging to ents of the body and its organs, food the school of Sukla Yajurveda both preparations, preparation of fermen- were disciples of VAISAMP'\ YANA, ted beverages, congenial environ- who was disciple of Veda Vvasa and ment and society etc. belonged to Post- Mahabharata era. However, there is no mention of Yajurveda of both schools men- word 'Avurveda as such in any of tioned ".\yus" in many contexts. the four Vedas, Brahmanas and "Puru-a" constituted by combination Upanisads. Ayurveda as a separate of six elements as accepted by both branch of learning, as the science of CARAKA and SUSRUTA, is described life, is mentioned first in Mahabhar ata. in Sukla Yajurve da.! This refers to So many Rs.is who are connected combination of 5 Mahabhutas and with propagation of science of Ayur- .\tma. It also defines the ideal life veda are also mentioned in Maha- where-in a man enjoys longevity full bharata in different contexts. Names of health and strength, with acuteness of their disciples who compiled Sam- of sense organs and mind intact in hitas are also found in ~ATAPATHA congenial and harmonius social and as well as Mahabharata. So it seems physical environment, ibid 25,21-22, reasonable to conclude that develop- 3,62: 36,24, the same is falling ment of Ayuveda as a separate scie- under Sukhayu (Happy life) and nce of health and longevity might Hitayu (benevolent life) described in ----_._----.----- 1. Shukla Yajurve da. Chapter 23, Mcn(ra 51 ·52. Gleanings from SUkla Yajurveda-Thakar 3 Car aka and their attainment are the As Caraka and Susruta both have aims and objects of "Rasavana" mentioned, three dynamic forces in therapy in Ayurveda. The compo- the outer world viz. Soma, Surva. nents of life are body, mind, sense and Anila are responsible for mainte- organs and the soul. They are des- nance of the world by their respective cribed as follows: activities of humidity, heat and motion; and for cyclic changes of Body is composed of Do-as, weathers. Same three are referred Dhatus and Malas and all of them to in 36-10 for benefit of the people. are the combination of basic ingredi- Similarly Vavu and Ayu have diffe- ents, i. e. Pancabhutas. There is rent roots, but have the same mea- mention of "Tridhatus " in ibid. 27, ning, that is why in one Mantra 7-8-9 36-10 and "Tisro Devis" in & .\yu is used to mean Vfivu and Bhasva- ibid 29-33. Three Dhatu s are Vata. kar a has explained as such. Thus Pitta and Kapha. Three Devis are Va yu is just the synonym of .\yu i. e. Bharati, I,l and Sarasvatt who are a life. The same importance of these ascribed the fu nction of sensation words is emphasised in Caraka and vital activity. It is strange that Samhita i.e. 'Vavu is life and Vitality; we do not find mention of these three Vayu is the supporter of all embodied Devis anywhere in the Ayurved Sam- beings: Vayu is verily the whole uni- hitas. In Hat ha Yoga texts we find verse; and Vavu is the Lord of all. three names of another type 'I,la, Thus is Vavu extolled." Vavu is again Pil'lga!a and Susurnna' for the main called as Prana and is thus chief channels of Pral,la. manifestation of life i.e .. \tma, which is also denoted by word 'Indra'. Vavu Sapta Dhiu us- The body is composed in the form of Prana and Udana is of gross seven dhatus. These are pervading allover the body in the also referred by the name of Sapta 1\ is. These are described as res- form of respiratory air. It moves to ponsible for vigilence and for cons- and fro in each and every organ tant protection of the living body. and also in the space between the In addition, there are two other watch- earth and sky. 5 divisions of Vayu men, ever awakening and vigilant. in the body are also mentioned, ibid Whenever seven Dhatus along with 727; 13-19; 23-18;,14-8,12,14,17. sense organs fall asleep, these two Savitra Silrya -is described as having viz. Prana and Aparia take care of the body without stopping for shining golden armstravs) spread out rest. 34- 35. in the space, gives vitality and life, 2. Char ak a , Chikitsasthana. Chapter 28-3. /" 4, BUll. Ind. Inst. Hist, Mea, Vol. XX/~ I- destroys diseases and disease produ- very hairy and the hairless, the very cing microbes. dark and the very fair, the very corpu- lent and the very emaciated'<". Soma:- is descri bed as the watery element present as juice in plants, as Physiology- Importance of Agni for milk in cattles and as ra'ins and life is stressed beinq useful to fight clouds in the sky. As moon it cold, ibid, 3-17;20-56; 21-13; 25-7; removes darkness because it ows 27-12; and 44,29~26.j , " ,j' ' , light from sun,i'bid 34-21~22-23: Fertitization, foetus, foetal ,mem~ This gives us impression of 'Vata Kala branes, placenta, and its 'blood Kaliya' the 1.2th cha'pter, o~ Charaka, content and labo~r painsa't' full Sutrasthana and Susruta's principles term, are practically described by of aqnisomlva jag at and purusa. Deve- giving sirnili of waves of 'sea and lopment of the body and formatio~ waves 'of wind.Tbid. 8-28:' Best attri- of its various organs and their I~cation bute of a wo~an wasto be 'able' to at differen't situations is described b'y conceive a child. Barrenness of any the way of sirnili of weavers making type was considered a stigma: different designs in different parts of a cloth, ibid 19-80. Here in Dhatus Msrmes (Vital parts of the body) and and Malas, Viscera and organs of their protection by wearing impervious head and neck are enumerated, jackets du,ring fightin,9 is also referred, which subject is described by Susrut a Two A~wins, Sarasvati. Savita. in detail in a full separate chapter, Varuna and Candra are depicted here Su-Sa-6, as artists or sculptures., Here w,ord Riipa is used to, denote body, SOIDe Indriyas (Sensory and motor organs) usage .is found in Caraka "Sa,2.
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