This Local WateIfront Revitalization Program has been adopted and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Waterfront Revitalization of Coastal Areas and Inland Waterways Act (Executive Law, Article 42) and its implementing regulations (6 NYCRR 601). Federal concurrence on the incotpOration of this Local Waterfront Revitalization Program into the New York: State Coastal Management Program as a Routine Program Implementation has been obtained -- -in accordance with the -provisions of the U.S. Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (p.L. 92-583), as amended, and its implementing regulations (15 CFR 923). • The preparation ofthis programW~:finapcia11y aided by a federal gmnt from the U.S. Department;j~on1merce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended. Federal Grant No. NA-82-AA-D-CZ068. The New York State Coastal.- Management Program and the preparation of Local Waterfront Revitalization Programs are administered by the New York State Department ofState, Division of Coastal Resources and Watelfront Revitalization, 162 Washington Avenue, New York 12231. " \ f I TOWN OF ~ONY POINT I I TO~ BO~ MEMBERS ' ,,,- ,I ._ ,e ;", ,Steven H41~¥,;' Sl;Ipervisor , 'Jo,C6I1klin,'\~''''~',:',~",r ' ,'t-ri" Ke::!t'h,'. .,' .-. -." ~ o .u ' Anne! 0'Sullivan Fonner TOW~(~_~embers: I '; John Sha4cey, Supervisor Myles l:Ayelle, Supervisor W~Dccker Ed.y..ard Finn Anna ~toll-Brophy I ! I WATERFRONT ~VISORY COMMIII1$. Steve Hur,le, Dep,u,ty Supervisor . hael.liard J bn ROSe I I ! I ! I I ! j I I STA.Te; OF !NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF STATE ALBAN·f. wi 12231-0001 GA. L. S. SI1""I"!:R SECRETARY 01" ST'ATE i OCT/27 1994 I Honorable Steven Hurley Supervisor I Town of Stony Point 74 East J\lfain Street Stony Point, NY 10980 Dear Supervisor Hurley: I It is with great pleasure thaI I inform you t~::Ir, pursuant to the Waterfront Revitalization of Coastal Areas and Inland Waterways Act, I ~e approved the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) prepared by the Town of ~tony Point. The Town of Stony Point is to be comm:nded for irs thoughtful and energeti9 response to opportUnities presented along its watemont. I I will notify State agencies shortly that I haveIapproved the LWRP and will provide them with a list of their activities which must be unde~en in a manner consistent to the maximum extent pIilcticable with the L'WRP. i I Again, I would like to commend the Town ~or its efforts in developing the LWRP and look forward to working with you in the years to c1me as you endeavor to revitalize your waterfront. srcere1Y , GSS:gn WHEREAS, a Draft, Final. and Supplenenw')' Draft and Final Generic Enviromnental Impact Statement were prepared and ad pted for the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program .in accordance with the requirem~nt of Part 617 of the implementing regulations for Article 8 of the Environmental Cons~rvation Law; and I I •• WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed the proposed State EnVlfonmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) Findings statemet (attached hereto); and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVEP, that the Town of Stony Point Town Board hereby adopts the SEQRA Findings Stateqlent, and directs the Town Clerk to execute the Findings Certification thereon; and I BE IT FURTI:IER RESOLVED, that Town of Stony Point Local Waterfront Revitalization Program is hereby adop t and that the