Cold Drinks LassiLassiLassi Non Alcoholic raspberry Alcoholic pureed fruit , MojitoMojitoMojito yoghurt & Stephen’s Golden Bee very refreshing ! honey raspberry or strawberry , lime juice & mint, soda waterwaterwater sm$5.50 sm$5.50sm$5.50sm$5.50 sm$5.50sm$5.50 reg$7.70 reg$7.70reg$7.70reg$7.70 reg$7.70reg$7.70 Raspberry Raspberry & Swirl Lemon Kombucha Westhaven (sugar free) yoghurt swirled through our Fizzour Fizz sm$5.50sm$5.50sm$5.50 reg$7.70reg$7.70reg$7.70 $6.50$6.50$6.50 ((( Milk Shakes raspberry OurOurOur chocolate coffee Raspberry caramel & Spreyton StrawberryStrawberryStrawberry blueberryblueberryblueberry Apple Juice BlackberryBlackberryBlackberry make it thick extra big scoop Icecream + $1.00 sm$4.50sm$4.50sm$4.50 lg$6.50lg$6.50lg$6.50 sm$4.70sm$4.70sm$4.70 reg$6.70reg$6.70reg$6.70 SSStStttrrrraaaawwwwbbbbeeeerrr rrryyyy &&& BBBlBllluuuueeeebbbbeeeerrr rrryyyy ooopopppttttiiiioooonnnnssss aaavavvvaaaaiiiillllaaaabbbblllleeee Cold Drinks Raspberry Raspberry Our raspberry syrup with & Lemon lemonade , soda Iced TeaIced Tea or mineral water Or Now available Raspberry Blueberry & Strawberry & Mint Iced TeaIced Tea sm$4.00sm$4.00sm$4.00 lg$5.50lg$5.50lg$5.50 $6.00$6.00$6.00 Raspberry SmoothiesSmoothiesSmoothies FizzFizzFizz Raspberries, Raspberry sorbet icecream & milk and raspberries pureed & topped sm$5.00sm$5.00sm$5.00 with lemonade & lg$7.00lg$7.00lg$7.00 sodasodasoda banana blackberry strawberry sm$5.50sm$5.50sm$5.50 blueberryblueberryblueberry also available lg$7.50lg$7.50lg$7.50 Iced DrinksDrinksDrinks SpiderSpiderSpider raspberry Chocolate “The Redback” Coffee (raspberry)(raspberry)(raspberry) Caramel ororor strawberrystrawberrystrawberry Blue Tranantula blackberryblackberryblackberry (blueberry)(blueberry)(blueberry) VanillaVanillaVanilla OrOrOr blueberryblueberryblueberry The Pink Spider (strawberry) sm$5.00sm$5.00sm$5.00 Sm$5.00Sm$5.00Sm$5.00 reg$7.00reg$7.00reg$7.00 Reg$6.80Reg$6.80Reg$6.80 SSStStttrrrraaaawwwwbbbbeeeerrr rrryyyy &&& BBBlBllluuuueeeebbbbeeeerrr rrryyyy ooopopppttttiiiioooonnnnssss aaavavvvaaaaiiiillllaaaabbbblllleeee Lactose free HOT DRINKS milk now “ALL DAIRY DRINKS MADE WITH ASHGROVE MILK” available TRY OUR If you like your Coffee NEW coffee hot --- please sm$4.20 Reg$5.20 let us know ! We BLUE BERRY OR do ours at 60 MADE TO YOUR STRAWBERRY degreesdegreesdegrees LIKING, cappuccino, latte, macchiato, LATTELATTELATTE long black, short black, Vienna etcVienna etc extras SKIM , SOY or ALMOND MILK(extra 50 cents)50 cents) DOUBLE SHOT!! of coffee (dupplio) (extra 40 cents).40 cents). $5.00$5.00$5.00 Plunger/pot coffee (for each extra person add $2.00) Raspberry Latte $4.20$4.20$4.20 Café latte $4.60 served with raspberry syrup And raspberry Lust Raspberry Farm AffogatoAffogatoAffogato $6.00$6.00$6.00 Vanilla Icecream with an espresso poured over the top and raspberry syrupsyrupsyrup. (would you like it long or short?) HotChoc/HotChoc/HotChoc/ $6.00$6.00$6.00 Raspberry Hot Raspberry, Hot Chocolate or Moccha marshmallows) Sm$4.40 Tea Reg$5.40 NEW TeaTea Generous pot of “Real tea RASPBERRY , in a tea pot” ;Bushells . $5$5$5 BLUEBERRY ,OR English Breakfast --- Extra STRAWBERRY Earl Grey . Irish “HOT” WHITE breakfast, Herbal --- Pot for 1 is $5.00 CHOCOLATE Chamomile, Raspberry & Peppermint Raspberry extra person $2 &&& llleleeemmmmoooonnnn TTTeTeeeaaaa llleleeemmmmoooonnnn,,,, pppepeeeppp pppeeeerrrrmmmmiiiinnnntttt,,,, gggrgrrreee