E Historic Maps and Plans Contains 12 Pages Map 1a: 1771 ‘Plan of the Royal Manor of Richmond’ by Burrell and Richardson. Map 1b: Extract of 1771 ‘Plan of the Royal Manor of Richmond’ by Burrell and Richardson. Map 2. 1837 ‘Royal Gardens, View’ Map 3. 1861-1871 1st Edition Ordnance Survey map Map 4. c.1794 ‘A Plan of Richmond and Kew Gardens’ Map 5. 1844 ‘Sketch plan of the ground attached to the proposed Palm House at Kew and also for the Pleasure Ground - showing the manner in which a National Arboretum may be formed without materially altering the general features’ by Nesfield. Map 6. ‘Royal Botanic Gardens: The dates and extent of successive additions to the Royal Gardens from their foundation in 1760 (9 acres) to the present time (288 acres)’ Illustration 1. 1763 ‘A View of the Lake and Island, with the Orangerie, the Temples of Eolus and Bellona, and the House of Confucius’ by William Marlow Illustration 2. ‘A Perspective View of the Palace from the Northside of the Lake, the Green House and the Temple of Arethusa, in the Royal Gardens at Kew’ by William Woollett Illustration 3. c.1750 ‘A view of the Palace from the Lawn in the Royal Gardens at Kew’ by James Roberts Illustration 4. Great Palm House, Kew Gardens Illustration 5. Undated ‘Kew Palace and Gardens’ May 2018 Proof of Evidence: Historic Environment Kew Curve-PoE_Apps_Final_05-18-AC Chris Blandford Associates Map 1a: 1771 ‘Plan of the Royal Manor of Richmond’ by Burrell and Richardson. Image courtesy of RBGK Archive is plan shows the two royal gardens st before gsta died in 1 and aer eorge had inherited ichmond Kew ardens have been completed by gsta and in ichmond apability rown has relandscaped the park for eorge e high walls of ove ane are still in place dividing the two gardens May 2018 Appendix E AppE-L.indd MAP 1a 1 Map 1b: Extract of 1771 ‘Plan of the Royal Manor of Richmond’ by Burrell and Richardson. Image courtesy of RBGK Archive May 2018 Appendix E AppE-L.indd MAP 1b 2 ap : 183 oyal ardens View mage cortesy of the PO is plan shows the two gardens aer eorge demolished ove ane and broght ichmond and Kew ardens together for the first time t also shows Kew reen aer the section in front of Kew Palace was enclosed by Parliament by the reest of eorge V e reat ake has largely been backfilled is plan shows how the gardens looked prior to the work of the Hookers rton and Nesfield May 2018 Appendix E AppE-L.indd MAP 2 3 Map 3: 1861-1871 1st Edition Ordnance Survey map. Image courtesy of the British Library . is map shows the oyal otanic ardens and National rboretm still separated by a wire fence aer the reorganisations ordered by illiam Hooker and designed by both rton and Nesfield rner and rtons Palm Hose has been constrcted along with rtons Palm Hose Pond and Nesfields parterres and the lines of rtons road alk and ittle road alk can clearly be seen e reat awn can be seen srviving as an open area within the Kew Palace ronds and in front of the Orangery e elaborate Herbaceos rond is in the process of being changed to the new more linear Order eds May 2018 Appendix E AppE-P.indd MAP 3 4 ap c19 Plan of ichmond and Kew ardens mage cortesy of the ritish ibrary is plan shows the two gardens aer eorge inherited them both ichmond from his grandfather eorge and Kew from his mother gsta apability rown had finished his work in ichmond and eorge had ordered the demolition of ove ane bringing ichmond and Kew ardens together for the first time May 2018 Appendix E AppE-P.indd MAP 4 5 ap 18 ketch plan of the grond attached to the proposed Palm Hose at Kew and also for the Pleasre rond showing the manner in which a National rboretm may be formed withot materially altering the general featres by Nesfield ortesy of Kew rchive is plan clearly shows the wire fence that separated the new oyal otanic arden and the National rboretm in the Pleasre ronds from 183 to 189 e plan shows the development of Nesfields thoghts abot the planting for the rboretm and how it cold reinforce the vistas emanating from the patte doie within the Palm Hose parterres May 2018 Appendix E AppE-L.indd MAP 5 6 ap oyal otanic ardens: e dates and