Occurrenceof amphibiousbugs, water bugs and ground bugs in the catchmentarea of the Criqul Albo Crigul Negru and Crigul Repederivers Attila Kecskis Abstract Researchcarried out so far on this subjectdemonstrates the presenceof twenty bug speciesin the catchmentarea of the three Crig rivers. Due to our current studieswe may add nineteennew speciesto the bug fauna of the region and confirm the existenceof eighteenpreviously mentionedspecies. The thirty-sevenspecies found by us are representedby 1048 collectedsamples belongingto the following taxonomiccategories/orders: Hydrocorisae:539 samplesof thi-rteenspecies Amphibiocorisae:398 samplesof thirteenspecies Saldidae:111 samples of elevenspecies In this work we shall describespecies living in rivers and we shall try to give a proper explanation to the frequency or infrequency of certain species.Our most important conclusionreferring to the distribution of different speciesis that their diversity is much higher for natural reaches,the water-bugsare more numerousand representedby more speciesin stagnantwaters, and the diversity of the amphibious bugs is the highest on middle and lower reaches.The greatestvariety of ground bug speciesare to be found on upper reachesor stony river banks. Thesespecies are not threatenedby extinction,but their existenceis closelyconnected with the natural conditions of rivers. They don't appear sensitive to industrial water pollution,as demonstratedby the high numberof samplescollected in pollutedwater near the city of Petru Groza. Keywords: bugs,Criq rivers' valleys. 275 Introduction The representativesof thesebug groups are to be found in every type of water from the sub-alpineto the sea-zone.Some speciesmay be presentin such a high number that they are damaging to fisheries. Other speciesare consideredbio-indicators. However numerousthey are, data referring to their occurrencein Romania are very few and above all faunistic.There are no referencesto the quality of the living places;only the namesof the localitiesor countiesare mentioned. Tab.1.: Dataconcerning the catchment area of thethree Crig Rivers (basedon Paina, 1975) HYDROCORISAE: }IHARCOUNTY {RAD COUNTY l. Notonectaslauca Jradea tneu . Pleaminutissima )radea . Corixanunctata )radea l. Hesperocorixalinnei Jradea i. Sisarafalleni Jradea i. Sisarastriata Jradea /. Neoacinerea Jradea neu 3.Ranatra linearis )radea ).Naucoris cimicoides )ra{ea t0. Aphelocheirus aestivalis* lamagda IN4PHIBIOCORISAE: 11.Aquarius paludum Jradea 2.Geris lacustris /aduCrisului. Oradea vloneasa 13.Geris odontogaster )radea I 4. Microveliareticulata vloneasa 15.Hvdrometra stanorum /aduCrisului I6. Hydrometra gracilenta \4oneasa GEOCORISAE: lam.SALDIDAE 7.Macrosaldula scotica Jradea 8.Saldula arenicola VaduCrisului 19.Saldula oDacula vloneasa 10.Saldula saltatoria ludesti.Ineu Bdndrescu'sdatain Paina (1988) 276 Data restrictedto the catchmentarea of the three Crig rivers are insignificant, so we had to use data referring to the closestplace names.Thus, the data included in Tab.l.- mostly from Paina'swork on the RomanianFauna (1975), must be dealtwith reservations. Our data have been collected the Crigul Negru and Crigul Alb rivers and on the catchmentarea of the Tacigelebrook (in the vicinity bf Avram Iancu village, Alba county) betweenthe 6s-12'hof August 1996,downstream the Crigul Repederiver and its two affluents,the Drigan and the lad rivers betweenthe20th-27'h of Julv 1995. Materiols and Methods Contrary to the twenty speciesmentioned so far - l0 speciesof Hydrocorisae,6 speciesof Amphibiocorisae,4species of Saldidae- we managedto determine37 species- l3 speciesof Hydrocorisae,l3 speciesof Amphibiocorisae,l1 speciesof Saldidae- during our researchon the threeCrig rivers. Our collectedmaterial contains: 539 samplesof water-bugs,398 samplesof amphibious-bugsand I I I samplesof ground bugs. Becauseof the life style of these bug-groupswe could not realize a quantitative suryey, only a qualitativeone. At every sampling place we tried to collect samples proportionally to their frequency.We collected the water- & amphibious-bugssamples with a limnologic net from the bottom and the surface of the waters and the leavesof floating plants. Ground-bug samples were simply caught by wet hands, except the Macrosaldulaspecies which couldn't be approachedso close and thereforesamples were caughtwith net. The collectedmaterial, groupedaccording to the sampling-placesand habitats,was stored in ethylalcohol strong of 70 degrees. Samples were determined with stereo-microscopeon the basisof externalmorphological marks. If needed,we took into considerationgenital characteristicsas well. 277 SamPling Pluces Trb. 2,:The list of the species collected downstrean the crigul Alb river /R= river'S = strgnrntwrter/ Totally Ctil hfon belorc rftrr Aciulr Aciufa Almrg Incu Chi-gineu Spciu Brrd Brad Brrd Ctil pord shan R s R R S R R R R Pleamiuunsima l ) Misonectascholtzi 4 I 39 44 I Coriupunchb I Sigranigmlineah 4 t I Nepacinues 4 