MOST IMMEDIATE/PAC BY SPECIAL M SSENGER/UMS NATIONAL ASSEM LY SECRETARIAT (Public Accounts Committee Wng) No. F.1 (1)i2018-PAC (Vol-lll) lslamabad, the 21sr February, 2020 NOTICE 1 18rh & 1 9rh meetings of the Public Accounts Committee will be held m No.z 1"t f Parliament House. lslamabad as per following schedule: - (1) Confirmation of Actionable Points of revious meetin s held on 1glh & 20th Februa 2020 S Day/Date Time MinistryrDiYision/DePartment \2) No (a) Briefing on the monetary policy of State Bank of Pakistan; Tuesdav 02.00 (b) Briefing on the status of revenue collection; and (i) i 03.03.2020 pm (c) Briefing on Grand Hyatt Hotel, lslamabad WednesdaV 11:00 (a) Revenue Division (FBR) (AA-2011-12 and AR-2012-13) (ii) 04.03.2020 am b Aviation Division (audit paras 3.4 4, 3.4.10 and 3.4.5 -AR-2012-13 2 The Hon. Members are requested to krndly make it convenient to attend the meetings 5 (SAHIBZADA NAZIR AHII/IAD) Secretary Committee/Deputy Director (PAC) Tele: 9200230-Fax: 92031 I 1 1 Rana Tanveer Hussain, MNA Chairman 2 Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, MNA Member 3 Syed Fakhar Imam, MNA Member 4 Sardar Nasrullah Khan Dreshak, IvINA Member Mr Riaz Fatyana, IvINA Member 6 Malik l\ruhammad Aamir Dogar, MNA Member 7 Ms. Munaza Hassan, MNA Member 8 Mr. Noor Alam Khan, MNA Member 9 Khawaja Sheraz Mehmood, lvlNA Member 10) lvlr Muhammad Sana Ullah Khan Masti Khel, MNA Member 11) Sardar Ayaz Sadiq, MNA Member 12) Khawaja Muhammad Asrf, MNA Member 13) Raja Riaz Ahmad, MNA Member 14) Sheikh Rohale Asghar, t\4NA Member 15) RaJa Pervaiz Ashraf, MNA Member 16) Syed Naveed Qamar, MNA Member 17) Ms Hina Rabbani Khar, MNA Member 18) Syed Hussain Tariq, lvlNA Member 19) Mr. Muhammad Akhtar Mengal MNA Member 20) Chaudhry Hussain Ellahi, MNA Member 21) Mr. lqbal Muhammad AIi Khan, MNA Member 22) Ms. Shahida Akhtar Ali, MNA Member 23\ Mr Ali Nawaz Shah, MNA Member 241 Senator l\4ushahid Hussain Sayed Member 25) Senator Sherry Rehman l/ember 26) Senator lvluhammad Talha Mahmood Member 27) Senator Syed Shibli Faraz Member 28) Senator Seemee Ezdi Member 29) Senator Ahmed Khan Member 30) Minister for Frnance Ex-Otficio Member 3 Egr information and necessary action with the request to attend the f eetinq alonq with all the concerned heads of the De DA rtme nUA ssoci e ed Bodle s well velsed with the resoective aoenda of the meetinq: - (1) Auditor-General of Pakistan, Audit House, Constitution Avenue, lslamabad. (2) The Secretary/Principal Accounting Officer (PAO), Finance Division, lslamabad, with the request to attend the meeting on 03.03.2020 with reference to agenda item 1 (2) (i) (a). (3) The Governor, State Bank of Pakrstan, l.l. Chundrigar Road Karachi, with the request to attend the meeting on 03 03.2020 with reference to agenda item 1 (2) (i) (a) and provide 60 copies of brief/presentatron. pTO -2- (4) TheCharman, Federal Board ofRevenue with the request to attend the meetrng on 03.03.:2020witn reference to agenda item 1 (2) (i) (b) and provide 60 copies of brief/presentation and also attend the neeting or 04-03-2020 with reference to agenda rtem 1 (2) (ii) (a) (5) Secretarv, M/o lnterior, lslamabad with the request to attend the meeting on 03-03-2020 witt reference to agenda item 1 (2) (i) (c) and provide 60 copies of brief/presentation. (6) Chairman (CDA), Captal Development Authority, lslamabad w(h the request to attend the meetng on 03-03- 2020 with reference to agenda item 1 (2) (i) (c). (7) Secretary Aviation Dtvtsion, lslamabad with the request to attend the meeting on 04-03-2020 wrth [eference to agenda item 1 (2) rii) (b). (8) Accountant General Pakistan Revenues (AGPR), lslamabad. (9) Deputy A.uditor General (FAO), Audit House, Constitution Avenue. lslamabad. ('1o)Secretary, M/o Lavr and Justice, lslamabad or his Nominee not below the rank of Joint Secrr)tary (11)Secretary, M/o Planning, Development and Special lnitiatives, lslamabad or his Nominee not belov/ the rank of Jornt Secretary, well versed with the agenda of meeting (12)Chairman (NAB), NAB Headquarter lslamabad or his Nominee not below the rank of Joint Secretary (13)The Chairman (PEC), Pakistan Engineering Council, Ataturk Avenue (East), G-5/2, lslamabad or his Nominee not below the rank of Joint Secretary. (14)Director General Federal lnvestigation Agency (FlA), F|A-Headquarters G-9/4, lslamabad or his Nlominee not below the rank of Joint Secretary. 