extent of sccessive additions to the oyal ardens from their fondation in 1 9 acres to the present time 88 acres mage cortesy of Kew rchives is diagram from the K archives is a sefl otline of how the oyal otanic ardens developed and clearly shows the division between the oyal otanic ardens and the National rboretm in the Pleasre ronds May 2018 Appendix E AppE-P.indd MAP 6 7 llstration 1: 13 View of the ake and sland with the Orangerie the emples of Eols and ellona and the Hose of onfcis by illiam arlow mage cortesy of the Orleans Hose allery ichmond orogh oncil is image was inclded in illiam hambers book of Kew ardens showing how his architectral designs fitted into the wider landscape e emple of eols can be seen on its mond known variosly as the mberland ond and the arel ont overlooking the reat ake e Orangery can be seen at the northern end of the reat awn with a clear view across the lawn between the Orangery and the ake e bildings are each srronded by the trees planted at the edges of Kew ardens to create an internally referencing and internally focssed garden that closed ot the world otside May 2018 Appendix E AppE-L.indd ON 1 8 llstration Perspective View of the Palace from the Northside of the ake the reen Hose and the emple of rethsa in the oyal ardens at Kew by illiam oollett mage cortesy of the Orleans Hose allery ichmond orogh oncil is image shows the Orangery visible across the reat ake and the reat awn illstrating the open character of this northern end of rederick and gstas Kew ardens all contained within a thick bondary planting of trees Note also that the people in the pictre are not following formal paths bt are wandering at will across the grass May 2018 Appendix E AppE-L.indd ON 9 llstration 3 c1 view of the Palace from the awn in the oyal ardens at Kew by ames oberts mage cortesy of the Orleans Hose allery ichmond orogh oncil is image shows the section of the reat awn that lay immediately in front of the hite Hose and reinforces the point that people were not confined to the formal pathways in their experience of Kew ardens and were able to freely walk across the awn May 2018 Appendix E AppE-L.indd ON 3 10 llstration reat Palm Hose Kew ardens mage cortesy of the Orleans Hose allery ichmond orogh oncil is image is not drawn with any realistic perspective and is instead a collage of the featres of Hookers new oyal otanic ardens that wold appeal to the Victorian visitor rtons road alk across the reat awn was obviosly an important featre as were the Palm Hose Pagoda and een arolines ottage n the mind of the artist these featres were all contained within strong bondary plantings of trees reinforcing the sense of Kew as a place set apart from the everyday. May 2018 Appendix E AppE-L.indd ON 11 llstration ndated Kew Palace and ardens mage cortesy of the Orleans Hose allery ichmond orogh oncil is engraving shows Kew Palace at the end of Kew reen to be an enclosed and private space with high walls and matre trees separating it from the pblic realm May 2018 Appendix E AppE-L.indd ON 12 F 2014 Periodic Report Contains 14 pages May 2018 Proof of Evidence: Historic Environment Kew Curve-PoE_Apps_Final_05-18-AC Chris Blandford Associates Periodic Report - Second Cycle Section II-Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew 1. World Heritage Property Data Comment i ) C a n R o y a l B o t a n i c G a r d e n s , K e w b e a t t h e t o p o f t h e l i s t ? i i ) 1.1 - Name of World Heritage Property S uggest rem ove site description in E stonian. R o y a l B o t a n i c G a r d e n s , K e w 1.8 - Other designations / Conventions under which the property is protected (if applicable) 1.2 - World Heritage Property Details Comment State(s) Party(ies) R o y a l B o t a n i c G a r d e n s K e w w o r k s w i t h D E F R A t o m a n a g e U n i t e d K i n g d o m o f G r e a t B r i t a i n a n d N o r t h e r n I r e l a n d t h e C o n v e n t i o n o n I n t e r n a t i o n a l T r a d e i n E n d a n g e r e d S p e c i e s Type of Property (C ITE S ) and holds various relevant plant collections.
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