Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 3-29-1963 The Ledger and Times, March 29, 1963 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, March 29, 1963" (1963). The Ledger & Times. 4161. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/4161 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ARCH 28, 1963 t SELECTED Al A REST ALL ROUND KTITTIICET COMMUIWITT IFEWSPAPER In Largest Circulation In God The City We Largest Circulation In Trust The County IN United Press International OUR 84th YEAR Murray, Ky., Friday Afternoon, March 29, 1963 MURRAY POPULATION 10, 100 Vol. LXXX1V No. 75 date *STOVE PLANT AGREEMENT IS REACHED Shirts Early Agreement Must First Be IPARKING WEIR FINE REDUCED TO 50c Ratified By Union Membership 3.99 1 Surprise Party Is Move Taken The Murray Division of The Tap- continuing the progress which has After Complaints Given Eli Alexander Concert Will pan Company and the Bargaining been made in the past few years in — Committee of United Auto Workers, safety, quality, and plant house- Prnacipal Ell Alexander of Murray Local 1068, announced settlement keeping." agreement Made From Several Merchants High Scnool received birthday best • i3e Presented today of a new labor for Members of the Union Bargain- effective S wishes yesterday as Library a three-year period, June ing Committee for UAW Local 1068 h:rts the agree- Club entertained the faculty and , 21, 1963, when the present include Sandy Harmon, President, own Coli7rs The City Council last night voted told the council that much thought expires i staff with a party after school. ment Doris Harmon. Vice President and to reduce the hire for overparting and consideration had been given rflThis 14)The final settlement of the new The surprise celebration took. Sunday Committeemen, Troy Vance, Jack on parting meters from $1.03 to I the parking meter fine. A great labor contract is subject to ratifi- 0 place in the Library as members of Glover, Franklin Rushing, William 50c deal of discussion had been held cation by the entire union mem- McCuiston, a n Charles FenneL the club carried out the plans for The Murray State College Sym- d The fifty cent fine was adopted concerning the amount the fine bership The UAW International Represen- the event. Yellow sprang flowers liii,y Orcliehtra and the MSC again after about eleven months should be, he said announcement was made in used along bulletin board String The tative is Frank Kavanaugh. 3.99 of having the fine at $1.00 were with Orcheetra will present a Baker reported that he had made a joint news release today by Rob- In a joint statement today Mayor displays ot a picture story of Mr. fArert in the Recital Hall of the The move came about following a survey of the merchants on the ert Wyman, General Manager of Holmes Ellis, County Judge Robert Alexander's life from Junior High Free Arts Building Sunday at 3 a request by a group of tgurray square and that the findings gen- the Murray plant. and Sandy Har- n's, Tall School, through high school, college h. hi. 0. Miller. bankers George Hart and merchants that the council "take erally were that the $1.00 fine was mon, President of UAW Local 1068, H. Glenn Doran voiced the opinion and service in the Army while sta- The concert is part of the Fifth a now look" at the situation. It was tairtfte Under the terms of the new that both the union and the tioned in Japan. annual Oantemporary Arts corn- the opinion of many that the $1.00 Festi- agreement, factory employees will Mayor Holmes Ellis told the Cole Pany are to be congratulated on Thins canard Linda Walker and Faye kept val. firw mine loos 01buaineas. council that the $1 00 fine was de- receive a wage increase of 4c per the agreement. "This agreement the register which was presented to The string orchestra, under however almost an equal number the hour on June 21 of each year of signed to bring about a quieter Alexander by Robert Forsee II certainly makes the industrial fu- of opinion that Mr. -Menton of Prof. Richard Farrell, were the the $1.00 turn over on the use of the meters the three-year pact. I Continued on Page roar( • who also introduced gnests, Super- will play the following works: Fug- fine had no effect. and to make more meters avail- The agreement also provides for intendent Fred Schultz, Mrs. Alex- Lie by Prof. David Gowans.. fine CouncilmanCharles M Baker, able for prospective customers The improvements in vacations. insur- ander and their sons, Eli, Jr., and Dr. Clegg Austin