E1708 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 3, 2014 than life, with a magnificent voice, a powerful twisting Israel’s arm to make peace when vative individuals and groups within the not- presence, an all-consuming passion for the peace can’t be made, the United States for-profit, public, and private sectors, as well wilderness, and a passion to preserve and should stand strong with our democratic ally as building a ‘‘culture of innovation’’ in North- protect the natural beauty of our nation. against terrorists. The same attackers that west Indiana. The importance of innovation in f want to destroy Israel also call the United Northwest Indiana, as well as globally, is cru- States the Great Satan. They want to kill cial in today’s ever-changing economy. Lead- HAMAS KILLS AGAIN Americans too, as this latest attack that killed ing the Northwest Region is Dr. Thomas G. three Americans showed. Our first step should Coley, Chancellor, Ivy Tech Community Col- HON. TED POE be to cut the funding we give to the Pales- lege North West and North Central Regions. OF TEXAS tinian Authority (PA) until they take specific, The fellows selected by the Society of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES verifiable, and significant acts to go after those Innovators were chosen for their significant in- Wednesday, December 3, 2014 who commit acts of terrorism. At the very novative leadership and the impact of their ac- least, the PA needs to stop paying reward Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, ‘‘We love complishments throughout Northwest Indiana money to the families of terrorists. Second, we and beyond. Scott Albanese, founder and death more than the Jews love life.’’ This should make sure that our funding to Israel is Hamas propaganda phrase says it all. Inter- chief executive officer of Albanese Confec- strong and robust, focused on ensuring Israel tionery Group, Incorporated, in Merrillville, national outsiders cry ‘‘peace, peace,’’ but can beat back these terrorists. Finally, we there can be no peace as long as Hamas re- launched his business thirty years ago. Today, need to stop publicly and privately insulting the company generates over $100 million in fuses to recognize Israel’s right to exist. No Israel. Israel is the only liberal democracy in matter how many times leaders shake hands sales and its products can be found nation- the Middle East and one of our strongest allies wide, as well as in nine other countries. In ad- or how many agreements are signed, peace in the world. cannot be achieved if peace is not desired. dition, Scott invented the first gummy candy in The right response to a terrorist act is not the world with a distinguishable flavor, which The only reason Israel exists is because the words of condemnation followed by continued Jews persist in surviving. was previously deemed impossible. Robert pressure on the victims of terrorism. The right Coangelo is the founding farmer of Green In the morning hours of November 18, a response is recognizing the evil for what it is group of Orthodox Jews gathered at a syna- Sense Farms, which is the nation’s largest in- and countering it with swift justice against the door, commercial, vertical farm and the largest gogue in Jerusalem to pray. In the middle of perpetrators and strong support for the vic- their prayers, at 7 a.m., two terrorists wielding user of Phillips LED grow lights. The organiza- tims. tion grows produce in a controlled environ- guns, axes, and butcher knives attacked them. And that’s just the way it is. Odai Abu Jamal and his cousin, Ghassan Abu ment that is free of pesticides, herbicides, and f Jamal, killed 4 rabbis and one police officer GMO seeds while distributing its products and injured 8 others before they were shot by 10TH ANNUAL NORTHWEST INDI- throughout the Midwest. Robert Palumbo, local police. Three of the four rabbis were ANA INNOVATION INDUCTION Ph.D., professor and Alfred W. Sieving chair American citizens. CEREMONY of engineering, inspired the effort to build the The men were members of the terrorist nation’s fifth solar furnace at the College of group known as the Popular Front for Libera- HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY Engineering at Valparaiso University, which is tion of Palestine (PFLP). While the group itself utilized by undergrad students to explore new OF INDIANA ideas in solar research. Dr. Palumbo is now did not claim responsibility, it was quick to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES support the attack. Hamas, another terrorist part of a ‘‘pioneering’’ team at the James S. group bent on the destruction of Israel, not Wednesday, December 3, 2014 Markiewicz Solar Energy Research Facility. only commended the attacks but called for Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is with Neeti Parashar, Ph.D., spearheaded a High more. Terrorist groups supporting terrorist at- great respect and enthusiasm that I congratu- Energy Physics Team at Purdue University tacks does not surprise me. But Hamas