Sri Krishna Kathamrita Tav k QaaMa*Ta& TaáJaqvNaMa( tava kathāmta tapta-jīvanam BBBiiinnndududu Issue No. 153 Fortnightly email mini-magazine from Gopal Jiu Publications 27 May 2007 Śrī Padminī Ekādaśī, 11 Puruottama, 521 Gaurābda Circulation 1,915 • NOT A SPECTATOR SPORT His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada • THE BHAGAVATA IS UNDERSTANDABLE ONLY BY ALLEGIANCE TO RUPA GOSWAMI Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada • A HOME FOR EVERYONE Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja • ALL GLORIES TO THE COWS Highlights Highlights Śrī Hari-bhakti-vilāsa PAGE ONE TOP COLLUMN TWO NOT A SPECTATOR SPORT THE BHAGAVATA IS His Divine Grace A.C. UNDERSTANDABLE ONLY BY Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada ALLEGIANCE TO RUPA GOSWAMI It is not that we are to enjoy the loving Srila Bhaktisiddhanta exchanges between Krishna Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada and Radha like spectators at some sports show. We The Bhagavata has built a large number of must feel separation from super-structures on the foundation of the su- them. The more we feel preme teachings of Śrīmad Bhagavad-Gītā. The separation, the more we theory of spontaneous inclination for sense should understand that we gratification and the theory of renunciation, are advancing. as given in the Bhāgavata, are based on the With our material senses, we cannot see first and second aphorisms of the Vedanta. Krishna, nor can we even hear his name. We Bhāgavata is the worshipable object of the can begin to perceive him when we advance free souls and is full of divine stories of in devotional service. That devotional service Krishna — the supreme lover. Stories of begins with the tongue, not the legs, eyes or chanting the divine name and transcenden- ears. The tongue must be utilized to chant tal love are narrated in the Bhāgavata. The hare ka hare ka ka ka hare hare, entire life of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu hare rāma hare rāma rāma rāma hare hare and is the manifestation of Śrīmad Bhāgavata. By to take Krishna prasādam. discussing about Lord Sri Chaitanya and Thus the tongue has a dual function, and reading Bhāgavata I have understood that Sri by utilizing it in this way we will realize Krishna is the only worshipable Lord. Krishna. We cannot see Krishna with our The method of devotional service of Sri material eyes, nor hear about him with Chaitanya was propagated by Srila Rupa material ears, nor touch him with our Goswami, who was non-different from Sri hands. But if we engage our tongue in his Chaitanya. Therefore the foremost requirement service he will reveal himself, saying, is allegiance to Rupa Goswami. Without being “Here I am.” loyal to Sri Rupa Goswami one cannot — Elevation to Krishna Consciousness, chapter 5. understand the Bhāgavata. By the grace of Sri next column ! ! Issue One hundred fifty-three, Page — 2 é[q k* Z<ak QaaMa*Ta ibNdu top left 2 Top right 2 Rupa Goswami I have understood that the Śāstra says: lotus feet of Sri Krishna are the supreme vaiavera gua gāna, korile jīvera trāa requirement and only object of worship. We suniāche sādhu-guru mukhe are the servants of Sri Krishna. Our duty is to serve Krishna. There is no work except Sādhu-guru says that if you glorify a vaiava Krishna’s service, and it is attainable through then you will be glorified. Glorify Srila allegiance to Rupa Goswami. We pay our Prabhupada, magnify him, spread his teach- prostrated obeisances to Srila Rupa Goswami: ings, inculcate his teachings, tell others about him, print his books, distribute them through- ādadānas ta dantair ida yāce puna puna śrīmad rūpa-padāmbhoja-dhūli syā janma-janmani out the world, and the world will benefit. The pure devotee should be glorified more than Let not my life be finished without being the Lord. The Lord will be happy when his loyal to Srila Rupa Goswami. My desire is to pure devotee is glorified. remain as the feet dust of the lotus feet of Srila Rupa Goswami birth after birth. Spiritual Strength — Discourse of 9 September 1935. From Nectarian [sic] Advice of Sri Srimad Interviewer: If we want to make a nice cen- Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Prabhupad Thakur Regarding Bhagavata. Published by Sri Nityananda Book Trust, Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mission. tennial we have to become very Prabhupada- Visakhapatnam. No date. conscious. How can we become strong and all the time think of Prabhupada? OME FOR VERYONE A H E Gour Govinda Swami: If you have love and Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja affection for Prabhupada, if you have love Interviewer: What do you think is Srila and affection for a sādhu, then you will get Prabhupada’s best quality? his mercy, his strength. It is Baladev’s kpā, Gour Govinda Swami: Prabhupada is a Baladev’s merciful strength, that is manifest pure vaiava. All vaiava qualities mentioned in sad-guru. His