RICHARD NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY DOCUMENT WITHDRAWAL RECORD DOCUMENT DOCUMENT SUBJECT/TITLE OR CORRESPONDENTS DATE RESTRICTION NUMBER TYPE 1 List National Security Council Meeting – 2/26/1971 A Appendix “B” 2 Manifest Helicopter Passenger Manifest – 2/27/1971 A Appendix “A” 3 Manifest Helicopter Passenger Manifest – 2/20/1971 A Appendix “A” 4 Manifest Helicopter Passenger Manifest – 2/21/1971 A Appendix “A” COLLECTION TITLE BOX NUMBER WHCF: SMOF: Office of Presidential Papers and Archives RC-7 FOLDER TITLE President Richard Nixon’s Daily Diary February 16, 1971 – February 28, 1971 PRMPA RESTRICTION CODES: A. Release would violate a Federal statute or Agency Policy. E. Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or B. National security classified information. financial information. C. Pending or approved claim that release would violate an individual’s F. Release would disclose investigatory information compiled for law rights. enforcement purposes. D. Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of privacy G. Withdrawn and return private and personal material. or a libel of a living person. H. Withdrawn and returned non-historical material. DEED OF GIFT RESTRICTION CODES: D-DOG Personal privacy under deed of gift -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION *U.S. GPO; 1989-235-084/00024 NA 14021 (4-85) ' .....--~---------------------------- THE WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAILY DIARY (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo.• D.,. Yr.) FEBRUARY 16. 1971 TIME DAY THE WHITE HOUSE - WASHINGTON. D. C. 7:30a TUESDAY PHONE TIME P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY In Out Lo LD 7: 30 The President had breakfas t. 7:56 The President went to his Oval Office. 8:04 8:48 The President attended a Cabinet Meeting in the Cabinet Room. For a lis t of attendees. see APPENDIX "A". 8:48 The President went to his Oval Office. 8: 58 P The President telephoned long distance to Mrs. Everett Jordan, wife of Senator Jordan, in North Carolina. The call was not completed. 9:17 9:19 R The President talked long distance with Mrs. Everett Jordan in North Carolina. The President met with: 9:35 10:10 Vernon A. Walters, General 9:45 10:00 Marjorie Acker, staff Secretary The President met with: 10:28 10: 50 H. R. Haldeman. Assistant 10:48 11:03 Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant 11:04 11:24 The President attended the Medal of Honor (Posthumous) ceremony in the East Room. For a list of attendees, . see APPENDIX liB " . 11:24 The President went to his Oval Office. 11:27 12:12 The President met with: George Shultz, Director, OMB John D. Ehrlichman, Assistant 12:13 12:16 The President met with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman. 12:16 The President went to the barber shop. 12:47 The President went to his EOB office. 12: 55 2:06 The President met with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman. 5:05 The President was telephoned by Congressman Leslie Arends. Deputy Assistant Alexander Butterfield took the call. 5:19 6:15 The President met with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman. INC. 'ffNtlC. MUU:::'t. t'Kt~IUt.NI KIGHAtfU NIXUN'~ UAILY UIAtfy (See Travel Record for Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) FEBRUARY 16, 1971 TIME DAY 5:230 TUESDAY PHONE TIME P=Placed R=Received ACTIVITY In Out Lo LD 5:23 5:24 P The President telephoned his Personal Physician, Walter Tkach but talked with Dr. William Lukash. 5:58 5:59 P The President talked with his Press Secretary, Ronald L. Ziegler. 6:02 6:03 P The President talked with Secretary of the Treasury John B. Connally. 6:14 6:16 P The President talked with the First Lady. 6:22 6:23 P The President talked with the First Lady. 6:30 The President went to the Residence. 6:45 The President had dinner in the Lincoln Sitting Room with: The First Lady Patricia Nixon 7:52 8:00 P The President telephoned his Assistant, Henry A. Kissinger, but talked with his Deputy Assistant, Alexander Haig. 8:32 8:42 The President motored from the South Lawn of the White House to the Sheraton Park Hotel. 8:42 9:06 The President addressed the 11th Annual Washington Conference of the American Legion. The President was introduced by National Commander Alfred P. Chamie. 9:06 9:16 The President motored from the Sheraton Park Hotel to the South Grounds of the White House. 9:19 The President went to the Residence. 9:32 9:34 P The President talked long distance with Congressman Leslie Arends in Naples, Florida. 9:34 9:37 P The President talked with his Assistant, H. R. Haldeman. 9:38 9:43 P The President talked with his Assistant, John D. Ehrlichman. 9: 54 9: 59 P The President talked with his Assistant, John D. Ehrlichman. Page 2 <>1 2 Page(s). u.s. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFl'lCE: 1~332-ll68 CABINET MEETING APPENDIX "A" 2-16-71 ( ( At Cabinet Table Unable to Attend The President The Vice President Secretary Ro~~ers Secretary Connally Secretary Laird Attorney General lYli tchell Postm,aster General BloW1t Secretary Morton Secretary Hardin Secretary Stans Secretary Hodgson Secretary Richardson Secretary Romney Secretary Volpe (Ambassador Kennedy - Mexicol Director Shultz Counsellor Finch (CoW1sellor Rumsfeld - Denver) (Ambassador Yost - New York) ( (AInbassador-Designate Bush-E:::- ~pe· ( Staff \. l\1r. Haldem.an Mr. Ehrlichman Dr. Kissinger Mr. MacGregor Mr. Timmons Mr. Flanigan Mr. Klein Mr.R.Price Mr. Butterfield Mr. Ziegler Mr. Safire Dr. David Others (Chairman Dole, RNC - Tamp2" Dr. McCracken, CEA Chairman Dr. Weber, O:NIB Dep. Dir. Mr. Weinberger, OM13 Dep. Dir. Mr. Sohmer, Asst. to the Vice President ( Mr. Patricelli, HEW (to assist Secretary Richardson) ( Mr. Kenneth Cole, DCS Mr. John Price, DCS Mr. Gary Cook, HEW APPENDIX liB II " THE WHIT~ HO~SE. ( WASHING;O~ ( MEDAL OF HONOR PRESENTATIONS (POSTHU?vl0US) Tuesday, February 16, 1971 ll:OOA.M. The East Room THE PRESIDENT: On Tuesday you will present a total of 12 Posthumous Medals of Honor to the next of kin of servicemen from the Army and the .Marine Corps. The ceremony will follo,,;-v the same forrr~at as that of the Posthumous ceremony over which you presided in August of last year. 'SEQUENCE OF EVENTS 11 :00 a. m. Depart Oval Office for East Room. Secretary of the Army Resor and Under Secretar:' of the Navy Warner will be positioned on platform along center of north wall. Enter East Room and proceed directly to p1atfonn. Make opening remarks (suggested remarks attached). 11:10 a. m. Secretary Res or reads a brief and generalized l'vfedal of Honor Citation. It \vill not include any details with reg2.=d to specific deeds performed by the recipients. Accompanied by Major Brennan, you move to the first family group to the right of the platform and present the Medal of Honor. You will pos e for a photograph with t~e group to be taken by Ollie Atkins. The name of the next recipient will be announced b 1'- the appropriate Service Secretary. The Citation will not be read a second time. After the name is announced, you move to the next family group and repeat the pr es entatio::. as before and continue until all presentations are completed• .( ( Medal of Honor Presentations (Pos thumous) ( - 2. - Tuesday, February 16, 1971 ( 11:30 a.m. Presentations conclude. You return to platform and invite guests present to remain for refreshments in the State Dining Room and a special tour of the "\Vhite House. The Service Secretaries, Congressional representatives. and other Military dignitaries present will join the familie s in the S tate Dining Room. 11 :32. a. m. You return to your office. Press Plan: There will be no Press coverage of this event. NOTES: 1. A diagram s ho\ving the position of each recipientts family is attached. ( ( 2.. A list of the recipients and the next of kin who v.'ill receive the j\{edals is attached. 3. A list of the Congressional attendees standing with the families is att.ached. Stephen Bull ( " ( COl\'GRESSIO~AL ATTEl\'DEES ( MEDAL OF HONOR CF.RE1"fONY Tuesday, February 16,1971 Senator J. Glenn Beall, Jr. Senator John She rman Cooper Senator Charles McC. Mathias, Jr. Senator R obert Taft, Jr. Congressman John N. Erlenborn Congressman Lawrence J. Hogan Congressman Earl F. Landgrebe Congressman Pats)' T. Mink C ongres sman Stewart Mcl(inne)' C ongrcs Sluan At Ullman t ( ( ( - 2 ­ Cpt. Terry' L. Kawamura ( ( :::Mrs. ?\1l\bcl S. Gushi - Mother Wahiawa, Hawaii MSgt. Harryr K. Ka','!amura - Father Heide lbcrg, Germany Miss Audrey A. l(awamura - Sister Wahiawa, Hawaii Mr, Stewart II. Gllshi - Half brother II II Miss Bridget O. Gus hi - Half sister " II l\'1iss I\adinc ~\'~. Gus hi - Half sister II II SP.J Donald R. Johnston :;'Mr. and Mrs. James D. Johnston ­ Parents Columbus, Georgia Mr. Kenneth B. J ohnstan - B rather " II Mr. Aaron D. Johnston - Brother " II Mrs. Dorothy M. Gilmore - Sister II II PFC Danie1 J. Shea ::'Mrs. Olive S. Salancy - Mother Norwalk, Conn. Mr. DennisS. Shea -Brother II II 1\1rs. Paula S. June - Sister II II { SSf!L E.arl G. Tavlor ( ::: Mrs. S h i r lcf Ann T a ~r lor - W ife Avella, Penn. Miss Shery'l A. Taylor - Daughter I! I! 1\1r., Karl G. Taylor, Jr. - Son II I! Mr. l<'evin G. Taylor - Son I! I! Mrs. Anna H. Taylor - Mother Canton, Ohio Mr. Arthur G. Taylor - Father Jessup, 11aryr lanc1 Mrs. Mary' A. Brumbaugh - Sister Canton, Ohio SSgt. Waltcr W. Taylor - Brother Camp Lejeune, NC LCpt. Thomas P.
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