www.InsideVandy.com HUSTLER MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2011 ★ 123RD YEAR, NO. 54 ★ THE VOICE OF VANDERBILT SINCE 1888 THEVANDERBILT VANDERBILTALABAMA 0 V andy seeing Crimson 34 DREW HOOVER THE CRIMSON WHITE Heisman candi- date Trent Rich- ardson (3) was used sparingly, but the No. 2 team in the coun- try still rolled to a convincing 34-0 victory over the Vanderbilt Commodores on Saturday night in Tuscaloosa. Vanderbilt was held without a touchdown for the second game in a row. F lulapalooza shoots for Occupy Wall Street spurs world record Nashville protest for change KYLE BLAINE SENIOR REPORTER Nashville Thursday received its first taste of the Occupy Wall Street movement as demonstrators took to Legislative Plaza and Cen- tennial park to stand in solidarity with the New York City protesters. Occupy Wall Street, a protest movement targeting large finan- cial institutions in New York City’s financial district, is entering its fourth week of demonstrations. Now, the movement has spread across the country, but Occupy PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY ZAC HARDY/ THE VANDERBILT HUSTLER Nashville was much less an occupa- Free flu vaccinations ness and have it registered as tion than it was a traditional protest. will be offered at the an official attempt, which is Jane Steinfels-Hussain is the CHRIS HONIBALL/ THE VANDERBILT HUSTLER exciting,” said Melanie Swift, secretary of the Nashville Peace this economic crisis that we’re in,” Medical Center this director of Vanderbilt Occu- and Justice Center, the group re- Hussain said. pational Health Clinic. sponsible for organizing the ral- The rush-hour protest drew in Wednesday from 6 Protestors gather on West a.m to 7 p.m. For world record consider- lies. She says the Occupy Nashville 170 people, and there were a va- End outside of Centennial ation, participants can get movement has three goals: get big riety of issues represented at the Park for the Occupy Nashville vaccinated between the hours corporate money out of politics, end event, including anti-war dem- Em ILY TORRES protest, meant to support the of 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. During corporate personhood and support onstrators and organized labor. Occupy Wall Street move- STAFF REPORTER this time period, prizes, in- the protesters on Wall Street. But the focus was on Corporate ment, which aims to reduce cluding Nashville Predators “We want a sincere discussion of America, with signs reading corporate power. Flulapalooza Wednesday tickets, Nashville symphony the issues, a sincere discussion of see WALL STREET page 3 will offer free flu vaccina- tickets and movie passes, will tions between 6 a.m. and 7 be randomly handed out. A p.m. to Vanderbilt students, ride in the Vanderbilt hot air faculty, and staff. balloon will also be awarded The mass vaccination will to a participant. E lectric car charging take place in a tent set up on To facilitate and encourage the lawn between Light Hall attendance, Medical Cen- and the VA Medical Center. ter shuttles and motorized station to serve students The event, which began as carts are available Wednes- a mass vaccination drill to day. The shuttle will travel test procedures as if there around these various routes: LAUREN KOENIG The facility is the result of col- Another incentive behind the were really a public health Peabody, Blakemore/Chil- STAFF REPORTER laboration between Vanderbilt, construction of the charging sta- emergency, aims to vacci- dren’s Hospital, Kirkland Tennessee Valley Authority, and tion is to obtain data on consumer nate 8,000 members of the Hall and One Hundred Oaks. Electric Power Research Insti- energy usage and distribution Vanderbilt community to The shuttles will be specifi- Maintaining an electric car will tute. According to John Halli- system reliability. surpass Kaiser Permanente’s cally marked for the event. soon become more feasible for well, senior project manager with “We can get an idea of how previous record of the most The flu shot, which pro- Nashville residents due to a new EPRI, the Vanderbilt parking lot much energy a car uses when a vaccinations provided in an tects against H1N1, H3N2 electric vehicle charging station was selected to house the new consumer visits the station and eight-hour time period set in and influenza B, is not man- on the edge of main campus. station because of open access to then get an idea of how far con- San Diego last October, when datory for students, but is The solar-assisted charging sta- the sun and the likelihood that sumers travel during each drive,” Kaiser Permanente vaccinat- encouraged. After Flula- tion can charge 10 cars simultane- students and professors own elec- Halliwell said. “We’re also inter- ed 6,215 people. palooza, students can get ously and will be located in a Vander- tric cars. Moreover, charging time ested in how well the solar charg- “We started planning the vaccinated for $10. bilt parking lot off Broadway Avenue takes about two to three hours, ing does to offset energy usage