PHONE MAIN 61S3—Day or NI,M NOT AFRAID OF THIS MOUSE RESIDENCE PHONE YORK 1669. M. J. R. CONTEE CURTIS Pres, and Mgr. HARRIS ARAPAHOE^^^^^^^(5 ® BEER, R. E. Handy Asst. Manager DENVER'S PRIDE The purity of Capitol Beer Is demonstrated by its superior flavor and strength-giving qualities. It's capital. HOME. HAVE A CASE SENT Director. ."'¦-feV/U/ Lady Assistant I The Capitol Brewing Co. POLITE SERVICE TO ALL. Phone Champa 356. Delivered Anywhere. Ambulance and Carriages Furnished for All Occasions V. PRICE & CO. ! • • .¦¦¦y* Largest Tailors in the world of Good Made-to-order CLOTHES 500 All Wool Fabrics... $lB and up E. C. MEAD JtTjM 1812 STOUT ST. Photo, by UnflerwoAd & Underwood, N. T.) Opposite New Post Office Nobody of jumping on a sight of tED.co.v. price a cOk JP thinks chair at the this little mousle —in fact, one can sit in perfect calmness while he gambols on one’s instep. For the mouse is really embroidered on the silken stocking. The embroidery is done on the thread* silk stocking with mouse-colored silk and the effect - lreßß - Seo >’- C. B. PRIOR, President D. s ELEY and i3 very natural and rather startling at first glimpse. THE PRIOR FURNITURE CO IN VELVETEEN AND CORDUROY MADE A DAINTY TEA TRAY Combination That Deserves the Popu- Pretty Thing Evolved by Clever Girl STREET larity Which It Has Been Un- In a Most Economical and Sim- SHOE REPAIRING CURTIS hesitatingly ple lBl4 Accorded. Manner. 1023 EIGHTEENTH BOUGHT, ST. NEW AND SECOND HAND FURNITURE Not every one can afford frocks of A novel and most economical way silk velvet, was a was We Have the Best Equipped Outfit in the West to Produce the Goods SOLD AND EXCHANGED. WINDOW SHADES so velveteen manu- to make pretty tea-tray dis- factured as a substitute. It is lovely, covered by a girl who is very clever Sewed Soles 60c 75c, $l.OO Resoling from heel to heel, entire AND SEWTNG MACHINES SOLD ANDRE- and gives practically the same effect with her wits and her fingers. She Nailed Soles 50c 65c, 75c new bottom d»*| Crt as silk velvet when made up. Velve- first purchased for forty cents a Heels 25c, 35c, 50c and heel ipl.OU PAIRED A SPECIALTY teen and corduroy are used to fashion oval picture frame from a second- Rubber Heels 50c SHOES MADE TO ORDER. or Credit many smart frocks for street wear. hand store, securing a very good bit Turn Rips 15c to 25c Tailor Made *lO Phone. Champa 392 Cash Plain colors are more frequently of natural old woodwork. Then with a Patches 15c to 25c WE CAN FIT ANY KIND OF used for the velveteen models. They bottle of stain, some sand-paper and a We Use the Best Oak Lether. DEFORMED FOOT. polished are effectively trimmed with fur, me- little varnish she up the wood REPAIRING WHILE YOU WAIT tallic laces, Persian or tapestry em- to look like new', then screwed on two BRING YOUR FEET TO broidery. brass handles, one at each end, after- Velveteen does not adapt itself so wards cutting a piece of pretty cre- WALTER CAMBERS Eighteenth St successfully to draping as do the tonne the same size as the glass, and softer velvets, so the skirts are usual- pasting it smoothly where the picture We Solicit Your Patronage. First Class Work Guaranteed. Shoe Store ly plain or with pleated Insets. w-ould ordinarily go. Covering it with Sample jumper effects, frame, Tober’s The bodices are with the boards that belong to the 2115 LARIMER STREET guilnpes of lace or chiffon. tacked securely into place, the entire Corduroys In the soft-finished qual- back then being covered with a piece ities are extensively used. of felt, w'hen she found herself pos- » Frocks and coat suits are develop- sessed of a most fetching tea-tray SAVE MONEY ed of this material and seem to find which in the shops would cost from a ready sale. to SB. $5.00 Sample Shoes $2.95 The two-tone corduroys In brown and black and white $4.00 Sample $2.50 tan, blue and the Skin. £>hoes are especially favored. Cara of $3.00 Sample Shoes $1.95 In plain colors, dark blue, brown, Before going to bed at night, sponge arms a solution black and burgundy are the shadec tho face, neck and in cold salt water. You will find your- Price 