Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC November 1983 Daily Egyptian 1983 11-1-1983 The aiD ly Egyptian, November 01, 1983 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_November1983 Volume 69, Issue 52 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, November 01, 1983." (Nov 1983). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1983 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1983 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Tailgating parties to he stud;ed 'Egyptian By Bruce Kirkham Stan Writer Southern I1Jinoif, University Tailgating at SIU·C football Tuesday, November 1, 1983. v ,I. 69, No. 52 games is a smashing success. Smashing down fences and tearing down goal posts seems to be part of the scene. Despite the animalistic tendencies of Saluki fans with IBHE to consider eight hours of drinking beneath their belts, the University has no plans to curtail the party at l~equired subjects thiS Saturday'S homecoming gamf' against Illinois State iJniversity, according to Bruce Swinburne, vice president for for state students student affairs. "I'm not considering any By Pbillip Fiorini James Brown, vice chan· changes for the remainder of Staff Writer cellor for the SIU system, said this season. We will do nothing Monday that the IBHE proposal particularly ciifferent next By 1985, the Illinois Board of was a "positive action to en­ week," he said. Higher Education may be courage action" by universities Limiting the freedom allowed asking high school students who to establish their own specific tailgate partiers will detract wish to go to college to take admission standards. from the day's entertainment, certain subjects before being The proposal encourages high Swinburne sa:d. "We want accepted by a state-supported school students who wish to pt'Ople to come here, be our university, according to a attend college to have com­ guests an1 enjoy themselves." proposal before the IBHE. pleted four years of study in he said. Eight of the 10 Illinois public English; social studies, em­ Swinburne said that Satur· universities, including both SIU phasizing hi~tory and govern­ day's unusually !:pontaneous campuses, would be affected by ment; mathematif!S, including crowd and its assault on the proposal, which will be fundamentals of computer University property can be Staff Photo by Scott Sbaw addressed by the IBHE programming; and sciences, attributed to the crowd's Tuesday at its November including biology, chemistry "Halloween mentality." In the bag meeting in Chicago. Only the and physics. However, Swinburne said the University of Illinois campuses Study of a foreign language concept of tailgating will be Cbarles Hughes, right, of Carbondale and bis son John pu& cans they at Champaign-Urbana and :or two years is also encouraged studied following the football collected over Halloween weekend into bags. The two collected Chicago specify subjects that by the IBI'E. season and policy changes for about 300 pounds of cans for recycling. must be completed as a next year are possible. minimum requirement. See IBHE, PagE: 3 "We need to stuey what en· vironment we want out the,-e and how we want to attain that environment," he said. "We Officials evaluate Fair Days will take a look at the whole c(I'lcept of tailgate parties." Representatives from SIU·C By Paula J. Finlay Core Committee seemed to made for offenses related to Commerce executive director, Securi ty, In tercollegia te Staff Writer have worked. underage drinking. Other said that although his group Two charges of aggravated arrests included charges of didn't sell many Halloween T­ ~~d~~~~ ~~Ta;;:rl~sg~iOl~'!~ While Halloween revelers are battery were among 21 driving under the influen~e, shirts, he thought 'die weekend Student Council and the Un­ recovering from the weekend, Halloween-related arrests on littering, resisting a police "went very well." dergraduate Student city officials are making Friday and 35 on Saturday officer and disorderly conduct. Re~'enue from T-shirt sales OrganiUltion will probably take evalll8tions of the fll'St "City reported by Carbondale police. SIU-C Security arrested 41 was earmarked to offset the part ll1 the stut.:y, Swinburne Fair Days" and preparing Beverly A. Poore, 21, was persons over the weekend in­ costs of portable toilets and a said. suggestions for next year. arrested and charjled with cluding 29 for underaged con­ shu~ae bus sen'ice, but since One possible change could be Outdoor concerts at the aggravated battery at U:33 p.m. sumption. the chamber didn't make as in the University's alcohol Recreation Center and beer Friday at 708 E. College after Jack R. Cobb Jr., 19, of much as el!: DP.C ted , the policy, according to Swinburne. sales on the closed~ff East she allegedly hit a police of­ Carbondale, was charged with Halloween