PAGE TWELVE T H E LEADER THURSDAY, MARCH 28, î^68 Commercial Leader Leader-Free Press Cal° Sass To M#et And The South Bergen Review Official>1 NewspaperNe ef the VFW Com m ander Robert Noe* More Mayors Join Meadowlands Fight B<ipoug H> o f and Auxiliary President Jeanne Lyndhurst'«» Official Newspaper East Rutherford & Carlstadt Lewandowski preside at a Since 1S2I will The fight against the state tak­ During the last 25 years, the increase in the cost of the mea­ development that has occurred in Publication O ffice 276 Grove St. East Rutherford joint meeting Apri 10 at the ing control of the meadowlands two said, “ we have seen Teter- dowlands. In the last 25 years, Teterboro, South Hackensack. 251 Hidfe Road, Lvndhurst, N .J. 417 Second S t, Carlstadt Calo-Saas 4697’ Post Home, Riv- v as joined last week by Mayors boro, South Hackensack, Little the cost of the meadowlands has Little Ferry, Moonachie and Carl­ Telephone GF.neva 8 8700— *701 Telephone GEncva 8 8700—>701 ir Road, North Arlington. John B. Knowian of Hasbroock Ferry, Moonachie and Carlstadt Second Class Postage Paid At Editor John Savino jum ped from $15 to $45,000 p er stadt. Rutherford. N. I. Publication Office Heights and Louis Montenegro of developed entirely through the acre, they said. * Editor John Savino 251 Ridge Road, Lyndhurst. N.J. South Hackensack. efforts of the several municipal­ Mayor Montengro said he ADVERTISEMENT The two also ft)mplained that Subscription $3.90 Per Year Second Class Postage Paid At ities and solely through the use of thought the bill should exclude Ten Cents Per Copy Rutherford, N. J. Both sent statements to the private capital." those municipalities, which w ill land north of Route 3. South Subscription $2 50 Per Year Beck’s Column legislature which opened hear­ contribute the most to thè state Hackensack has approximately Ten Cents Per Copy ings on the subject yesterday in Under the Senate bill, revenue pool, w ill receive the least in re­ 68 acres of meadowlands and ap­ 7 0 0 0 * Weekly By .MAX BECK Tren ton . from the meadowland develop­ turn . proximately 50 per cent of this "The LEADER They referred to the bill as ment begun after this year would is developed. Most of the mea­ No. Arlington Leader ‘‘More than $1 billion of public \ SPEAKS for unnecessary and a hindrance be channeled into a state pool. dowlands in Hasbrouck Heights funds might be expended in the And The Bergen Sunday Leader SOUTH BERGEN" to the reclamation and develop­ The bill does not state how or also are developed; only a portion a a J 4 À ^ Hackeensack district alone, a f North Arlington's ment of the meadowlands. when boroughs with meadowlands east of Route 17 remains. large portion of which would be Official Newspaper might be reimbursed for develop­ The two, whose boroughs have 157 Ridge Rd. No. Arlington, N .J. £ HIIICM P u ts A»*CUfMtf ment on their land. required to be contributed by the The two mayors attacked a pro­ P h o n e 991 6051 o r G E 8 8700 less meadowlands than neighbor­ member municipalities,” the ma­ vision in the bill which requires Editor John Savino ing communities, said they be­ To indicate the success of bo­ yors said. ony one of the five-man com­ Social Editor — 991 1839 lieved individual boroughs, rath­ Second Class Postage Paid At rough control over the meadow­ They contrasted fhe amount to mission which will control mea­ Kearny, N. J. 07032 er than the state, should control- lands, Knowian and Montenegro bo spent by the state in Hacken­ dowland development to be from Subscription $3.00 Per Year meadowland development. pointed to the enormous per acre sack with the. successful private Bergen. County. Ten Cents Per Copy THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1968 L. H. S. Graduate To Sing At FDU Whither County Goverment Fairleigh Dickinson University Concerts, at 73 Dana Place, En­ pertory roles from La Traviata, four years soloist at the Radio Concerts, in New Jersey Distin­ glewood. La Boheme, Madama Butterfly, City Music Hall Christmas Show. A magnificent government prospectus meet its responsibilities—that is making guished Artist Series, co-sponsor­ Miss Fasciano, well known Don Giovanni and The Marriage that unfortunately has been largely over­ the county government so costly and in­ ed by the “North Jersey Cultural throughout northern New Jer­ of Figaro, as well as Cilea’s Ad­ A native of Ridgefield, where looked, questions the role of county gov­ efficient. Often customers do not under­ Council and the New Jersey State sey and the New York Metropoli- riana Leeouvreur, Charpentier’s she now resides, Miss Fasciano is ernment in New Jersey’s future.