E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 166 WASHINGTON, SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 2020 No. 56 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Monday, March 23, 2020, at 11:30 a.m. Senate SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 2020 The Senate met at 2 p.m. and was CORONAVIRUS RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY called to order by the President pro LEADER tempore (Mr. GRASSLEY). Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I bet all of our fellow Senators have been The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- jority leader is recognized. f hearing from businesses, hospitals, nursing homes, and local civic business f PRAYER and political leaders about the issues SENATE LEGISLATIVE AGENDA they are facing right now due to the The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- coronavirus health crisis. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, fered the following prayer: Senators have now spent days engaged Let us pray. Likewise, I have been talking to fam- in vigorous bipartisan discussions Almighty God, open our eyes to Your ily and friends back home in Iowa. I among ourselves and with the adminis- movements in our midst. Remind our find that they are banding together to tration. lawmakers that You have brought us support one another. In times of strife, Earlier today, I hosted a productive through times more challenging than Iowans can count on each other. meeting in my office with the Demo- what we now face. Keep them from We have to give special attention to cratic leader, the Speaker of the House, being intimidated by this global pan- the hard work of our medical profes- the House Republican leader, and the demic, as they cling to Your promises sionals and first responders. They are Secretary of the Treasury. These in- and trust the unfolding of Your trium- under immense pressure and going tense conversations have built a piece phant providence. above and beyond to serve their com- of legislation that is as bold and as big Lord, continue to protect them and munities. I believe they are doing as the American people deserve and as to order their steps. Clothe them with God’s work, keeping the American peo- thoroughly bipartisan as our process the honor of integrity. Shield them ple safe and healthy. So I thank our demands. with Your truth and guide them with medical professionals and first re- Now what we need to do is to move Your power. sponders for their dedication to their forward. This national crisis is not We pray in Your strong Name. Amen. communities and send my encourage- going to wait around if Congress slips ment to keep up their essential work in back into conventional politics or hag- f the days and weeks ahead, as we see gles endlessly over the finer points. ourselves through this virus pandemic Every day, more Americans’ jobs are PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE we are in. disappearing or coming ever closer to The President pro tempore led the I yield the floor. the brink. Every day, more small busi- Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: nesses are faced with hard decisions I suggest the absence of a quorum. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the that could change local communities, United States of America, and to the Repub- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The literally, forever. Every day, major lic for which it stands, one nation under God, clerk will call the roll. American companies that employ indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The senior assistant legislative clerk countless people are seeing their com- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. proceeded to call the roll. merce crushed by their own govern- BRAUN). The Senator from Iowa. ment for the sake of public health. Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Every day, doctors, nurses, and unanimous consent to speak for 1 ask unanimous consent that the order healthcare professionals will keep re- minute in morning business. for the quorum call be rescinded. porting to work and treating patients, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without whether or not Congress has their objection, it is so ordered. objection, it is so ordered. back. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S1893 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:23 Mar 23, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22MR6.000 S22MRPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with SENATE S1894 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 22, 2020 The risks to our country grow every thing would recognize, whether they though in-person classes have been single day that we do not act. The have purchased a home, bought a car, canceled. Some had to remain in the needs of hospitals and healthcare pro- or negotiated for their small business. area for work. Others were inter- viders grow every day that we do not We are at the point where both sides national students who couldn’t get act. have come a long way toward each home. Their situations were com- That is why we have worked around other, and each side has to decide pletely uncertain. the clock to craft a major bipartisan whether to continue elbowing and ar- The local shelves were not fully relief package. That is why we are guing over the last several inches and stocked, so Debbie decided to do some- going to hold our first procedural vote risk the whole thing or whether to thing. She put out a call for help, and in just a few minutes. It is so that we shake hands and get it done. Kentuckians answered the call. can keep moving forward, because this Thus far, throughout this crisis, the Churches, restaurants, and neighbors virus is not going to wait for politics as Senate has risen to the occasion. It was all pitched in with food and supplies. usual. just a few days ago when the Senate Debbie drove all over Northern Ken- These past few days have brought Republican majority moved expedi- tucky collecting those donations and unity and bipartisan energy here to the tiously to pass the House Democrats’ then delivering them to these young Senate. I think Members on both sides phase 2 legislation, even though many people. agree that it has been very encour- of my colleagues on this side of the She has found everything a college aging. aisle and I had serious reservations and student could need: canned goods, Since Senate Republicans released would have written it very differently. microwaveable meals, and even our initial framework to give some We passed it anyway. It was basically Airheads candy, which I am proud to structure to these discussions, both written on the House side. Neverthe- say are made right there in Kentucky. sides have worked hard to create some- less, as I just said, I pushed the Speak- There are so many stories like this thing that can pass the Senate, pass er’s legislation through the Senate be- pouring in from all over our country. the House, and be signed into law by cause urgency and results matter dur- Americans are stepping up to the plate. the President. ing a national crisis; because, imper- Americans realize this is no time for The bipartisan product delivers fections notwithstanding, it was the selfishness and no time for division but strongly on each of the core priorities a time for solidarity, generosity, and, we identified at the outset. It puts ur- right thing to do for our country. So, look—look—I hope and anticipate yes, courage. gently needed cash in the hands of that a similar degree of bipartisanship Americans are rising to the occasion. American workers and families. It de- and urgency will be reciprocated now. I The Senate must do the same. Let’s livers historic and rapid relief to small understand the Speaker said following move this legislation forward this businesses so they can make payroll and keep people employed. It helps sta- our meeting this morning that she may afternoon, as the last few discussions bilize key industries to avoid layoffs simply give up on these bipartisan begin to wind down, and then let’s get wherever possible and preserve the talks and begin writing her own sepa- this done tomorrow. greatest economy in the world for rate bill. Perhaps that is related to the I suggest the absence of a quorum. when we come out on the other side of remarks of one of her senior House The PRESIDING OFFICER. The this. And, of course, it sends a mas- Democratic leaders who reportedly told clerk will call the roll. sive—massive—new infusion of re- colleagues a few days ago: ‘‘This is a The senior assistant legislative clerk sources to the frontlines of the medical tremendous opportunity to restructure proceeded to call the roll. response. things to fit our vision.’’ Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I ask That is what we have to do: inject a ‘‘ . a tremendous opportunity to unanimous consent that the order for significant amount of money as quick- restructure things to fit our vision.’’ the quorum call be rescinded. ly as possible into households, small Well, I sincerely hope that nobody The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without businesses, key sectors, and our Na- actually views this crisis in such a cyn- objection, it is so ordered. tion’s hospitals and health centers. ical manner. This is not a political op- f portunity. It is a national emergency. This bill would do that, and it would CORONAVIRUS do it fast.
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