E2232 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 1, 2005 TRIBUTE TO ART LOTTES III DISAPPROVING THE REC- COMMUNITY CONCERNS OMMENDATIONS OF THE DE- The Springfield-Beckley, OH, community FENSE BASE CLOSURE AND RE- criticized several Mission Compatability HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS ALIGNMENT COMMISSION Index (MCI) scores, claiming Air Force use of OF NEW YORK a one-size-fits-all approach is inherently bi- SPEECH OF ased in favor of large active-duty bases and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. DAVID L. HOBSON the base’s status as an F–16 formal training Tuesday, November 1, 2005 unit (FTU) should have exempted it from OF OHIO data calls pertaining to standard weapons Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, one of the pleas- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES storage requirements. DoD’s military value ures of being a Congressman is the ability to Thursday, October 27, 2005 scores reflected neither the base’s mission personally meet and publicly recognize individ- nor mission requirements. According to the The House in Committee of the Whole community’s analysis, accurate data reflect- uals who have made positive contributions on House of the State the Union has under con- ing pavement quality, range space, training behalf of their communities and business as- sideration of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. capacity, and maintenance and logistics ca- sociates. One such individual with whom I 65) disapproving the recommendation of the pacity would have resulted in a significantly have coordinated to better the lives of con- Defense Base Closure and Realignment Com- higher score. In addition, community rep- sumers and the automotive aftermarket is Art mission: resentatives argued DoD failed to account Lottes, III. Mr. HOBSON. Mr. Chairman, I submit for for costs associated with replacing pilots and Mr. Lottes and I began coordinating on leg- the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD two items on the maintainers who would not move to the pro- Base Realignment and Closure Commission’s posed location. They contended DoD com- islation in 2001 that we believe will help mo- pletely ignored their proximity to Wright torists of all financial backgrounds, and have (BRAC) recommendations. I am submitting pages 156–157 from the Patterson Air Force Base and the possibility worked to continue to improve the competitive of a community-basing program at Beckley. spirit of America’s business community. That 2005 Defense Base Closure and Realignment They felt that if quantitative military value legislation is the ‘‘Motor Vehicle Owners’ Right Commission Report to the President that in- analysis results did not satisfy the Air to Repair Act.’’ cludes a summary of the flawed rationale used Force, ‘‘military judgment’’ was arbitrarily for the recommended realignment of the applied to justify the BRAC proposal. Last, Mr. Lottes, following years of working in his Springfield-Beckley Municipal Airport Air the community expressed concerns about the family’s aftermarket business, A.E. Lottes Guard Station. 291 direct and 149 indirect jobs that could be Company, a Carquest distributor in St. Louis, Mr. Speaker, I also include a chart showing lost, adding that they knew the F–16 would Missouri, was named president of Carquest the strength and efficiency of the response go away at some point but questioned if it Corporation, headquartered in Raleigh, North time by members of the Air National Guard in was prudent to retire it so soon. Carolina, my birth State. response to the victims of Hurricane Katrina, COMMISSION FINDINGS During Mr. Lottes’s tenure with A.E. Lottes especially relative to the active Air Force. The Commission found that the Depart- Company, he was one of the founding fathers ment of Defense recommendation to realign of the ‘‘Coalition for Auto Repair Equality- SPRINGFIELD-BECKLEY MUNICIPAL AIRPORT AIR GUARD Springfield-Beckley Municipal Airport Air Care,’’ a national organization headquartered STATION, OH Guard Station should be supported even though the military value criteria were in Alexandria, Virginia, which represents com- [Recommendation #107 (Air Force 40)] flawed and the realignment will be a cost in- panies in the automotive aftermarket and stead of a savings to the Department. This America’s motoring consumers. He served as One-Time Cost ......................................................... $30.8M unit is a training squadron for the F–16. care’s secretary-treasurer from CARE’s found- Annual Recurring Costs/(Savings) ........................... ($2.5M) There are currently two other Flying Train- ing in 1991 until 2002, when he was unani- 20-Year Net Present Value ...................................... ($5.4M) ing Units (FTUs) in the Total Force. The mously voted by the CARE Board of Directors Payback Period ......................................................... 