of disaster drill, and it was “Students should come be- between The Center building and the a timeslot that fits well within a the vehicle over time. It would be huge. We realized we were cause it’ll be fun. Usually Vanderbilt Law School. Construction commuter’s schedule. One dollar a big part of our research to cap- probably going to beat a world to get the flu vaccine, you is expected to be completed by the per half hour will cover the cost of ture this information.” record, so we contacted Guin- see FLULAPALOOZA page 3 end of the 2012 spring semester. charging the vehicle and parking. see CHARGING page 3 Open 7 days week, 11-3 a.m. HOME OF THE Kitchen open ‘til 1 a.m. nightly DOLLAR PINT ALL DAY Soups • Salads • Wings EVERY DAY! Pizza • Burgers Live music and DJ’s ST 204 21 Ave. South • 528-5886 ★ ★ ★ 2 MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2011 THE VANDERBILT HUSTLER WWW.INSIDEVANDY.COM CORRECTION BY SANDY STERNBERG STAFF REPORTER In the Monday, Oct. 3 issue of The manager for the group was mistaken- P ROFESSOR SPOTLIGHT Hustler in the Organization Spotlight ly identified as Justin Barisich, when on Vandy Spoken Word, the events in fact he is Kenneth Mahung. Al AN E. WiSEMAN KEI V N BARNETT THE VANDERBILT HUSTLER ORGAN IZATION SPOTLIGHT BY LAUREN KOENIG VANDY KARMA BRINGS HINDUISM TO CAMPUS Vandy Karma, a group dedicated to “Outreach events like these are im- providing for the spiritual needs of Hindu portant for several reasons, among students, seeks to bring Hinduism to life them the fact that Hinduism is grossly A lan E. on campus through cultural events, dis- misunderstood by most Americans,” Wiseman cussions and religious practices. said Publicity Chair Wolf Clifton, who has been an A relatively young organization found- converted to Hinduism. “Personally, in associate ed in 2009, Vandy Karma is the only addition to simply dispelling myths and professor in student group on campus devoted to promoting tolerance, I also believe that the Political spreading awareness of Hindu culture. Hinduism has a great deal of wisdom to Science and Law depart- While Hinduism may not appear to re- offer everyone, regardless of their cul- ments at flect a majority of the campus popula- tural background.” Vanderbilt tion’s beliefs, it is ranked as the world’s This year, Vandy Karma is looking University third largest religion. forward to celebrating Diwali among since 2010. According to Vandy Karma President the greater Nashville Hindu community Sneha Venkatraman, serves to offer ed- at the temple. Diwali, meaning “festival ucational opportunities for anyone desir- of lights,” is a Hindu religious holiday at W HAT DO YOU RESEARCH HERE AT VANDERBILT, AND HOW DID YOU BECOME ing to learn more about Hinduism. the end of October that represents the INTERESTED IN YOUR FIELD OF STUDY? Vandy Karma frequently organizes victory of light over darkness and good I study American political institutions such as congress, regulatory bodies and political-business rela- trips to the Sri Ganesha Temple, a Hindu over evil. The celebration consists of tions. I became interested as an undergrad, but ultimately became interested in government interactions center of worship in Nashville. prayers, traditional food, and fireworks. and relations when I got to graduate school. I’m interested in a lot of different political topics relating to In addition to temple visits, Ven- Many Vanderbilt upperclassmen may be relevant and contemporary political events. Given what’s happened to the regulatory environment in recent katraman said that the group has familiar with student organization Masala- years, I’ve become drawn to research involving regulatory institutions and how they interact with public and worked to “take advantage of Nash- SACE’s annual Diwali celebration in early private sectors of the United States. ville opportunities through coordi- November. According to Clifton, whereas nating a visit and discussion at the SACE’s events mainly focus on Indian cul- A S ONE OF THE CO-DIRECTORS OF THE CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF DEMOCRATIC INSTI- Vishnu devotional art exhibit at the ture, Vandy Karma seeks to supplement TUTIONS, WHAT WOULD YOU SAY ARE YOUR PERSONAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL GOALS? Frist and volunteering with Nashville Hindu celebrations with explanations of The research center is relatively new to Vanderbilt, in its third year. We founded it with the broad goals of service organizations.” their religious or historical significance. trying to bring contemporary research to both academic and general public audiences, in order to understand Over the past few years, Vandy Karma In the meantime, plans for weekly the ways we define public institutions. But really, CSDI focuses on any arena in which public and private inter- also co-sponsored religious lectures and spiritual discussion groups and film ests intersect, such as the ways in which people vote and how it affects electoral democracy.
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