Index I: Collections This index lists ail extant paintings, oil sketches and drawings catalogued in the present volume . Copies have also been included. The works are listed alphabetically according to place. References to the number of the catalogue entries are given in bold, followed by copy numbers where relevant, then by page references and finally by figure numbers in italics. AMSTERDAM, RIJKSMUSEUM BRUGES, STEDEEÏJKE MUSEA, STEINMETZ- Anonymous, painting after Rubens : CABINET The Calydonian Boar Hunt, N o .20, copy 6; Anonymous, drawings after Rubens: 235, 237 Hippopotamus and Crocodile Hunt, N o .5, Diana and Nymphs hanting Fallow Deer, copy 12; 120 N o.21, copy 5; 239 Hippopotamus and Crocodile Hunt, N o .5, cop y 13; 120 ANTWERP, ACADEMY Anonymous, painting after Rubens: Lion Hunt, N o.ne, copy 6; 177 Lion Hunt, N o.11, copy 2; 162 BRUSSELS, MUSÉES ROYAUX DES BEAUX-ARTS DE BELGIQUE ANTWERP, MUSEUM MAYER VAN DEN BERGH Anonymous, drawing after Rubens: H.Francken II, painting after Rubens: Hippopotamus and Crocodile Hunt: Fragment of W olf and Fox Hunt, N o .2, copy 7; 96 a Kunstkammer, N o.5, copy 10; 119-120, ANTW ERP, MUSEUM PLANTIN-M O RETUS 123 ;fig .4S Anonymous, painting after Rubens: Lion Hunt, N o .n , copy 1; 162, 171, 178 BÜRGENSTOCK, F. FREY Studio of Rubens, painting after Rubens: ANTWERP, RUBENSHUIS Diana and Nymphs hunting Deer, N o .13, Anonymous, painting after Rubens : copy 2; 46, 181, 182, 186, 188, 189, 190, 191, The Calydonian Boar Hunt, N o .12, copy 7; 185 208; fig.S6 ANTWERP, STEDELIJK PRENTENKABINET Anonymous, drawing after Rubens: CAMBRIDGE, FITZ WILLIAM MUSEUM Anonymous, drawing after Rubens : The Calydonian Boar Hunt, N o.20, copy 9; 235, 236 Head of an Oriental, N o .16, copy 6; 199, 204 BAYONNE, MUSÉE BONNAT C H ARLOTTEN LU N D , MUSEUM ORDRUPGAARD R ubens, d raw in g : T.Géricault, painting after Rubens: An Eagle with the Thunderbolt in its Claws, W o lf and Fox Hunt, N o .2, copy 4; 96 N o .i6 c ; 202, 20y;fig .ç6 CHATSWORTH, THE TRUSTEES OF THE BERLIN-DAHLEM, STAATLICHE MUSEEN CHATSWORTH SETTLEMENT PREUSSISCHER KULTURBESITZ, (?) A . van D y ck , d raw in g after R ubens: KUPFERSTICHKABINETT W olf and Fox Hunt, N o .2, copy 6; 96, 103; Rubens, drawing: fig -36 Oriental Huntsman with a Lance, N o . n c ; 168, 170, 175-176; fig.77 CLEVELAND, OHIO, THE CLEVELAND MUSEUM Anonymous, drawing after Rubens: OF ART Bull Hunt, N o.26, copy 15; 246, 256, 257, 258, Rubens, oil sketch: 259; fig-129 Bear Hunt, No.27a; 229, 263-264; fig. 133 BRIGHTON, BRIGHTON ART GALLERY COLOGNE, WALLRAF-RICHARTZ-MUSEUM (?) J.Thomas van Yperen, painting after Anonymous, drawings after Rubens: R ubens : The Calydonian Boar Hunt, N o .i, copy 4; 91 Diana and Nymphs hunting Fallow Deer, N o .21, The Calydonian Boar Hunt, No.12a, copy; 187 copy 6; 222, 239-240, 2 4 i; f ig .m Kicking Horse and Rider, N o .6, copy 7; 124 