For Immediate Release For more information contact: Lenora Campos, Ph.D. 917.237.0665 x3104 [email protected] Brittani Kaim 212.704.8144 $rittani.kaim @e& TOTO Introduces the MH Connect+ Wall-Mount Toilet and Washlet New MH Connect+ Wall-Hung Dual-Flush Toilet and D-Shaped Washlet Combination Offers an !legant, Seamless Look (Morrow, GA) January 10, 2017 — ()() expan&s !ts l!ne o* Connect+ h!,h-e*.ciency to!lets an& Washlet com$!nat!ons 1!th !ts ne1 23 Connect+ 1all-mount h!,h-e*.ciency &ual 4ush to!let an& D-shape& Washlet. (h!s ne1 a&&!t!on to ()()5s popular Connect+ l!ne com$!nes po1er*ul Dual- 2ax 3D (orna&o 4ush!n, per*ormance 1!th an ele,ant appearance—mo&ern, clean, simple, an& t!meless. (he Water6ense la$elle& 23 Connect+ h!,h-e*.ciency to!let 738(9 an& Washlet pa!r :o!n ()()5s ne1 23 an& popular 2ar!s an& ;<u!a 1all-hun,, &ual-4ush mo&els. Connect+ Line Dur!n, the manu*actur!n, process, ()()5s Connect+ l!ne o* h!,h- e*.ciency to!lets are pre-&r!lle& 1!th a hole locate& near the seat $olt holes at the $ack o* the to!let5s $o1l, 1h!ch ena$les the Washlet5s po1er cor& an& 1ater hose to pass throu,h easily. (he speciall/-&esi,ne& Connect+ Washlets' electr!cal connect!on an& 1ater supply are &esi,ne& to pa!r seamlessly 1!th the ne1 conceale& connect!on to!lets. People-Centere& Desi,n Like the 23 1all-mount 38(, the ne1 23 Connect+ 1all-hun, h!,h-e*.cinecy to!let has a ch!c &esi,n, character!ze& $y a *ully skirte& $o1l 1!th clean, simple l!nes, 1h!ch o**ers &esi,n 4exi$!l!ty. (h!s styl!sh mo&el saves precious space !n the $athroom as !ts Duo?!t @n-Wall (ank 6ystem !s conceale& alon, 1!th the --more-- mount!n, $olts an& connect!on *or !ts Connect+ D-6hape& Washlet $!&et seat. (he han&some, user-*r!en&ly &ual-4ush push plate ma/ $e remove&, pro>!&!n, easy access to the tan%5s !nter!or components. Li*te& *rom the 4oor, the 1all-mount 23 Connect+ 38( makes clean!n, $eneath a simple an& easy. (h!s versat!le un!t may $e mounte& at stan&ar& or An!versal 3e!,ht. Ce?!)Btect Claze (he 23 Connect+ 38(5s >!treous ch!na $o1l !s coate& 1!th Ce?!)Btect, ()()Ds nano-technolo,y ,laze that seals the porcela!n 1!th an !on!ze& $arr!er. (h!s creates a super-sl!ppery, non-porous sur*ace that repels >!si$le an& !n>!si$le 1aste. When protecte& $y Ce?!)Btect, the 1ater that cleanses the $o1l an& r!m &ur!n, the 4ush also removes 1aste, sta!ns, resi&ue, an& l!mescale $u!l&up. )1ners 1!ll nee& *e1er harsh &eter,ents 1hen clean!n, the $o1l, 1h!ch are expensive an& harm*ul to the planet. Dual-2ax 3D (orna&o ?lush!n, 6ystem (he 1all-mount 23 Connect+ 38(Ds Dual-2ax 3D (orna&o 4ush!n, system re&uces the common compla!nt that many &ual-4ush 38( o1ners have—the nee& to 4ush, then $rush the $o1l to remove strea%!n, a*ter every sol!& stop. @nsp!re& $y nature5s torna&os, ()() en,!neers harnesse& the po1er o* ,ra>!ty an& 1ater to sp!n a1ay 1aste $y &esi,n!n, a seamless $o1l !nter!or 1!th a concave r!m to channel h!,h-spee& 1ater :ets. 8ach 4ush e**ect!vely removes matter, &e$r!s, sta!ns, resi&ue, an& l!mescale, as !t pro>!&es super!or $o1l an& r!m cleansin, act!on. (h!s Water6ense-la$elle&, h!,h-e*.ciency to!let consumes a responsi$le 1.2# ,allons per 4ush 7,p*9 *or sol!& 1aste an& 0.9 ,p* *or l!