418 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. JULY,1920 BIBLIOORARHY. RECENT ADDITIONS TO THE WEATHER BUREAU LIBRARY. Zi-ka-wei observatory. Atla! of the tracks of.620 typhoons 1893-1915, by Louis Froc, S. J., C. FITZHUQETALMAN, Profeeaar in Charge of Library. Duector. Zi-ka-wei observatory. Zi-ka-wei (Chang-hai). 1920. 4 p. 23 charta. 31 cm. The following have been selected from amon the titles of booh .recentIv received RS repxsenting t% OYB most likely to be useful to Weathe:. Bureau officials in their RECENT PAPERS BEARING ON METEOROLOGY AND meteorological work and studies: SEISMOLOGY. Brllckner, Eduard. C. F. TALXAN,Profemor in Charge of Library. Klimarchwankungen 1813 bis 1913 in Vorderindien. Stuttgart. 1918. p. 232-256. (Eonderdruck. Bibliothek geogmpliischer The following titles have been selected from the oon- Handbiicher. Festband Albrecht Penck.) tents of the periodicals and serials recently received in Eckersley, T. L. the Library of the Weather Bureau. The titles selected Observations of solar radiation. Cairo. [1914] p. 114-136. 37+ cm. (Survey dept., Egypt. Hehan observ. Bull. no. 14.) Gorczyfiski, Wadyslawr Niekt6re ’ wiadomo4ci o radwh rttmosferyrxnych oraz o ich zwiazku z klhtanii naguli ziemskiej. (Wedug W. Koppena, A. Hettnera. R. Siinnga, H. Hdrlebranssona, i Teieserenc de Borta.) Warsaw. 1919. 36p. 25 cm. Nowe izotermy Polski, Europy. i kuli zieniskiej, 2. dodatkiem o Great B&in. Mefcorologhl o@ce. ,ildonthly meteorologhl dark of charakterze klimatycznym Polski. (Nouvelles isothermes de the h‘orth Atlantic ocean. London. Augzut. 1990. la Pologne, de 1’Europe et du globe terrestre.) Warsaw. 1918. Durst, C. S. The upper air and ita relation to wind at the surface 2Y6 p. 37 fi 8. 48 charta. 30 cm. [Text in Polish; r6sumB ofthe globe. in French.] (iAbstract this REVIEW,p. in 411.1 Metenrologicnl magazine. London. v. 55. ‘July,1990. 0 Cienieniu Powietr7m w Polsce i w Europie. (Preesion At- Dines, ~~Uiam]alenry]. The tilting ram gauge: a new auto- mosphhrique en Pologne et en Europe.) Warsaw, 1917. SF5 graphic instrument. p. 112-113;‘ 14 figs. 54 cets. 30 cm. [Text in Polish; rhaumb in Locke, A. S. Temperature and went” [in hunting]. p. 117. Leach.] [Abstract in this REVIEW,p. 413.1 [Dogs can follow a scent dlywhen the ground ia warmer than 0 wyznaczaniu stopnia kontynentalizniu wedrig amplitud tem- the air, but only with difficulty when the ground is colder.] peratuiy. (M6thode de calculer le de@ dn continentalisme en fonction de la temp6rature.) Warsaw. Nature. Londou. v. 10.5. Ju~?J22, 1920. 1918. 500-547. Van Everdingen, E. Aerial mVi tion and meteorology. p. 637- 25 cm. (Extrait des Comptes rendus de la Soci6t6 As sciences . 63R. pritirizea Annexe G. opthe Convention for the rm- de Varsovle. 1918. XI AnnCe. Fasc. 4.) [Test in Poldi; tion o aerial navi tion.] rBmmB in French.] Eobbs, Wm. ZI. Tre mechanics of the glacial anticyclone illus- 0 zmianach okxesowych w c@ doby i o obsenvacyaph dugoletnicc trated by experiment. p. 644-645. [A cooled domein streakily cihienia powietrza w Polsce. (Variation diurne de la pression colored water, or under a small source of smoke y1 m.] atmosphenque et quelques longues series d’observationa baro- mhtriques en Pologne.) Warsaw. 1916. p. 365-403. 25 an. Royal astronoi~icalsociety. Monthly notices. Londop~ v. 79. April, (Comptes rendus de la Soci6t6 des sciences de Varsovie. 