379 INDEXi: COLLECTIONS C OPENHAGEN, STATENS MUSEUM FOR KUNST, GERONA, .MUSEO ARQUEOLÓGICO K ONGELIGE KO BBERSTIKSAMLING, PROVINCIAL ‘RUBENS CANTOOR' (?) Rubens and Snyders, paintings: Anonymous, drawings after Rubens : The Death of Silvia's Stag, N o .25; 17, 35, 41, Atalanta’s right Leg, N o .12, copy 9; 185 218, 220, 230, 246, 250-253, 258, 259; fig.124 Diana and a Nymph, N o .13, copy 12; 189 Bull Hunt, N 0 .26; 35, 41, 218, 220, 230, 2 51- Head o f a Baar, N o .12, copy 10; 185 252, 2.54-260; fig .i26 Head o f a Doe, N o .13, copy 15; 189 GHENT, MUSEUM VOOR SCHONE KUNSTEN Head o f a Stag, N o.13, copy 14; 189 Anonymous, painting after Rubens : Leg of Diana and Leg of a Nymph, N o . 13, The Calydonian Boar Hunt, No.20a, copy 1; copy 13; 189 229, 237, 238, 250 A Man restraining a Honnd, N o.10, copy 13; Anonymous, drawing after Rubens: 157 Diana and Nymphs hunting Deer, N o . 17, M eleager’s Legs, N o.12, copy 11; 185 copy 8 ; 209 Nymph with a Dog and two other Nymphs, N o.13, copy 10; 188, 189-190, 193; fig-SS HOUGHTON HALL, NORFOLK, Nymph shooting an Arrow, N o.13, copy 11 ; THE MARQUESS OF CH O LiM O ND EL E Y 188-189 Rubens, oil sketch: The upper part of Atalanta's Body, N o . 12, Lion Hunt, N o . n b ; 27, 28, 164-165, 168, 169, cop y 8; 185 173, 174- 175, Ï7 7 ;fg -l6 CORSHAM COURT, WILTSHIRE, GÖTTINGEN, KUNSTSAMMLUNGEN DER LORD METHUEN UNIVERSITAT Studio of Rubens, painting retouched by Anonymous, painting after Rubens : R ubens: The Calydonian Boar Hunt, N 0 .1 2 , cop y 2; 185 W olf and Fox Lhmt, N o .2 b ; 44, 78, 95, 99, 100, HARTFORD, CONN., WADSWORTH ATHENEUM 105-107; fig-34 (?) R ubens, m o d ello : DRESDEN, GEMÂLDEGALERIE Tiger, Lion and Léopard Hunt, No.7a; 110, 123, Rubens, painting: 133, 140-141, 142., 145, 146-148, 155 ifig-ys Lion and Léopard Hunt, N o .8; 27, 46, 60, 71, IPSWICIT, MUSEUM 72, 80, 109, 110, 130, 140, 141, 147, 149-153, Anonymous, painting after Rubens : 154, 155, 169, 172, 204, 205; ftg.63 The Calydonian Boar Hunt, N o . 10, copy 8; DUBLIN, NATIONAL GALLERY OF IRELAND 157, 161 Anonymous, painting after Rubens : Hippopotamus and Crocodile Hunt, N o .5, JERSEY, SIR FRANCIS COOK copy 2; 119 Rubens, oil sketch: The Calydonian Boar Hunt, N o .2 0 a ; 34, 56, BASTON NESTON, TOW CESTER, NORTHANTS, 162, 186, 229, 236, 237-239; fig .ioy LORD HESKETH Studio of Rubens, painting after Rubens : LENINGRAD,HERMITAGE The Calydonian Boar Hunt, N o.12, copy 1 ; 46, Rubens, oil sketch: 181, 182, 185, 186, 187, 190, 208; fig .S i Lion Hunt, N o.na; 27, 61, 155, 168, 169, 173- 174, 175, 257; fig.yy FLORENCE, PALAZZO PITTI (?) J.Fyt, drawing after Rubens: (?) Studio of Rubens, painting after Rubens: Head o f a Wolf, N o .2, copy? 10; 97 Diana and Nymphs attacked by Satyrs, N o . 