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OF FOR PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND II'·il 1979 I:~ iii ,~ ~ 4, 1 ~ " f\ ~ '.' j f' .~ ~L~ " Iutrod}.H~tii};;l 7 L"md Registration. 7 \Jniform Law Conferen(:e 8 Departrl1entfll A p}K.i~nt,men.ts 8 Retil'em(~nts < , •••• , , • " •• Q ,.. ' I...&:ig:al ~~1}r,ri(~e.s ])ivi:~i~)r~ .. ~ t,l (, Iwport f,f t;he .Iudidt~l Divisinn _ .. , .. _..... ". " . Iv Report of th,e Crown Cou,r.iI3~~5 ..... 1 j? "~ f ' '- 'ff • ~ • n'" I h,eport 0:. T,ne !",~.'1gls.atnm ,,-,(:unSBR . I.:! Rep{~rt of Cor:t'ectio:l':n:.. Division 13 Bu:l.lclings 13 TO: S€rv;J:~::s 14- Staff 16 1':"rj,Bo:tH3rAetivH:,ies j6 G<~neral 17 Statistjes 1 ~l D(.l<~""_I·... 6- ,r..i; P-~lJ\\UY";~)'lf~ Or ~f.).tlr't;]l)· {""f..<'t,.j1;1~.J.. {",':!C\r,..... 1{j-·7r.;.::lc:, ,I ',_••. ,-:1'1';,' .n"'k"'·~·'" ,,,I "'"'\.'~" J,~ <,j~ ,~ ,,,,.I. ,,_,l., "-''-»." L ~ ,"0'1."" • dS!'9 .... ..t:,i f)'!~ !l.-'i'.~ .. .. ~ . Tt:Hlporary .AJ}SINi.I::,i~~ P'mgrar,(~ lOr.- ti1.l~t Pi""OVll.H:-€. 23 Christ.rnas ':fe11"1pOrary A'bSi::rK{, J h~';~l~; ith~ hOEH);Ui" t;) h0~ ~Jh~~ ~~4 l>Ublk R(-:llat'iot2B & Go,m,iuurLity [Jtj'TiC·dOpl:n{~nt • " 24 fi'{HnUy Court SerV1c0lS , , .. , . , , .. , ~!4 - -'-':"~"~;-C~-'~~sumfuer~'StUQeDt"i!;mpi°iinerit~;:;c;~~~;-~-~'~ .. " ',' " ",' ". "Youth Job COlpsPr()gr~r"l. ~ .. ~ ... ~ .•,,' ~ ...., ........................ 26 . , Report of the Law Refotm Conmiission ............................. 27 .~ , RePort of the PUblic Defendet ',' .... d ........... " .............' •• , •••• 31. " Location o~ O~ce~ Or'" ... ~, ......... ~ ........";.:; ••• ~ .............. .'i, .32· ' 1 Legal Ai:d ~ t~e .Courts i'e.••••••.• ~'••• ,e •••••••• , •• ~ '•• ' ~ •.•.•• ~ •••••••••' 32 ,S~d8r~s of,:~ligibility '. ~... '.' ...' .. ~ ...•... i,~"r~ • '..... '•••••.•••••••••• '0 '" 32 "F;\ilibiJity to Select ............. '" .. : .............. .. '. ,~, Cdu:n~~l ~ 32 Cases .Go~ple~" ..............' 'a .' ••••••••••J ....... :! •• • t'• •••••• ' ••• ' •• 33 .::{'~i ;... < ~C()st ofProgram .. c,' •••',. ',' •. ~ •••••••••••••• :' ••••••••••••••• ~ ••• (~ ••• 34 J/ Report of the Royal Canadian ~ounted Police . .........•............. 35 D '\ "Di~tributiOD of, l\Ian~wer' ...... a,'••••••• "••••• "•••.• , ,a ••••• ., ••• :' ••• '1 36 , Awards &ColDJ;Q.endati~ns .... ~ ....... '-! ••••••' ~ : ,~ ••••' ••••• ~ •• : : •• 36 i 'Crime PreventionlPq,Jice Community Relations . ~ ................ 37 ,poq:amer~ Criqle0seetion:~· ~ .' .......' .'ct .•••• ~ ••••• : ................. ~ •• 38 Crime Statistics .;,~ ..... ~,,; ...... '.'~~~i~;'ir~ ~ ~ 43 ............ ........... \1, II ,:; ,.!/ , '-..'- 'i', ~.,' _ ';"L~,l ,-\l .;!.' 'I'b.e Dt~part,rne.llt of ,Justice 7 -----,,--..... ,_.- --'~~'--' --.-.- ~ _... ""-'-'~-"-'--'-'-~~ -.-~.-.--.... _#_.--..",-.--~.-..,"--. '---"--"~"-'-'-"'-~-~~"'''-.~'«'--'~'-'---'-'.-- -'--~"-' ~ .. , 1''''' . "h! . ,.. j f' [} .", , . .. .'r 1 he ,[lost \'lS1 .t(f mgruncl'uh'. (iv~mb JOt the, epaxtxneHt ot ..J !..I8f we 111 1.;1 I ~) '",. I I .. A,·' •. ,. le.r' .