March CALENDAR #!"$ @7 EVENTS "EEJTPO4USFFUt#FSLFMFZ $BMJGPSOJBt tXXXGSFJHIUBOETBMWBHFPSH SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ALL SHOWS ARE GENERAL ADMISSION DOORS @ 7 PM, MUSIC @ 8 PM (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) TICKET DISCOUNTS: Tin Solas YOUTH-HALF PRICE T`^aV]]Z_X]jUcZgZ_X Hat 4V]eZT^fdZT (AGES 25 & UNDER) dVUfTeZgV SENIOR-$2.00 OFF TYR^SVc[Rkk (AGES 65 & OVER) WINTER II SERIES CLASSES BEGIN THE WEEK OF MARCH 11 MEMBERS-$2.00 OFF #%&!RUg #'&!RUg GUITARtBANJOtUKULELEtMANDOLIN #'&!U``c Mar 1 #)&!U``c Mar 2 Jewish Music Festival Jewish Music Festival Masters of Real Vocal Freight Erin Theodore Bikel, Tradition Young Women’s Open Mic Merima Kljuco Martin Hayes, Chorus String ground zero of the McKeown Dennis Cahill, hootenanny revival ViacVddZgV & Shura Lipovsky Iarla Ó Lionáird, Quartet, WVZdejW`]\c``ed SV]`gVURTe`c with Keith Terry Holcombe Waller W`]\dZ_XVcgZcef`d` Máirtín O’Connor, True Life Trio `aV_d RTT`cUZ`_Zde Cathal Hayden, & Crosspulse RWVRde`W;VhZdY JZUUZdYd`_XdecVdd f_ZbfVg`TR]S`Uj h`c]U^fdZT Seamie O’Dowd, cYjeY^T`]]RS`cReZ`_ David Power ##&! #%&! >Rc$ %&! '&! Mar 5 #!&! ##&! Mar 6 #)&! $!&! >Rc( $#&! $%&! Mar 8 #'&! #)&! >Rc* Mikey Z Calaveras, The Bryan Sutton, Michael Julian & the Fools Red Clay David Holt & Shay Lage Midlife Crisis Creek Ramblers & T. Michael Black Group eYVdVTcVe ]`TR]c``edeR]V_e S]fVXcRdd Sc`eYVcdWc`^ XV_cVViaR_UZ_X dZ_XZ_Xd`_XhcZeZ_X T`f_ecjc`T\ Coleman :cV]R_U|dW`cV^`de XfZeRcgZcef`d` ]ZgVd`Wd`^V`WeYV eYcVVXcVReXfZeRcZded WR^Z]j`Wd`_X [RkkSVj`_U 3Rj|dSVde TV]VScReVeYV]VXRTj [Rkk^fdZTZR_d `W5`THRed`_ #'&! #)&! Mar 10 #!&! ##&! Mar 12 #!&! ##&! >Rc"$ #'&! #)&! Mar 14 #)&! $!&! Mar 15 #%&! #'&! Mar 16 UC Berkeley Department of Music Freight Tylan Steve Gillette Melanie O’Reilly’s Susan Improvisation 8Zc]j^R_|ddZ_XVc Celtic Jazz Celebration Open Mic R_UXfZeRcZdeUVSfed & Cindy with George Brooks, Werner Symposium Competition YVcWZcded`]`45 Frank Martin, d^RcedVij ac`WVddZ`_R]]j[fUXVU pay your dues, @_VEcfVEYZ_X d`_XhcZeZ_X Y`deVUSj play and shmooze Mangsen Narada Michael Walden, `cZXZ_R]d`_XdT`_eVde hV]]TcRWeVU Fred Randolph, ReZedSVde Myra Melford 7:30 showtime ecRUZeZ`_R]W`]\XV^d Surya Prakesh, Bob Hillman `aV_d Sean O Nuallain, Anne Goess, Corwin Zekley #!&! ##&! >Rc"( '&! )&! Mar 18 %&! '&! >Rc"* #!&! ##&! Mar 20 #!&! ##&! Mar 21 #!&! ##&! Mar 22 #%&! #'&! >Rc#$ Women’s 2013 Grammy Winner Robin History Month DR_7cR_TZdT`4YR^SVc Junius @cTYVdecRacVdV_ed Anaïs Just Like A Woman Battlefield Janis & Linda Kellye Gray, Courtney Classical @ the Freight Mitchell Rhonda Benin, Band Ian Williams W`chRcUhZeY ZT`_ZTdZ_XVcRfeY`c Big Band c``edT`f_ecjWc`^ & Jefferson Terrie Odabi, DT`e]R_U|daRde d`_XhcZeVcR_U A Prairie Home Souvenir Paula Harris, YVceZ^V]Vddd`_Xd w/ Denise Perrier Companion WRg`cZeVd Hamer The Lillian Diana Jones `aV_d =ReZ_aZTR_eVR_U Nell Robinson of Florence hZeYdaVTZR]XfVde Armstrong UV]ZcZ`fddhZ_X 3V_DZ^`_Y`de & Jim Nunally`aV_ Frank Fairfield Tribute Band Full dance floor! #%&! #'&! Mar 24 )&! "!&! Mar 25 #!&! ##&! Mar 26 ##&! #%&! >Rc#( ##&! #%&! Mar 28 $!&! $#&! >Rc#* #!&! ##&! >Rc$! Freight Open House: Berkeley Old-Time Music Convention Concerts Workshops (one hour each) Hosted Open Jams Kids: Crystal "+!!