Vol. IV No. 34 U. S. Naval Operating Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Saturday, 15 October 1949 SCHOOL FEES REDUCED; SERVICE PAY RAISE BECOMES LAW; PRES. BOARD INVITES CLOSE TRUMAN SIGNS BILL THIS WEEK PARENT COOPERATION New Measure Comes As A Result Of Hook Committee Report The NOB School Board this week And Is First Major Pay Scale Change In 40 announced slight reductions in Years school fees, and invited closer parent cooperation in the school Washington (AFPS)-President Harry S. Truman, signed by requesting suggestions, ques- into law this week, the Armed Forces Pay Bill which provides tions, and criticisms regarding the and increase in salary for every member in the Service. It was school program. the First major revision of Beginning 1 November, the monthly charge of $1 per pupil in INSPECTION COMPLETED the military pay structure in kindergarten and grades 1 through ADMIRAL COMMENDS 40 years. 8 for supplies and book rental will ALL HANDS The bill became effective 1 Octo- be reduced to $0.50, and laboratory ________ber after minor adjustments had fees for high school students will Departure of the Atlantic Fleet been ironed out between the House be abolished. Tuition fees remain Inspector General and his inspec- and Senate versions of the bill. unchanged. tion staff Friday upon completion The action affects personnel of Increased enrollment in the of the Base-wide administrative and the Army, Navy, Marines, Coast school has made these reductions operational readiness inspection Guard, Air Force, National Guard, possible at this time, and it is hoped terminated a busy but productive the Air National Guard, the Coast to keep fees at the new level during week on the Base. Admiral Good's Geodetic Survey, the Public Health the remainder of the school year. complementary remarks prompted Service, and many reserve com- Prompt payment of tuition and the following memorandum from ponents of the various Services. fees is required, and delinquent ac- the Base Commander to all Base Under the new pay structure counts will be reported to cognizant commands: Service pay will be boosted in Commanding Officers for appro- "The Inspector General, RADM widely varying amounts, ranging priate action. R. F. Good, and his party of ex- from $5 a month for Recruits with Parents' Cooperation Sought perienced and highly competent five months service to $300 or more Parents are invited to consult officers have completed a very a month for Admirals and Generals informally with any member of the thorough inspection covering all with over 30 years' service. School Board, presenting sugges- phases of administration and opera- The bill does not provide an tions, questions, or criticisms re- tion of the Base. increase for Amy Recruits with lative to operation of the school. "Deficiencies were found and less than four months' service but However, matters considered of constructive criticism was offered. Privates and Apprentice Seamen sufficient importance or seriousness The inspection was beneficial and will get a $5 raise to $80 - approxi- to warrant action by the School we must profit from it. The time lately seven percent increase. Board should be presented in writ- to correct deficiencies is now. Enlisted personnel receiving the ing to a member of the Board. "Admiral Good personally cover- greatest benefit will be Sergeants Whenever possible, this should be ed a great deal of territory in his and Sergeants First Class whose done several days in advance of inspection and informed the Base increase will average 33-34 percent. the regular Board meeting. Commander that he considered (Navy equivalent of these two Recent additions to School Board the Base and all Commands to be rates is P02 and P01 respectively.) membership assure representation well organized, well administered Other Major Revisions from all major components of the and effective in carrying out the Besides varying pay increases, Base. Board members include: general mission in support of the major provisions of the bill in- LTCOL A. F. Johnston, USMC, Fleet. He noted great improvements dude: senior member; CDR L. P. Kimball, over last year. Longevity - A ceiling on the Jr., SC, USN, treasurer; CDR R. W. "Such things do not happen by present system of 5 per cent for Faulk, CHC, USN, secretary; CDR accident but result from intelligent each three years of service so that T. M. Peterson, USN; LCDR C. A. planning, well directed execution a person who fails to win a promo- Herold, CHC, USN; H. P. McNeal; and hard work- tion will not continue to get raises H. A. Dunlap, ADC; and the ex- "The Base Commander con- up to the present 30-year maxi- ecutive officer of the Naval Station, gratulates you on your perform- mum. upon reporting. ance of duty. Incentive pay for hazardous du- Board meetings are held the first W. K. Phillips" ties such as flight and submarine Tuesday of. each month. Meetings service -flat rates ranging from will be open for personal presenta- The New York shortwave station $100 to $210 a month for officers tion of the views of parents who of AFRS will broadcast the Tu- and $30 to $75 for enlisted per- have previously submitted material lane-Notre Dame football game sonnel instead of the present sys- in writing for action by the Board. this afternoon. (Continued on Page Two) Pave Two THE INDIAN Saturday. 