THE IMBIAMA1P0LI JOUEMALo c at RiiLWAT nrTAJn. m ESTABLISHED 1823. INDIAN ArOLIS, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 25, 1896. PRICE 3 CENTS. TIU1 JL.NI t D.DA.d CZXT3. Fair. adjutants and majors whom he had cre- ond In command of the insurgent force com- ated In all parts of the country besought manded by FeJipe Rodriguez is supposed to NO EVA BOOTH IN CHARGE MOSEY FOR PATRIOTS have besn wounded. MONEY FOR SECTS Cycling him to become their general. Ballington Colonel VcJarde Ceca fought a band of in- Bicyclers and all others who wear Booth retired for a short time to his pri- surgents at Clego Avila and they left six vate quarters, accompanied by his wife, dead when they retreated, carrying o?f their A or Golf Suits or athletic wear will find wounded. Of the troops. Lieutenant tiaban-ai- o who had been by his side during all the reports are given out op salva-TIO- X wat wounded. No much to interest them to-da- y in our exhibit XCW OOSWIAXDEIl the exalting scenes. They locked the door. SIX BASKETS FILLED YVITII UNITED of engagements with insurgent leaders. ciirncucs must huppoiit tiieiii AR3IY IN THIS COUXTHY. Taey kneeled down and prayed for STATES GREENBACKS. Quintin Bandera is at Ciguanea. Maximo OW.Y SCHOOLS FOR. INDIANS. of Cycle Golf Suits, Trousers, Sweat- Gomez is in the neighborhood of JovellanoJ, and strength. The emissaries came again with westward of Colon. Antonio Maceo is in their tempting offer. He met them calmly the district of Cardenas, In northern Matan- Sight ers, Caps, Etc., which embraces the very and firmly. He listened to their address, zas. Third Donshter of the General, a Successful Celebration Last Xlght of Havana spent a day of disquiet and L'aunl Annual Appropriation to 5ee pictured glories of future Independence openly-express- to-da- y, most meritorious of the new the ed occa- Snc-cess- the best and Composer fnl alarm Mnslelnn. and and and great result for the cause of religion. the Inauguration of the Cuban sion for the feeling of dread being that it tarlnn Imtltudona Lopped Off by things. Worker In the Slums.' "It cannot be," he said. "I thank you, Rerolntlon, a Yenr Aco. was the first anniversary of the outbreak the Lower House, you ten- of the revolution in Santiago de Cuba, for also be held from 7 to 9 dear friends, for the honor have and it was feared that the insurgents The exhibit will dered me, the confidence and the trust would signalize tho event by ?ome vigorous you have shown, but I must decline. Mrs. movement or eome striking outbreak in the p. m., when there will be music. No goods BALLING TON AND 3IATJD OUT STEAMER BERMUDA SEIZED city itself. Many alarming rumors were BITTER Booth and I will quietly retire from the during the day. SPEEOT BY AN A. P. A. -- circulated at various times sold or orders taken in the evening. army In which we have labored so long. Rut the day passed without anjf of the Good-by- e, and God's blessings rest upon apprehended dangers manifesting them- Cyclers Everybody is invited. you." selves. BUT MAY SOOX DE AT THE HEAD OF ALLEGED FILIBUSTER CAPTURED The men arrested recently on the charge MIL LI.YTOX IXDIGAXT OVER Td3 31ny Hold the Property. of stealing ammunition are being tried A SEW AMERICAN ARMY. OFF LIBERTY ISLAND. here to-d- ay by court-martia- l. They ar PCItn 3L1RQUETTB STATTO. NEW YORK, Feb. 24. The Press to- being protected from the populace by civil morrow will publish the following: R. A. guards, as a great deal of bitter feeling ToOay at tine Alexander, attorney for Ballington Booth, has been expressed against them. Gold n Quan- The insurgent leader El Inglesito, whose Statements from the Ttto Faction of the Salvation Army in Four Baku of Crfbnn nntl real name is said to be Alfred Godoy, or Members of Congress IVarned of De- Capt. Glffcrt, of Indianapolis, Thinks tho United 6tates, declared yesterday that tity of Ammunition Levied on by Gold, and who is reported to be a native feat at the rolls If They Voted over of Illinois, has been brought here from a. IVevr Organization his client would not turn the American Possible. property army to Revenue Ofllccrs. Gulnes. with sixteen otner prisoners of Money Catholic Schools. of the Booth Tucker, the war. Nine of the latter are to be sent to new chief now coming from London to African prisons and the remainder to the tako charge of the American army. Mr. Isle of Pines. NEW YORK, Feb. 24. Notice was posted Alexander said further that Mr. Booth NEW YORK, Feb. 