Arabic Manuscripts the CHESTER BEATTY LIBRARY

Arabic Manuscripts the CHESTER BEATTY LIBRARY

A HANDLIST OF THE Arabic Manuscripts THE CHESTER BEATTY LIBRARY A HANDLIST OF THE Arabic Manuscripts Volume VI. MSS. 4501-5000 BY ARTHUR J. ARBERRY LITT,D., F.B.A. Sir Thomas Adams's Professor of Arabic in the University of Cambridge With 22 plates DUBLIN HODGES, FIGGIS & CO., LTD. 1963 PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, OXFORD BY VIVIAN RIDLER PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY DESCRIPTIONS OF MANUSCRIPTS 45or (r) RISALA FI 'L-$AN'AT AL-ILAHIYA, by al-Shaikh MAGHUSH. [A tract on alchemy; foll. r-6.] Any other copy? Foll. 7-74 contain extracts from various works on alchemy includ­ ing books by Ibn Umail, al-Jildaki and Jabir al-~adiq .. Foll. 7 5-77 contain some poems. (2) RISA.LA FI 'L-$AN'AT AL-ILAHITA [Anon.]. [ A fragment of a text on alchemy; foll. 78-97.] Any other copy? (3) RISA.LA QAIDARUS. [A similar tract; foll. 98-ro2.] Any other copy? Foll. ro3-4 contain further alchemical extracts. Foll. I 04. r 9· 5 x r 5·7 cm. Clear scholar's naskh. Undated, r 2/ I 8th century. 4502 MAURID AL-?AM:AN FI RASM AL-QUR'.J.N, by Abu eAbd Allah Muhammad. b. Muhammad. b. Ibrahim al-U1nawi al- Sharishi AL-KHARRAZi (ft. 703/1303). [ A metrical treatise on the orthography of the Qur~an.] Foll. 22. 21·3 x I 5·8 cm. Clear scholar's maghribi. Undated, r r/r7th century. Brockeln1ann ii. 248, Suppl. ii. 349• 45°3 SHLI.RH AL-RISALAT AL-PdT]JlrA, by Ma)}mud b# lv!u.. ~ammad b. Qalji-zada MlRAM al-Rum! {d. 93r/r5a4). 0008 :B 2 DESCRIPTIONS OF MANUSCRIPTS (A commentary on al-Risiilat al-Fatfiya, a treatise on astronomy by 'Ala' al-Din 'Ali b. Mul)-ammad AL-QUSHJI (d. 879/1474).] Foll. 94. 21 ·3 x r 5· 5. Clear scholar's naskh. Diagrams. AUTOGRAPH. Dated Tuesday, 23 Mul)-arram 925 (25 January 1519) .. Brockelmann, Suppl. ii. 330. 45°4 (i, ii) GHAYAT AL-SURUR Fl SHARIJ DIWAN AL-SHUDHUR, by AL-JILDAKI (d. 743/1342). [ A commentary on Diwiin Shudhur al-dhahab, poems on the philosopher's stone by Burhan al-Din Abu '1-I;Iasan 'Ali b. Musa, B. ARFA' RA'SAHU al-An~ari al-Jaiyani (d. 593/r 197). Foll. 217, 73. 21 X 15•5 cm.; 2ox 14·3 cm. Two scholars' naskh hands. Undated, r2/18th century. Brockelmann i. 496, Suppl. i. 908. 4505 AL-NATA'I'J AL-ILAH]YA, by $afi al-Din AL-I;IILLi (d. 749/1349). t A commentary on the author's own al-Kafiyat al-badtrya, a panegyric of the Prophet Mul)-ammad illustrating various rhetorical figures.] Foll. 44. 21·3 X 16·7 cm. Good scholar's naskh. Dated, at Mecca, 8 56 {1452). Brockelmann ii. I 60, Sup pl. ii. 199. 4506 .dL-MU8TA:1N1, by Yunus b. Isl)aq B. BEKLARESH al­ Isra'Ili (jl. 500/ 1 z06 ). DESCRIPTIONS OF MANUSCRIPTS 3 [ A celebrated treatise on simple drugs.] Foll. 153. 