Town Clerk is authorized to submit the Local Waterfront Revitalizatio Program to the New York State Secretary of State for approval, pursuant to the Wate ont Revitalization of Coastal Areas and Inland Waterways Act; and BE IT FURTItER RESOLVED, that L .al Law #3 of 1994, an amendment to Chapter 39 of the Zoning Code of the Town f Stony Point, and Local Law #4 of 1994, Waterfront Consistency Law, are hereby dopted, and that the Town Clerk is authorized to submit said Local Laws to the New Y rk State Secretary of State. This resolution was adopted by the To~n Board of the Town of Stony Point at their regular meeting held on June 14, 1994. i I .ranees C. Mullin, Town Clerk UNITEO STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NATIONAL. OCEAN SERVICE OFFICE OF OCEAN AND COASTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Sil....r Spring. Maryland 20910 JAN I 3 1995 George Stafford Director Division of Coastal Resources and Waterfront Revitalizatio Department of State 162 Washington Avenue Albany, New York 12231 Dear Mr. Stafford: ! ! I The Office of Ocean and Clastal Resource Management concurs with your request to incorpora e the Town of Stony Point Local Waterfront Revitalization Prog am (LWRP) into the New York State Coastal Management Program as routine program implementation "(RPI) change. We received com ents from four Federal agencies, none objecting to incorporatin~ the LWRP as a RPI. This approval assumes you will make no furth~r changes to the document in addition to the ones submitted~ I In accordance with the Co~stal Management Regulations, 15 CFR 923.84, federal consistenc~ will apply to the Town of Stony Point LWRP after you publish n tice of our approval. Benoit TABLE ~ODUcnON I I A. NEW YORK STATE'S COASTf MANAGEMENT PROGRAM .:........ 1 B. STONY POINT'S LWRP ... _I' ......................... .. ... .. 2 SECTION I: WATERFRONT COASTALt BOUNDARY .... ............ .. I~3 SECTION n: INVENTORY AND ANALY............................ .. II-3 A. COMMUNITY PROFILE. ................................ .. IT-3 B. HISTORIC DEVELOPMENT t TIlE WATERFRONT AREA n-s Historic ~ources 'j' .............................. IT-7 ArcheologICal Resources '1' , U-12 C. OVERVIEW OF THE WATERfRONT AREA IT-12 D. EXISTING LAND AND WA1R USES IT-13 Bear Mountain State Park ." II-13 Jones Point " 11-14 Tomkins Cove - Quarry .. " II-iS Stony Point Town Center . ,., ,...... II-16 Grassy Point " ,.................... II-i8 E. NATURAL RESOURCES ." IT-19 Geological Information ... .. U-19 IT-19 ~~~d ~obie~ '~d ii~d ~~~ . '. ", "'. '. '. ~ '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. ~ '. '. '. '. '. '. '. ~ ~ ~ '. '. IT-25 Flood Protection Areas ..." .............,................ ll-25 Drainage Basins ....... .. .......,...................... 11-26 Coastal Drainage Areas . ll-27 Wetlands . ll-27 Fish and Wildlife Resources - S, gnificant Coastal Fish ~d Wildlife Habitats ..... r .............................. ll-28 Blota " i . n-34 I F. AIR AND WATER QUALITY lAND INACTIVE HAZARDOUS WASTE Sl'I'ES . Water Quality Standards for the Hudson River .. ................. .. U-34 Air Quality .......... .. ,................... ll-36 Inactive Hazardous Waste Sites ll-37 G. UTILITIES " U-38 Public Water Supply , " U·38 Wastewater and Storm Water Flois and Treatment System " U-38 H. TRANSPORTATION ll-39 1. SCENIC RESOURCES '1' . ll-40 Local Scenic Resources i. ............................ II-41 Hudson Highlands Scenic Area of IStatewide Significance . D-42 Negative Visual Elements i . II-43 J. WATERFRONT ACCESS U-43 K. SUMMARY OF UNDERUTILIZ D, ABANDONED OR DETERIORATED SrrES ................................ .. II-45 I L. SUMMARY OF WATER-DEPEz1nENT AND WATER-ENHANCED USES. 11-46 M. SUMMARY OF IMPORTANT 1ATERFRONT ISSUES .....•...... .. 8-47 E.."'mIBIT IT-A Hudson River Mil 44-56 (in part)/Constitution Marsh .... " ll·50 EXHIBIT IT-B Hudson River Mil 44-56 (in part)/Iona Island Marsh . ... .. II-52 EXHIBIT n-c Haverstraw Bay IT-54 EXIDBIT ll-D Haverstraw Bay C part)/Croton River and Bay (in part) ... .. II-56 E:x:m::BIT ll-E Hudson Highland Scenic Area of Statewide Significance - E:x:m::BIT ll-F and ll-G ~~:::~~~hlbdS'S~~~i~ h~a'of S~~e;icie' si~fi~~~~ _.. IT-58 SECTION ill: WATERFRONT ~::f: ~~~ ~u~~ : : : : : : : :: :: Development POhCles . .. ... i. ..••••. •••••••••••• . .•..• . ., ill-3 Fish and Wildlife Policies .... I..................•..........• ill-IS Flooding an~ Erosion Control Policies ill-22 General Polley ...... !. ...•••.•..•••.••••..........• ill-28 Public ~ccess ~~licies '9' ............................. ill-29 RecreatIon POhCles ..................................•... ill-36 Historic and Scenic Resources P !icies ill-40 Agricultural Lands Policy ill-49 Energy and Ice Management Poli ies . .......................... ill-50 Water and Air Resources Politi ill-51 SECTION IV: PROPOSED LAND U AND PROJECTS . IV-3 A. PROPOSED LAND US~S ..................••....•... IV-3 B. PROPOSED PUBLIC fo PRIVATE PROJECTS . IV-4 SECTION V: TECHNIQUES FOR IMP G THE WCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROG M V-3 A. LOCAL LAWS AND ~GULATIONS V-3 B. MANAGEMENT STR CTIJRE TO IMPLEMENT THE PROGRAM .. V-8 C. OTHER ACTIONS " V-9 - D. TO IMPLEMENT THE LWRP ..... " V-11 SECTION VI: STATE AND FED ACTIONS AND PROGRAJ.'AS LIKELY TO AFFECT Il\tIP'LIDI1E!'ITATION VI-3 A. STATE AND FEDE ACTIONS AND PROGRAMS WHICH SHOULD BE UNDER AKEN IN A MANNER CONSISTENT :::E~l~~~~s. ~~~~~~ ~~. ~~~. VI-4 B. :: .. THE LWRP f •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• VI-27 ! SECTION VD: CONSULTATION OTHER AFFECTED STATE, FEDERAL, REGIONAL AJ."lD:tLa AL AGENCIES VII-3 A. STATE AGENCY CO SULTATION VII-3 ! B. FEDERAL CONSULT1TION VII-3 c. REGIONAL CONSUL]ATION VII-3 D. LOCAL CONSULTA~ON ...........•................ Vll-3 E. REVIEW BY STATE 1m> FEDERAL AGENCIES Vll-3 I SECTION VDI: LOCAL COl\JlMITMENT l............................. VID-3 i A. WATERFRONT ADVI~ORY COMMITIEE VID-3 B. PUBLIC MEETINGS ............... .. VllI-3 C. QUESTIONNAIRE .. VID-3 Map I Waterfront Coastal Area Bound Map 2 Existing Land and Water Uses'" Map 3 Historic/Scenic Resources,Fres~Later Wetlands, Waterfront Access Sites'" Map 4 Proposed Coastal Area Land Us Plan11 Map 5 Zoning, July 1994* I iI lbis map is located at the end of this LWRP, f~nowing Section Vill. I I ICES Appendix A. Hudson Highlands SAS Appendix B. Summary Findings - Pu1iiC Opinion Survey Appendix C. Analysis of the Stony piint Waterfront Public Opinion Survey Appendix D. Freshwater Wetlands Or~iDance (Chapter 17B) Appendix E. Flood Damage preventi4n Local Law (Chapter 17A) Appendix F. Local Law No.3, 1994 Appendix G. Additional Land Use S Appendix H. Procedural Guidelines fI r Coordinating NYS DOS and LWRP Consistency Review of Federal Agency Actions i Appendix I.. NYS Department of Stat Coastal Management Program Appendix J. Waterfront Consistency aw Appendix K.
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