4 Ministrv/Dlvlsiory'DeDa,tmenUAudiUAGPRare reo ure comblianc6 ol the followind directives: - (1) No officer bElow lhe ralk of BS-19 will be allowed to attend the PAC meetings (vide this Secrelariat's letter No.F.10('1)2018/;'AC. daled 28'" Decomber, 2018) on their lurn; t2) All the particpants are requested to switch off the mobile phone rn the Committee Roorni (3) ln case of absence of the PAO, no request about his substitutron lor the meeling will be entertained by the PAC; (4) The names, designatiols (CNIC Numbers) of the padicrpants may be sent (in triplrcate) at least one day before ihe meeting for the entry in Parliament House. (5) Tho PAOS should ensu'e holdang of Fresh DAC meetings well before PAC meeling and DAC must be chaired by the PAOS hrrrsel{, (6) Fave (05) hard cop es ol Ministry's reply /lalesl DAC minutes may be provided to this Secreta.iat; and (7) Auditor-General s Oftlce to provjde 60 copies of Audit Briefs, preferably prinled on both sides of the paper, preparc,d by the ALditor General's Office an coordinal on !!ith the Principal Accounting Officer (PAO) (htormed vide this Secretariat's letler No.F.13(2y201g-PAC dated g'i July 2019)lo thePACWng at least one week before the meetrng. byensuring complance ofthe Oirections issued (\,ide this Sec-etariat's letter No F 2\2)12012-1U201 E-PAC dated 13rh June,2019lo Auditor's General of Pakistan) under rule 29 ofthe Rules cf Procedu €s and Conduct of Business in the Naticnal Assembly, 2007, for advance s!udy of the Honourable Chairman/Members. Further. a soft copy oi the Audrt Br ef may also be emarled al 5 Fo. inrormatiol. coordination and necessarv action respoctiv6lv to lacllltate the holdino ol the sublect m€etlnosr- (1) Drreclor Gengral (lT), National Assembly Secretarial, lslamabad 2 Director General (L & R), National Assembly Secretariat lslamabad 3 Oireclor General (Finance), National Assembly Secretariat 4 Finance an,J Accounts Officer, Senate Secretariat, lslamabad Chief Comriissioner ls amabad Capital Territory, lslamabad 6 lnspector General Polic?, lslamabad Capital Territory, lslamabad 7 Executive Direclor Federal Govemment Polyclinic Hospital, Is{amabad, through ln-Charge Drspensary. Parliament House. lslalrabad E Deputy Secretary Administration. National Assembly Secrelariat. lslamabad. 9 Direclor (Media), Assembly Secretanat. lslamabad 10) Drawing and Disbursing Offlcer, NationalAssembly Secretariat, lslamabad 11) Drreclor, (C,)ordinatron) CDA, Par{iament Ho'lse, lslamabad 12) Sergeant At-Afins, Nataonal Assembly/Senate Secretariat, lslamabad. 13) Deputy Supgrintendent ot Polrce (Security), Parliament House, lslamabad. 14) Director (A!dio Transmission) Communicahon Unit. National Assembly/Senate Secretariat lslamabad 15) Chief Cameraman, National Assembly Secretariat, lslamabad 15) Resource Center Parliarnent Lodges, lslamabad. 161 Audit Office- (PAC) Office ofthe Auditor-Genetal ofPakistan, lslamabad Copv for lnfomatlon to:- (1) Attorney-General for Pakistan, Supreme Court Building, lslamabad. (2) Secretary k) the Pflme lilinister Prime l\rinister's Office, Islamabad (3r Secretary to Speaker, Nalional Assemb)y Secretariat, lslamabad 14) SPS to Secretary, NatronalAssembly Secretariat, Islamabad (5) Oirector Slaff to Secretary, Senate Secretariat, lslamabad. (6) APS lo Special Secretary, National Assembly Secretariat, lslamabad (7) Director lo Chairman (PAC). National Assernbly Secretariat, lslamabad (8) Sr P.S to Ohief Whip National Assembly of Pakistan, lslamabad (9) Sr P.S/P S to Additronal Secretaries (Admn/Committees/Legislation), National Assembly Searetariat lslamabad (10)Secretanes Sub-Committees of PAC, National Assembly Secretarial, lslamabad {1 1)Committee Branches-|, lt & lll, National Assembty Secretanat. lslamabad. ('12)Committee Branches Senate Secretariat, lslamabad. ( 1 3)All Officers/Branches concerned National Assembly Secretariat lslamabad. 3 .AFuztI (SAHIBZADA NAZIR AHMAD) Secrelary Committee/Oeputy Direclor (t,AC).
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