- - MAILS From tan Francis? Gt Northern. Mar. 21. For San Franclsco-- - CL Northern. April 4.' 't From Vancouver: Makura. April 19. JUL JUI For Vancouver: iS$llP Uakora, March 1L lil Evening Bulletin. 1SK2. No. 643 Kt 14 PAGES-HONOL- ULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII THURSDAY,MARCH iWlUia-- PAGES CENTO Hawaiian Star. Vol. XXIII, No. 7477 U PRICE FIVE 0. MOPS KEEP m CLOSE TO MIL Ori VILLA; 11 CLAir.l TIIEV PAID NEW YORK STOCK I auuj yuttw b I FORMER SECRETARY FLEEIfJG FROM TEUTOtl ARMIES, MARKET TODAY Gen. Pershing I AGREES IN PRINCIPLE ! OF CHAMBERLAIN BILL OFFICER GMV TO Following are tho closing prices of stocks on tho New York market SERBS LOST GOD sent by the Associated Press over Sends Funston m WASTE tho Federal Wireless: pi W; GIVE PROTECTION Yester-- Today, day GUARDIAN SAYS SECOND AIR RAID OH Alaska Gold ... ....... 19 2 9fl ' Hopeful Mws SALOZil, J Four Chefa Gamblers - - From American Smelter . .100 100H Sugar Rfg.... 103 Vt 109 ; Castner Waialua Sign American and American Tel. A Tel 130'a 130!r f AMOcUt4 Prtu ay Tmu. WlrtfMa Answer Filed By Attorney An- GREEK OFFICIAL SAYS GERMANY'S TURN ' Copper 88 ; PURPOSE TO Affidavits; . City Attorney American ...... 86t DOUGLAS, Arizona, March Atchiacn . 103 1C3V, drews Asserts Trust Deed NATION i AGAINST ALLIES IS FRUITLESSNEW ANGLE y Makes' Formal Charge of 103 104 31). With Carranza forces op- Baldwin Loco. ......... is "Fraudulent" GIVEN TO S7J2 SUSSEX INCIDENT MORE VESSELS SUNK Misconduct ; Baltimore A Ohio 87ft erating east and south of the Bethlehem Steel ....... 455 451 ; BY SUBMARINES ' .. 23'2 23 country in which Gen. a is liliuokalanHwas not SAY POLICEMAN GAVE Calif. Petroleum Canadian Pacific 165 167 now penned, new Associated Press Service hy Frderal Wireless. J and the American , aware of actions St. P. Paul) 83'4 13 f ; WARNING ABOUT RAIDS CM.A (St columns on the north through , DEKXE. Switzerbml, March 30. Staerinj ksi.s of life frotn ; Colo. Fuel A Iron. .... 3H 5' - Be Revoked, sheer privation and hanlhip among- the Serbian refugee:,- - men. Crucible Steel ......... 897t out Sonora, the only refuge for Trust Would. Best woniea , Civil Service Commission Will Erie Common. 37 Is "of and children, is told ot in a formal report of the Swiss Red Cross, made .; 3' Fina? Contention 1 16& Villa is in flight toward the ; k . Conduct Formal Probe April General Electric .... public toilay. Guardian-A- d Litem General Motors i. coin-mahd- er 1 f Aid west, says the Carranza ; The report declares tint of 30.000 refugees from Serbia 1h were C; ycrWill Try to Pfd. 121",. Great Northern 121'. border, Geii. LllluokaTani dissatisfied driven from their country by the invasion of Teutonic annies and .Prosecution if He Thinks Inter. Harv, N. llOVi !iio across the Is Queen tle v J,.; - trust In which her property the laving Waste of t!ie ?nd , ' ' Kennecott Copper . , . 67V 66'e Called . with the land. who headed so'ithward across tl:e ' Man Guilty ; t nvw held? Her contends . Lehigh R. R. ....... 77 77' is fhiardian Greek border, only 8000 reached Saloniki and vicinity. ;The others, u , i - that it should be reyoked. .. " New York Central.. 104?,- 105', 13 statetU perished cold and hunger en route. survivors were Prevalence "of chefa Castner and SA N ANTONIO, Tex., Mar. - Question aod, finding aris of The in at Pennsylvania ., . M'a 66 This a pitiable condition. V ; , . In the Waialua district la accounted . ."().--'- The from a petition f!!k in the circuit toy Ray Consol. ....... 23H 23', American soldiers An- for a aeries of affidavits filed with Southern Pacific .... 97 7 court todar b Attorney Lorrin 'i ANOTHER AIR RAID ON SALONIKI the Ciril Service Commission today. 141 are close to Gen. Villa today, drews, guardian ad I litem and "next ; Studebaker .......... 189i ; ' ; Charges Gray, police of- queen, . which he -- that Jesse Tennessee Copper . 53 64 according to information sent triend of the in I'ARIS, France, March 30. Another raid wis attempted by. the ficer at Wahiawa, has been accepting permission o asi answer 131 132 aaks enter fleets reach- - -- $5 Union Pacific ...... by Gen. Pershing, in command Hery Sticorv, Gennan air upon Saloniki early today, according to reports a week for the protection of the S.' and cress bill in LittuokalaiiiV behalf of' Chinese lotteries are made by A. M. U. Steel ......... 83', 84', "protect her estate and war, who was a strong supporter ing liere, but the French; airmen took their nuchincis up in number anO( v 116 of the expedition, to Gen. Fun in order to ' U. S. Steel 116!2 " county attorney, Pfd...... of Secretary Garr'son's plan as a out-- . Brown, city and and her rights in these premises." drove the German fliers away before they could drop bombs on the t. Utah 81', j , 814 a national army who supported hy sworn statements ston. Three days' ago a Car that-th- e, fil- basis for and ;-- Jour John A. Domlnis ')ays side camps of the town. , . j; v Western Union .. 