+ HVdeCf__Z_X _``_+8fZeRc #a^+5fVe9Rc^`_j _``_+;`Y_3]RdbfVk Build a C`f_UVcd _``_+@]UEZ^V7ZUU]V DZ_XZ_X R_UWZUU]V\ZUd Tin Can Bowersox "+$!+7ZUU]V\ZUdDR^a]Vc _``_+2fe`YRca #a^+4R[f_;R^ "a^+ ;fUV9Rh]Vj Banjo! _`fgVRfW`]\c`T\Wc`^ #+!!+ 9VReY4fcUed "a^+<V__j9R]]cVaVce`ZcV $a^+DecZ_XSR_UD`_Xd 6cZTAVeVcdV_ 1:30-3 pm 2^VcZTR_:U`]R]f^ #a^+;VWW4YVc_Zdd #+$!+@R\8c`gV "a^+ 4]RhYR^^Vc3R_[` $a^+@]UEZ^V7ZUU]V Montë Mar`aV_d "a^+3RT\faXfZeRc $a^+@]UEZ^V C`U7cVV]R_U $+!!+>e5ZRS]`DecZ_X3R_U 7Z_XVcaZT\VU3R_[` $a^+HVdeCf__Z_XC`f_UVcd $+$!+>RceYR9RheY`c_V R_U3Z]]7`dd #%&! #'&! >Rc$" Saturday, March 16 noon - 4 pm FREE! Patchwork Series Children’s Show : Gustafer Yellowgold Saturday, March 9 @ 11 am Classes/Workshops/Jams aRXV)2acZ]"SVj`_UaRXV(EZT\VeZ_X:_W`aRXV( A NONPROFIT COMMUNITY ARTS ORGANIZATION t www.freightandsalvage.org About the Freight PERFORMER PROFILES: March 2013 5IF'SFJHIU4BMWBHF$PGGFFIPVTF #FSLFMFZ Society for the Preservation of Traditional Tin Hat Friday March 1 .VTJD JTBOPOQSPGJUDPNNVOJUZBSUTPSHBOJ[B The New Yorker has described Tin Hat’s music tion dedicated to promoting the understanding as “a soundtrack for the kind of puzzling dream and appreciation of traditional music—music which leaves you sitting awake in the middle rooted in and expressive of the great vari of the night.” Everyone in the group is a great ety of regional, ethnic, and social cultures of player—Carla Kihlstedt on violin and vocals, Mark peoples throughout the world. We are sup Orton on guitar and dobro, Ben Goldberg on clari ported by your attendance, grants from the nets, and Rob Reich on accordion and piano—and Alameda County ARTSFUND, Berkeley Civic they’re also riveting performers and accomplished Arts Program, The Foundation for Bluegrass composers. Mark previewed an early version of Music, Bill Graham Supporting Foundation UIFCBOEBUUIF'SFJHIUT)PPUTUPDLDPODFSU of the Jewish Community Endowment Fund, and has composed music for dozens of films, The William & Flora Hewlett Foundation, modern dance, theater, experimental radio, video/ the Kanbar Charitable Trust, the Walter & art installation, the circus, and the concert hall. Elise Haas Fund, the Edmund and Jeannik Ben’s “Orphic Machine Project” premiered at last Littlefield Foundation, National Endowment year’s Jewish Music Festival. for the Arts, Bernard Osher Foundation, Wells The group has recorded seven albums, work Fargo Foundation, musicians’ benefit perfor ing with guest vocalists like Willie Nelson and Tom Waits. On their latest album, the rain is a handsome mances, volunteer efforts, and your generous animal, inspired by the poetry of e. e. cummings, Carla handles the singing, and her husky, haunting voice tax deductible donations. suits the poet’s evocative language. For an evening of music that delights and surprises, nourishes the heart and tickles the mind, catch Tin Hat at the Freight. Contact Info Solas Saturday March 2 *SJTI"NFSJDBOCBOE4PMBTQMBZT 2020 Addison Street, Berkeley, CA 94704 B SJDI CMFOE PG UJNFIPOPSFE *SJTI TELEPHONE: music, distinctive originals, and the E-MAIL: [email protected] PDDBTJPOBMXFMMDIPTFODPWFS XFBW WEBSITE: www.freightandsalvage.org ing a tapestry of influences from folk, country, jazz, and