22, Anonymous, painting after Rubens : copy 2; 242-243, 244 ;fig .ii4 W olf and Fox Hunt, N o .2, co p y 2; 95-96, 99 FLORENCE, PRIVATE COLLECTION Anonymous, cartoon after Rubens: Anonymous, painting after Rubens : The Calydonian Boar Hunt, N o .20, copy 1 ; 221, Diana and a Nymph, N o.19, copy 5; 214, 216 234, 236 Anonymous, drawing after Rubens: FRANKFURT, STADELSCHES KUNSTINSTITUT Buil Hunt, N o .26, copvy n ; 255-256 Anonymous, painting after Rubens: Diana and Nymphs hunting Fallow Deer, LO N D O N , BRITISH MUSEUM No.2ia, copy 1; 241 Rubens, drawings: 380 INDEXi: COLLECTIONS Studies for a Lion Hunt and for fighting Wild MUNICH, ALTE PINAKOTHEK Animais and Monsters, N o .6 a ; 40, 101, 128, Rubens, paintings: 130-132, i68;fgs.j2, L3 Hippopotamus and Crocodile Hunt, N o.5; 26, Falling Mail, N o .n d ; 168, 170, 176-177; fig.78 27. 39> 62, 64, 72-74, 84, n i, 118-123, 132; (?) F.Snyders, drawing after Rubens: figs.46, 48 The Calydonian Boar Hunt, N o .18, copy 5; 208, Lion Hunt, N o .11 ; 18 ,19 , 20, 21, 27, 28, 38, 41, 2 11-2 12 ; fig.101 48, 62, 64, 66, 69, 84, 126, 127, 131, 132, 138, (?) P .S o u tm a n , d raw in g after R ubens: 155, 162-173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, Hippopotamus and Crocodile Hunt, N o .5, 212; fig.74 copy 11; 120, 121-122, 127; fig.yo MUNICH, BAYERISCHE STAATS GEMALD E- LONDON, NATIONAL GALLERY SAMMLUNGEN Rubens, oil sketch: Anonymous, drawing after Rubens: Lion Hunt, N o .3; 27, 60, 62, 72, 80, 107-110, Lion Hunt, N o .1 1 , copy 7; 163 128, 130, 141, 153, 154, 155, 169, 200, 202, MUNICH, DEUTSCHES JAGDMUSEUM 203, 205, 262; fig.39 Anonymous, paintings after Rubens: Boar Hunt, N o.4, copy 5; 113 MADRID, DUQUESA DE SANTA MARCA Hippopotamus and Crocodile Hunt, N o .5, Anonymous, painting after Rubens : copy 7; 119 The Calydonian Boar Hunt, N o.10, copy 9; 157 Lion Hunt, N o.6, copy 5; 124, 127 MADRID, MANUEL GONZALEZ Tiger, Lion and Léopard Hunt, N o.7, copy 10; Studio of Rubens, painting after Rubens: 134.139 Boar Hunt, N0.4, copy 1; 113, 115-116; fig.41 NEW YORK, M ETROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART Rubens, painting: MADRID, MUSEO LAZARO GALDIANO Anonymous, paintings after Rubens : Wolf and Fox Hunt, N o .2; 19, 20, 22, 24-25, Diana and Nymphs hunting Deer, N o .13, 26, 39, 41, 44, 54, 55, 56, 64, 68, 81, 83, 84,93, cop y 5; 184, 188, 190 95-104, 105, 106, 116, 126, 130, 137, 154, 179, Diana and Nymphs attacked by Satyrs, N o .22, 191, i 9 5 ',figs-33, 35 cop y 4; 243 NÎMES, MUSÉE DES BEAUX-ARTS Anonymous, paintings after Rubens: MADRID, MUSEO DEL PRADO Bear Hunt, N o .27, copy 1; 220, 261, 262, 263; Rubens and F.Snyders, painting: fi &A 34 Diana and Nymphs attacked by Satyrs, N o .22; The Death of Actaeon, N o .23, copy 1 ; 220, 245, 17, 41, 43, 218, 219, 220, 226, 229, 242-245, 246; Jïg.115 252, 258, 262; fig.112 Diana and Nymphs attacked by Satyrs, N o .22, MADRID, PRIVATE COLLECTION cop y 1; 220, 242, 244; fig.
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