mercy is very powerful, kpā- in śāstra are in him: bala. If you get it, then you can do wonders with that strength. It is not physical or mate- kpālu, akta-droha, satya-sāra sama rial strength. It is spiritual strength that comes nidoa, vadānya, mdu, śuci, akiñcana from such a pure sādhu, vaiava. sarvopakāraka, śānta, kaika-śaraa Interviewer: Many former devotees of akāma, anīha, sthira, vijita-a -gua ISKCON seem to be forgetting Prabhupada. mita-bhuk, apramatta, mānada, amānī They have left the association of devotees. We gambhīra, karua, maitra, kavi, daka, maunī feel that we have to bring all of them back to celebrate Prabhupada’s centennial. How can Devotees are always merciful, humble, truthful, equal to all, faultless, magnanimous, mild and we accomplish this? clean. They are without material possessions, and Gour Govinda Swami: First we have to ask they perform welfare work for everyone. They are why they left Prabhupada’s movement? What peaceful, surrendered to Krishna and desireless. is the reason? If that problem is done away with They are indifferent to material acquisitions and they will come back. If I state the reason why are fixed in devotional service. They completely they left, it will be an unpalatable truth. In his control the six bad qualities — lust, anger, greed purport to Bhāgavatam 5.13.11, Prabhupada and so forth. They eat only as much as required, said: “The Krishna consciousness movement and they are not inebriated. They are respectful, aims at creating an atmosphere of non-envy. grave, compassionate and without false prestige. Of course, it is not possible for everyone to be- They are friendly, poetic, expert and silent. * come Krishna conscious, but the Krishna con- Srila Prabhupada’s heart was bleeding to sciousness movement can create an exemplary see the suffering of the jīvas. Therefore he society wherein there is no envy.” Prabhupada came down from Krishna’s abode and trav- wanted such an exemplary society where there eled all over the world to save the fallen souls. would be no envy at all, a society of vaiavas, Interviewer: What benefit do we get by cel- sādhus. This is the purpose of Prabhupada. If ebrating the centennial? the pillars of this society acquire all vaiava Gour Govinda Swami: There is benefit for qualities, if they will be pukka vaiavas, sādhus, the individual and benefit for the masses. if they will be non-envious, then they can bring ! ! TopSri Krishna-kathamritaleft 3 Bindutop right 3 Issue One hundred fifty-three, Page — 3 the others back. The persons who left will see: This is very significant. To develop complete “Yes, this is the ideal society where there is no Krishna consciousness is the perfection of hu- envy at all, a vaiava society.” man birth. The supreme consciousness is the Krishna is all-attractive. His dear devotee is Supreme Lord. The jīvas are his parts and par- all-attractive. How did Prabhupada attract cels. There are eight million, four hundred thou- people throughout the world? He just spoke sand different species of living entities, and their ka-kathā. This ka-kathā is non-different gradually developing consciousness can be clas- from Krishna, so everyone is attracted to it. Do sified in one of five levels. These five levels are like that and all will be attracted. And those covered consciousness, shrunken consciousness, who have left the society because of this envi- budding consciousness, blossoming conscious- ousness, because some wrong was done to ness, and completely blossoming consciousness. them, if you fix that and they see that it is com- All species other than human beings are classi- pletely gone, that it is a pukka vaiava society fied under two of these levels, namely covered where there is no enviousness, only love and consciousness and shrunken consciousness. They affection, then all will be attracted. If Krishna cannot develop Krishna consciousness. They and ka-kathā are present, then they’ll defi- nitely come back. Any jīva would be attracted. have no opportunity to raise the level of their But if the same thing continues to go on, no one consciousness. Human birth is a valuable will come back. The same thing is going on now. achievement, because humans can raise the level You should first know the reason why they left? of their consciousness to the highest level of con- If that is not going on now and you can exhibit sciousness — complete Krishna consciousness, it, not just theoretically saying it, but exhibiting complete blossoming consciousness. That oppor- it practically, then they’ll come back. tunity is available only for human beings and Interviewer: But Maharaja, even when not for other species. Prabhupada was here some devotees left. Prabhupada formed this society for all hu- Māyā is very strong. man beings. It is said, “I made a home where Gour Govinda Swami: Yes, māyā is very the whole world can be accommodated.” But strong.
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