traditional music from around the world. The Boston Herald called them “the first Board of Directors truly great Irish band to arise from America.” The band has released John Bidwell Steve Meckfessel ten acclaimed albums, appeared on Chair 7JDF$IBJS A Prairie Home Companion, and Russ Pollock John Williamson won Best Celtic Recording from the Secretary Treasurer Association for Independent Music Polly Armstrong Clyde Leland three times. Nancy Castille Nate Levine With founding member Seamus Larry Chung Ray Murray Egan on flute, tenor banjo, mando Kathleen Crandall Kerry Parker lin, whistles, guitars, and bodhran, founding member Winifred Horan on violins and vocals, Mick McAuley John Croizat Sarah Robertson on accordions, low whistle, concertina, and vocals, Eamon McElholm on guitars, keyboards, and vocals, and Suzanne Fox David Sawi Robin Flower Linda Tillery OFXFTUNFNCFS/JBNI7BSJBO#BSSZPOMFBEWPDBMT UIFCBOEBSSJWFTBUUIF'SFJHIUXJUIUIFJSNPTUBNCJUJPVT Peter Glazer Austin Willacy project to date, Shamrock City, an album and film exploring the rough and tumble world of Butte, Montana Barbara Higbie at the turn of the twentieth century, then known as Shamrock City for all the Irish immigrants there. The band will perform new music that illuminates the larger experience of Irish workers in the American industrial revolution and the present day. The show promises to be as enlightening as it is entertaining. New Home Committee Real Vocal String Quartet, True Life Trio Sunday March 3 $P$IBJST Choose any box, and the Real Vocal Danny Carnahan String Quartet will think outside it. They Warren Hellman (1934-2011) play Irish fiddle tunes and Brazilian choros, chamber music and wild impro visation. They backed up Feist on her Musicians Committee JOEJFQPQ IJU Metals, and appeared with her on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Darol Anger Tony Marcus Their new album, Four Little Sisters, is a Duck Baker Mike Marshall blend, according to AcousticMusic.com, of David Balakrishnan John McCutcheon i1FSTJBOFDIPFT "QQBMBDIJBOEPXOIPNFSZ Greg Brown Libby McLaren QSPHJTI SPDL BOE WFSZ HFOFSPVT TMJDFT PG Bill Evans Steve Seskin DMBTTJDBM OFPDMBTTJDBM BOE NFUBDMBTTJDBM Kaila Flexer Richard Shindell JNQSPWJTBUJPOTFUPGGCZNVMUJMBZFSFEWPDBM Mary Gibbons Mayne Smith rondos, refrains, ritardando, and relish.” Ronnie Gilbert Eric Thompson Violinist and vocalist Irene Sazer founded Sylvia Herold Suzy Thompson the group seven years ago. An original member Patrick Landeza QBSUJBMMJTUJOH of Turtle Island String Quartet, she wanted to combine her musical passions—chamber Staff music, improvising, composing, and singing, and found ideal collaborators in Alisa Rose on Steve Baker Heather Herrington violin and vocals, Dina Maccabee on viola and Executive Director Associate Director vocals, and Jessica Ivry on cello and vocals. Susan Lefkowich Andrea Hirsig True Life Trio weaves sumptuous vocal Development Director House Manager harmonies and sultry rhythms from places like Macedonia, Albania, South Africa, and Keith Mineo Michael Sawi Concessions Manager Webmaster Louisiana to create a glorious patchwork of tradition and improvisation,
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