15 October 1949 Pane Two THE INbIAN Sattsrday, 15 October 1949 NEW PAY SCALE WILL NOT BE USED FOR 17 OCTOBER PAYDAY According to LTJG H. R. Luebbe, CHURCH SERVICE SUNDAY Editorial Office, NOB Administration Bldg., the Disbursing Officer, copies of Catholic Masses Room 205- Phone 254 the new pay bill have been received. 0700-Naval Base Chapel Action, 0900-Naval Base Chapel Saturday, 15 October 1949 on the new bill however, 1745-Naval Base Chapel cannot be taken at this time inas- Daily Mass - 0630 U. S. NAVAL OPERATING BASE much as official Confessions before all Masses Guantanamo Bay, Cuba word of it's being signed by the President was not Protestant Services Rear Admiral W. K. Phillips, USN 0930-Sunday School at Schoolhouse Commander received until late this week. 1100-Naval Base Chapel Allen Collier, JOSN---------------Editor Consquently, the present pay sys- Protestant Choir rehearsal each Thursday P. H. Teeter, LCDR------- Staff Advisor tem will be used for military pay at 1930 THE INDIAN is published weekly, fin- day on 17 October 1949. The new Chaplains at this Activity anced by appropriated funds, printed on CDR R. W. FAULK, USN government equipment, for free distri- pay system will be used in comput- (Protestant) bution on the U. S. Naval Operating Base, ing pay for the 1 November pay day. LCDR Carl A. Herold, USN Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, by order of the (Catholic) Base Commander. THE INDIAN is published in compliance SERVICE PAY RAISE with the provisions of NAVEXOS-P-35 BUGS AND BOLTS (Rev) 1945. (Continued from Page One) GULPED BY JETS THE INDIAN is a member of the Ship's tem of 50 percent of basic longev- AS WELL AS AIR Editorial Association and republication of ity pay. credited material prohibited without per- mission from SEA. Sea and foreign duty pay for all Washington (AFPS)-Jet planes THE INDIAN uses Armed Forces Press commissioned and warrant officers suffer from indigestion. Service Material, which may not be re- has been eliminated. Enlisted pay printed without permission of AFPS. Because their appetites are so All photographs used by THE INDIAN on sea and foreign duty will range tremendous the jets sometimes are official U. S. Navy pictures credited to from a low of $8 additional per gulp more into their hungry I the NAS Photo Lab. unless indicated month for the lowest enlisted grade otherwise. mouths than the prescribed diet to a high of $22.50 for the top en- of pure air and fuel. Along with listed grade. CHRISTMAS TOYS MAKE the 55 pounds of air they take in Physical disability requirements for every pound of gasoline, APPEARANCE THIS WEEK -compensation to be based on de- they've been known to scoop up gree of disability. It has been the nuts and bolts as well. Christmas toys made their first practice to retire officers for physi- That's the word from aero- appearance at the Naval Station cal reasons and give them 75 per nautical engineers who are work- Ship's service this week and LT cent of base-longevity. ing night and day to keep them K. W. Strebel, Ship's Service Offi- Bonuses for enlisted personnel on the official menu. will be made on the basis of years cer says there are plenty of toys The trouble stems from the fact available to Base residents. to be served rather than on the old that a jet will breathe enough air The toys were put out late this theory of paying $50 a year for to fill a one-story building covering week but retracted over the week- past service. Reenlistment bonuses a small city block during the usual end. This policy of having the toys now range from a low of $40 for five-minute pre-takeoff to a high of warmup. out during the week and retracting a 2-year reenlistment In one hour it scoops up as much them on weekends while the fleet $360 for a 6-year enlistment. as a vacuum sweeper collects to is in will continue throughout the The bill would also wipe out the fill a bag one foot in diameter rest of this month. war-time family allowance system and 800 miles long! LT Strebel said he wished to for enlisted men which was based The trouble on the number of dependents and is, jets aren't vac- reassure patrons of the Ship's uum cleaners.
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