24. The Cuban revolu- WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. The House to- ay at Salvation Army headquarters to-d- in might proceed to reorganize the army on an tionary clubs to-nig- ht celebrated their first THREE BADLY HURT day, in committee of the whole, after a the form of a cablegram from London, as independent and distinctly American basis. anniversary. One year ago to-d- ay patriotic very interesting debate, by & vote of $3 follows: "The Salvation Army is not organized as up Spain. The 01, a corporation," said Mr. Alexander, Cubans took arms against to decided that none of the appropria- EVERARD'S "Field Commissioner Eva Booth has anl revolutionary club of this city held a grand tions on the Indian appropriation bill BIG 3t ROUTE JAMES ben cannot hold property in its own name. Nor SERIOUS RESULT OF A ''FRAMC" AT for placed in charge of affairs In America, and can a foreigner noli real estate in this coun- mass meeting at Chlckerir.g Hall, and the Indian echools should go "to sectarian rr Genultio Old all officers jf tho army must report to her try declared his intention to for the present." unless ho has place was crowded to Its utmost capacity. MOXMOUTII COLLEGE. schools. The only sectarian schools to which PAR- become a citizen ana so the army property GTICEXCASTLE, TKIHIB HAUTE, The notice posted yesterday that Com- all the real estate property, at any rate--has Many of those In attendance were ladles. money now goes are Roraaa Catholic in IS, MATTOON, LJTCnriELD, ALTON mander Tucker H. Booth and his wife were been acquired in his name. Legally ho They were dressed in deep mourning, indi- denomination, and the fight to-d- ay was led 'AM 'AM is tho absolute owner of property valued at cating that relatives or friends had given up Stndents "Foment Like Demons' Be- by Mr. Linton, a Michigan Republican, and appointed to succeed Rallington Dooth and more than JTOO.OW. There are no restricting Mrs. Maud R. Rooth disappeared from the clauses about holding In trust, or as trus- their lives to the cause of Cuban freedom. cause "Freshics Flaunted Their who is tho most pronounced and openly tee in any of the title deeds. The. War Cry Over the speakers' stand was thrown the Mny avowed A. P. A. member on the floor. In, bulletin board during the night. Colonel belongs to hlni al.so. lie may do with It Colors One Die. to-nig- iiqw adopted: by ST. LOUIS & DRAKE, Kadlo ht issued following state- Cuban flag, or new colors last year's bill the appropriation was cut FACH DIREC- POIAER the exactly as he plea?cs. Neither his father PASSEGEll TRAINS DAILY IN ment: "Field Commissioner Eva Booth is nor any one else has a legal right to inter- the revolutionists red, white and blue, with down 2j per cent, with the understadlng TION KUN AS roLLOWS i Distributors of Fine Imported and -- fere with its management or to claim a a red diamond the staff end, and in the :i.-T- should 20 per cent, Domestic Groceries, tho General's third daughter, and has paper at 'MONMOUTH, III.. Feb. he hated that It be reduced each To St. Louis. penny of what the earns. Ballington center of which is a white star. the year until It ceased the end of five ycar Lr. .. am 11.o am 4.30 pra 11.20 pm served In every rank as officer from lieu- Booth realizes where his obligations lie and class colors. of the freshmen of Monmoirth at Inch's.. -- stage were names of the Ar.T. Haute. 10.03am 1JXI ja 1.05 pm 1.32am 16 North Meridian Street. tenant to commlfsloner. The London prov- he will not fall to meet them, but he knows rear of the the CoI!ege, flaunted in the face of the sopho- The committee on Indian affairs rursutd Ar. 12.05 u'n 3.01 9.10 pm to well up Mattoon.. im Ifflim con- what is in justice due him as and dead heroes who have given their lives in a fierce bit-ti- e that policy thl3 year, and recommended Ar. Alton 4.41pm 65 pm 1.00 am ince which she had orders to farewell he will be. guided, as well as his wife, by mores and juniors, resulted for liberation of Cuba the last y, Ar.bt.Loul. fi.Mpm 6.06 pm 7.30 am tains 21,000 soldiers, 350 .field officers and of the army In this coun- the within to-da- in which three freshmen were se- that this appropriation be again reduced 2J the best Interests year, picture of General, Marti In per From St. Loala. from 500 to 700 cadets. She also had charge try. The result of the trouble will be good. with the riously injured, one fatally.
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