1916. 1919. IK AnnCe. Fasc. 4.) [Text in Polish; r&umC in French.] huner, H. E. On tho fZteen-month periodicity in earthquake phenomena. p. 461-466. Knoche, Walter. “Valor de desecacih” como factor climatolbgico. Santiago de Royal meteorological sockbj. Qnartcrrly ‘ournal. v. 46. July, 1910. Dou 188, C. M. Clouds as seen from aeroplane. p. Chile. 1919. 91.p. 269 cm. (Trabajo publicado en 10s nos. K, 233-242. 34 y 35 de la Revlsta Clulena de hiatorla y geografia.) [&tract in later REVIEW.] Description of the night sky recorder, recent1 brought into use Lloyd, Francis E. at the Ro 1 observatory, Greenwich. p. 241-24-4: Environmental chan ea and their effect upon boll-ehedding in Sivester, ZL. Local weather conditions at Muhn, Cornwall. cotton. New Yor!. 1920. 131 . 35 cm. (Annals of the p. 215-270. New York academy of Bciences, v3. 29.) Clark, J. Edmund. The Surrey hailstorm of July 16, 1918. p. 271-288. Mmeur, Abbd !i’h. Brooks, C. E. P. Distribution of relative humidity over Nigeria. Comment pr6vob le temps. Park. 1919. 269 p. 214 cm. p. 389-292. [Abstract m later REVIEW.] Pogonelski, Witold. Richardson, L. F. Sun-flash .balloons for continuous signalling. 0 teoryi pradow prostoliniowych w atmosferze. (Th6orie des p; 293-294. couranta rectjlignea dans atmosphpre.) Warsw. 1917. p. Rambaut, A. A. Neteorobgical work at the Radcliffe obmnm- 282-322. 25 cm. (Extrait des Comptes.rendus de la Soci6t6 tor Oxford, 1919. p. 311-312. dea sciences de Vrcraovie. 1917. X AnnBe. Faac. 3.) [Text Mr. $: W. Backhouse, F. R. A. S. p. 312-313. [Obituar .] in Polish; r6aum6 in French.] Ward,.Robert ,De C[ourcy]. Mr. Maxwell 911, M. A., F. 2 A. S. Rdeleux, Y. [Obituary.] p. 313-314. Cyclones. Th&& succincte, rCvision et manoeiivre pr6ventive Scient; re A4mdn. hkw Ymk. v. 1%. Aug. 91, 1?20. d’aprbs lee trauvaux m6t6om!&iques r6cents. Manuel B l’umge &tW, Wendell M. Record weather. Excemve precipitation des nevi teurs. Pes. 1916. 80 p. 25 cm. (Extrait des temperature extremes, high winds, blizzards, hurricanee, and dnnalea f$drogmpUques, 1916.) tornadom. p. 190-191. Shaw, E. &ox. Archives dcs aeienm physiquee et natruelles. Genhe. 128 mn&. dlai Solar radiation during 1914. Cairo. 1915. p. 14!+167. 373 cm. juin, 1920. (Ministry of public works, Egypt. Physical service. Helwan Graner, PW]. La formation de rayona dam la lumihe pourprhe. observatory. Bull. no. 17.) p. 247-248. & Borel, Ch[arles], & Jaquerod, A. Sur un constituant ipconnu de Sompiglinna, C., Vercdli, F. l’ah atmosphhrique. p. 265. [Laboratory expermenta to Previflione matematica delIa temperatura nei pndi hfori a1 hi. determine whether an unknown ight gas etain the atmoe- Tonno. 1912. p. 327-377. 35 cm. (Estr.dalle Nemorie $ella phere. Results negative.] R. Accademia delle scienze di Torino, eerie 2, tom. 63.) Efanee. Amdihk des 8cienM8. Compte8 ZmdUs. Pd. ‘T- 171. u. s. Air service. 1% ‘Idlet 1810. Meteorology and aeronautics. Washington. 19%. 8 . 28 cm. Pi!, G. sur la constante proportionnelle r+t ~a.frhquence pir service information Circular, v. 1, no. 77.) [Agstract in aismique h la frbquence des chutes pluvlalee. p. 117-119. k2 REVIEW.] [Abstract in June REVIEW,p. 356.1 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/02/21 01:05 PM UTC.
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