14 years Commission agreed that with the total num- to assume the position of CARE chairman. ber of F–16s being reduced in the Air Force, SECRETARY OF DEFENSE RECOMMENDATION the training requirements will be reduced Mr. Lottes kept a ‘‘hands-on-approach’’ to Realign Springfield-Beckley Municipal commensurately. The Commission estab- Carquest store owners’ and employees’ Airport Air Guard Station, OH. Distribute lished an F–16 wing at Buckley AFB, Colo- needs, whether with A.E. Lottes Company or the 178th Fighter Wing’s F–16 aircraft to the rado and at Lackland AFB, Texas. This rec- Carquest Corporation. He worked with many 132nd Fighter Wing, Des Moines Inter- ommendation is consistent with the Com- aftermarket companies nationwide to help national Airport Air Guard Station, IA (nine mission’s Air National Guard Laydown plan. strengthen that industry’s five million-plus em- aircraft); the 140th Wing (ANG), Buckley Air This recommendation directing aircraft ployee base. Force Base, CO (three aircraft) and 149th movement and personnel actions in connec- Fighter Wing (ANG), Lackland Air Force tion with Air National Guard installations But, Mr. Lottes, always mindful that commu- Base, TX (six aircraft), but retain the wing’s and organizations is designed to support the nities and business rely on the strengths of expeditionary combat support (ECS) ele- Future Total Force. The Commission expects one another to improve the lives of all, worked ments, the 251st Combat Communications that the Air Force will find new missions for many years, and continues to, with the Ju- Group (ANG) and 269th Combat Communica- where needed, provide retraining opportuni- venile Diabetes Association. He has been an tions Squadron (ANG) in place, and relocate ties, and take appropriate measures to limit active volunteer with the Triangle/Eastern the wing’s firefighter positions, which will possible adverse personnel impact. The Com- move to Rickenbacker Air Guard Station, mission’s intent is that the Air Force will North Carolina Chapter of the National Juve- OH. nile Diabetes Association. He has mobilized act to assign sufficient aircrew and mainte- SECRETARY OF DEFENSE JUSTIFICATION nance personnel to units gaining aircraft in ‘‘Carquest Team’’ walks to help raise money The decision to realign Springfield- accordance with current, established proce- for the Triangle/Eastern North Carolina Chap- Beckley’s F–16s and not replace force dures. However, the Commission expects ter, as well as raising money within Carquest structure at Springfield-Beckley is that all decisions with regard to manpower Corporation for this worthy cause. based on considerations of military authorizations will be made in consultation with the governor of the state in which the Mr. Lottes is now retiring from the Carquest value and all other available informa- Corporation and from the CARE Board of Di- affected Air National Guard unit is located. tion. Buckley (64) and Lackland (47) Any manpower changes must be made under rectors after many years of distinguished serv- have higher military value than existing authorities, and must be made con- ice to the aftermarket. Although he is officially Springfield-Beckley (128), and Buckley sistent with existing limitations. Some re- retiring, he will continue to stay involved with has a role in the homeland defense mis- classification of existing positions may be the many aftermarket causes which benefit sion. This recommendation optimizes necessary, but should not be executed until America’s small business community, and with the squadron size at Lackland, the only the Air Force and the state have determined CARE, where he will be missed for his wis- ANG F–16 Flying Training Unit. While the future mission of the unit to preclude unnecessary personnel turbulence. dom and guiding hand. not currently tasked with a homeland I, too, will miss coordinating with Mr. Lottes, defense role, Des Moines (137) is located COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS but I know that whatever he endeavors, he will within the specified response timing The Commission found that the Secretary do so with a pure spirit and the continued criteria of a homeland security site of of Defense deviated substantially from final good wishes for his fellow aftermarket associ- selection criteria 2 and 5, as well as from the interest. The 132nd Fighter Wing, Des Force Structure Plan. Therefore, the Com- ates, Carquest Associates and his community. Moines International Airport Air mission recommends the following: Therefore, CARE, the aftermarket and I will Guard Station, will assume a role in Realign Springfield-Beckley Municipal not say goodbye to Mr. Lottes, just so long. the air sovereignty mission. Airport Air Guard Station, OH. Distribute VerDate Aug
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