is not late Ivy Tech Community College Northwest Calumet as part of a large global collaboration your typical terrorist group. It governs the en- and its regional partners, who recently cele- to discover the Higgs-Boson subatomic par- tire Gaza Strip as a result of the 1.8 million brated their 10th Annual Northwest Indiana In- ticle, which gave the Nobel Prize to Peter Palestinians there voting them into power. And novation Induction Ceremony. At the cere- Higgs of the United Kingdom and Francois the reaction from some of the people of Gaza mony, which reflects the ‘‘Spirit of Innovation’’ Englert of Belgium. Roger Pradham, Ph.D. to the attack shows that they share its terrorist in Indiana, fifteen individuals and fourteen played a key role in the development of new government’s feelings. In the town of Rafah, teams were inducted as members of the carbon steel products for the automotive in- the people celebrated by handing out sweets, 2014–2015 class of The Society of Innovators dustry, and he is the leading developer of carrying axes, and holding up posters of the of Northwest Indiana. Of these individuals, bake-hardenable steels. Dr. Pradham received terrorists. The religious elites joined in the several members were inducted as Society an AISI Gold Medal for his research outlining celebration as well: loudspeakers at mosques Fellows for their significant efforts in innova- the implementation of bake-hardenable steels in Gaza called out congratulations. Palestinian tion. These individuals are Scott Albanese, at Burns Harbor, and he currently holds four radio reports described the attackers as ‘‘mar- Robert Coangelo, Robert Palumbo, Ph.D., patents. tyrs’’. Undoubtedly, the terrorists’ family will re- Neeti Parashar, Ph.D., and Roger Pradhan, I am also honored to acknowledge William ceive compensation from the government’s Ph.D. William E. Nangle was honored as the E. Nangle, executive editor (ret.), The Times ‘‘terrorist fund’’, which pays stipends to the Gerald I. Lamkin Fellow for Innovation and of Northwest Indiana, who was recognized as families of terrorists who are imprisoned or Service, a special recognition named for the the Gerald I. Lamkin Fellow for Outstanding who died during their attacks. President Emeritus of Ivy Tech College of Indi- Innovation & Service. In his role, Mr. Nangle When an elected government and the peo- ana. Also honored were two Chanute Prize re- introduced the ‘‘Munster Model,’’ which pro- ple it governs celebrate a brutal terrorist at- cipients, the BP ‘‘One Global Team’’ for the vided the community with in-depth local and tack, it is a reminder of the challenges Israel Whiting Refinery Modernization Project and neighborhood news while also covering re- faces as it works for peace in the region. For PCL Alverno. In addition, a new team award gional news. This model became a huge suc- the last six years, this White House has pres- designated ‘‘Accelerating Greatness’’ was pre- cess in the journalism industry and is utilized sured the Israeli government to make conces- sented for the first time this year, and the re- nationwide. In addition, Mr. Nangle brought In- sion after concession for peace. The reaction cipients were James S. Markiewicz Solar En- diana’s seven largest newspapers together, of the people in Gaza to this latest attack ergy Research Facility, Valparaiso University, producing statewide access to public records. should wake the White House up to the unfor- and the Northwest Indiana Regional Develop- Under Mr. Nangle’s direction, The Times of tunate reality that, no matter how many con- ment Authority. For their truly remarkable con- Northwest Indiana became a national leader in cessions Israel makes, many Palestinians do tributions to the community of Northwest Indi- its industry. not want peace if it means Israel continues to ana and their continuous efforts to cultivate a The recipients of the Chanute Prize for exist. Palestinian acts of terrorism are not just culture of innovation, these honorees were in- Team Innovation should be commended for a problem of a couple of lone rats or individual ducted at the Horseshoe Casino in Hammond, their contributions. The BP ‘‘One Global terrorist groups, but they are supported by an Indiana, on Thursday, October 16, 2014. Team’’ for the Whiting Refinery Modernization entire infrastructure throughout the Palestinian The Society of Innovators of Northwest Indi- Project utilized a single team concept on a territories that has close ties to the senior Pal- ana was created by Ivy Tech Northwest with world scale to conduct the largest and most estinian leadership. Instead of repeatedly the goal of highlighting and encouraging inno- complex refinery construction project in BP VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:35 Dec 04, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K03DE8.010 E03DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS December 3, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1709 history.
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