PERSPECTIVES Ethics, Economy and Social Change New Max Planck Center launched with the University of Cambridge How do moral and ethical convictions impact a lo- cal economy, and how do they influence the global capitalist system? These questions are at the heart of the research conducted at the Max Planck Cambridge Center for Ethics, Economy and Social Change, which was formally launched in early March. The collaborative project’s search for answers will see re- searchers from the UK’s elite University of Cam- bridge work together with scholars from the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle and the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity in Göttingen. At the inaugura- tion ceremony, Max Planck President Martin Strat- mann expressed his delight that “in this period of uncertainty caused by Brexit, we have established an- other highly visible collaboration with top British scientists.” The Center’s four Co-Directors – James Laidlaw and Joel Robbins from the University of Cambridge, and Max Planck researchers Chris Hann and Peter van der Veer – are aware of the consider- able public interest in the ethical principles of capi- talism generated by the global financial crisis. One Acclaim for Anglo-German initiative: Max Planck President Martin Stratmann of the aims of their work is to develop new approach- (left) and Stephen Toope, Vice Chancellor of the University of Cambridge, at the es to respond to urgent social issues. launch of the joint venture. High Accolade for Science Historian Max Planck Director Lorraine Daston receives Israel’s Dan David Prize Lorraine Daston, long-serving Director at praise, which the jury called “one of the the Max Planck Institute for the History of most discussed and reviewed works in the Science in Berlin, won a prestigious inter- history of science.” national award in recognition of her scien- Named after Israeli businessman Dan tific work. She received the prize, which David, the prize is awarded each year to in- carries an endowment of 1 million US dol - dividuals with proven excellence in the sci- lars (more than 800,000 euros), for her ences, arts, humanities, public service and “groundbreaking research on the ‘Ideals business. This year, three scientists were and Practices of Rationality’.” In its state- honored in each of the following fields: ment, the jury noted that Prof. Daston’s history of science, bioethics and personal- work had demonstrated, among other ized medicine. things, “how such seemingly universal con- cepts as ‘fact’ and ‘proof’ have changed since the 17th century.” Objectivity, a book International recognition: Lorraine Daston has co-written by Lorraine Daston and Peter made a name for herself through her research Galison, was singled out for particular into the cultural history of rationality. Photos: Alice Boagey/Max-Cam-Centre (top); Skúli Sigurdsson/MPI for the History of Science (bottom) 6 MaxPlanckResearch 2 | 18 PERSPECTIVES “ In ten years, we will know which animals can predict natural disasters” Interview with Martin Wikelski on the Icarus antenna’s successful voyage to the International Space Station It is expected to launch by mid-year: spend two months testing whether the Icarus – the first satellite-based program antennas and on-board computer are to research animal migration. With the functioning and making sure the data help of tiny transmitters that send data to transmission is working properly. And the International Space Station (ISS), Martin then, in the fall or toward the end of the Wikelski’s team of scientists at the Max year, we can finally get going. Planck Institute for Ornithology in Radolf- zell hope to understand the factors that Icarus will allow scientists the first-ever impact migratory patterns of different an- opportunity to observe thousands of animals imal species. The Icarus program’s two on their journeys around the globe – over key components have been in space since months and years, 24/7. What are the most mid-February, after a Soyuz rocket trans- pressing questions that Icarus can answer? ported the Icarus antennas to the ISS. Mar- The most significant thing for me would tin Wikelski talks about experiencing his be migratory birds. Their numbers are first countdown and what the future falling dramatically around the world. holds for the project. We often don’t know where they disap- pear to or why. Unless we find answers Martin Wikelski Dr. Wikelski, you were at the rocket launch fast, so we can take countermeasures, it in Baikonur. How did you feel at that will soon be too late for many species. moment? There was an awful lot at stake. The same applies to heavily exploited but also on a series of other satellites. This Martin Wikelski: The spaceport in the fish populations and many marine mam- will also allow us to survey areas that heart of