9oyB 804 favors principles of Cham- - 'r . by operators fascinatfng v, was the the made of the 6S ranza detachment met a force ing of the instruments today don ' ' - - Westinghouse 654 berlain bill, now under discussion . tame.- ..- ; queenV knowledge or per- THINK GERMANY HAS DEEP PURPOSE ;:. without the ! t ' In the senate. A Ah Tong declares that until a short of Villistas near Guerrero and mission.1:' " i- - - i '-- Bid. fEx-dividen- Unquoted. 30.- - A high of, Greek dis-mirs- official the court ; time ago he conducted a chefa lottery ed ATI IEKSk Greece, March tlKMe was a short fight, after Circuit Judge Stuart yesterday ' t at Leilehua, that he was introduced to the queen as a plaintiff in lias informed the Associated Pi ess tlut he believes the explanation 'of , - 'C. i went soutli. Officer Gray by Akana, a tailor at which the Villistas Delegate Kuhlo'a tult to break Uie German Stowaway Gennany's repeated aerial attacks; on Saloniki is ;an attempt to, drive Castner, that he arranged to pay and INCREASE trust, and assigned her Yilhi is believed to be acconi Ulicokalanl Greece to assist in the expulsion Allics V He asserts also that , , did pay 5 a week to Gray, in return MIV ' of ,thc as a respondent. In company wUM there is no chance that the German purpose will succeed, and that Greece for advance Information of raids con panying them. M Androws petltioii there was also On Munition Ship police, realize, Tow- - , templated by the Waialua and filed today- - an "Order continuing and has dailyreason to that ihe is at the mercy ofvthc Entente - y immunity from arrest- by Gray. any-wa- : ,".'EED confirming appointment of guardian ers and cannot in take ?idcs with the Teutons.? M . r - HAKES OE , up r Army Closed Gams. ad iltcm "'4 " And Answer and Causes - He waa finally compelled by the TBYINGTOFIX cross bill of Liliuokalanl- - REPORT SAYS SUBMARINE military authorities . to close up his of Attorhey Andrews' peti- Gray The title Press by redarI Wtrelaaii I CHARGE ; Fame, .but had .protected, hhu tion alleges that thbi queen is 'an tAsoe5atdDelaware, March 30 Ern- GADSKl'S ;SIGHTED NEAR, SUSSEX v police. several months, be OfFICERS V from.the for : ' " Schuler, a German stowaway, who " , est declares. RESPONSIBILITY; Ma-topp- o, : nE Improper and .ImpVldent." secreted himaelf on the steamer 30,- Ahina. Ung Cbohg '''and Yuen Yick in v V V LOXDONr Eiigland, . larch ' :' In hrs petiltonv Attorney Andrews when the vessel left New York f reparate 'they - - affidavits assert that, th-- i l! A new phase in the Siissx exjiu? - r states that, after couverslng with for Vladivostok with munitions, came, ; are "Interested in operating and coa- GenAVrscr.QGts Cable to Hold ptece ISBID sion be leve!opig Am- - ' game queen and examining number o! out last night frpm hia hiding. apiears to ducting a chefa at Wahiawa. tha-?'Jege- i nary - to d making of locked ther captaw in; hia ' they accustomed to pay Offl- - rre im txam n?uons .F1RI0VIIC witnessed as that ire Hhe;-tra- st dee(f U4k lsr . Gray a "yenerafly MTpif--- 'in thetnpu ironi London an rr 1 subject of the present litigation, and aion while the vessel waa off Sandy unoiiiciarrewvi unlays, for exemption from arrest and that a British destroyer, .'whert aid-v"- :! ' 7 ' ' as the present condition, of Liliuo-kalan- i, Hock. He then asserted that bomb warning-o- f "contemplated ' ; to raids. J Washington.; March 191C:T 7 tAiodated.Trawi Vr WirrtwiT ing in rescuing the survivors tlic 'V 8." 2. ' idril he "is satisfied that not only had been secreted vonv the ;;teameiy of Saturday. waa set as the ' CLEVKf-AN- b, 0. Opinion Arrir 'Brlfrgen. John. P. Wisser. p; Mch. as exe- wnkh would soon he blown, upi Ki, crippled vessel, ay for a hearln; on--- the charges by was said trust ieed made and fired twice upon the ;ilonolulu. '; is divided aa, to the Tesponsibility for . rAwMtelatsd Vrws y Ptdsrsl Wirelsssl , cuted an , improper and improvident Members of the crew succeeded In the Civil Service Commission at a -- frightful NEW YORK; N. Y., March 30. submarine believed ; to have Tin view of probable increase in the the .railroad accident hear deed,-"bu- t . noon. Gray will be that it is clear that 'afd getting distress signaia noticed by ' meeting held this ; army, hold preliminary, examinations here 'yesterday morning,' when three of4taid coasting vessels, which responded to Hans Fauscher, husband ot Johanna launched the torpedo that struck required be present and answer the deed was not the act and wish r to soon aa possible for enlisted 'men ew York Central, trains .were wreck- Matoppo Qadski, the famous opera singer, was the steamer amidships.' : -- ' as Liliuokalanl.? the call, and the was brought charges.
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