~ " " " ."" .. or. "";.,, ri'h" ~'~'r '" .'," J.]" .,~ , r".,,,',,, 11d! .J. veU. t.n!.~ tornp~'-",10n 01 ~,()nSd ..lC UOd. }:It",] u: 1,,, >. , •.• t:' "A.~ l-l\hlit .. ;, _,d,}, j 1jJJ. lit:):, Luw Courtf., in Char1l)tt{~tov;n I"ecmved its official opening in Mf:m~h vdth .!!I, C08remony prc,sidf'd OV(;t by the HDnourablE: (:hid Susticl::- ,lohn p, Nkholsf'tn and attend{~d by i.rw Pr-ern.ier Glnd Leader of the Opposition.. By eontrnsL tIl[', Slo~~py HoHow Correctional C".Ynt~'E optw,ed qui;.;:Uy in hHI,\ .JtintIi;.uy, preceded h}' a .1;:\ ," g-f.' , nurnher of public tours hut no offic:i81 C(~rFHH.my, "'I.' l' J .' - , I"' , .' L' ~ hl!: al')sen.ce ().t- t.~en?l!WJly G.t(B nor mdl~ate any 1e~r::&. ·:)t gpprN:z.CitlOn :wr ttl.(:~ {.:on·' ,. 'l £" • 1 • ) ,../ "1' ~. sld,,)ran.e e.u:mt or h'W~~e 1n'll4'.Hve{i Hi t,!1E' years In p an:rnn~:; t,u.: m.;stll:..l~.WI1. Hnthm' it Sf.:'fmlc(t mor'e appropriate t.o re.i1ect on t.he ren',<(\l13why :mch pld>C1;ls of h::.tDJ'ceration tire ne~.:essary nnd ;,0 hope for t.h~; futu!'l:,' (.if cO:P'eetwLt;-; in !..li8 provi.ne<.!. Th,,~ n£1,"i cO.rrl:!ct.j·o'1al faeliity ""vvs nnt wh,bnut .its (:r.itj(;~,:., ju~;t ,:}:'> ;h"", old l'~ '.P i J" ~ .. .1 . /." I' , .".., ~.!/ue(m :~ U.,oun vY "fiU ,lI'2l1 QT.tiWn cn~lCl:'Hn . or oppo:·'H.~ !'t~a;:ions. 1.110 mnlfH,,:' y 1 flU'·',)O.",,1O'!t , ...... ~ ... of•' the• IN';tc'llLl.r"q<1>;' ••''lI J .. " .. i~,.... , ",',\t~ .... .or.r·""lll-\, __ '-'~ ........ }.~)r-i(vm!'r!: __ .. ;.,~ ., f~nrq. "'" 1):[.'.1'\,.';)')I}'.'.-. ~ ~~_) fr .. ,pt';,;-,,,")""""""':"1~..t; .. ~ .. , .. ·.,.!...Ii."."- 1'. ~· ,.. .'. I' " any ~':nore OJ.eI~,,~vef or msruptrll8 to "H)Clfty thim \'\:)<~n tlH'!) e:'!'l;Jr,:~"'I., dno to pn->':':BnL opportl.lniLit}f\ for refIX!)') when possible. Ir is h(;pt!d thkit (i\'er a period ef~{rm:.puhlii.: iH.:ci2pt.ancl:~ cmd 1,md.01':,;t,i;,\lHling of iJI(· rnsritmi.on ",!IfiLl d{~\/E~l,IJP. Tht\ yel]\" Vlas <i diffitult onj~ of adjustrrwnt !Q!, rnany of t.hp f.h:p/jrtm{:~n~' H E'y"'":ployees. Til'? volum(~ ;:~nd (:or:'1pi(>y;u,y of Ieg1;~1 1,,,Ol"k I.sf.:H I3r::.n,od by ;sOY(~il' r~amt appeared to inn',,:;ase cinunat:cl1Uy ilnd. t:w ongning D','PI-H't.WH'lni'~ campaign to eW1S,f,' ot.her (h~partments 'Co involve jnstieJ3 111 leg:",t reIated p:roblc;l'l1s was perhaps ov~\r.succe~Jsfu1. The skIH':) tEnd dedkation of th(': .JUSUt~e -~.-:j1- ;~.;:r.::" tJull\;i"li"~ W~i'" IicculJ.:ngiy l.axeti more than ever before. ,-.,/ In the s8.lIle vein, with the opening of the Sleepy Hollow Correctional Centre many of the correction division employees were compelled to cope with . many new demands, responsibilities and procedures. They have coped well. By the end of 1979 as a result of pending government reorganization the Department was looking forward to, several new responsibilities and chall~nges. LAND REGISTRATION For the past several years, the Land Registration and Information Service (L.R.I.S.), an agency of the Council of Maritime Premiers, has operated the Charlottetown regional office of L.. R.I.S. together '.lith the Charlottetown