the Kazakh Steppe is quite a spe- mals in our oceans. We also urgently Icarus is currently unable to cover. Above cial place. When you stand beside the need to learn more about how animals all, additional satellites will enable us to massive gates and the rocket comes roll- spread pathogenic agents. How does examine regions of particular scientific ing out of the hangar, you feel a bit un- bird flu travel to Europe? Which animals interest above the 55th parallel in Europe, easy. My colleagues and I put so much carry the Ebola virus? This is why we Asia and North America. time and energy into developing Icarus – want to track the flight paths of water- and it could all go up in smoke in a mat- fowl in Asia and fruit bats in Africa. Both As soon as Icarus is up and running, a lot ter of seconds. After all, we know that are possible carriers of these pathogens. will also change for you personally. How will not every launch is successful. And last but not least, in ten years, we’ll it affect your everyday work? know which species can predict natural I will be able to work on my own research Now that the antenna has arrived safely at disasters. Initial scientific data on earth- projects again, thank goodness! Unfortu- the ISS, what happens with it next? quakes and volcanic eruptions suggests nately, during the last few years, I’ve For now, it is stored in the station’s Rus- that certain animals can sense such sometimes had to put my scientific work sian module. Then, in August, the anten- events hours ahead of time. If we can on the back burner in favor of Icarus. na will be mounted on the station’s exte- provide solid evidence of these abilities, That should certainly change now. Start- rior. That will be another critical mo- it could soon save the lives of hundreds ing in July, I will take a sabbatical for sci- ment. If everything goes well during the of thousands of people. ence and go back to focusing completely spacewalk for the two Russian cosmo- on my research. Interview: Harald Rösch nauts Oleg Artemyev and Sergei Proko- Looking to the future now – what will Icarus piev, we’ll have overcome the last remain- look like in ten years? ing major hurdle. To begin with, the numbers of research projects using Icarus will increase signifi- 2018 is a decisive year for Icarus. What are cantly in the coming years. I imagine that, you most looking forward to in the months by 2028, several thousand projects will be to come? able to collect scientific data thanks to The first data transmission from the ISS – the Icarus system. Our transmitters, no question! The moment we receive the which by then will be even smaller, could first test data from the Space Station and be fitted to hundreds of thousands of an- know that the system works, I’ll be the imals. In addition, in ten years, Icarus will Photo: MaxCine happiest man in the world. We will then probably not only be installed on the ISS 2 | 18 MaxPlanckResearch 7 PERSPECTIVES Rust Protection from Nanocapsules New technology prevents metal from corrosion Costs resulting from corrosion total some 3.3 bil- lion US dollars annually. Currently, varnishes, enamel, rubber and metallic surface layers are ap- plied to materials to prevent rust damage, but these often contain harmful substances and do not pro- vide long-term protection. German company Envi- ral has now acquired a license for a brand new an- ti-corrosive technology that was developed at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces and is based on “smart” pigments. The process enables anti-corrosive coatings to repair damage, similar to the self-healing mechanism of human skin. To achieve this, micro- and nanovessels are filled with organic corrosion inhibitors, encapsulated in a polyelectrolyte shell and subsequently embedded in the coating. If the protective layer is damaged – by scratches or fissures, for instance – the embed- ded vessels at the site of the flaw open, releasing the corrosion inhibitors and immediately protect- ing the damaged area. Enviral plans to further de- Effective anti-corrosion protection: An environmentally friendly plastic coating velop the smart pigments and promote their pro- with self-healing properties is designed to protect iron components against rust. duction and marketing. Potential Tuberculosis Vaccine Draws Closer A promising vaccine is being tested on patients with recurrent tuberculosis Tuberculosis remains one of the world’s are currently unknown, around 10 per- most dangerous infectious diseases. cent of these patients contracted the Healthcare professionals and policy- disease again within a year. In the tri- makers are particularly troubled by the al, a portion of the participants are in- increasing number of multiresistant oculated with VPM1002 a few weeks af- pathogens.
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