an department. "Rotmanian Folk chairman of the Police Committee fine was not designed as a revenue Mrs. J. J. Teague ance and other fringe benefits Jon. Dances" by Dela Bartok; Two Pieces iroducer. he continued, but merely Although the present agreement Auditions For Shirley Williams served punch for Strings by William Walton: and to keep meters open on the square will not expire for almost three and Nancy Stalls the cake from Mush tor Strings by Quincy an Clegg Austin Porter. months, both the Company lind the 'so that custornere could find a 111111 .raIir Titan beautifully decorated tables. Jan The sy-mphoni orchestra, con- Jang Woo Sim place to park . Union agreed to meet early for Buxton ruid John Sammons lighted aucted by "Stars" Set Prof. Davis Gowans, will 1, 4.99 He said that since the $1 00 Mie contract negotiations in the best the candles. Donna Seaford planned play "Fantasia on the Alleluia had been instituted, a new special Now Member ' interests of the Compeny. Union, the cake and John Sammoth aria Hymn" by Gordon Jacob. "Dance ontimid For employees and the community Is Speaker policeman had been added to the Bucy arranged Nancy the bulletin Rhgthrne" by Wallingford Riegger: For April 5 City force. whose Joe is "This should be recognized as a solely to boards and tables. Janice Paschall and Concerto in F by George Ger- step fore ard in labor-management check the meters The addition of ., was song leader. Of Board Annual relations in this area", said Her- Auditions for the outdoor this man. may in a great measure, Award drama • For Rotary A gift was presented to the prin- Susan Smith, senior, Benton, will do mat what was expected of the Men "Stars In My Crown will be held cipal and a tape recording of the he the piano soloist for Concerto $1 00 parking meter fine. May01 -When ratified. this early labor in the ballroom of the Student aarty was made The Houston-McDevitt Clinic an- in F A Murray woman who is 81 years flits agreement will represent a -first" Union Building at Murray State said. that is. keep more met- A young and the mother of four chil- nounced today that one of its staff contemporary poetry exhibit, .n this area," Jang ers open and prevent long over- Wyman said. This is College on April 5 The drama is to Woo Sim. a Korean stu- membeis has recently been recog- Also part of the Contemporary Arts dren has been nominated for the time parking on meters which glow a tribute to the Union Bargaining be presented this summer at the dent at Murray State College was nized by the accrediting board of his Festival, will be on display Kentucky Mother of the Year to be a violation. Calloway Couple in the Committee and the employees of new ampaheatre at Kenlake Hotel. the speaker yesterday at the re- specialty .-tierrie reading room of selected at Morehead, Kentucky Ap- Other the Li- our plant in their interest in con- Director Burnett Hobgood urges gular meeting of the Murray Ro- parking problems were dis- Back Home Again teary ril 27th. Dr Clegg Austin, who joined the until April 6. tin u mg and tary cussed at length by the council. promoting outstanding all actors, singers, dancers and otitis '(RM. Gun- wee intewausell by Clinic Mad in January, 19611., has prof. George Stewart, dl- Mrs. J. J. Teague. a luny* of (Contirmed on Pare Four) English industrial relation& The Mr;ildri.- i-,a. talent to be avails/de fne lento- Prentios /shatter who was in recently completed all requirements vision, will give a tenure Providence, Kentucky. has !Nen Ape-fl 2 tlernent should give reasonable as- &ration promptly at &ha Al - charge of the program. Parker for membership in the American st.8 p. m. on nominated for the award by Mrs. Mr end Mrs Ramie R. "Guard ot Honor" by surance to the company, employees, this time application firms will be Rim has been in America for Board of Pediatrics_ These rumens. The Lander J Chisholm of Earlington. have returned to their home on require- lecture will be in the and the community of Continued given for the tryouts for the cast. three years, attending Bethel Col- Douglas McKenzie In ments for membership in the Amer- reserve reading The nominee is sponsored by the Murray route three after spend- room of the Library. industrial stability. This stability Tryouts will begin at 2:00 pm Mr lege at Hopkins% We for two years. ican Board of Pediatrics. These Women's Society of Christian Serv- College Prom Court ing a iniomh in Newport Beech.
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