___ In the interim report the researchers stand why they cannot get any Council of the Arts, w ill present tan area for her concert and op­ I-ouise and Boito’s , Mefistofele. s graduate of Lyndhurst High * It is called “Creative Localism” and point out the county government was es­ trade-in allowance for their old Maria Fasciano, lyric soprano, eratic engagements, -has appear­ She has also performed as solo School. She is a voice pupil of is an interim report of the County and tablished to carry out the functions of the TV when they buy a newf one. a graduate of Lyndhurst High ed as soloist in programs with Municipal Government Study Commission. state, not of the municipalities. artist for several seasons with Iona Harms of Englewood, and is There are a number of reasons School, on Saturday evening, A- Renata Tebaldi, Jerome Hines, the John Harms Chorus singing also studying repertory with The report is important because it re­ Says the report: “For almost three cen­ fo r this. prU 6, at 8:30 in Orrie De Nooyer presents research done under a commission turies, and in large measure even today, Cesare Siepi and Regina Res- leading roles in the St, Matthew’s David Garvey and Jam es Lucas Most TV sets whioh people Auditorium, Hackensack. A nik, and has sung leading roles Passion, The Messiah, The Fa 4re of New York. She is a former composed of representatives of the state, the county is bound to its origins; there want to trade in are about 10 county and local governments. tree concert will be presented at at Town Hall in productions of Requiem and Verdi Requiem. c£ winner of the Griffiths Founda­ are certain mandatory duties which it years old, more or less, and There is much more to be done: re­ 4 p.m. on Thursday, April 4. Tick­ Beethoven’s Fidelio and Purcell's ther engagements include per­ tion Young Artists Award and the performs, in whole or in part at its own "have had it.” About 10 or 12 commendations are to come in a final re­ expense, for the benefit of the state gov­ ets for both concerts will be Dido and Aeneas. Specializing in formances with the Liederkrantz Paterson, New Jersey Philhar­ port. ernment.” years ago the industry sold be­ available from John Harms, Di­ the works of Mozart, Verdi and Society of New York, Ocean City, monic Young Singers Competi­ But the questions posed in the prospec­ The report makes it clear that the state tw een 8 and 10 m illio n T V sets rector of the Fairleigh Dickinson Puccini, she includes in her re- New Jersey Pier Concerts, and tion. tus are both challenging and stimulating, established county government for the every year and there simply is particularly as they concern county gov­ convenience of the state—but has found no market today for even a frac­ ernment. it convenient to allow the county (the tion of these. If we could get John LaCorte Voted Elk Of North Arlington Woman's Club The Leader newspapers long have criti­ municipalities) to pay the bid for the some money out of it, we would cized the unfair burden the county govern­ state services such as the courts, welfare, be glad to allow a trade-in. Ac­ Year By Lyndhurst Lodge 1505 Sponsoring Annual Art Show ment set-up in New Jersey has imposed parks, education and hospitals and institu­ tually it costs us money to dis­ upon the municipalities. It has been the tions. pose of used sets. There is ano­ John V. Li Corte has been birth of the Order of Elks in A- The North Arlington Woman's the Nprth . named as Elk of the Year by contention of these newspapers that as As long as the county governments re­ ther reason. If a dealer sells a nierica. He has also been a very Cluh, with the Cooperation of the r a r yŸ, , o r^f* th e 1lib high school o ffi­ now operated the county government is a mained small the taxpayer was willing to used set and something goes the Lyndhurst Lodge of Elks for active member of the Veterans' Borough of North Arlington, will ces, of N o rth A rlington a n d Queen convenient grab bag into which the poli­ assume the costs. But the spiraling de­ wrong with it after a while, the the y e a r 1967-1968. Service, Charity Ball, Variety sponsor its third annual commun­ of Peace High Schools. ticians dip with great agility. mands of the county government upon the customer complains even if he The selection was made by a Show, New Years Eve, Parade, ity art show on Saturday, April All entries must be picked up Nobody questions that many of the municipal property owner has caused has been told that there is no committee appointed earlier in Convention,, and the Neapolitan 27j and Sunday, April 28, on the at the Borough Hall Park on A- ffunctions of county government are im­ such complaint that the present study of guarantee with it.
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