27•3 X I 8·6 cm. Clear scholar's maghribI. Undated, 10/16th century. Brockelmann i. 486, Suppl. i. 889. 45°7 (1) AL-NA?A'IR, attr. to IBN eABDUN. [A treatise on problems of Malikijurisprudence; foll. 1-24a.] No other copy appears to be recorded. * The author may perhaps have been Mul;i.ammad b. Al;i.mad B. eABDUN al-Nakha'I al-TujibI (JI. 500/1107). (z) AL-FURVQ FI 'L-AlfKAM [Anon.]. [Asimilar work, also called al-Masitil; foll. 24b-69.] No other copy appears to be recorded. Foll. 69. 19 X 1 5· 2 cm. Clear scholar's maghribI. Undated, 11/17th century. 4508 eUNQUD AL-ZAWAHIR, by AL-QUSHJI (d. 879/1474). [ A treatise on Arabic grammar.] Foll. 140. 18·4x 13·3 cm. Fine sch_olar's naskh. Undated, 10/16th century. Brockelmann ii. 235, SuppL ii. 330. 45°9 TUHFAT. AL-MAW.A.LI. BI-SHA.RH. SILK AL-LA'ALI:; WA' L-MUKHAMMAS AL-KHALl, by Mul)ammad b. eAbd al-Qasim B. AL-QA])I al-Faqih (JI. 11/17th century). [ A commentary on the Silk al-la' ali" wa' J-mukhammas al~kkali, a set of rajaz verses by Abu '"Abd Allah Sidi Mul}ammad b. Sidi Yusuf AL-FA.SI (d. 1052/1642).] Foll. 20. 22•2x 16•2 cm. Clear scholar's maghribi. 4 DESCRIPTIONS OF MANUSCRIPTS Undated, 11/17th century. No other copy appears to be recorded. 4510 (1) KASHF AL-ASRAR FI HATK AL-ASTAR, by 'Ala' al­ Din 'Ali Bek (Chelebi) AL-IZNIQI (ft. 10/16th century). [A treatise on alchemy; foll. 1-86.] Brockelmann ii. 448. (2) SHARif URJUZA FI 'L-IfIKMA [Anon.]. [A commentary on a metrical tract on alchemy; foll. 87-102.] Any other copy? Foll. 102. 20·9X 14·6 cm. Good scholar's naskh. Undated, I 1/ I 7th century. 4511 (I) AL-U$UL WA'L-:I)AWABIT, by AL-BONI ( d. 622/ I 225). [A treatise on the occult sciences; foll. 1-38.] Undated, I o / 1 6th century. Brockelmann i. 498, Suppl. i. 91 I. (2) SHARif AL-SULLAM AL-MURAUNIQ, by Mu~ammad b. B:usain AL-SUSI al-Miknasi al-Zihtawi. [ A commentary on al-Su/lam a!-murauniq ft 'i!m al-miziin wa' l­ manfiq, a well-known metrical tract on logic by al-$adr 'Abd al­ Rahman. b. Muhammad. b. 'Amir AL-AKHDARI. al-Maliki (ft. 943/1534); foll.42-114.] Undated, I 2/ I 8th century. No other copy appears to be recorded. (3) IRSHAD AL-TALIB AL-MU'LAM ILA MA'NA 'L­ SULLAM, by Abu '"Abd Allah Mul;iammad b. 'Abd al-Laµf AL-FILA.Li. [Another commentary on the same work; foll. 118-36.] Dated I I 5z ( 1739). DESCRIPTIONS OF MANUSCRIPTS 5 No other copy appears to be recorded. Foll. 139. 20· 8 X 1 5· 4 cm. Two scholars' maghribI hands. Undated, 1o/ 16th century and dated 1 152 ( 173 9). 