7 I Rrnatralinearis I 2 at 5 J+ Aquuiuspaludum I I l5 t2 Crenislhoracicus I I t I 20 0enislacusris 4 I t 5 Microveliareticulatr ) ) Hydromeuastagnorum 8 2 u I 28 I Chaltoscirtacincta I Macrosaldulavariabilis I Saldulaucnuclla I 1 Saldulapallipes I I Saldulaoalustris I I Saldulaopacula 1 1 Saldulasaltatona 6 6 175 Totally: IE 4 5 IE 5t n 34 6 1 ( 7 l8 Nunbuofspecics 5 I I I 4 6 Crig R: river reachesabove Crig village m deeppool at a distanceof several The pool aboveBrad city S: a 10m lo"ngand 0.5-t water, coveredwith spotsof rush' metersfrom the river, loamy bottomed,wit[ muddy from the criqul Alb river' stony' The brook aboveBrad city R: at a distanceof 15 km loamy bottomedbrook' with grassybanks' below Brad city R: river reachesbelow Brad city' Aciufa R: river reachesnear Aciufa village' bankand bottom' muddy water' Aciu{a S: a pool 25 min diamete.,O-S m deep,loamy on the surfacerare marshvegetation' Almag R: river reachesnear Almaq village' Ineu R: river reachesnear Ineu city' 278 T a b. 3. : The list of the speciescoilected downstream the crigut-Negru River /R = river, S = stagnant water (e.g.: pond)/ Poiana Petru Petru Borz Borz Tinca Txrind Crig- Totallv: Groza Groza (pond) canal (nond) Species R R S R S R R S Notonecta I glauca Plea I minutissima Hesperocorixa I I linnei Sigara 6 JJ I 40 lateralis Sigara 9 6 l) nigrolineata Ranatra 2 2 linearis Naucoris I 2 3 cimicoides Aquarius 2 ) paludum Geris 2 4 6 lacustris Mesovelia t7 t7 furcata a Hydrometra J Sfrgnorum Uhartosclta 3 J cocksi Macrosaldula I scotlca Macrosaldula 4 4 variabilis Saldula I I pilosella Saldula 1 l3 6 26 arenicola Saldula I I pallipes Saldula I I 2 palustris Saldula I opacula Saldula I melanoscela Totallv: f, 20 t5 l5 39 I 10 2l 136 The number 3 7 2 3 2 4 5 3 20 of species 279 River Tab. 4.: Thc list of the spccicscollected donwstream the Crigul Repede lR = rlver, S = sttgnont wolerl U The Valley of c Thc Tbe A The After I ot- $ o ally a o the Drtrg8n I Vrly Crtt- I crs- e tern r Specics u I Creek u oflhe Strait a I o c Id I at Alegd d A c c Cf€d( d s I e a R R Rr Sr R2 R s R S Sr R R s R R R s l0 ll 4 28 Notonecta glauca I 2 Notonectaviridis J 4 Pleaminutissima 2 20 Micronectapoweri ) Corixa punctata 2 I 2l 24 Sisarafalleni 2 I 4 l Sigarastnata 6'l 24 9l Sigara nigrolineata I JI 39 Sigaralateralis I ll Nepa cinerea 2 I 2 4 Ranatra linearis 6 6 Naucoris cimicoides J 2 ! Limnoporus ruf. 1 6 I I Aquarius paludum 6 30 f I t5 Gerris lacustris t2 I 8 6 I 2l Gerris odontosaster 5 4 5 z 3 Genis argentatus 4 Gerris costae J 2 4 4 23 Gerris thoracicus 2 6 l I 2 t4 Microvelia reticulata 9 9 Microvelia pymaea I 22 Velia saulii l0 lt I ll Mesovelia frucata 2 Hebrusruficeps J t7 J 2t Hydrometrastag. 2 I Chartoscirtacocksi 5 J Mrcrosaldula smtica a ) t2 Saldulaarenicola l6 Saldulapallipes 4 2 4 Saldulaopacula t 2 2 1 Saldulasaltatoria I l9 2 t2 56 67 9 l3 I n ) 4 78 5lE Totally: 4 6 2E 4 ll I l4 I 6 5 4 9 3 2 9 3l Number of species: ll 4 6 2 5 5 280 ChigineuCrig R: reachesnear the city. PoianaR: reachesabove Poiana locality. Petru GrozaR: reachesnear Petru Grozalocality. Petru Groza S: a pool immediately at the river, stony-muddy bottom, turbid-brown water,no vegetationat all. Borz R: reachesabove Borz locality. Borz S: pool next to river, slightly turbid water, sony-loamy bottom, without vegetation. finca R: reachesnear Tinca locality. Zerind R: reachesnear Zerind locality. The Crig ChannelS: the channelnear Salonta city, linking the CrigulNegruand Crigul Repederivers, its whole surfacebeing coveredwith floating plants. $aulaR: reachesnear $dula locality. BologaR: reachesnear Bologa locality. The Valley of Drigan Rl: reachesnear Tranigu locality. S I : the cisternof the Draganriver. R2: the brook nearValea Drdganului locality. 52: pool near Valea Drdganului locality resultedfrom moisture, far from any river, with slightly turbid water, loamy bottom, a few marsh-plants. CiuceaF: reachesnear Ciucea locality. CiuceaS: pools immediatelyat the river, stony and loamy bottom, clearwater, diving water-plantsin it. The Valley of lad Rl: reachesbelow Remefilocality. R2: reachesclose to the Iad rivers flowing into the Crigul Repederiver. The Strait of the Crigul Repede river S l: pools in a loamy brook bed, with rare herbaceousvegetation on the surface. 52: eutrophicpools permanentlyfilled with water, with a loam-layerof about 30 cm on the bottom, with muddy water covered with spots of Fontinfalis sp., marsh plants (reed-grass)and tree trunks fallen into the water. R: reachesin the defile. Alegd R: reachesbelow Alegdcity. The cistern of Alegd S: pools on a promontory in the lake coveredwith grass,fitted with muddy water. R: the originalriver bed below the cistern,20-25cm deepwater, stony bottom, along the banksthe water surfacecovered with seaweed. FughiuR: reachesbelow Fughiu locality. 281 Tab. 5.: The list of the speciescollected on the catchment area of the Ticigele Creek Numben of Snecies specimens l.
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