committee will have The policy prohibits con­ Grand Avenue seemed to have ficer. The officer was in­ unlawful restraint, unlawful use been successful in dispersing a See FAIR DAYS, Page 3 sumr~ion of 3lcoholic beverages vestigating report of domestic of a weapon and aggravated on University property unless the crowd of 15,000 to 20,000 trouble and Poore allegedly bit battery after he held a small specified in the policy. party-eoers, and city officials him twice. Treatment of the folding knife to the throat of praised the change!; that were The pollcy specifically allow~ officer was cot required and another man between Davies alcohol consumption at tailgate part of the Fair Days package. Poore was tAken to Jackson Gym and Parkinson parties. Another exception to Assessments of the Halioween County Jail. Laboratory. Cobb was taken to the policy allows alcohol con­ weekend and suggestions fOT Jeffrey J. Kelley, 20, of St. Jackson County Jail. sumption in dormitories for next year from Fair Days Jacob, Ill., was arrest~d Friday Art Wright, Carbondale police students ::1 years of age or planners will be rresented to in the 500 block of South Illinois press ()fficer, said the police :llder University policy the City Counci, probably Avenue after he allegedly were pleased with the prohibits alcoMI consumption within two weeks, Mayor Helen struck a !yJlice officer. Kelley Halloween weekend. in McAndrew Stadium. Westberg said Monday. was taken to J&ckson County "The Grand Avenue idea Regarding the alcohol policy Westberg said she "was Jail. worked out," Wright said. "The Gus says the lessons leanled at tailgate parties, Swinbw'ne reli'J'Yed itat it was a safe Three ~iTests were made both crowd was nice and, con­ from City Fair Days-Halloween said, "Perhaps in the past we weekend" w;th only II. few minor Friday and Saturday for sidering the crowd size, there seem clear - more potties. incidents, and that the posses~ion of a controlled were few problems." more music. and more guards See TAILGATING, Page 3 suggestions fro~ the Halloween substance and 17 arrests were James Prowell. Chamber of for tb' goal posts. u.s. admits to shelling hospital BRIDGETOWN, Barbados hospital until early Monday, Jamaican Prime Minister George's arrested Bernard leftist revolution to Grenada's (AP) - U.S. invaders in although the shelling ap­ Edward Seaga, given a tuur by Cuard, another architect oi uae u~!ghoors. Cuba President Grenada sorted seized weapons parently had occurred on the ,military officials, said he was coup. Fidel Castro has denied the and documents Monday, ad­ first day of the invasion, Oct. 25. shown an estimated 100.000 Army Sgt. Gerald Mitchell of accusation, denounced the U.S. mitted they accidentally shelled The United States and seven grenades and 4 million roUl1ds Ontario, Calif., one of the action and demanded a fllll a mental hospital and said the of Grenada's non-communist of ammunition, much of it piled soldiers still searching accounting of the number of military leader of the ousted . neighbors launched the invasion in the backyard of Bishop's buildings for caches, said two Cubans killed, wounded and junta has been detained on a following a coup by radical house. crates of what he called CUban­ seized on Grenada. warship. Marxists in the government White House spokesman style uniforms and knapsacks Eighteen Americans have But the Pentagon denied who killed Prime Minister Larry Speakes said in were found in the downtown been killed in action in Maurice ~;shop Oct. 19. Washington that Gen. Hudson central telephone office. Grenada, with 86 wounded and reports in the Canadian The stated aim of the in­ one missing, the Pentagon n~wsmagazine Macleans and In Washington, the Reagan Austin, leader of the 16-member the New York Post that about 50 administration was considering jun;.a that overthrew and killed vaders is to restore order, reported Monday. mental patients died in the whether to make public some of Prime ;,Iinister Maurice protect civilians and evacuate sheHing attack, saying the documents seizf' J since the B;shop, had been detained on foreigners who wish'C!d to leave U.S. officials have not invasion began. Officials said the USS Guam off th~ the tropical Caribbean island of disclosed the number of casuaIti~ were "substantially 110,000 people. GrenadiaD$ or CUbans killed or lower." the documents include military Grenadian coast "for his per­ supply contracts betwel~n sonal protection." But President Reagan also wounded. About 600 Cubans are American forces bom~ the claims that CUbans working on believed to have been detained. building, apparently ~ithout Bishop's government and Cuba, U.S. officials said Sunday the Soviets and North Klirea. Austin was seized from an the island were building The U.S.
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