eeennnn Local Wine List See the Tasmanian Beers & Ciders blackboard ( (( Paradise Pale AlePale Ale $19.00$19.00$19.00 ((( 7 Sheds Kentish Ale long neck $19.00$19.00$19.00 CiderCiderCider Perry (Pear) Willie Or Classic (dry)(dry)(dry) WarmerWarmerWarmer New StoutStoutStout AlcoholicAlcoholicAlcoholic Ginger Beer ((( Red Brick CiderCiderCider $20.00$20.00$20.00 $8.80$8.80$8.80 BEERS Boags “Razza”“Razza”“Razza” PremiumPremiumPremium $7.80$7.80$7.80 RaspberryRaspberryRaspberry Boags honey & DraughtDraughtDraught $7.00$7.00$7.00 wheat Boags Light $6.00$6.00$6.00 BeerBeerBeer Cascade $20.00$20.00$20.00 $7.00$7.00$7.00 Premium light Cocktails Raspberry Sparkling DaiquiriDaiquiriDaiquiri RaspberryRaspberryRaspberry Blended raspberries, Champagne with ice, syrup , Bacardi raspberry syrup and raspberry liqueur $14.00$14.00$14.00 $8.80$8.80$8.80 Non alcoholic $8.50$8.50$8.50 ((( Raspberry MargaritaMargaritaMargarita Champagne Blended raspberries, CocktailCocktailCocktail ice, Sparkling wine Tequila, Raspberry & Raspberry Liqueur, lemon Liqueur juice, laced with lust dustlust dust $12.00$12.00$12.00 $14$14$14 MojitoMojitoMojito Raspberry Raspberry or StrawberryStrawberryStrawberry CrusherCrusherCrusher Bacardi, Raspberry orStrawberry Pureed Liqueur , raspberries, Lime , mint leaves syrup, soda , vodka and $14.00$14.00$14.00 raspberry Non alcoholic liqueur $7.50$7.50$7.50 $14$14$14 ((( Red CowRed Cow Strawberry Froze Blended raspberries, ice, syrup, Refreshing milk , Kahlua summer drink and raspberry frozen rose & liqueur crushed Strawberries $15$15$15 $14.00$14.00$14.00 snap a pic and win simply post it to us on Facebook or #raspberryfarmcafe on instagram for your chance to be featured by @sal_atho by @jensenchua by @heidieiser have your special day with us we have a variety of packages, ask for our wedding brochure for more information BreakfastBreakfastBreakfast Country Breakfast Fried eggs,Fried eggs, local bacon , grilled tomato with toast (wholemeal , white , rye or Sm$18.00Sm$18.00Sm$18.00 sour dough , GFAGFAGFA) & homemade Reg$23.00Reg$23.00Reg$23.00 relish *optional extra raspberry sausage $3.00 mushrooms $3.00 GF available Tasmanian Ocean Trout lightly Smoked Tasmanian lightly smoked Ocean Trout served with scrambled egg & capers on a home made crumpet Sm$19.00Sm$19.00Sm$19.00 GFA scrambled eggs available until 11.00am if Super busy ask wait staff Reg$27.00Reg$27.00Reg$27.00 Morning Spirit Poached eggs served with grilled tomato, mushrooms, wilted Sm$18.00Sm$18.00Sm$18.00 spinach on toasted sour dough Reg$24.00Reg$24.00Reg$24.00 Drizzled with raspberry hollandaisehollandaisehollandaise GF avail *Optional extra bacon Sweet Potato & Potato Hash Brown Waffles with scrambled egg, bacon, served with Sm$18.00Sm$18.00Sm$18.00 onion marmalade & curly sweet potato friesfriesfries Reg$24.00Reg$24.00Reg$24.00 scrambled eggs available until 11.00am if super busy ask wait staff We use Free Range Eggs! BreakfastBreakfastBreakfast Morning Craving Pancakes with local crispy bacon , bountiful Berries , caramelised apple house made apple syrup (similar to $24.00$24.00$24.00 maple syrup) GFA (+$1) kindred buckwheat pancake available Thick Toast or Home made Crumpets & Raspberry Jam choose from crumpets or 2 thick slices $10.50$10.50$10.50 sour dough , wholemeal, rye or white toast &toast & jam ,jam , our raspberry butter Croissant Fresh croissant served with Raspberry $12.00$12.00$12.00 Jam & Meander Valley Double Cream French Toast Chocolate , & Raspberry Jam $16.80$16.80$16.80 or Raspberry & Ricotta GFAGFAGFA Raspberry Smoothie Raspberry Smoothie $12.50$12.50$12.50 BowlBowlBowl Smoothie bowl topped with berries and a crunchy house made muesli GF, Vegan, Specials on Black Board Burger Time Wallaby and bacon patties with Ashgrove fetta , greens & pepper berry relish GF available Sm $18$18$18 Reg $22$22$22 Red lentil burgers with fresh quinoa Tabouli , served with minted yoghurt , Peach & Raspberry Chutney with flat breadbreadbread Sm $16 reg $20$20$20 GF Available, Vegan avail Slow roasted rib eye beef sandwich served with local bacon, Mersey Valley cheese , onion jam, salad in sour dough with tomato relish (((You may wish to add a $28$28$28 Free range egg extra $1.50) Chicken Burger Marinated Nichols Chicken served in a bun with lettuce, vine ripened tomato and cheese, pesto & raspberry mayo $17$17$17 $25$25$25 More Summer Options Marinated Lamb Wrap Ashgrove Fetta Cheese with house made pesto , roasted vegetables & minted yoghurt (8 mins)(8 mins) $25.00$25.00$25.00 Tasmanian Smoked Ocean Trout Bruschetta With horse radish Meander Valley crème fraiche served wserved withwith a Seasonal Summer Salad with tomato red onion drizzled with Salsa Verde & Raspberry Reduction GF,GF,GF, Sm $20$20$20 Reg $28$28$28 Crumbed Mushrooms Filled with Neufchatel Cream Cheese ,roasted capsicum served with raspberry chilli sauce & asian noodle salad GF, V Sm $20$20$20 RegRegReg $28$28$28 Warm Marinated Chicken Salad Marinated Nichols Chicken , noodles served Drizzled with raspberry liqueur sauce SSSmSmmm $$$2$2220000 RRReReeegggg $$$3$3330000 Something light, to share or start Arancini Balls Made with butternut pumpkin ,fresh herb & a trio of Ashgrove Cheeses served with our strawberry chilli sauce 2 balls $15 4 balls $23 VVegVegVeg Ashgrove three Cheese & Leek Tart Smoked Cheddar, Rubicon Red & Pepper berry Cheese with Pepper berry Relish with a garden salad $17$17$17 VVegVegVeg Pork , Caramelised Apple & Sage Sausage roll served with home made tomato relish $11$11$11 Chat Potatoes chat potatoes served with local bacon, roasted onion and Meander Valley Creme Fraichee GF $14 SSSmSmmm $$$9$999 RRReReeegggg $$$1$1115555 Life on the Raspberry Farm Sensational Summer Desserts Berry Pavlova $12$12$12 Raspberry Pancakes Sm $11Sm $11 Filled with freshly whipped cream & berries either traditional or Kindred Reg $16Reg $16 GFAGFAGFA organic wholemeal Buckwheat pancakes (extra 50c)with all the trimmings GFAGFAGFA Fresh Raspberries & Runny Cream Crème Horn filled with Raspberry Jam Sm $9.00Sm $9.00 Strawberries available ---$1-$1$1$1 GFGFGF & crème patissiere served 1 for $81 $8 Reg $12.00Reg $12.00 with Raspberries 2 for$122 for$12 GFAGFAGFA Summer Tarts $6 individually Chocolate Whoopie Mucake Lemon curd & Crème patissiere $11$11$11 filled with chocolate mousse $13$13$13 Baked Raspberry Cheesecake Raspberry Waffles $11$11$11 sm$10.60sm$10.60sm$10.60Reg $16Reg $16 Raspberry Sundae Scones , Jam & Cream sm$10.60sm$10.60sm$10.60 Reg $15Reg $15 GFAGFAGFA $8.50$8.50$8.50 GFAGFAGFA Raspberry & Berry Muffin Raspberry Crepe $8$8$8 GFAGFAGFA sm$10.60sm$10.60sm$10.60 Reg $15Reg $15 Raspberry Icecream & sauce RefreshingRefreshingRefreshing Raspberry Sorbet sm$8.80sm$8.80sm$8.80 Reg $11Reg $11 GFGFGF $10$10$10 .
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