Registry Qffice. Under the agreement by which. L.R.I.S. operated the office, the responsibility for the entire progr8.lIl which operated out of Charlottetown, including the surveying, mapping and registry functions, was turned over to the Department of Justice as of April 1, 1979. During the 1979 Session of the Legislature, a bill entitled The Council of Maritime Premiers (Transfer and Lay-off of Employees) Act was enacted providing for the transfer to the J:nnce Edward Island civil service of all (J permanent employees of the Charlottetown office. .. - ',- "'/' The Department of Justice The Department of Justice --------------~~ -._----- 9 UNIFORM LAW CONFERENCE RETffiEMENTS R. Peter Harrison I The almual meeting of t.he Uniform Law Conference of Canada was held in 1 1 August in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. The Uniformity Commissioners in R. Peter Harrison retired in Nove b 1~79 fr . attendance on behalf of the Province of Prince Edward Island were Diane of Administration with the Departm~tr M~ H' o~ his ~oJltlon a~ DIrector Campbell, Barrister, M. Raymond Moore, Legislative Counsel, and Graham W. Stewart, Deputy Minister of Justice. Also in attendance on behalf of the ;~:~:~c!:!~~~~~~!~ry :~l~e~i~~~c~~~nk :ffic~~~~O~n~ io~~~t~n:~ea~s~ P.E.I. Law Reform Commission was Hugh MacIntosh, Counsel to the in 1970 Mr H' . .01 O. 1·:.0 recrUItment by the Department Mount~d p~Iic:r~~~~e:1~{~~di~n~~~tan~]~\g c~eer with the Royal Canadian Commission. m the Prince Edw~rd Island'Division of tPhPoF men as Commanding Officer for The Conference is comprised of a criminal law section and a civil law . e orce. section. The criminal law section concentrated on a number of suggested Winifred E. MacCausland amendments to the Canadian Criminal Code, many of a procedural or evidentiary nature. The most significant suggestion adopted by the Criminal The retirement of another promi t bl' Law Section involved an ambitious project, which is now in its initial stages, , tion of justice in this province occu~:~ pu F l~ servant from the administra­ MacCausland had been De ut on e ruary 12, 1979. W.K "Mac" to rewrite and restructure the Criminal Code. J of j Summerside for almost twel~e ~e::sotho:otar~ d t?e . Supr~me . Court in On the civil law side the Conference placed major emphasis on problems capable and efficient manner. an carne out his dutIes m a most involving the enforcement of extra-provincial custody orders, limitation of {11 actions and evidence. A Uniform Defamation Act amendment designed to i The Department extends best ''''h t b h address problems caused by a decision of the Supreme Court of Canada in and useful retirement. WI" es e ot these gentlemen for a long Cherneskey v Armdale Publishers is presently being considered for adoption in Prince Edward Island. LF~GAt SERVICES DIVISION The Legal Services Division consists f t Ii . DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENTS Director, and Ralph Thompson, Departme:tal ~~Ii~~t~:~ors. Ian W.H.
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