'uore frequently used. of Sample Shoes from Well Known Makers at Half self awakening in the morning with that desirable slight pink glow, which H. I. TOBER, Prop. BLOUSE you so often see In the face of a child at this time. Another skin stim- ulator is a small piece of ice, placed in a soft piece of linen and rubbed gently over the entire face and neck, care being taken to reach every part of tho surface about the eyes and eye- THE ANNEX THEATRE lids. This should not be done to ex- 2118-20 LARIMER ST. cess; and afterward the face should ALWAYS CROWDED be gently but thoroughly dried, and e little cold cream applied. All cream SPECIAL FOR SUNDAY, SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY that the flesh has not absorbed should be removed, especially from the face COMEDY tendency being 929 Twenty-first Street. Selig's Greatest Masterpiece, THE WALDO-HOXT that has a toward COMPANY hirsute. OF First Class Tonsorial Artists in Attendance. Best Line of Cigars THE COMING S—PEOPLE—S j Evening and Tobacco. Dresses. Call Again. Harry Jones, Prop. The Grecian draperies and oriental COLUMBUS colorings strongly dominate the very exclusive evening dresses, says the pigture & a 3 reel feature . Webb Ticklebreaches Dry Goods Economist. Embossed vel- Funny Colored Boys vet patterns on chiffon cloth, on $50,000 Production; 350 People Those Two charmeuse, on satin or brought out on Tn a Big Comedy Act. in the Cast. cloth of gold and silver are utilized. Metallic brocades, gold and silver tis- sues, gold The moire and plain cloth of and silver, as well as rich embroider- ed fabrics, are represented in many of the most favored models. Rich laces are also in favor, particularly the finer varieties, such as Chantilly Monarch Liquor and Bohemian. Venise is used most- This is a smart little blouse to bo ly as a finishing touch on vel v et worn with a costume skirt. It is in models. FAST, EXCELLENT soft chiffon with embroidery DAILY SERVICE on the shoulders, center front straps Extreme Effects. Between and cuffs. Two deep folds are made Some of the extreme panier effects Company from the shoulders to waist each side. Introduced this season suggest an or- Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo Materials required: yards 42 dinary sack combined with Turkish via the Inches wide. trousers. The pannier Is slightly gathered into the waistband and falls & Southern Railway Vogue of Moire. between the kneo and the ankle, over Colorado a plain narrow skirt; so that the full- Kloctric Lighted Sleeping and Dining Cars—Well-Ballasted Roadbed—Block Moire is being used extensively for by fall, ness lays over It. This style is us- Signals—Stone and Concrete Bridges—and a service appreciated suits this as well as for trim- Pas- ually carried out in the flowered the experienced traveler. A1 trains eave and arrllve Union mings. There are several classes of senger Stations, Denver, Colorado Springs and Puoblo. moire,¦ Including the moire antique, silks or chiffon that suggests the ‘ LEAVE DENVER DAILY the moire velours and the regence. modes of Louis XIV. m. 3:50, 8:00, 8:30 and 9:00 a. m., and 12:15, 3:30 and 7:45 p. The latter denotes the ribbed weaves ARRIVE DENVER DAILY as applied to the moires. The change- Fur In Neckwear. 2:30, 3:25, and 7:00 p. m. 7:00 and 10 00 a. m.. and 5:30 able and chameleon effects are shown Among the distinctly new ideas in T. E. FISHER, General Passenger Agent. in the moires quite as often as the neckwear are tho novelties in w’hich City Ticket Office plain. The taffeta moire has a beau- tiny bands of fur are utilized on tho portion Seventeenth and California Streets or Union Passenger Station tiful but not too sharply defined wa- collar and, in some Instances, IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS Denver, Colorado. tery effect which makes it very desir- on the jabot, is the statement made in ablo. This fabric has almost ousted a recent Issue of the Dry Goods 1510 COURT PLACE TELEPHONE CHAMPA 1231 UXMHHMMHIMMMHHXMMMIMMHIMMMthe changeable taffeta Economist..
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