<u!&. ;vera,!n, sol!& an& l!<u!& stops over the course o* a &ay, the typ!cal 4ush *or th!s ele,ant &ual- 4ush to!let !s approximately 1.0 ,p*. (he ne1 23 Connect+ 1all-mount to!let pro>!&es !nter!or &esi,ners an& consumers 1!th a ch!c, metropol!tan &esi,n opt!on that !s at home !n a var!ety o* $athroom !nter!ors an& !s !&eal *or a po1&er room or small $ath. --more-- Connect+ D-6hape& Washlet ;*ter any $athroom $reak, the Connect+ D-6hape& Washlet $!&et seat o**ers 1arm aerate& 1ater to cleanse an& 1arm a!r to &ry. ;ct!vate& $y a simple touch o* !ts silver 1!reless remote, users control the temperature an& pressure o* the sooth!n, 1arm aerate& 1ater, sel*-clean!n, &ual- act!on spray 1an&, heate& seat, 1arm a!r &ryer, an& $u!lt-!n &eo&or!=!n, system. (he D-shape& &esi,n o* !ts contoure& heate& seat o**ers maximum com*ort, an& !ts 6o*tClose l!& closes ,ently a*ter use, el!m!nat!n, to!let seat slam. Prem!st (he Connect+ D-6hape& Washlet o**ers ()()Ds propr!etary Prem!st technolo,y, 1h!ch helps keep the to!letDs $o1l clean $y pre-m!st!n, !t 1!th tap 1ater pr!or to use. Pre-m!st!n, the $o1l prevents matter *rom a&her!n, to !ts sur*ace approximately #0E $etter than &ry porcela!n. Journalists' ote: As wit! all "#"# $ro%ucts, !i&!-resolution %i&ital $!oto&ra$!s of t!e M' (onnect) Wall-'un& "oilet an% +-,!a$e% Washlet are imme%iately u$on re-uest. ;$out ()() ()() A6; !s hea&<uarters *or the ;mer!cas D!>!sion o* the ()() Clo$al Croup, 1h!ch 1as esta$l!she& !n 1917 1!th the *oun&!n, o* ()(), Lt&., !n "!takyushu, Japan. ()() !s the 1orl&Ds lar,est manu*acturer o* $athroom .xtures an& .tt!n,s 1!th G5.1 $!ll!on &ollars !n annual sales. ?or the past 100 years, ()() has $een the reco,n!ze& lea&er !n !nnovat!on, technolo,y, per*ormance, an& &esi,n 1!th pro&ucts that enhance the luxury $athroom exper!ence. (o&ay, the company ma!nta!ns 25,700 employees !n 69 o*.ces aroun& the 1orl& an& o1ns manu*actur!n, *acil!t!es !n Japan, 2exico, the A6;, Ch!na an& 8urope 1!th an a*.l!ate& net1ork o* more than #0 pro&uct!on *acil!t!es 1orl&1!&e. 0!th over 1,500 en,!neers on sta** an& three centers &evote& to research an& &evelopment, ()() !s &e&!cate& to en,!neer!n, pro&ucts that respect the en>!ronment 1h!le meet!n, people5s nee&s *or com*ort, $eauty an& per*ormance. ()()Ds corporate ph!losoph/' People-?!rst @nnovat!on'!s the ,u!&!n, pr!nciple *or all the compan/Ds processes, *rom en,!neer!n, an& &esi,n to manu*actur!n, an& sales. Consumers en:oy the peace o* m!n& that comes *rom kno1!n, they purchase& a $ran& that !nnovates to !mprove peopleDs <ual!ty o* l!*e. 0!nner o* numerous &omest!c an& !nternat!onal a1ar&s an& reco,n!t!ons, ()() !s the only plum$!n, manu*acturer honore& as Water 8*.ciency Lea&er $y the A.6. 8n>!ronmental Protect!on ;,ency. (he company cont!nues to ra!se !n&ustry stan&ar&s an& consumer expectat!ons as to 1hat !s --more-- possi$le !n the $ath space, as ()() $el!eves a h!,h-<ual!ty $athroom !s an exper!ence an& an ever/&ay luxury people value an& appreciate. ?or more !n*ormat!on, consumers may >!sit or call 1.###.295.#134, )pt!on 5. ?ollo1 ()() on (1!tter 7@T)()A6;9 an& $ecome a ()() *an on ?ace$oo%. H H H.
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