4512 [RASA'IL Fl 'ILM AL-TANJlM.] [ A collection of various treatises, mostly fragmentary and incom­ plete, on astrology including the following.] ( 1) AL-RISALAT AL-KARlMlYA, by 'Abd al-Karim b. Mal)-mud AL-WAN!. [ A tract on the calendar; foll. 4b-6.] Copyist, Mul)-ammad b. Al)-mad b. Isma'il al-Mau~ilI. Dated 13 Rahr' I r 182 (28 July 1768). No other copy appears to be recorded. (2) AL-DALA'IL Fl Alf.KAM AL-NUJUM, by AL-SIJAZI (JI. 4/ 1oth century). [A tract on astrology; foll. 174b-183a.] Undated, r 2/ 18th century. Brockelmann i. 2 19, Suppl. i. 3 8 8. (3) MA.RIPA FATIJ. AL-ABWAB, by AL-SIJAZl. [ A similar tract; foll. 183b-1 8 5.] Undated, 12/ 18th century. Brockelmann, Sup pl. i. 3 89. Foll. 191. 21·5X 16•2 cm. Various scholars' naskh hands. 12/18th century. 45 13 (1) AL-QANUNCHA FI 'L-TIBB, by Mal:imud b. "Umar AL... JAGHMINI al-KhwarizmI (JI. 618/1221). [ An epitome of al-Qiiniln Ji '1-tibb, the famous medical encyclo­ paedia by IBN SINA (d. 428/1037); foll. 1-30.] Copyist, Ibrahim b. Mu~ammad al-Rau~i al-Maliki. 6 DESCRIPTIONS OF MANUSCRIPTS Undated, 10/16th century. Brockelmann i. 457, Suppl. i. 826. (2) URJUZA FI 'L-TIBB, by IBN SINA (d. 428/ro37). [The second half of a metrical treatise on medicine; foll. 3 r-43.] Undated, 1 I/ I 7th century. See Brockelmann i. 457, Suppl. i. 823. Foll. 4 3. 20·6 x I 5·8 cm. Two scholars' naskh hands. Undated, 10/16th and I 1/17th century. 45 14 UR JUZA FI' L-TIBB, by IBN SINA ( d. 428/ 1037). [ A metrical treatise on medicine.] Foll. 5 I. 19 X 15·2 cm. Clear scholar's maghribI. Undated, ro/16th century. Brockelmann i. 457, Suppl. i. 823. 45 1 5 AL-NUBDHAT AL-WAFlYA BI-WA])• AL-AURAQ AL- C'ADADiYA WA'L-IJARFiYA, by Mul).ammad b. eAli b. Mul).ammad AL-SHABRAMALLISI al-Maliki (ft. 1021/1612). [Instructions for writing amulets.] Foll. 25. 20·8 X 15•3 cm. Clear scholar's maghribi. Undated, 1 2/ I 8th century. Brockelmann ii. 366. 4516 LUBAB AL-HIKMA. Fl •ILM AL-HURUF. WA-•JLM AL- ASMA~ AL-ILAHlYA, by Abu MUQ-ammad •Abd Allah b. c-Azzuz al-Marrakushi AL-SDSI al-Tilimsani (ft. 1178/1766). [ A treatise on the magical properties of the letters and Divine Names; foll. 1-36.] Foll. 37-6 5 contain various magical extracts. DESCRIPTIONS OF MANUSCRIPTS 7 Foll. 6 5. 17 X 14· 8 cm. Cl ear scholar's maghribi. Copyist, 'Abd al-Qadir b. 'Ali b. al-Taiyib b. Ba'l-Qasim. Dated 6 Shauwal 1177 (8 April 1764). Brockelmann, Suppl. ii. 704. 4517 IRSHAD AL-QA$ID ILA ASNA 'L-MAQA$ID, by IBN AL-AKFANI (d. 749/1348). [ A repertory of the sciences.] Foll. 48. 21 X I 5 cm. Clear scholar's naskh. Dated 1089 (1678). Brockelmann ii. 136, Sup pl. ii. I 69. 4518 QABS AL-ANWAR WA-JAMI' AL-ASRAR, by Jamal al-Din Abu '1-Mal;iasin Yusuf b. Al;imad b. Mul;iammad AL­ NADROMI al-GharnatI (JI. 786/1384). [ A treatise on the magical properties of letters and numbers.] Foll. 119. 19·3 X 14·3 cm. Clear scholar's naskh. Undated, 1o / 16th century. Brockelmannii. 252, Suppl. ii. 358. 45 1 9 . AL-MASA'IL, by Abu Yusuf Ya'qub b. 'Ali al-Qarshi AL­ QASRA.Nl. [ A well-known manual of astrology.] Foll.

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