Complete Local News Of A Population OL t h e w eather 18,524 Partly cloudy, continued She H illsid e Sim eH today and tomorrow. utter, January ii, 1125, at the of Xaroh t, U7». %VH- Nt>r85f kMAHLIHHHIt -HTCtSTDEi 'N. J., THURSUAYT’F'LBRLIARY 20, 1941 o r tti»; township op hillside ' PRICE FIVE'* CENTS* WILL PETITION FOR NEW 47-BUS STOP Sees Need For LEGION TO AWARD ury Hits Hillside Stops Linden, Will Exchange ORATORY MEDALS A petition is now being circulated for presentation to the'Township Map Revision 4 Groups Committee to request Public Service 36-27; GainsSemi-Final LandForTaxes Hurden-Looker Post 50, American Legion, meeting Monday night - at It Laxity Coordinated Transport to .have toe the . Coe Avenue community house No. 47 exjfress bus make stops at doing_ most of his scoring lrf the Plumbing Inspector Finds Meets Regional, Dangerous of the Hillside Presbyterian Church, North Broad street and Mertz ave­ latter part of the game. Portman Three Deals With A. T, In School nue In both directions. Difficulty In locating- discussed1 plans for award of medals Rival, Tomorrow Night collected 14 points for Linden. Gray Occupy Attention to first and second place winners In Sanitary Sewer Taps Hillside its recent oratorical contest. Moe )f Police Hillside captured Its Quarter flnft.1 Of Town Committee, 'Sixth Seoul Troop Need for provision of up-to-date game in toe county basketball tourT DaProepo, f j q -. ■ j range a date with Wilbur H, Cox, ^ Revision maps showing revisions in tracts ney from Linden by a score of 38 to Mhguire, f 6 l g Liquidation of the township’s high school principal, for the awards Zeitz, o . , !.q 111 ,J... frozen assets of tax delinquent land geant, Officer And Phy- Will Be Chartered of land when they are broker, up 27, thereby winning the right to play a t a sohoo.1 assembly.- Zelda Reiter ician Criticized In Fa­ temotoowright tessmi-atiale,pared Lew, 5 3 1-------T occupied toe ■ exclusive attention. won the contest, with James LaMoht "BUS lots in developments was ex- Morris, g — ... 5 ia in second place. New Committee Plan Inau­ Chartering of a sixth Boy Scout With Regional High, defending Tuesday night of the Townehip tal Accident Here pressed Tuesday night by Plumbing champions. - Finals will be played gurated By School Board troop here, to be known as Troop Inspector Hugo W. Bobertz, in tell­ Totals U 8 38 105, will take place a t ceremonies Saturday night. All games are at Linden Augustus T. Gray, owner of several ing toe Boai’d of Health of problem^ the Elizabeth—Armory,—Jefferson At Reorganization LL MAKE REPLIES ih the Hillside Avenue School on G. F. p. Tracts^ February 27, according to an an- of keeping accurate checks on looa- and Rahway will buttle Friday to Helman, f 2 0 9 Requested- 0 CHARGES-LATER 4 Gray, who / some time ago deeded nbuncement Monday night at the (?ons of sanitary sewer taps. settle toe other finalist. , Portman, f o a 14 EACH DIVIDED INTO monthly meeting o£ the Boy Scout to toe township a large tract to ex­ ffie Safety Chairman Harry R. Board members -took toe matter ...linden got: off to an early lead as -Phelan, f .... Round. Table a t Coe Avenue Schools BUanln, f ... change for free and cl^-r tlSe to w in Sixth Call INDIVIDUAL UNITS and^o^e-.Chlafz‘‘N:ortnan:Ti.: -mdam-advMemmtr-having-aJreadv- Hillside continued to start slow, as It 1 0 2 small-nunfber. equivalent-tG histotal Pocd yesterday dmlarod HI - ThH~tr0op~wiil be sponsored by discussed the proHem of keeping the" has In recent games, but the Maroon -Vargo;-c-----------------1—----- 1:— — 11 toe-Men’s Progress Club. Irving F. equity above deUnquenoies, dGoussed ^ Revision of committees of toe police department would!, as maps In proper shape in other re­ closed ffie'margln as toe game pro­ a similar plan lor three other sec- - Hillside’s Draft Board No.-iJ—wfii- Kahn will be scoutmaster. Eighteen Reagen. g 1 1 3 Board of Education, into four major as -111—tH6 past, lollow reoom- spects. Boberfe asked, .for deflnl- send to the Newark induction sta­ boys have Been registered, and mem- gressed, taking toe lead in the third Bertoht. cr a 1------- t _t49DS. 1 groups, each vidth numerous sub­ dations of the Grand Jury, “ on of authority, stating in several period and kept toe advantage. Ed­ tion- March 7 - nine men- requested bership is expected shortly to in­ under the sixth call for selectees for committee “ members in charge or~ asserted “an alarming degree cases he, although apparently in die Morris rolled up a total of 18 proposition under' which G ray. •will various activities, was announced crease to 25. The' troop commit­ charge of all sewer work, had re­ Totals military training, along with one .egllgence and inefficiency” was points for Hillside, ■ while Jack ■turn over voluntarily to the town­ Monday night by Raymond R. King ived in a fatal accident in Route tee includes George J. Cohen, chair- ceived no information condemning Hillside replacement. m ahi William M. Raphael, William Maguire accounted for 11, Maguire Llr.den ship, free and clear of encumbrances, _ John Dtokowltz, 24, of 161 Balti- following ' his re-eleotion as presi­ ptember 21, 1940. The officials changes, in’, plans, -more than 30 lots -in^-the -westerly dent for a second year. William M. ited more complete statements Rayner, Abe W. Seif er, Dr. Milton more avenue, who had volunteered M. Idlien, Jack Rosenberg, Paul EL Boberta and Health Officer Samuel part of the township for clear title Raphael was chosen vice president L be'issued after the Grand M. Jpwltt reported on a complaint to one 47-foot lot in Robert street, under tlie fifth call, was rejected at for his . second term. presentment had been received Owen and Phillip B. Henoch. about unsanitary conditions and Gersten Will Lead Hand Traffic Light the induction station Tuesday, when Raphael will conduct the charter- The committee had figures show- fourteen men - appeared, eleven-un­ Mfs. Emmet T. White was wel­ dally and studied, lack of proper toilet facilities at the lng total delinquencies of more than comed' as a new member of toe granting ceremony. Hatfield Wire to Cable Company der the Call and three as replace­ police chiefs in 'the county had Democratic Club On Highway Urged $11,000, appraised values totaling ments under toe fourth call, The board, replacing Walter M, Ceglow- called before the Grand Jury plant. Bobertz said: action Is being about $5,900. Considering fcrecl-O' skj, now toe board's attorney, who taken by the company. board will call someone else to ’ fill lay morning, presumably in Miss Runner Heads sure costs ih probably seven or eight his place at toe time of the next di'd not seek re-election. Mrs. White lection with an investigation, of Emanuel Gersten, candidate of Suggestion that a traffic Ugh separate instances, the committee was chosen for .a three-year term Jdwltt reported toe . following the party for the Township Com­ call. The . group which, left toe [nlir.g lr, the oOuntj', whioh Su- cases of contagious diseases for the which could be operated by pedto agreed to give the Robert street lot last week With Ktog and Mrs. Oliver mittee in the 1939 election, was trlans who’ want to cross Route 29 board’s offices at Hillside Ave s Court Justice Clarence E. Blind Association la st month: Measles 12, scarlet for $30 a front foot, or $1,410, to School Tuesday was toe same as 8. Walling. J ~ had stressed in his charge last fever 9, chickenpox 8, .influenza 13, elected president of the Roosevelt at Bloy street be Installed to replac< Gray, approximately.. equivalent to Democratic Club last night a t a nottneed last week. ~ The four major committoesTwe ■y to the group of jurors. The pneumonia to d erysipelas, 2 eaoh, toe present automatic light, was1 of the delinquency on this property, finance, with Fmncis H. Walker" as called for close check to pre- Miss Constance Runner, daughter Gorman measles and 'tuberculosis, meeting a t V. F. W. Hall. James fered this week by PoUCe Chief Nor- Second Proposal of Rev. and Mrs. George M. Runner, A. Griffin, retiring president, re* man L. Sanford. general chairman; education, with Igambling throughout the coun- one: each, and dog bites 4. He said In a second action, agreemet was Mrs. Walling as general chairman; nt fttnnhflsrgied its concern Over of 1137 Salem avenue, was elected there were 16 deaths^ 17 births aha ceived a ,gift from members of the State engineers have been survey- Lent Services To president of the Union"Ck>unty'Aksoi -elutrin ekpressionof appreciation of •tog-the eectlos lecenUy-birt havi reached on the township taking Li Lie buildings, with Herbert R. Otto, as September accident here, as in- four marriages In toe last month. to ttiree scattered lots in the gen­ general chairman, and co-ordinate ting the need for greater con- elation for the Blind Monday eve­ his services. Presentation was made not Indicated the- exact reason o] ning at the annual meeting at the by Milton Comford. eral neighborhood' ‘of Columbia and Starr At Calvary activities, with Harlow H, Curtis as over traffic cases. The con- decisions. Hie State Highway De­ general chairman; Midtown Recreation Center in Eliza­ partment" Insists that the present Liberty avenues for one .left withl lation did not mention the ease ‘Other officers elected by th e clflfb Gray free of charges.
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